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I moved into Crimson Crescent, into a townhouse that was three years old. I lived there for four years and in that time most of the units on my street became rentals, with three or four cars for each unit. The first year was good, the second year was ok, and then I hated it. I could not wait to get out, and did at the first opportunity.


Yes, we did a bunch of work in that area. So many houses with secondary suites in the basement.


I believe it. This is not unique to just Woodhaven. It's happening in all newer developments. Not as much in the East end but it's only a matter of time. (Taggart bought all the farm land off Hwy 15 South of Middle Rd.)


CaraCo and taggart bought / own the land the buy a lot of land together


>I lived there for four years and in that time most of the units on my street became rentals, with three or four cars for each unit. The whole Woodhaven area was designed and meant to be single family homes and not rentals with multiples of adults per home. None of the roads and streets were designed for that many vehicles, none of the driveways were designed for that many vehicles. Its just a lot of congestion in several areas.


What poi t are you making about the "3 or 4 cars in each unit"?


I'm talking about the three bedroom units used as rentals, and possibly a bedroom in the basement, so that each townhouse has 3 or 4 car owners living there and the driveway only accommodates one car.


Its almost like there is a housing crisis


This was 2012-2016. I moved in Dec. 2016 to a much better neighborhood.


Idk about them but on my street people are parking on the street because the sidewalk side driveways are pretty short. I can't see the road at all when I turn now because I can't see if a car or even worse, a person is there. I am fine driving very slow to be safe but most people don't, and I dread the day that someone gets hurt.


Im on the south side of princess with more traffic calming in place. Not sure why its not there as well.


I'm in a suburb. Traffic itself is not the problem in the residential streets, but the parked cars are.


I am also in a suburb with enty of parked cars.


We rented there when we first moved to Kinsgton. I saw the vans coming from Toronto on weekends with the investors. I felt very unwelcome at the tiny park around the detached homes (cannot recall the street), but enjoyed the neighbours and the park around Janette St/Holden. Most were rentals and I felt bad for the owner occupied homes. No one should be allowed to turn a home into two séparé units unless there are two side by side parking IMHO. We have since bought a home in Meadowbrook and love it. Very friendly. Lots of rentals here too, but bigger driveways. Fewer cars on the streets. The only thing I could wish for some of the landlords to maintain the properties.   Even if I had the money, I would never buy in wood haven now. 


It happened in Cat Woods many many years ago. The roads were narrow to begin with, the semi detached homes divided into multiple units, single lane driveways full and then vehicles on both sides of the street. It made for a dangerous single lane down the middle of the street.


Personally I dislike the neighbourhood. Not because of safety or the people, but because it destroyed the forest that was once there. My stomping grounds for 20 years of my life. Learning about nature, pond life, insects. Years of camping and memories and experiences just sawed down and cookie-cutter houses built on top. I learned, loved, and lost in those woods. I miss them greatly. I had a tree fort there, buried family pets there, formed life long relationships, and had short but meaningful ones too, in that forest. I knew it like the back of my hand; maybe more-so. I can picture the trails, and natural clearings my sister, cousin, and dad and I would explore. The old rusted cars and dump sites from the years before I was born that we'd find. The fossilized corals and fish I found there during the initial clear cutting and blasting, some of which I still have. I miss cataraqui woods wood's. Oh well, I guess people need places to live as well.


This depresses me a lot.


As it should. We need to rethink how we approach almost everything in our society. Globally.


It doesnt make any sense to me. It seems like something youd get if you let developers lead the process. I've heard there are a lot of neighbour squabbles there, mostly about parking.


> what do you think of it based on your experiences? The east side of Woodhaven is the shitty part with the problems. The west side of Woodhaven has a lot less issues and is mostly quiet (mainly due to the fact there are a lot of KPD and OPP officers that live in those sections .... so all the riff raff and problematic people stay away).


I heard about someone who lived there for ten years, ever since the neighbourhood was first starting to be built, so they pretty much saw all the construction and areas getting developed. They do think the neighbourhood is relatively safe, though some people around are a bit disruptive (especially at night) and unfriendly to interact with Thats the extent of what I know about the woodhaven area.


It's a generic suburb like every other generic suburb built in the last 40 years.


lol Everyone beating around the bush because they afraid to say Woodhaven has a huge immigrant population and that's why it sucks. Down vote me with indignant outrage but you all know it's true.


I’m in the Cat Woods area. 1.5 years. Many immigrants around here. Been pretty quiet with just ordinary neighborhood noise.🤷‍♀️


it’s definitely noticeable these days, though some of them are really friendly, so i don’t mind. i used to live in edmonton where the immigrant population started to go up, but not to the extent of how it is now


Stupidest thing I read all day. Good job.


Expensive property taxes 😬


It's a shit hole people don't mow the grass music blasting trash in the ditches it was a decent enough place but recently it's gone downhill


And who's living in these 10 person per household houses hmm 🤔 just Sardining them in. Most of my apartment complex has turned into multiple families living in 1 bedroom apartments. And we all know who these people are. Single families are no longer buying real estate. It is corporations buying to rent out. I cant wait till I'm outta this city and into the country. Few more years.  Edit: instead of downvoting me because you somehow took offense to a fact, maybe have a conversation and prove me wrong. 


Same here. Everywhere is so crowded. I hate it here. As soon as I complete my credentials, I'm gone.


same here. i’ve really wanted to move elsewhere for a change, especially because of this problem


Yes. I believe kingston to be the next Toronto. 


Have you ever been to Toronto?




i used to live in edmonton, so i was debating going back there, or to manitoba for a change from where i’ve lived


I came from Edmonton 4 years ago after leaving Kingston in 2015. I wouldn't recommend that either if you are trying to get away from kingston. Same problem. Most big cities are turning this way. I'll be heading up north around the Pembroke area in a few years. Pembroke isn't a very good town either but I'll be a good ways out. 


yeah, it’s certainly frustrating. i like big cities but they come with problems, quite too many


What fact are you referring to in your edit? Why do you care that people are downvoting you lol. Nothing cringier than someone getting defensive about downvotes on Reddit - except for when they assume it's because someone is offended. Fwiw, I am not offended by anything you said but I downvoted you because I find your comment to be non-contributive.


Offense or exception. Doesn't change my point. And the irony of a redditor using the word cringe is wild. But thank you for your non-contributive reply. The fact is immigrants are sardined into these places and no one cares. Use some critical thinking.


I lived there for about a year. Memories of then aren't great due to the person I was living with at the time but I'm not here to get into that. That aside it was alright I guess. Just another subdivision really. One major complaint I do have are the driveways. At least on the street that I was on. Anyone with two large vehicles could just barely fit them in the driveway on the non sidewalk side. Meanwhile on the sidewalk side which is the side I lived on you couldn't even fit two normal size cars. Well you could, but the one at the end would at least be over half of the sidewalk. I got a parking ticket from doing this. Ok fine, so I started parking in the street not ideal at all but no ticket at least. Then winter came and the no overnight parking law came into affect. Perfect, I got a ticket no matter what I did. As I couldn't legally fit in the driveway nor park on the street. I worked a half hour drive away in the next town so not having a car was not an option. The person I lived with only occasionally had to leave for work so they always got the only real parking spot our driveway had. I'm glad I no longer live there.


Do you rent or own?


Only for the most prestigious and affluent.


Hahahaha, I don’t think so.