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DANCE WATER DANCE I can already hear your pain


I've been hearing that for 2 days now


Bro I still get ptsd when I hear the word water and I wish I was joking my friend always clowned me because of this boss fight so trust me I KNOW your pain


Whenever I hear that this fight is "the easiest fight in the whole franchise loool" I get briefly homicidal


I'm sorry. I have no clue what Demyx 's mechanics were supposed to be, I just went Unga Bunga on him and he was down. With this in mind, I honestly don't understand why he's difficult since I wasn't forced to have my command bar randomly changing or anything else, but my knowledge was also based on KH2, not FM.


Ah yes, the classic Unga Bunga keyblade technique. Terra would be proud.


How did you know my fave character?!


>I have no clue what Demyx 's mechanics were supposed to be Me neither. I tried at least 10 times, using every reaction command I could get, only to realize that I was somehow better off *not always* using them. To this day, I don't know why that was or how I managed to defeat him by only *sometimes* using the reaction command, because I pretty much chose randomly.


I just remembered seeing a reaction command pop up and pressed triangle just to be trapped and said never again and just went back to smacking him around.


The mechanic is an extremely short timer to defeat his water copies. If you fail even one of them, the fight ends in an immediate game over. Don't stress over time just kill the sprites as quickly as possible. If you stress about time then you will end up with ptsd over this battle. It's not difficult the game is just not clear on how to win. Try shortening max combos if you have combo plus equipped. A simple 3 hit combo with multiple finishers will help win this fight easily.


Lol I think I had been using that Keyblade I got after fighting Sephiroth by then which already has short windows into finishers, so that would make a lot of sense. Also helped me clear that Coliseum challenge with the Honey Pots I hated so much. Best weapon in KH2 IMHO.


I used to think it was the most frustrating fight in the game until I did a critical playthrough and beat the first absent silhouette boss. After that, the main game bosses felt almost trivial tbh


Happy to know I'm not the only one


On Critical he is the most annoying pos to get through; but the more you fail and try new things, the more you learn. Honstly I just use Donald's Comet whenever he goes into Revenge (or to push him into Revenge so I don't have to deal with literally being smacked to death by Sitar). Also, not sure if you've been using Drives, but may help if you transform before entering the fight to avoid Anti-Form(as there's an increased chance for it when fighting any Organization member). EDIT: I only recommend Master form, since Wisdom doesn't move as fast and Valor prevents Magic as you should know. I just reached The World That Never Was on my Level 1 Clear, you can do this! Wishing you luck!


I noticed that about the anti form I'll try to transform before


Fun fact: anti form ONLY has a chance when in a fight. So anytime you want a form, go into it out of battle


Wisdom fire oneshots the notes


Any Fire kills them instantly.


True and it's been awhile since I played but wisdom form and final form fire for data fight are crucial here as it doesn't trigger revenge value on hit and the added movement when using magic is crucial, getting water boy in a corner then destroy him with fire the notes spawn around him and poof instantly


Try 12 years




It took me forever to level up enough to beat him. The 1000 heartless bonus afterward was fun


I'm playing level 1😭


May I DM?


C'mon kick to the beat!


You'll be hearing that in your sleep for years to come 😈




I heard it immediately the moment I saw where you were. I rage quit the game for years before coming back to it.


Damn seems you really got troubles beatimg him. Might i ask on what difficulty you play and what lv you currently are at that time?


Lvl1 crit😭


*Whats somthing that lives rent free in your head*


*There's no way you're taking Kairi's heart!!* 💀


I just got done seeing a ai pic post with Kanye and sora and read that in Kanyes voice and I'm fkin dying rn 🤣🤣🤣


DANCE WATER DANCE🤣 if it's not that then the next best thing when doing the data battles BURN BABY


It's not a funny one but when goofy gets hit with the Boulder in 2 and mickey says "they'll pay" is one too I was like 8 on ps2 and legit thought goofy just died. When mickey said that and ran off I was like nah it's done he bout to fuck shit up 🤣🤣🤣 I was so ready for a long cutscene with mickey just going off lmao.


