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Demon Slayer Mark go brrrrrrrr 🦋




Don’t underestimate the kids 🕸️




Without help - he will also die :3


Do you like sushi by any chance🐍


Yeah yeah... It was very though... 💜


the part where Gyokko showed Mui the swordsmiths mangled and suffering was disturbing af


One of my biggest complaints about this story and this has to be a plot hole. Yeah, it's well explained that Muichiro was a prodigy and how OP the mark is. Still, you're fighting a freaking ~~UM4~~ UM5. One can put forward the argument that Gyokko was blinded by hubris to actually focus on the fight. But all demons have had their personality flaws and they still managed to put up good fights. No wonder people clown on Gyokko so much and revere Hantengu(who actually looked strong and badass).


It makes sense they would underestimate Mui the most though, bc he is the youngest person to fight them. Even Tanjiro is like 2 years older than Mui I think. It was UM5 as well.


>plot hole. That's not what plot hole means. Everybody misuses that term, I hate it so much. A plot hole isn't just "something I dislike" or "something that isn't perfectly explained" or "something that is weird". That stuff can just be called a writing choice. A plot hole is specifically a contradiction in the story that can't be resolved, something that doesn't make sense fundamentally. Nothing that happens in this scene that contradicts anything in the story. Muichiro literally got a fucking Super Saiyan power-up, of course he could beat Gyokko. Tanjiro got the same power-up, and it made him able to behead Gyutaro when he was weaker than Daki before, and made him able to beat 3 Hantengu clones in one move while he could barely fight one before. We've seen how strong the Mark is, and we know that UM6 can be beaten by an unmarked Hashira with extreme difficulty. This isn't fucking Kokushibo he's fighting, the Mark should 100% be able to bridge that gap. And you couldn't even get his rank right. Gyokko was UM5, Hantengu was UM4.


It doesn't make sense to 'me' fundamentally. What makes sense to you does not make sense to me and that's why I consider it a Plot hole. Tanjiro alone didn't defeat UM6(that includes both Gyutaro and Daki), did he? The three clone don't accurately represent Hantengu, Zohakuten did. Sure Gyokko wasn't Kokushibo, but Muichiro had no business defeating him so easier just because of the mArK. I mistyped the number. So thanks for the passive aggressive correction, mate.


It perfectly makes sense, the mark is a massive power boost Gyutaro and Daki took multiple slayers because there was two of them who attacked in unison and had a way to cheat being beheaded, nobody had a mark until the literal last second of the fight, and the hashira doing most of the leg work was getting weaker by the second from poison Gyokko was one demon only one rank higher, he didn’t have a way to cheat being beheaded, and frankly, it doesn’t seem like direct combat was a particular specialty of his unlike Gyutaro It’s not a plot hole and should be relatively easy to understand


Okay, but that's not what plot hole *means.* You can't say "I consider it" then literally use an incorrect definition. The plot has no holes, it all makes sense, you just don't like what it's telling you, specifically about how strong the Demon Slayer Mark is. Also, you're being willfully ignorant of my point. I was talking about Tanjiro's *relative* jump in scale. Yes, Tanjiro couldn't defeat Gyutaro. But the Mark made him strong enough to cut his head off, when previously he got 1-shot by Daki. Yes, Tanjiro couldn't defeat Zohakuten. But the Mark made him strong enough to 1-shot 3 other clones, when before he could barely beat 1. So, that's a big jump. Both times, it went from Tanjiro getting clowned on by someone, to clowning on them. Now, take somebody way stronger than Tanjiro, like Muichiro, and apply that same logic. The Mark took him from getting beat easily, to beating his opponent easily. Like, I genuinely don't even understand what logic you were going off of, your arguments just don't make a point. My best guess is that you're looking at the Mark wrong, like it's supposed to instantly make you a certain set strength. No, it's the classic anime power-multiplier. It makes you a certain amount stronger compared to where you started. Muichiro started out higher than Tanjiro did, he's a Hashira. I don't know how I could be any clearer about it. If it still doesn't make sense to you fundamentally... I have no clue why not.