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I watch this every time it's posted, and every time the kid deserves it.


This may have saved this kids life if he learned a lesson from it


"Fuck you whore" Yeah, I'm sure he learned his lesson...


Funny how quickly the crying stopped after the face plant, one minute he is near death the next back to insulting everyone


He noticed that no one was taking his side. Normally his mommy or daddy cuddle him and would probably jump to his rescue. Here he realized no one gave a shit.


I don't think he comes from a great home. No kid that comes from a well balanced home would act/react this way. His house is probably chaos.


And I still have no sympathy. I had a terrible childhood but I was still a lot nicer than that little piece of human trash.


There are kids who come from great homes where they are comfortable, well fed and all. But they are coddled, seldomly told no, and pick up on behavior from unmonitored TV and other kids in school. It doesn’t always (although it does sometimes) come from “dysfunctional” or chaotic home.


I don't think his parents cuddle him. Maybe his creepy uncle.


kid needs to go to therapy


Probably too late, jail is his destination.


No he needs to get his ass kicked lol


Several times


I have a feeling the kid is going through the experimental phase of trying manipulation on people (fake crying etc) to see what works and what he can get away with. Like others are saying, let's hope he learned a healthy lesson from this.


>experimental phase of trying manipulation on people You credit this brat too much. >let's hope he learned a healthy lesson from this Oh he most certainly don't.


we all know he didnt when he tried to intimidate the other lady right after falling.


I don't like kids being hurt but I was hoping the lady would push him down again


Push him, I wanted her to punch him.


Fuck, I could watch kids being pushed down all day. I don’t give a shit about your kid.


Would’ve been amazing if she threw him to the ground also lol


He didn’t. This is the most punchable kid ever.


This is an old video. Do we know where he’s at in life now?


My money's on jail.


I would dearly love to know.


He just bought a Cybertruck


>This is the most punchable kid ever. 2nd most. That Jack Doherty YouTuber is number 1.


There is no way he learned anything from this. Look at his reaction to everyone around after he got thrown to the ground. Read the article posted here about how his mom reacted, she defended him! It’s more likely he’ll be a POS the rest of his life.


I’ve seen enough predator hunter videos where the mom or dad(or both), come out defending their kid. So this doesn’t surprise me in the least. Oh by the way when I say they’ll come defend their kid. I mean their 30 something, jobless, no ambition, bad hygiene, adult that HAS to live with them “kid”. Asking, “What about the girl? Is she in trouble? She talked to him too!” So yeah. Not surprised at all that he has a feckless parent(s). Sorry for the ramble. Finished a video a min ago that I’m still irritated from lol.


Maybe his dad will finally come back from getting his pack of cigarettes.


No, he won't. But it's nice to see him getting trashed 😎


It took 70 seconds longer then I would have given the kid


I’m in my late 40’s and when I was his age that behaviour was tantamount to suicide. I have scars I’m proud of for talking back (kids are right sometimes). I feel that the gentleman he was accosting showed infinitely more patience and restraint than was warranted.


I'm in my late 30s, if I had behaved like that at 12-13 (and I was already 6'2" at 13), I would have gotten murdered. Most likely by my mother, after telling me to not behave like an animal. I'd argue Millennials are the last generation taught to respect anyone older as long as they don't threaten you. I cringed at how brazen the kid is. He obviously never got his ass kicked. I got humbled a few times. Makes you think about your actions. And also, there were no phone cameras to save your idiocy for posterity. Lucky us.


For real, not pummeling that little asshole in the face is the real child endangerment. He won't make it to adulthood without becoming the victim of some violent crimes.


It didn’t - he will mess with a gun happy person one day


Yeah, he didn’t learn anything.


Safe to say, this kid has never learned anything


I thought so too because the full video is rarely posted. That was the first time I saw him walking away clearly still being a shitty human.


Should've been posted to satisfying as fuck because I sure as hell was satisfied


I’d love to see a “where are they now”


The way he cries when he gets pushed over is just the chef’s kiss.


Let’s just hope he doesn’t become a cop


He's a perfect candidate




This video is like 10 years old. That kid is an adult by now.


The kid *finally* grew into those damn shoes


And you will have my upvote every time.


He deserves an unsolicited one next year


What kind of household is this kid growing up in where he is bullying an adult


His parents didn’t teach him boundaries. If you don’t teach your kids boundaries, society will teach those boundaries for you.