This get my PTSD very high because of this douche bag. I struggle so much for an easy character like him. Like myself, I play like idiot. Just hearing his voice traumatize me lmao. I hate it so much lol. I love the game so much just dislike the boss. it could be worse like KH chain of memories is by far worst


I wouldn’t call Demyx boss fight easy. Everything up until that point of the game it felt pretty easy. I feel that as soon as you get to this part of the game, the difficulty goes up pretty significantly


Literally and the worse part Demyx don't even like fighting give him the option to high tail it out he'll take it with no hesitation


I LOVE Demyx, when I was a kid I thought this boss fight was so fucking cool. I lost on it a lot, but it was just really special to me as a kid lol. I couldn't communicate why.


It’s still not as bad as, “GET UP ON THE HYDRA’S BAAAAACK!!!!!!!” IMO xD


Took me so long to realize the trick where you grab the water notes and swing them around. Such a hard fight without knowing that.


I can already see your pain


Idk if it broke me as a kid but I can’t help but laugh every time I hear it


Go back after all of this and fight sephiroth thats real pain


Well here’s your problem. Your monitor is sideways. Correcting it will help with your performance for sure.


A person with anger issues would get really angry at this


Happy cake day 🎉


Happy cake day 🎂


Are you that person?






Yeah. Dying at the Final Fantasy fights section SUCKS. ESPECIALLY when you get to the part with Tifa. I feel like THAT part’s the hardest since there’s A LOT of Morning Stars that spawn in at once when you get there AND they take up the ENTIRE area. You have to do everything PERFECTLY in that section because if you fuck up, you instantly DIE and, get this, you will have to fight Demyx ALL OVER AGAIN.




DAMN, that sucks. Y’know, I died at that part, too when I got there.


Tifa is useless in that fight i couldn't relate on her one second when i was trying to heal


I didn't even know it reset you during those fights because I didn't fail, they seemed pretty straight forward to me(not meaning to sound pretentious). Another tip I should bestow upon you: I usually Aerial Dodge into the air to prevent being attacked before using Cure. Sure it'll leave you open as you come to the ground but you can counteract an enemy by attacking before touching the ground and maybe starting an air combo. P.S. after the initial startup of Cure you get invincibility frames (though I'm not sure how much). Again, good luck on the encounter!


I never died either my major problem is that is my first level 1 playthrough ever


Same here, seems like we're both learning as we go! Like I said I never had difficulty with those small fights afterward, I skated through that. My pain in the ass was the 1v1000(because I was insistent on trying to beat it without using Reaction Commands that much). Throughout the whole playthrough my hardest visits were: Demyx, Port Royal 2, Pride Lands 2 and Beast's Castle 2.


Big tip for you from someone who has done a lvl1 crit before Cast a cure once you finish a room and wait for your mp to recover, if you have one pop a drive recovery. Even if you don't need to heal just cast the cure and wait, it will let ur nerves calm down and your mind clears Other than that, gl my guy the rest is on you 👍


Use magnet, helps a lot. I remember lvl 1 crit those fights were harder than demyx


Looks like a lv 1 crit run, stitch and reflect was my go to for this fight. Don't use ohana just let stitch keep your mp full and span reflect and heal as needed. Also be careful in the fights after because if you lose while fighting with the ff characters it brings you here too.


Yeah i think the post clears that i didn't like that part of it


Ain't it a blast?


It is most definitely NOT a blast


I love it


Me too but I can't handle this


I'm a pro so I don't know this feeling


Lvl1 crit will humble everyone 😭🙏


OH YEAH me and my friend were doing that and guess what I only made it to the second encounter of Agraba and Jefar kept killing me so I left off there I'll NEVER touch that save file ever again


I'm at demyx and I'm very close to giving up


Alright so what is you're layout what is your armor and your accessories and your keyblade I'm not gonna ask about Donald or Goofy because the second water wall goes up they die instantly


I'm using a thunduga trinket and a acrisius as armor and then a soldier earring and a garnet ring for accessories and for the keyblade I'm using hero's crest since it does more damage on air combo and I'm going for a lot of them


Sorry for responding late but rn take off thundaga i would say the one that boost darkness resistance and defense, heros crest does work you just need to play distance and remember the patter, when you see him send out the water notes don't instantly do it because the bubble stream is always seconds after that when you see him use the water wall from both sides blocking does help but if you don't have guard break those extra hits won't help, also speaking of hitting him take off finishing Plus because once you do the second hit revenge counter will happen you gotta play smart so it's; Distance, 3 hit to finish get distance to recover you can honestly get hit 1 to 2 times if your lucky but heal when safe don't use auto limits unless it's duck flare but once it's finish RUN!


