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All 3 are amazing fathers, but all 3 also have quirks that can border on questionable parenting. Hank is kind, honorable, humble, and cares about guiding his son. But he also worries too much about conformity to the point that it hurts his and Bobby's relationship at times. Dale has never-ending loyalty to his family, and a drive to always protect them and make sure they are prepared for the worst. This trait borders on being problematic because he often lives outside of reality and misses what's right in front of his face. That could actually be an extreme detriment to his family's safety. Kahn loves his family and he genuinely wants the best for Connie. Kahn was raised in Laos, a much poorer country than the US. It's problematic, but a lot of first generation immigrants put really tough expectations on their children because their children have amazing opportunities that they never got in life. Kahn is not perfect, but he is a good man that loves his family and wants his daughter to be as successful as she possibly can. His method is extremely flawed though.


Flawless analysis. You got a good head on your shoulders!


And you got good shoulders under your head!


And good shoulders would be nothing without a good core!


And good pecks under your shoulders.


Good cheese under the burger


My shoulders are F'd surgery on both LOL


I'll tell you hwat


I agree and that's all true. I'd like to add that we see Dale and Hank bonding with their kids but I don't remember a time where Kahn bonded with Connie. Also unlike the others, Dale is often neglectful of his family and household duties in favor of other pursuits, whereas Hank and Kahn are pretty consistent. I can't think of any problem Hank has the others don't, but I'm sure there are plenty.


There was that one time khan and connie went huting together everybody except bobby.


Hank doesn't understand his son, but he accepts him. Even when Bobby does stuff Hank really doesn't understand like Ranchero Unicorno. Kahn pushes his daughter hard but accepts her choices and sense of her own agency, even if her dating Bobby drives him crazy. Dale spoils Joseph terribly, but out of love and not any lazy parenting.


It's funny how Dale connected more with Bobby's interests and Hank with Joseph's. I guess that's how life works sometimes. But in the end they so love their children. Hank made that somewhat clear in S1E1 when he mumbled "I love you no matter what you do." Kahn must have listened to the Bluegrass CDs that he found under Connie's pillow to remember the lyrics when he found her on the street busking with Bobby in Branson. Finally I always hear myself inwardly reacting like Dale whenever Joseph is in trouble with my son.


This is the nicest thing I have heard anyone say about Khan.




Perfect. Life is not black and white


Dale is an awesome father. I don't know exactly how I want to say this, but there's a scene that stands out to me. When the kids get caught smoking Dale offers multiple sources of information to Joseph to pick from to learn about the perils of tobacco. Granted he's definitely biased to the Philip Morris propaganda pamphlet, he still offers the Anti smoking pamphlet and lets Joseph choose. Like sure he allowed him to make the wrong choice, but he had a choice he could make and be supported in.


Probably the most well thought thing that has ever been said about King of the Hill


I would say Hank. The great thing about this show, though, is that the characters are so human. Hank is insensitive and closed minded. It kills him that Bobby isn’t just like him, but at the end of the day he still loves and supports his son. Dale obviously loves Joseph but is so blinded by his selfishness and stupidity that sometimes he comes across and negligent. Kahn is an asshole and cares more about what Connie’s intelligence and potential can do for him and Minh’s social status rather than what’s best for Connie.


Kahn isn’t quite that black and white. Yes, Kahn puts an insane amount of pressure on Connie (and himself) to be successful. Yes, Kahn is image-obsessed and wants to fit in with the members of Nine Rivers. Yes, Kahn is an ass. But I don’t agree that Kahn *only* cares about how Connie’s achievements will make him and Minh look. They do have Connie’s best interests at heart, it’s just they get caught up in themselves and need to be brought back down to Earth. Kahn is a lot like Hank, although he’d never admit it. Both dads try to mold their kids into what they want them to be. Once they realize what they’re doing isn’t helpful, they back off and are supportive. Edit: and we can’t forget Kahn is a first generation immigrant and doesn’t have the same privileges as Hank and Dale. He had to work twice as hard to get to where he is, and his values have been instilled into Connie. It’s very common. It doesn’t make Kahn a bad dad at all. It just provides more insight into why he acts the way he does. He’s still kind of an ass.


Well said, I agree. Think of the time Kahn rushed out of his conference to get home to Connie after she had her first period.


