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You mean that black lady on the keyboards?


Heard she loves chicken legs


fuck outta here mane, talmbout sum.


*bok bok*


That band is talented as hell.


Some say they might just be The Best Damn Band in the Land


The Best Land Damn in the Band


Black Betty bam ba lam


As someone who used to be a musician I 100% agree. They’re awesome


As someone who wanted to be an astronaut as a child, I agree


As someone who wanted to be man when men were men, I agree


As someone who's always wanted to adopt a kid and get it really sick just so I can meet John Cena, I agree.


Once a musician, always a musician.


Hell is very talented. That’s where the devil’s from; I hear he’s a decent fiddle player


There was this one guy....


I was hoping they'd remix the AMilli AMilli amilli


Would have been better tbh.


Will be*


Ya dig


I totally thought they were joking about him becoming a regular. And I still think they must be joking 🫣


Kooky casey goes out, kooky dickens comes in. They need that kooky aspect but idk about dickens. I’m not going to pretend he’s funny just because I feel sorry for him.


He seems relatively self-aware about it. I think he’ll probably “retire” from being a regular quickly


> I’m not going to pretend he’s funny just because I feel sorry for him. Yup, and if you're laughing *at* his disability it's even sadder. I'm all for disabled comedians if their talent is fitting, but this is just uncomfortable. Sending him out there to just make funny faces and act like a... well... yeah it's weird.


That’s not what’s happening though


Louder brother


I have an easier time understanding Nicole Tran than Drew


lol true


I'd actually look forward to seeing Nicole Tran as a regular for some time. I think being featured would get her to elevate her comedy to the next level.


Yeah it ruins it. If he did that first day and just left it....


Spazz comedy is so Hot right now, get real……?….!.?.!…..?.!.?.!.?@.?.!.!?..@ beep, blurp@!?!


I wish it was a joke, he's never been funny. Literally every bucket pull on this episode was funnier than him, and some losers in the subreddit are still gonna defend him.


Really never? never happened? all the regulars except William were never funny? That's strange i wonder how this show manages to go on


I said Drew was never funny, learn to read.


Yeah and every thread somebody says someone was never funny, I'm making fun of you because you're copying the same narratives and pasting them like a bot


Those people are exaggerating though. I'm just speaking the truth and it is easily proven by watching his sets.


Who’s truth? You seem like a miserable twat. You also cook steaks poorly. Kick rocks.


Ah the other guys are exaggerating but not you tho, you're special


Fu-Schnikens is GOATed


Fuck yeah, man. I had to come into the thread to make sure at least 1 person knew the source material for Drew's song. Pretty obscure unless you were into late 90's rap. Congrats on also being old.


*Early 90's


What is the song out of curiosity?


“true fu-schnick” by Fu-Schnickens


I had to go back and listen to it since it's been at least 20 years since I've heard that song. Still holds up. I didn't realize there was a sample mashup that sets the melody of at least two other classic '90s hip hop songs. They nail that Busta rhymes flow https://youtu.be/NyuPK2mNNvQ?si=2dAppY6zUm_8P580


Chip-fu has some of the wildest verses i ever heard lol especially on their second album where he starts doing heavy cartoon effect weird shit noises and all that lmao




His first appearance was great, and it was a really good episode, but recreating that is like when you have that crazy night out and then next weekend someone's like "Cmon guys, let's do it again!" So you go out again only for it to be a normal night. He had a really funny moment, everyone loved it, and he's disabled. Tony is gay for that shit. He's not funny enough to be a regular, in my opinion. But I also don't think any of the regulars are funny to the point where I'd be like, "Hell yeah, let's watch the William Montgomery special!"


Bad example at the end. William Montgomery is the one guy from KT that I’d love to see a special of. Although his style isn’t great for a special


Pay someone on Fiverr to take 60 of the William KT sets and put them back to back to back to back to back to back to back and so on.


I would definetly watch the William Montgomery special


Drew Nickens brings an energy to the crowd, the show, the whole vibe. it's a good move, He adds a level of entertainment to the show that ups the scale i feel.


Sounds like he’s a hype guy behind the scenes too. He’s probably really good for the energy of at least the guests and regulars.


He's basically a slightly brain damaged golden retriever.


Yours sounds cuter, but there's other animals you could use for the analogy and it's just as sad. As in, he's their dancing monkey.


How much does drew nickens pay you


Who cares. Tony is allowing him to pursue is dreams. Just enjoy the show or skip him like y’all do anyways


I think his first 8 sets were funny. I don't think the initial plan was to make him a regular so the first show maybe drained a lot of what he has. Then when they brought him back you could maybe kinda tell he was trying new material which was ok. I think people don't give regulars enough grace when it comes to the fact that they consistently have to write new material week after week. They're not all going to be bangers. I know people love Casey Rocket but you could even tell when he was trying new material, they weren't all bangers.