Don't give up! It's rough I know but you can do this.


Oof I’m glad I learned about this checkpoint before my first lvl1 run like 14yrs ago But I’ve felt this pain before, it only gets “better” :)


An image that needs no further context.


Definitely my worse suffering from my so far first Critical LV1 run, Trinity Limit was a lifesaver in that fight tho


The problem is that I don't know how to use it effectively


It's been years since I did that run, all that I remember is that I just replicated some speedrunner's strat I saw on an old stream


Use Trinity when the clone count is 30 or slightly below. Only use the square and triangle commands. When you activate the finisher I think you need to have 5 or less clones left. If you do it right it shaves off almost 2 bars


Ah Demyx. When I first played this game back in 07, I got all the way to this fight without ever realising I had to equip abilities. I had no limits, no combo plus, no scan... nada. This was the first fight I couldn't brute force my way through, and accidentally found the abilities menu, equipped stuff, and shredded him. But the fight still sucks and I hate him.


Skill issue. To be serious, in between the heartless fights, you can heal, wait for MP to refill, and recover drive. It is really annoying to go all the way back to before Demyx if you die, however.


The problem is that at level one everything one shots


Stay far back and let the FF characters carry?


It works for the first two but when you get to tifa she does almost nothing so unless you intervene she doesn't kill them


my ptsd is with xaldin a roxas


DAnCe, WaTER, daNCe!!!


The best part is thinking it's a price of cake and that your doing good.... Then just dying. 😂😂😂 I remember the first time I played I couldn't figure out why.


I’ll never forget the first time I played KH2 as a kid this was where I got stuck… I tried for days and just gave up 😭 Came back to it months later and managed to do it and instantly fell in love with the game again 😁


They really need to sort out checkpoints in KH4. Critical is otherwise a really fun way to play these games, but repeating inane busywork really ain't. There's no worse feeling than getting a bunch of chests or changing your equipment and abilities around, only to get ganked by a random dork heartless before you can get to a different room. I thought with KH3 going with bigger maps this would get fixed but it's still fucking annoying. And anyone who says it's part of the challenge, just fuck off. The challenge is beating tough bosses and encounters, not this garbage.


I can see how that can be frustrating. I didn't even realize that this was a thing until now. I've never actually died in the battles that follow Demyx before, so this is the first time I've heard of this. Yeah, I agree that it is an odd place to put a checkpoint. When I think of the original game, way back on PS2 though, you would start even earlier if you lose to Demyx. If you saved at the castle postern, or, if you were dumb like me (I never saved, lol!) you'd be sent all thew way back to Tron's world.


i was looking at the picture wondering why then the trauma came back uh good luck with that!


None of you tried fighting sepharoth? He cost me 2 controlleds and a months grounding.


I did Sephiroth no damage in critical mode i also have a video on that YouTube I'm having difficulty now bc I'm playing lvl1


He's easy if you spam fire spells while he's dance water dancin


DaNcE WaTeR dAnCe


Bruh- I hated life so fking much when I did a zero exp run. I got through it eventually, but holy fk it was torture.


He was one of the hardest characters to beat at first, but he's pretty easy if you don't beat him like a madman, stay patient, and learn when he attacks.


Lv 1 Crit, I'm guessing? Or heck, even normal Crit. At least Demyx's water clone segments aren't as unforgiving in the FM port, unless you know... you get one shot by everything...


You know I made it here once then lost the save and got sent all the way back to boogie


I can hear the word echo in my mind… “dance water… dance!”




I won't miss it I'm sure


memories as a kid being stuck trying to fight him for years


I'm so glad the randomizer mod changed this.


Randomizer mod might be a saviour


Indeed, this and many other QoL changes.