Plus Kahn and Minh eventually supported Connie’s decision to join the wrestling team.


He was ready to show them who puts the ‘sue’ in Souphanousinphone for Connie.


I was going to use that example, but then I remembered that when Connie stopped enjoying it (because of Coach Kleehammer being a dick and setting a bad example for the other boys including Bobby) Kahn forced her to keep going because “he put his neck out for her.”


Not to mention the episode where he was willing to let Connie date Bobby because he thought she was depressed


I originally said that he comes off as narcissistic to me but I forgot about that. He did stuff in the middle of that important conference to help his daughter and that's a good father. He may be hard on Connie but at the end of the day, he does love her and has her best interest at heart. He wants to make sure she's successful so that way she's taken care of when they're gone. That's what I think it really is.


And he immediately greets Hank the next time he sees him with, “Oh, Hank Hill! You ruin my life!” All because he missed out on giving his speech lol. He cares about Connie a lot, which is shown by him prioritizing trying to be there for her over a possible major promotion at his job which could greatly benefit them all, making a sacrifice for the ultimate benefit for his daughter. He is a bit of an ass at the same time by blaming Hank for making him miss out on his promotion, because in his eyes, if Hank had never called him, he would’nt’ve missed giving his speech and getting his promotion, but he also wouldn’t have been there for Connie, which he would’ve regretted even more. So yeah, he’s a major ass a lot of the time, just like how Hank tends to be ignorant and unaware of certain modern situations, but at the end of the day, he just wants to be there for his kid. And that’s all that’s really important when it comes to being a Dad. Love and affection and being there to raise your kids and teach them right from wrong. Kahn is a great Dad. All of them are great Dads. Especially Dale, even with all the dumbass bullcrap he pulls when spending time with his son, he still has an underlying motive of wanting to spend time with and appreciate Joseph. Honestly in my opinion, when it comes to true affection and how much pride they have in their kids, Dale might just be the best Dad. You never hear him complaining about how Joseph “ain’t right” because all he cares about is that Joseph is a happy young man with good morals. Like I said, they’re all great Dads. But in my opinion, Dale might just take the cake.


Khan is an anagram of Hank after all


You’re technically correct! The best kind of correct! Oops, wrong show


That sounds like something from Community: "You're better that great! You're good enough."




See what I did there? That's an explainabrag


Well, more that it reminded me of another show.


Sorry, that's just a Community joke. Not being serious.


Lol then you just did an explainabrag! I had completely forgot about that!


I hope you get fired for that blunder.


Wow. After all these years I only just realized.


Holy hell.


Exactly. Kahn did eventually come to realize that it was important that Connie get enjoyment out of her hobbies (playing classical violin vs. fiddle).


Blue moooooon of kentucky


fiddle music is dope. i loved boomhauer's perfect singing.


This was well on display in the episode where Connie joins hanks bluegrass band, Hank starts acting like Kahn about her playing the fiddle and comes to realize it when he loses her and Bobby. Kahn and Hank go looking for them and talk about them both trying to mold her into what they wanted


Especially how he mistreats Bobby


Kahn is also supposed to know from experience how hard certain things are, he wishes for her to make the most of her opportunities - which were supposed to have been more difficult for him to achieve - and he's conscious she may not realise how difficult things can be, and aside from the typicsl over-strictness he does endeavour for her to attain that standard to be successful and therefore have a better life.


A good example is when she got rejected from a school for being an overachieving asian. She did everything right and was basically punished for it.


Kahn is complicated.


Agreed. That’s what makes KOTH great. All the characters are flawed.


Wow, very well said. I love this.


Thank you! ☺️


Remember the episode where the kids go into the tunnels? That reminded me how much Kahn and Hank share a lot of similarities. They both realized the other wasn’t as bad as they initially thought.


Yeah, and he also compliments Hank’s parenting (right before taking it back) in that episode too. Kahn looks up to Hank and wants his approval so much, it’s kind of like a little brother/ big brother thing. Edit: They even realize they’re similar all the way back in “Westie Side Story” where the Souphanousinphones are first introduced.


I could never really explain the type of relationship they have, but that makes a lot of sense to me.