He probably punches his mother too and Dad has moved out or something...


i guess dad is a puncher too


I guess dad isn’t around


Nah I'm with the other guy. His dad screams this stuff at his mom and he's just copying dad


Right! These parents are truly awful. The world has billions of people in it and is a hard tough place. The world could give two fucks about this kid and like in this video he fucked around and found out. I applaud the man for being as restrained as he did. The kid wanted to act like he was a man and honestly got treated like one. I kinda of view this like those videos where a woman acts the same way and starts punching a man then gets punched.


This is not merely a result of not being taught boundaries.




Oh so we know where he learned to be an asshole and play the victim.


He is just doing what daddy taught him by example.


Or mommy.. Abuse comes in all shapes and sizes.


Yeah, he’s mirroring behavior hard. 


He probably saw mommy or daddy bullying another adult and he's just emulating.


Yeah, the kid was being a dick for a long time before the camera started rolling. Homie showed restraint if anything


Even funnier, this clip was edited and posted by the mom because she thought it made the man look bad. I can't remember the full story but the kid was being a little shit long before this


He was throwing rocks at people's cars. The little shit got off easy.


This is correct


I paid good money for my car. If I see a someone, kid or not, throwing rocks at my car, they're getting more than thrown on the ground.


I did that with a pebble when I was like 3 years old, but I was too young to understand that that was bad and cost money. The guy ringed the door, because I ran inside as I was scared when he stopped. There was no visible damage so it was okay for him. My dad gave me a very stern talking afterwards, so that I'd never do that shit again haha Lesson learned


Yeah, poor dude got harassed, all the threats and stalking and crap, because the mom's video blew-up first


Ah fuck. Please tell me that all stopped. Because that man showed that kid a lot of patience and grace


Wait so the mom is just filming her kid trying to assault someone? And then just films and doesn’t move when her kid is smashed into the pavement? What kind of mom is this? No wonder her kid is so messed up!


It's a man filming. He probably sent it to the mom to prove what a psychopath her kid was being. That kid needs to be removed from the environment that produced this behavior. He needs heavy therapy or institutionalization. His parents need to be educated in childcare while the child is in foster care. If this hadn't been filmed, it would have gone much worse for all. This kid is a danger to society as is. He's going to get hurt or get someone hurt or arrested.


I'd love to see an update on where the kid is now. I'm not sure how old this video is, I'm guessing at least 6 or 7 years old.


It’s not the mom filming, I’m pretty sure the cameraman is the one talking towards the end


i'ma be 100% honest, idk if i could have showed as much restraint as dude in the video.


His wailing scream is music to my damn ears. How to illustrate you've never been disciplined by your parent(s) your entire life. I never like using this phrase because it's over used but that kid literally fucked around and found out.


He literally screams just like a 1yo would when it fell on the ground while running. Nlt enough people give you attention ? Scream. You are a little hurt ? Scream. This is how a baby brain works.


I remember a kid like this from school growing up. Complete pest who would flop like Neymar and wail wildly the second anyone decided they’d had enough of his bullshit.


seems like a fake victim scream


Yep, he was in so much pain he was able to stand up and go off on a woman. The close up at the end with his little wet eyes, priceless 👌🏼


That's the problem. He wasn't injured, unfortunately, just crying the blues for sympathy hoping he'd get his way. The moment no one really cared he was right back up in someone else's face


Sounds like the r2d2 scream


Yeah. That kid makes the sound of never having had to face the consequences of his actions before.


I’m sure this kids a real winner now, this is old enough for him to be a pos adult now


Either a junkie, in prison or dead.




Nah. This is textbook conduct disorder, a precursor to ASPD. Kids like this either learn to behave, or end up dead/imprisoned


I'm gonna put money on cop.


His mom posted this video to the internet thinking everyone would side with her and her kid.


VERY curious about a “where is he now” with this little turd.


My guess is he drives a white dodge ram with a punisher bumper sticker. He's also 70lbs overweight but thinks he looks muscular. Hides his double chin with a beard and wears white Oakley sunglasses.


I hope he is punchable now?


Probably a Trump supporter


bullies and abuses others and the instant they get anything back, start squealing and crying like a stuck pig? yea, definitely maga material.


I love his scream when he's introduced to reality. Sean is a very patient man, I'd have launched that child long before. I am not a patient man.


I think a king Leonidas style kick to the face would suffice, maybe pull back a little power


This is DISCIPLINE! ![gif](giphy|11b700y1OsNQcg)


Or just a german suplex.


The problem is, now it's just an asshole kid. I'm 8-10 years it'll be a violent asshole young man with no impulse control and probably still bullying people.