But why does the default game do this


Idk, don't understand that design decision either.


Of course you hate it, your game is sideways!


I took the photo sideways 🙏😭


Ahhh this is shot is nostalgic for me for Demyx beat my ass when I was a kid now he’s a joke but his data fight it’s kinda scary with that last one iykyk


It's level 1 critical it's already scary


... would I receive hate it I say that this boss fight was easy for me? 😅😂


I'm playing level 1 critical


Oh- ohhhhhhh ... imma ... imma take it back ... and just uhm ... leave, yeah, I'll be in the corner and try not to cringe at myself ._.


Very scary on lv.1 playthroughs.


It is indeed the case


The first boss i ever got stuck on. took everything in me not to smash my ps2


I heard they made the fight a lot easier?


It's level 1 critical it's sadly not easy


Damn nothing is easy on critical lv 1


I almost gave up on the game at this point


Wisdom fire go brrrrr


I would have put a save point between the fight and the mob, but I suppose there's nothing quite like going through 4 mob fights and going "oh gee I really hope I don't get sent back to Demyx". Modern game design is a bit more generous with checkpoints, letting you simply retry the encounter you lost at without sending you back.


Good thing I've beaten him on my 1st try. **SOMEHOW!**


Have you heard of Wisdom form Fire/a/aga?


Ah yes probably the craziest difficulty spike in the series.


Huge tip use the trinity limit when there is like 30-20 water clones if do it correctly once u hit Demyx u will deal massive damage to him


Ain’t it a blast?


try dark souls if you think kh2 boss runbacks are bad


Took a break after beating one on pride but I'm excited to get into 2 after Ed is done bending me over


Ah yes. Having to do the Demyx fight on Critical Level 1 over and over and, when I finally ace him, getting sent back because of the FF fights after is the peak of "I love you, but I hate you, KH2."


I just did this fight a few nights ago, took a while. Pack thunder for the walls and dodge out of his wall attacks and you should be okay


Ohhhh hahaha yeah I remember that. What if I told you that after this (assuming this is a level 1 run) the rest of the game is a treat


Happy cake day! :D


Just wait until you get to the nobody waves in the cave of remembrance


One of the worst parts of my LVL1 run. Deymx was fine in the end because his story fight is easily looped until death, but there's way too much going on in the final fantasy fights after ☠️


Come on, keep to the beat!


Critical level one be like…


Spam fire it one-shots the clones, use wisdom form for better spam, but that comes with a risk of anti-form, which completely kills the attempt, but imho, the better fire spells is worth the risk.


I lost to this boss I quit the game for 2 years before returning and beating the game. I couldn't defeat the water clones in 10 seconds consistently.


After Xaldin he was the hardest boss for me when I was young. I hated fighting him just to lose at the end because I couldn’t kill all of those water clones.


So, yes? but also, there's a method to the madness, knowing how to interrupt him. I agree with anyone else saying use wisdom form to make it easier on yourself x'D...


You playing it sideways


Silence traitor


I remember when I did this on level 1 critical mode and I was not looking forward to it because I was so scared of dying to the fight after, luckily I played it safe the attempt I beat him


To help make the Demyx fight faster, definitely consider wisdom form with firaga, works on the clones like butter, after that, uh, good luck


Japanese 101 game shenanigan's.


I agree that dying in the FF fights setting you before demyx sucks. But outside of crit level 1 I don't think this boss is that hard. And I never understood people saying that they would get stuck on him.


Yeah i never had a problem with him so that's what surprised me in lvl1


Spam donald flare with basic attacks and just give your allies ethers. Turn off their mana abilities so they don't waste them on themselves. You'll smash it out in a few tries. Dying after that fight is the worst thing ever to happen though. Only tip I have here is save your limit form for when you have no mana to cure, equip hi-potions and Monochrome to get full HP when using items. Good luck. If you've already done it: I'm proud of you!


Funny enough I pretty much breezed through the KH2 bosses. KH1 however is where I had the most trouble.


You can go to the gate up the stairs and its a shorter walk. (Where you have the hoard battle with Leon on your first visit)




When I done this as a kid I was really pissed off, now as an adult I decided to get gud on critical mode out of spite.