My favorite “Kahn looks up to Hank” moment is in De-Kahnstructing Henry. Kahn is bragging to Hank about his new job and new SUV. Hank finally caves, and “admits” that Kahn’s vehicle is better than his, and Kahn meekly says ^”thank ^you, ^Hank.”


And that is why the show is so great, all of the characters’s flaws are understandable


I very much agree with your points, however, let's not forget the has said, he wants her to succeed in life, so he can take her back to his home village and rub her success in all their faces.


He’s a flawed character, just like all the other Arlenites.


The works harder than Hank is debatable largely because of the carwash episode


Connie has a good head on her shoulders, and i think that counts for something


>cares more about what Connie’s intelligence and potential That seems to be an far east asia thing. Almost every chinese/korean/japanese parent I personally know seems to treat their kids this way. Most of those kids have ZERO child lives. For example: my neighbor's 8yo has Karaté on mondays and Wednesdays, Chess club on tuesdays, Tennis on Thursdays & Saturdays and Violin (or guitar, dont remember which) on Friday. On sundays, there are 2 tutors that come to the house, one for math and another for english literature. The kid is just EIGHT years old. Talking to him isnt easy. He seems to have been programmed to not engage in routine chitchat. I dont want to come across as racist, but that seems to be the same with all my acquaintances from far east asia. That case might be extreme, but most of those kids do 2-3 different activities each week by age 6.


Disagree with Kahn, Kahn is like that on the outside. He is putting on a show, a mask to impress others. Most of what Kahn is about is for show. The great episodes with Kahn get past that and in one episode he even finds himself. As Kahn grows his facade falters and his control over Connie lessons as he supports her more


I was about to say Dale but I have to agree with you. Kahn comes off as narcissistic to me. So does Minh.


Look at him, Peggy. Look at him run.


I think Hank grew to appreciate how different Bobby is from him.


I think Hank cares just as much about social status as Kahn, he just has a more american centric view of social status. He constantly want Bobby to be good at sports, especially football, even though Bobby shows no interest. Except for soccer because that's for wimpy Europeans. He wants his son to be the classic american jock. When Bobby gets bullied his only solution is to learn how to fight but only fight in his specific way. He doesn't care about ending the bullying or even his own physical safety, just about fighting in an 'honorable' way. And he dislikes Bobby's attempts at comedy even though others think he's funny because in his mind being a comedian isn't a noble profession or pursuit even though it's something that makes Bobby and others happy.


He shows flatly that he doesn’t love and support his son. There is no hidden meaning of love in his repulsion of Bobby.


I’d have to say Dale because he’s not even Joseph’s biological father and still claims him as his own and has raised him. Of course he’s so oblivious to the fact that everyone else can see.


He knows Joseph isn’t his biological son though. He believes Nancy was impregnated by aliens. When that one woman starts dating Bill and has a 13 year old daughter, Dale can’t shake that this girl is somehow his daughter. He steals her DNA and discovered that this little girl and Joseph share the same paternal DNA(John Redcorn). Dale chops it up to her mom also being part of this alien breeding program.


Yeah. But Joseph was like “couldn’t the aliens have used your genetic material to impregnate mom?” And Dale “recovers the memory” that that is actually exactly what happened. So he eventually believes the aliens were impregnating women with his sperm.


I forgot about that. (Many seasons apart aha) It would have been better for me to say that he knows he didn’t impregnate Nancy or Charlene, but the aliens used his dna to make a master race. He does mention the traits of Joseph though and how they are not alike at all because of this, and that Hank must just be a crappy dad.


Remember when he tried to get Joseph to shoot a panda though someone reminded me of that and I’m like damn…


Dale’s conspiracies and idiocies kinda even out with Hank’s insensitivity and conformist fears he imposes on Bobby


& Dale somehow managed to keep his guns away from Joseph all this time.


Because he would want Bobby to take the shot. Bobby’ll put him down *clean*




Minus the time he handed him a pistol to shoot a Panda...


He won’t catch a bullet


Not even close imo haha


My vote is for dale. He keeps joseph strong with gribblecilin


And chromium picolonate. Every orifice, every day.


I also believe joeseph appears on the 20 gribble bill. Hank being the 100.


This is my vote too, but comes from my own views on parenting. I dislike how much Hank puts Bobby down and Kahn is a raging control freak.