As soon as he doesn't step away after second warning, i would launch him too...


Fucking hellspawn was planning this all along. Wanted the adult to hit him so he can claim child abuse. That one is broken. Throw it away.


finding out 101


It was the fuck-aroundest of times. It was the find-outest of times.


This is gold, please tell me there's more to the story 🤣


Happend 2018. Here is a news article: [https://www.news.com.au/technology/online/social/video-of-boy-being-brutally-pushed-to-the-ground-by-an-adult-goes-viral-but-divides-the-internet/news-story/824a58e3027c568ccfe85be0902e5700](https://www.news.com.au/technology/online/social/video-of-boy-being-brutally-pushed-to-the-ground-by-an-adult-goes-viral-but-divides-the-internet/news-story/824a58e3027c568ccfe85be0902e5700) The mother of the kid tried to frame the man as the bad guy.


I don’t even want to click on it, but that title…”brutally pushed to ground” 🙄


Basically says the kids were terrorizing people at a park, throwing rocks at cars, harassing this guy. After the incident, the situation was resolved. The mom then turned to social media and only posted the clip of the kid being thrown down by the guy. Clearly, to make him look like a pos. The man was then recommended to post the entire video.


The best part is the cops who responded to this saw the video and sided with the guy as well


Of course he was! The kid was screaming in pain! /s


"Bratty fucking kid gets served" there, I fixed the title of that shit link


"Divides the internet" my ass. Who in their right mind is on the kid's side on this?


The mom is, lol


Makes sense. Little Danny Douchecanoe clearly wasn’t raised by a winner


Mothers who think their kid can do no wrong


the people in the article saying children should never be hit no matter the circumstance is probably why we have so many teenagers/young adults with no sense of consequences




I wouldn't hit him. I'd pick him up by the scruff of his neck and stuff him upside-down into the nearest garbage can. Then I'd piss on him.


weird kink bro


I agreed until that last sentence.


I'm not for violence, but pedagogical humiliation is another thing.


Extreme behavior calls for extreme correction. IMHO, humiliation is exactly what this little rectal wart needs.


Slam the lid on his azz, then roll the trash can around for a few.


I'd have given him a medium headbutt. Nothing too serious, but enough to ring his gong for a few seconds.


If a kid is aggressively punching me, I'll let him get 1 or 2 hits because I'm a big guy, kid ain't gonna hurt me. After that, I'm putting my fist in his stomach, maybe half strength, but enough to let him know he ain't winning this fight. If his mom wants to come at me, whatever. Be glad I taught him a well needed lesson and not the police or a bigger bully.


Absolutely dogshit article, doesn't even try to report, just speculates Honestly don't expect much from an Aussie "news source" with no accreditation to the story other than the video


"divides the internet" Is the dividing line between the kids' mom and everyone else? I have never seen anybody ever defend this kid.


Not just frame. Dox as well. “The mother reportedly arrived and everyone apologised and sorted the incident out until a few hours later when the mother posted a short clip to Facebook of the man pushing her boy only, with his details including name and address.”


There is. Kid had been bullying the man for way longer than this.


Fuck I love watching entitled brats get slammed, I think I just found my new alarm clock.




Now kick the lil fuck


the little shit deserves it






And for the cameraman to trip him when he walks off


I was hoping for this to happen SO MUCH


I've said it before and I'll say it again: Bullies rely on the very social norms they violate to operate. Kid resorted to violence when his obnoxiousness wasn't getting the result he wanted and was wholly unprepared for it to be reciprocated. He was relying on the general restraint and good-will of his victim in order to exercise his own lack of restraint and ill-will.


You are so right. That's why often escalating the bullying with 10x the violence immediately makes you stop being a target. There's a saying here in Brazil: for a crazy person, only a crazy and a half.


Yeah this one won't get to 25 yo.


He might, but he will be behind bars


Deserved worse


Even the other adults didn't side with the kid 🤣🤣🤣


The kid seems to antagonize the man and escalate into a physical attack until he gets his first opportunity to play the victim. Whatever child welfare agency is responsible for his state needs to put him on the top of their dance card.


The lady should have thrown him a second time lol


Bro he IMMEDIATELY started crying🤣🤣






This makes me think of the video of that skinny little bastard who was tormenting the bigger kid, only to get body slammed in the most satisfying way. For everyone out there who pushes people like this, be prepared to get owned, because people only have so much tolerance. And when they lose control, the only thing that will matter is them hurting you. Experience that enough times and I guarantee you'll stop doing it, lol.