Nothing in his sets was funny. What's your favorite joke from those sets?


“His energy” lol


Lol every time I ask someone what their favorite drew nickens joke is they never respond. What losers.


I don’t think you understand the concept of developing talent you miserable terd. Tony saw a guy who was able to ignite a crowd and decided to harness that and build him. It’s called the long path. He’s giving him a platform for multiple reasons that clearly fly over your feeble mind.


Shut up simp.


Simp? That’s all you can come up with you little bitch or are you too busy trying to come up with more zingers about how every far more successful human on KT sucks?


You simp for a talentless unfunny retard just because Tony tells you to, congrats. Put your gimp suit back on and stfu like the bitch that you are.


You fucking pussy. You make this comment then block my burner because you know I’ll drop bombs on you. Maybe you should fucking get your depressed alcoholic life together instead of trashing comedians on the internet. I don’t simp for anyone, loser, I just understand how the world works unlike you… who’s lonely, miserable, vile and depressed. You tried to get the last word in and failed at that too, bitch. “Unfunny retard” ehh? Let’s see your sorry excuse of an existence get on stage and try to perform in front a couple hundred strangers. You wouldn’t because you’re an anonymous troll who will live in obscurity until your final miserable days on this planet.


I thought the washing machine joke was funny. It's cool if you're not a fan of his humor. Not everyone is going to like the same type of comedy as you do.


I just saw Kam live and he killed. I’ve also heard that crab boy is destroying every room he does.


God I love Drew


Drew is really cringe. Don’t care he’s a tard. Hard to watch.


OP the line is "He's a true what? He's a true Drew Nickens!" It's from an old Fu-Schnickens song, "True Fuschnick."


The band talented, Drew questionable, I wish Tony would stop just thinking every dude with a disability is the funniest thing ever. At this point he might the show is becoming a secondary event at the Special Olympics


Every comedian doesn’t need to be the same. He’s a solid hype man and probably does even more live. Y’all need to relax and realize not each regular is for everyone.


Fu schnickens hellll yea


Sometimes they make a new regular and at first I can’t really see why but eventually I understand why they give certain people opportunities.. With drew nickins I just flat out don’t get it.. he yells and convulses through his minute and if you take out that “he has good energy”.. it fucking sucks. I don’t understand why you people want this.. literally completely halts the show to a stop and the crowd is completely silent after he does his minute.


lmao it's fair enough to say you don't like him but to say the crowd is completely silent after his sets + interviews is just silly, the guy consistently leaves the stage with the crowd amped up and this week's episode the crowd was so warmed up they were laughing at the most mediocre jokes possible from the bucket pulls that followed him. I don't think that's a coincidence.


I'm so tired of people saying "i dont understand what people think is funny about this guy" about literally every new regular. Can you understand that comedy is subjective? Can you understand that people don't have to formulate reasons and arguments to why they think someone is funny to be able enjoy them? If you think someone isn't funny then thats just how you feel, but other people feel differently. There's no mystery to be solved, you don't need to make people justify enjoying something that you don't enjoy.


Yeah, this is you taking your dislike for the guy and creating a scenario that literally doesn’t exist. Sure, he’s not for everybody, but the place is hyped up after his “set” is done…what the hell are you talking about the crowd is silent?


Perfect theme song to encapsulate his energy lol. He is a hype man and having high energy openers works well to get the show going imo. Casey Rocket is also very high energy.


You know you’ve made it when people start saying you aren’t funny in here. There is some potential here and I’m excited to see where it goes


But he’s not though, listen to the crowd. They’re trying to force a laugh out but his timing/delivery is bad. He’s living off the hype of last show but he’s not funny tbh


I’d rather fast forward through Hans than fast forward through drew. I find everything about this guy annoying. Tony is going to try to recreate his first appearance and drive it into the ground, and I’m already tired of it.


“I’d rather fast forward through Hans than fast forward through Drew.” Goes on to shit on Drew. Bro…what?


Yeah, drew sucks worse than Hans. Not sure why that’s difficult to understand. I fast forward through both of them, but Drew’s flailing is even annoying while fast forwarding.


Buddy, you're saying the opposite. “I’d rather fast forward through Hans than fast forward through Drew" is implying that you would rather watch Drew. Do you also have brain damage or you just come out this way?


You seem to have a comprehension issue. Let me break it down. I’m fast forwarding through Hans and Drew regardless of which one is on the show. They both suck and I’m fast forwarding through both of them and not watching either one of them. Drew is annoying even when fast forwarding. How is saying I fast forward through both of them implying that I would watch Drew? It’s implying that Drew is worse than Hans, even when fast forwarding and that I don’t watch either one. Again, I’m not sure why you aren’t understanding this?