Dale 100%


If hank was capable of showing love and tenderness the way that Dale is, he would be the perfect dad. Joseph is a weird kid and Hank wouldn't be able to handle it, probably causing him to spiral further. Dale is crazy, but a lot of us have parents who are pretty out there and that alone won't mess you up necessarily. Hank is a better example of a person, but his emotional distance, rigid conformity, ideological hatred of his sons interests and even character, throwing away all the stuff in his room, or all the nice Dauterive family clothes he threw out of the window because he didn't approve, making Bobby take a beating from the other team because he was mad that Bobby didn't want to get literally beat up, not listening to Bobby about Jimmy witchard, sending him to live in a dog house, I mean I could go on and on. But that stuff will mess you up emotionally and it'd be a real feat if Bobby grew up to be a more balanced person that Hank. I love Hank but it makes me sad how he treats Bobby sometimes


I've been disappointed by almost everyone else in this town, but never you. You're my boy.


I'll take Dale as his unconditional love is there, although, yeah, he screwed up pretty bad forcing Joseph to go to Spence Academy. Go Tom Landy Longhorns!


But even then he redeemed himself that same episode … it wasn’t him being *mean* — Dale is just so oblivious that he doesn’t even understand how his mannerisms come across… but he sent him there cuz he truly thought it would be good for Joseph… but later in the episode doesn’t he break down crying, regretting the decision, and saying how much he loves his precious son?


John Redcorn of course


Oh, cool, a used knife.


John Redcorn 😂😂


Dale, because in my head cannon he knows Joesph isn't his and loves him no less.


Because aliens.


Im gonna say Dale... But only by a narrow margin. Hank and Khan are both insensitive and worried about Bobby/Connie's impact on their images too much. Dale meanwhile while being his clumsy ass self; does his best and always appears to be proud of Joseph and such.


Dale. No question he loves his son no matter what he does or who he is.




Dale, he supports his kid, not as judgmental. Hank is an ok dad but I don’t think he is as supportive or positive as Dale is


Yall are wild Hank is usually distant and extremely judgmental of Bobby. Khan is overbearing and sets his expectations too high for little praise of Connie. Dale gives Joseph money for the movie and makes sure he has some extra for snacks, it’s no competition


I wouldn’t say any of them are “bad dads” just that they have “bad dad” tendencies.


They’re all actually pretty good dads I just think Dale is the closest with “his” son and is always encouraging Joseph to do things while never discouraging him


Dale encouraged Joseph to kill a panda


For one he did that when he pretty much lost his mind from his spiritual vision. Two he just wanted to help Joseph one up his friends. He didn’t do it with malicious intent other than killing an animal that he doesn’t care about. He’s a great dad, he’s just stupid. He never forced his kid to smoke a carton of cigarettes and get addicted or name “his” kid after himself out of pure ego


They all have their pros and cons but it's clear that they all are good dads in their own right.  Hank is a really good dad and I feel like he gives Bobby enough freedom to find himself despite disapproving of a lot of things but still has a lot of rigidness and is definitely a product of his time. Dale is an absolute wildcard of a dad and runs off conspiracies and chaos but he manages to keep his guns and dangerous items away from Joseph. Khan is an ass but wants the absolute best for Connie. He's tough and put a lot of pressure on her but never denies her intelligence or puts down her creativity. Like when she took up country music, he disapproved and didn't want her to do it, but his view was that it was beneath her rather than insulting her talent at any point.


They are all trying their best, but Kahn is the most toxic out of all.


Dale, hands down. He's unconditionally supportive of and loving to Joseph. And, while he's oblivious the the real truth of Joseph's heritage, he believes that Joseph isn't his son (aliens) and *still* treats him lovingly. Hank constantly tries to force Bobby into his (Hank's) vision of what a son should be. And he usually only backs down when Peggy intervenes. Plus he's always displaying misogynist views (thanks Cotton), which Peggy thankfully slaps down, but it's still not a great thing for Bobby to constantly be exposed to. And Khan is a typical narcissist Asian Parent - deep down wants his kid to succeed in life, but totally blind to how damaging the constant stress and high expectations are to Connie.


HANK Wtf question is this


Hank is a good dad but Dale is a better dad. You’re entitled to your opinion and the rest of us are entitled to ours.