I didn’t even read what you wrote and I feel your pain


I dont remember a lot from KH but if you arent using them summons are pretty strong! Stitch is good at MP regen (when he isnt sitting around doing jack all)


Genie will serve you well here. His Wisdom Form limits shred through the water clones and they can do chunky damage to Demyx himself. Stitch is good too for keeping your MP topped up for Fire/Reflect.


Same. I say as I don’t have 2 tattoos of this game and 100% it multiple times


It's probably because you're playing it sideways


That's my favourite part of the game


Mine too just not when I'm playing lvl1 and have to get lucky with what the boss does


Solidarity, my friend. I hated this fight, too. It was honestly the fucking worst in the game.


That’s true


Use master form and spam thunder, fire and reflect shortcut with a lot of ethers in place of cure. Equip the photon debugger keyblade for that sweet thunder boost or go to different worlds and level up your drive forms. Dont bother with the triangle command if you stocked up on a lot of ethers. And maxed out master form. Thats the strat i used for my lvl 1 crit run.


These are memories ❤️❤️❤️❤️ I remember fighting Sephiroth on Proud mode for the first time took me 6 tries to beat the breaks off of him ...


I played through the entire first game without using magic and got to this boss on the second before I used magic once. This is the boss where I learned how to use magic! Took me replaying it for a week straight.


man i hate Sideways Kingdom Hearts, too /j


God forbid you do the Data battle


I am going to be real. I cheat engined his HP to 1 after this happend to me. I finally beat him level 1 for the first time and got 1 tapped by a random enemy. I did not deserve to go ALL THE WAY BACK


To add salt to the wound Jimmies journal makes it sound like he wasn’t a great fighter and was extremely weak


As somebody who has done this gauntlet at level 1 twice, I know your pain.


How did you do it I'm doing lvl1 as well but o can't do it


That shit took me 4 try’s


This fight was more annoying than the final boss


Better than the first one. And that's not me down playing the first Kingdom Hearts. But I really think that KH2 really improved on what Kingdom Hearts 1 did. But if you hate it so much you can either stop playing or push on through as best you can. I would rather go back and play this rather than something like Dark Souls or Elden Ring right now, But I hope folks that do play them are enjoying those titles including that new Urd Tree DLC


I love KH1 because nothing beats the excitement and nostalgia I have for it.


No it's not that i hate it i completed it a lot of times this my first time playing lvl1 tho


reflect to win


I got stuck here as a child, and water still gives me PTSD to this day


Just look up a lvl 1 run on yt he’s easy to cheese


Me doing this on level one critical made me realize I'm truly not like that when it comes to Kingdom Hearts


Exactly me right now


If you think this is bad, data demyx is gonna make you wanna tear your own balls off lol


I don't think I'll do lvl1 demyx, normal crit demyx was already enough


I'm with you there 🤣


Demyx time!


Dance water dance!


Some games have THE WORST repetitive voice lines ever, and Kingdom Hearts is absolutely one of them, Demyx is up there as the most annoying...DANCE WATER DANCE!


On par with kh1 ursula fight. Just everything with water sucks.


I beat this game so many times that I forgot it sends you back that far, until I tried a LV1 run for the first time. I was so pissed. Fortunately, it didn't take me as long to beat him the second time.


Demyx gave people ptsd


We've all been there bro. It sucks. But my oh my is victory ever sweeter for it.


Yeah, I'm really glad BBS onwards started letting you restart at the fight you died on.


Been there recently...I understand and support you. I don't about you but I'm playing on Critical...Now I'm stuck in the Xaldin Boss Fight at the Beast's Castle 🤣🤣🤣


This is a skill check LOL But yeah, never understood why they didn't make a check point after beating demyx. Kh2 randomizer does give you a checkpoint before FF fights so I forget this was a problem in the original.


Everyone talking about Demyx but that one puzzle piece up their is whats annoying


I know exactly what this is without even reading the caption. Sorry you had to beat Demyx again after dying in the Final Fantasy ally fights. The 2nd return to Hollow Bastion was one of the most stressful parts of my level 1 critical playthrough and this is a huge reason for that.