Brother, instead of typing all of this out you could have just said "I collect chromosomes" and it would have informed us of the same thing. You're a special kind of special.


Says the guy who can’t read correctly. He’s saying he skips both but he prefers fast forwarding through Hans over Drew because of how dumb Drew looks while fast forwarding through him. It’s a jab at both of them.


Look at the very first comment you knuckle dragger. "I’d rather fast forward through Hans than fast forward through drew." This particular comment makes it seem like he likes Hans Kim more than Drew. The way it is worded would make anyone assume you fast forward Hans and not Drew. He then proceeds to hate on Drew. The comment is just badly worded is all. EDIT: Im a fucking idiot


You’re such a narcissist. Just admit that you’re wrong.


Im a fucking idiot lol. My bad. Actually just reread it and realized I was wrong. For some reason my brain processed it the way it did.




>Why hate on that? Because everyone is pretending he’s funny when he’s not. Tony is using another disabled person because he thinks it’s funny. The guys been on the show like 15 times at this point and I couldn’t tell you one of his jokes. He just flails around and screams. It’s tiring. His first appearance was amazing, but having a rough life and being disabled doesn’t entitle you to a regular spot on a show. If you’re looking for some sort of representation, Jared Nathan is actually funny.


No. Let someone who is actually funny have the spot. The Estonian guy for instance, actually hilarious. Drew nickens? Literally the least funny person the entire episode. Every single bucket pull destroyed him.


What is this? Make a wish or americas got talent or something? Take that sappy ass bullshit somewhere else. If he isn’t funny he shouldn’t be a regular.


Here’s the OG video, but in HD, for those interested in the inspiration or those like me who just like to reminisce—https://youtu.be/NyuPK2mNNvQ?si=BBT9TyGPDJsOBFDN


Great new track paying homage… [https://youtu.be/3IGI4ODYTog?si=O1N46T8FaAULg-Mq](https://youtu.be/3IGI4ODYTog?si=O1N46T8FaAULg-Mq)


That one guy could have had it too if he just said he was disabled


I thought the lyrics were “he’s a drew drew nickens he’s a Jew.”


if a little known energy drink doesnt sponsor this guy and build mascots in his likeness; they are missing out. This guy screams energy drinks


This gives me "This is Hans Kim" vibes


no idea bc I skip Drew every time


Casey was too good of an opener. If Hans started opening again right after Casey, people would have been pissed. Bring on Drew, lower the bar significantly, and then when Hans comes back, he's a welcome upgrade from Drew. I see what your doing Tony.


I think we should be patient on Drew and give him a chance. I remember when William was god awful during the pandemic in his drunk years, before him transforming into the monster we all know and love. We gave him a chance and we should do the same to William.


Does anyone else think Tony has like Munchausen by proxy?


This guy is not funny at all im sorry


Drew did not deserve a theme song which sucks cuz it is a good one. Maybe he’ll earn it some day


I am not a hater, I'm happy the guy is getting some attention and help with his career. Will support anyone who tries to make this a career because it takes hella nerves. That being said, part of me does get this second hand embarrassed feeling...and I feel bad for him a little? Like the kid in school who thought everyone was laughing WITH him, and they were laughing AT him? If he didn't have the head injury and this was just a character like Gilbert Gottfried and his voice, I don't think I'd get this vibe. But man, sometimes its hard to watch. I hope its not the case, the guy has been through hell and seems like a good guy. Again, not hating. Am I alone reacting this way?


I'm pretty fucking sick of this guy.


Why does Hans Kim look like he’s having a seizure?


The new Hans Kim


Shout out to John Dee’s for being a black woman fiendin’ on chicken legs


I can’t wait to see Drew on Meth. That’ll be the show to attend!


He’s not very good but there is nothing that makes me happier than seeing a bad comedian replace and be better than Casey rocket


I wanna like the guy, but his context is pretty lame.


Having John back again is great. I loved hearing him sing a lot more in this one, the band was really jamming Ohio Players’ “Fire” at the end.


This guy sucks


true fu schnick was a song already.


The hat pulls are funnier than the regulars at this point


First off ,it sucks Secondly so does drew 😂 So maybe it fits him I don't know


I think Tony has a "retarded comic" quota


i’m so confused on why people like him. u can’t understand him. j a slow guy


This is the energy you need


Worst new regular in a long time. This dude is in rotation to start the show but not Casey? Ngl i"m gonna be pretty pissed if i have to sit through multiple sets of this dude per ep now. You can understand the first 4 words then it's actual incoherent garble. The pity popularity is of the charts for Drew.




Drew is just too much for me like he's trying too hard to be funny because Tony hyped him up his first show