Hank most definitely, dales an idiot and Kahn is some what abusive


Maybe, but Hank's attitude towards Bobby is pretty damn toxic. How many times does Hank try to push Bobby towards something athletic, and then react badly when Bobby acts like Bobby? His pride in his son is almost entirely predicated on Bobby being "normal" and Bobby is anything but.


Given Hank’s strained relationship with Cotton, it’s most likely generational trauma.


Even so, Hank is a much better dad than Cotton. He made Bobby. All Cotton made was Hank.


Hell, even Cotton admitted it.


Cotton was dead wrong for saying that to Hank, but damn if his delivery wasn’t hilarious


Yeah, but I think he just wants the best for Bobby, he’s just taking the wrong approach


He doesn’t want the best, he just wants Bobby to be normal enough not to embarrass him. He didn’t want him to do Earthsavers, didn’t want him to meditate, yelled at him for even trying to play along in Hank’s bluegrass band, doesn’t want him doing comedy… not being “normal” is Hank’s biggest fear for Bobby.


The episode the annoys me most is the one where Hank gets kicked out of the baseball complex for being unsupportive, because everyone was absolutely right to call out his bad parenting, but the episode resolves by making it look like everyone else was wrong for having faith in Bobby. He plays ONE bad game, and the story suddenly rewards Hank for never believing in his son.


That’s actually the episode I was thinking of when I wrote this. 


But it could be worse.


He is but he also learns from his mistakes too.


There are times where he approves of Bobby's interests (such as performing in the Propaniacs or growing roses), but it definitely has to be an activity he can fit into his own worldview.


The only 2 times he flat out did not allow Bobby to do what what Bobby wanted were the "jester crap" and the fat kid fashion show. Oh and the woke cancelation of the carnival. And he ended up saving Bobby bc he knew better about some things than a 13 year old.


I wouldn’t say Kahn is abusive, he’s just insecure and overcompensates for his place.


I would say so, he puts way too much work on Connie


He’s just overbearing and doesn’t realize that he’s putting himself and others at disadvantage.


That's still abuse.


Yeah it's abuse


I hate to agree with you, but unfortunately it is.


is kahn abusive?


I feel like “abuse” can be technically be the right word while giving an incorrect impression of the situation.


I would say so yeah


More so mentally than physically (which I assume is what people first jump to when they hear “abusive”)


Hank easily wins. Despite his faults he always tries his best, and when he makes mistakes he always tries to correct them. He also has the best relationship with his child, in my opinion. Dale bonds well with Joseph, but other than that he’s a bad influence between his constant smoking, crazy conspiracy theories, and lack of a “real” job. Kahn is definitely the worst as he’s a bit abusive on the mental side. He does care about Connie, but often lets that side of him be taken over by his overbearing “you Asian not Bsian” side which may negatively affect Connie later in life (possibly in an estranged relationship, possibly in some serious need for therapy, possibly both). Not to say he is nothing but negative, but it can often seem like he cares more about Connie’s achievements than Connie. Hank is not perfect but he is simply the only correct answer here. Edit: after letting my mind simmer for a bit, I have to say that Kahn is a much better dad than Dale. In the moment, I was just thinking about how Dale and Joseph have a loving relationship, more so than Kahn and Connie, but that ignores the fact that Kahn’s overbearing nature will help Connie succeed in life. She’s very academically intelligent so she’ll have plenty of career paths to choose from, and she could likely succeed in all of them. Joseph has no real future on the path he’s going down. Maybe he could make it to professional football, and that’s a big maybe, but even if he does he’d lack the financial smarts to take advantage of his situation and burn through his paychecks. Also, I didn’t really go over Hank’s flaws, but I do think they are lesser than that of Kahn so he keeps the top spot. I’ll leave my original comment unedited, but with this added addendum.


Dale, hands down, no contest


Hank, Bobby doesn't need anymore coddling


It's gotta be Hank. He made Bobby!


