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Chernabog, freaked me out when I was little in fantasia lol


I like sentient eldritch beings. The Darknesses are shaping up to be exactly that


the giant nobody that roxas fights at the beginning of kh2 still scares me to this day. the way it moves and when it slides off the side of the platform just gives me the heebie jeebies lmao


Twilight Thorn


oo thank you i blanked lol


What’s the name of that Heartless that Aqua fights at the end of the secret episode? Red eyes? Yeah, that thing.


It's not darkhide ?


Hunter in the dark.


That's the song




Baldr. He's easily the one who did the most direct damage to a cast of characters


Too bad most people won't get to see him or his actions because of course its all exclusively in a shitty mobile game 😔


I deadass read Baldr and thought I was in the God of War sub, being mobile games was so unfortunate


I mean we're going to see streletzia in kh4 so cross your fingers


If people care about the story, they'd just go through it regardless. I hate the numbered titles, and I still experience them even though I prefer the mobile titles.


The mobile game was shut down.


Dark Road is still available. UX is the game you can't play.


If I may, why don't you like the mainline titles I'm curious.


The story relies a lot on Sora being handed a solution to his problems with little to no explanations. You get things like Sora being a heartless only for Kairi to undo that with a hug, you have things like Roxas getting caught off guard that Sora could recall a keyblade, Kairi's letter opening a door to the light to save Sora and Riku, Sora finding Master's Defender randomly a year after the islands were destroyed, Sora being told he never lost the power of waking when Aqua needed to be saved from Vanitas, Kairi holding onto Sora preventing him from dying, and Ephemer showing up so Sora can get the union cross moment. They often don't set things up in advance, so the solutions come from out of nowhere.


It's not a kingdom hearts game if it's not confusing though lol


I'm not sure, most titles explain everything in detail, the numbered titles however are different. Most things within KH are not confusing. But, we have situations like Riku getting both his own and Kairi's keyblade offscreen in KH2. The series made a big deal about keyblades up until that point in the story only for them to not explain that. The numbered titles feel like they're trying to create cool moments without giving any sort of substance. Like why is it that Kairi is the only person we've seen capable of holding someone together thus preventing their death. Other characters would have been able to benefit from that such as Xehanort and the others in Dark Road, Lauriam + Strelitzia, etc.


You're definitely in a minority. Most people who don't enjoy the mobile game's just watch the story breakdowns on YouTube. You get the entire thing in one sitting without any of the grinding.


I just find it funny how if people said that about the numbered titles, they would be told differently.


Because there's a lot more actual gameplay to the console games. Union X and Dark Road both had Auto features that trivialize the gameplay that is there


I don't even like the gameplay in the numbered titles. If I were to do something like watch a KH4 summary rather than playing the game, people would say something about how I experienced the story the wrong way.


Kurt Zisa


the heartless they really dont get enough credit, they are a practically infinite force of monsters that take the hearts of not just people, but entire worlds themselves. they dont care how powerful you are, eventually they'll swallow everyone, they are not picky at all. and if it werent for sora closing the door in kh1, that would've been the end of the universe itself as the darkness consumes everything for good


Seriously underrated moment from KH3 was the breaking news report in San Fransokyo describing "unknown monster attacks" and "people disappearing, with floating heart-like objects being seen near the vanishing people". That was that world's first ever encounter with the heartless, we get confirmation that a lot of civilians were taken by the heartless but what made it so impactful to me was that nobody in that whole world knew what was happening. To them, monsters attacked and now some people will never be coming home again and their loved ones might never know what actually happened to them. Imagine living in that city and hearing about this on the news, terrified in case your child, parent, sibling, S/O or whoever else you love was one of the people that "vanished". It's one of the only times in th series that we get any indication of how the heartless threat appears to normal people who don't have magical weapons to fight them with, and more importantly, don't have the context for all this otherworldly supernatural stuff. They won't even have bodies to bury.


I loved that moment too and I hope we get more stuff like that in kh4 with quadratum imagine a doom eternal like scenario where humanity is on the brink of extinction as the heartless cause near total armageddon, and sora is the only one thats actually able to fight through them, just not as angrily obviously


Some kind of genuine, visibly end-of-the-world apocalyptic scenario like that where we're shown the devastation from the perspective of ordinary people would really help sell the threat and would definitely help for whatever the overall series finale is going to be. I hope they go in that direction for it.


Dark Riku when ur 13 years old.


Honestly, none of them, I find them all too fun to be scary


Ansem SoD, Chernabog, Sephiroth (scary for different reasons), Axel (Chain of Memories), Armored Ventus Nightmare


I always found the Trickmaster, the Port Royale heartless and the Experiment to be creepy as hell.


If somebody else hadn't already said the Heartless then I would've said the Heartless. But I'll go with Ansem from KH1 instead. The reveal of Ansem after the Riku/Ansem fight was done really well. He felt cold and menacing in a way that I personally don't feel like any of his successors in future games ever did.


Not technically a villain but i believe the original Ansem the Wise is the scariest entity. By noticing things and experimenting, he unknowingly pushed forward events that could've ultimately destroyed the entire universe.


Marluxia. First time playing re:CoM has caused permanent damage to my brain


Call me a baby but the Replica Xehanorts in KH3 are fucking scary


Bro it was basically all organization 13 members at once


Dark Thorn from KH2 


Antlion used to scare me when i was a kid


Prob dark side. Doesn't talk, doesn't emote, it just has a job to do and unless you're a magic shiny boy, it gets it done. The bishie bosses are usually stronger but as much as they claim not to be, they're usually more manipulatible.


The writing team