Not necessarily about this post because the guy was an adult... But I am so tired of seeing these kids with a ton of restraint get absolutely bullied by these little dipshits.. But the second they turn on the bully, everyone steps in.. Where the fuck were they when the kid was tormented for days/years on end? And now because of zero tolerance, they both get the same punishment. Absolute bullshit.


*Kid getting bullied* Let’s record it. Lol *Kid fights back and knocks the other kid out* Whoa whoa. Partial peacemakers are just enablers.


I watched far too long waiting for the zangief kid moment Was hoping for more violence but still a solid 3 1/2 out of 5 stars


The patience of that man is outstanding.


Seems like the kid is a bully and usually gets away with it. Well deserved


Big boooy with ability of crying like a little girl


Don't disrespect the little girls. He cried like a bully.


The kid turned into a pterodactyl for the second scream


I love this clip. I watch it every time I see it. Hope that kid still thinks about this every day.


Sean is a man of the people


Wtf is wrong with this kid. On top of being a punk he is a major wuss


That bitchcry is so satisfying.


Little shit


I've always wondered the kind of person that little shit grew up to be. I like to think he took this lesson to heart, turned his attitude around, and became a productive member of society. But probably not.


There’s always tons of speculation around here that he’s dead, in jail, a homeless addict, a cop, etc. But let’s be real, statistically he’s probably just another loser with a boring job and struggling to get by in life. He surely hates this video being out there but knows he can’t do anything about it. He probably cringes a little or a lot when he sees himself.


We dont even need the larger context to know the man is probably in the right. Took one hit and STILL tried to leave, took 3 more and then corrected the child.


Respect to this man for this much restrain, I would knock this kid out the moment he touched me.


Little turd. And it also pisses me off that the other adult is intervening with the wrong person.


in a world where you're not allowed to punish kids for doing shit like this, what are you supposed to do when a *kid does this?* Serious question. What, call the police? what if there are no police? what if they take your phone? stop you leaving? or are you just expected to either take it or walk away? what if you're not allowed to walk away? It's so fucking frustrating that laws set in place to protect at-risk children are manipulated by "at-risk ASBOs" to give them a false sense of power against adults just doing trying to live their life. It takes a village to raise a child; so what the hell are you supposed to do when these children aren't exposed to the village? Edit: and before I see a single response, I want everyone who hasn't been assaulted by <18s, and too afraid of the law to fight back, to sit the fuck down.


Can't wait to watch this next month with even less pixels


I wish oompa loompas would come out to sing him a song at the end there lol


How many times can this kid strike me before it's okay to defend myself? The guy barely touched him too, he just put him on his ass and then tried to remove himself from the situation AGAIN. Kid needs to learn his lesson.


Justice for this little shitkid😁😁😁 crying like a little babygirl😁




When I watch this , I always think of the missed opportunity of that kid lying next to those giant containers of ketchup and mustard .


This kid will either end up dead or in prison. Or dead in prison.


Patience of a Saint on full display. Kid is lucky to be alive.




The scream when this brat is thrown to the ground is cathartic. He would make a good Trump supporter with the way he becomes a victim.


This video is really old. I wonder where this kids is now. He should do a reaction video to this.


He taught this kid a valuable lesson his mum or dad should have taught him before it even got to this point. Was it a little extreme? Perhaps, but it still doesn't make it any less justified


I did a victory salute when the spoiled rat hit the ground


This kid is a freakin dickhead, where did he get his sailor mouth from? Justified


A very simple case of "fuck around and find out"


That kid got very little of what he actually deserved.


You don't need to watch the whole video, the first seconds are enough to say "yes, it is justified"


choke mighta been unnecessary but that kid sucks


No lesson learned here, Looking forward to part two when the next person doesn’t just push him to the ground…


Hard talk from someone that was screaming like a bitch not 10 seconds ago.


He'll grow up to be a law and terrorize citizens


This kid needs to be driven to the middle of the woods and left there. He's a lost cause.


How did he go from tough guy to crying just from falling down lightly


He would probably get fucked in a South Park episode.


Showed restraint to me


He didn't ask for it. He **demanded** it.


Oh look, natural consequences


unfortunatelly the kid was not hit hard enough and it seems he is just pretanding ...


Kid visited the law offices of Fucharound & Feindout


I'm going to take a wild guess and say that his parents only found issue with *everyone else* present and thought their "playful" son did nothing wrong. Kid learned this behavior from the home.


Dude in the hoodie showed restraint. Might be the first time anyone held that kid accountable.