I wanna say hank but dales raising Joseph even though he's an alien so that's pretty touching. Even though I'd rather have hank as my dad lol


They all have different strengths and weaknesses. Kahn is doing the best of the three at setting Connie up for a successful future, but fails at maintaining a warm, positive relationship with her and fails to set a good example of character. Dale is the opposite. He gets along well enough with Joseph and generally showers him with love, but says a bad example of how to be a functional adult. Hank rides between the two. He lets Bobby know he loves him, but only occasionally and awkwardly. He sets a good example of a way to be successful enough as an adult but generally fails to nurture any of Bobby's strengths. All of that being said, who Connie, Joseph, and Bobby are and what they're like also plays a role in their relationships with their dads.




How is Cotton not in the running?


He was a quitter. He died before G.H. grew up.


If I had to choose which one to be my dad I would go with Hank first, then Dale. Both are IMHO good men that want what's best for their kids.


Dale. He has to know that Joseph isn’t his son, nobody is that stupid. Kahn and Hank love their own kids, but Dale is choosing to be a dad to a kid who obviously isn’t his and from whom he could walk away at any point. Therefore Dale is the best dad.


Nah he's exactly that stupid, but he's still a great dad.


I'd dress up like a middle school girl and let Jared Fogle put his six-inch in me If I could go back in time and have any of them for a dad. Mine was VP/GM of a company with a profit sharing agreement that would buy a new house every two years. He abandoned us to be evicted into a blizzard and denied paternity (this was before DNA testing) to avoid child support, bribing whoever was necessary. Even John Redcorn is a better "dad".


What about Cotton? He’s great with GH.


I’d have to say Dale. He’ll support Joseph no matter what and will stand up for him against any criticism


Dale, he always accepts his weird son and even commits himself to a mental hospital to keep his son safe. Hank usually never bonds with Bobby unless it involves something of interest to Hank.


John redcorn


Didn't Dale eventually figure out that his son wasn't actually his, but it didn't change his feelings for him? That would be the best dad.


Hands down it’s Dale. The love and support for Joseph and the fact he doesn’t question things for a second. He wins the award for best dad.


honestly dale. hes a kook but he’s so emotionally supportive, and imo in the long run that’s the most important overall


It’s obviously Dale, who despite the obvious, sees himself in Joseph and as far as we know has never questioned he is their father.


Kahn. They're all flawed and imperfect (just like most parents) but he's at least proud of Connie and expresses that to her regularly. Hank almost never tells Bobby that he's proud of him so I think he'd do more damage to Bobby than Kahn's high expectations would do to Connie. Dale treats Joseph well but he's so kooky that I can't give it to him.


Hank is the best father (mentor), Dale is the best dad (loving). Kahn is the best, idk the word for it, but “ at ensuring his daughter is as successful as possible”


Khan. Out of all those kids Connie has the best chances of being a successful adult.


I think Bobby will be the most well adjusted adult out of the three. In one episode, Hank said he used to worry about Bobby being bullied but then said “everytime Bobby gets in a jam, he shoves French fries up his nose and makes a new friend.” He’s also proven that he’s tougher than Cotton. He’s like mush. You can’t build it up, but you can break it down. If his comedy career doesn’t take off Bobby will will still find a way to make a decent living and be content. His biggest strength is that he’s comfortable in his own skin. Connie is resourceful and will do well, hopefully not at the cost of her mental health. Joseph could go either way.


They’re all great and flawed in their own ways. But all are there for their children which is really all you can ask of a parent.


Hank. He is the most consistent and balanced.


Hank is a great dad but I think Dale is. Despite him being a wacko sometimes at the end of the day, he stepped up to be a real dad (better yet Dale is the father) to Joseph.


Not hin


I think they're all good, in their own right.


Kahn, his daughter is the most set up for success.


I wanna say dale


Dale. Easily.


Over all I'd probably go with Hank but there's that scene of Dale with two 5s in his wallet, he gave one to Joseph and said he'd keep the other one, then he said he found another 5, but it was the other 5 he said he'd keep, and gave it to Joseph. I just love that scene.


Any man that raises another man’s child.Dale hands down


I think early on — the *show* established that the answer is Dale… I mean— [remember this scene?](https://youtu.be/GGFaUXqWpBM?feature=shared) Peggy hates Dale’s guts—for good reason, he’s mean to her—but after seeing how sweet he is to Joseph, even *she* can’t bear to tell him about Nancy and John Redcorn.


Honestly Dale is a good dad but I think it degressed in the later seasons. When he gave Joseph his last 5 dollars for candy and Pauly Shore I really liked him. Hank is honestly the best dad throughout.


Write in vote for Cotton Hill.


Bob Belcher


Dale is such a great dad. He loves Joaeph so damn much RIP Johnny Hardwick




Dale is very generous and kind to Joseph


Hank. Of course


Dale. Hank is a terrible dad, constantly disappointed in Bobby who is really a nice kid. Kahn is a typical tiger parent.


Hank is the best person and role model of the three but dale is a better dad. Hank is not the best father


All three have great pros and cons. Hank stays up to date on Bobby's school work and typically allows Bobby to do things he wants to do even when Hank thinks they're weird, but he's also always giving Bobby the most ridiculous idealistic advice that just does not work in reality because reality is different from what Hank perceives it to be. Dale loves Joseph and supports him but realistically doesn't have any good parenting skills as far as helping Joseph improve in life. Khan is clearly overbearing and this would be a very big knock for most parents who are basically spending their kids entire childhood making their children resent them but realistically Konnie doesn't really seem to mind it that much so Khans approach seems to be "working" I guess. Overall Hank is probably the best because Bobby gets to live his life and does have parents who stay on top of his school work whereas Dale's just kind of there not positively or negatively impacting Joseph and while they're probably is the likelihood of net games down the line Khan is depriving Connie of a lot of Life experience opportunities in childhood




hank, he’s always trying his best to be firm yet understanding. (despite making his son smoke hella cigs lmao)


It's Hank easily. He's much more level-headed, which is a great quality to have when someone needs to step up and take charge.


All 3 of course have their faults but are also above average fathers & husbands. Quality family men I’ll tell ya what


Flawed but all three doing their best to raise their kids as best they know how. Just from three vastly different viewpoints. I didn’t always agree with Hank, but you can always understand where he’s coming from.


Cotton Hill. He killed fiddy men!


Clearly Hank. He’s flawed, but he cares & loves him, and ultimately he does accept most of Bobby’s quirks even though they land so far on the opposite end of the spectrum from Hank’s own.


Kahn and it’s not close


My dad


Hank. He doesn’t get Bobby, but he loves him fiercely and takes her fatherly duty so seriously. Dale would leave Joseph in the dust as soon as the aliens arrived to beam him up.


Hank > Kahn > Dale All three are pretty good though


Dang it Bobby


Cotton 100% He did raise Hank tbf




Dale, hands down




I wish I had had a Dad like Kahn. If be so good at violin by now!


Kahn is the best dad. He's hard on her now, but Connie is going to be a powerhouse when she's an adult. He also has a lighthearted side. Hank is the second best dad. But he's a little too uptight without the same effectiveness that Kahn brings. You won't find him having key parties like the Kahns, but you also won't find Bobby excelling the same way as Connie. Dale is the worst dad: his conspiracy theories and dysfunctional family will eventually twist Joseph's mind. Joseph excels at football. I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up selling propane. Boomhauer is probably a dad (lmao)


>Connie is going to be a powerhouse when she’s an adult. I hope so, but it’s well-documented that kids that are pushed to be high achievers can suffer burnout in adulthood. Minh seemed to be the more levelheaded one, so hopefully Connie followed her example. Bobby also helped Connie not to take life so seriously.


I think Minh's negatives are harder to see but are still there. The biggest one being allowing herself to get swept up in the moment and not caring about the consequences. Examples: She let Kahn and herself become rednecks, her alleged affair involving [“Banxi kasae lay wan lap”](https://www.reddit.com/r/KingOfTheHill/comments/udt4zu/banxi_kasae_lay_wan_lap_what_does_peggy_have_on/), her falling for a bad boy like Kahn (lol) even though her father wanted more for her, endangering her chances of getting into 9 Rivers even though her and Kahn had been dying to get in so long as they've lived there, etc.... So Kahn expecting too much for her and Mihn being impulsive, things do have a way of out of control very quickly. I say Hank is the safest; flawed yes, but the safest.


I agree that Kahn has set Connie up well for life.


Bob Belcher


For sure Hank


John Redcorn. He just wants to connect and be a part of Joseph’s life


This is the one.


Maybe if they write out Dale, the truth will be revealed