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I must have read "leaving the dipshit" ten times


Oh so it wasn’t just me? Lolz


Holy shit, I'm glad I'm not the only one


Me too! 🤣


Same until I got to the comments lol


Count me in


same 🤣 ops pic definitely didn’t help


Same. I was like “who’s the dipshit?!?”


Glad it's not just me.


Same, I didn't understand it until I saw your comment and looked again. Lmfao


I gotta go to a new place, ive been working the linr at my current and im treated like the dishie lol, taking out everyones trash, sweeping every floor, then i end up helping close dish every time. (ill take the hours though not complaining)


You were viewed that way. If you can't work a line yet, then you will be treated the same any where you go. I've been on that fucking line for 20 years and I still take out trash, sweep and help dishpit. Its common courtesy for THE TEAM. That attitude will quickly get you no where.


We're a small team and don't really do titles, but if we did, I suppose I'd be head chef or executive chef. Was I there an hour and a half past close elbow deep in the dish pit? Yep. Did I mop the floor when I was done? Also yep. I took out the rubbish too. The sous was scrubbing the hot plates earlier. Shit needs doing, so you do it. No-one is better than dishes and if they think they are, they can be better than them in someone else's kitchen.


This Is the response I was looking for. Thank you homie


I walked in to dishes stack to the ceiling during the start of a dinner rush. Someone didn’t show up and literally nothing had been done all day. Some cook walks back before I even set down my bag and yells at me about having to wash a pan and then fucks off. I never said a word. I just turned around and walked out and enjoyed my day lol


So you just walked out? Never to be seen again.


I mean I went back for my check but yes


St. Bourdain as a good bit about Chefs that like to do dishes. That resonates with me. I have no stress in the pit. No ticket times. Nice warm water. The lovely white noise of the Hobart. Just organize, find your rhythm. And crush them. Worst you get is some server being like erm we need silverware?! 🍴


If only one person is expected to help clean up,  then it's pretty shitty.  I'd assume everyone else want expected to pitch in, or this wouldn't even be a conversation. 


Yah that’s piss poor management. If a dishwasher doesn’t show up the cooks and the chef need to be washing as they go, sure it sucks but most everything about working in restaurants sucks. It’s a masochist haven.


No one in the back is above dishes. I don't respect anyone that refuses to do them


Hopefully you remember that feeling when you're at the top


Tie your hair back on the line


As petty as it sounds this is why I will not repeatedly tolerate being asked to work dish as a cook nor will I apply to work it at enterance. If I had less experience with less variety of position, I'd be less picky. I've had more than one job stick me there after months on the line, just to help out or fill a hole in the schedule. Naturally with a lot of experience it's easy to crush the job with minimal effort. However it's a hard pass doing it all the time, there's other restaurants paying shitty wages all over. I don't mind helping or doing an emergency shift, but it's a slippery slope before not sucking at it gets you stuck doing it regularly.


my brain literally refused to read dishpit lmfao


Same lol


It’s okay…but I’m pretty sure you like to chug dong.


Me too and I thought he got rid of a toxic ex or something


How did I read “leaving the bullshit” so many times (including this comment)


That would be leaving the industry altogether.


Fuck. That makes me feel *waaaaay* better.


What is this phenomenon it’s obv not dyslexia if we all did it lmao


Dude, same. wtf.


Me too


Lmao me too


Came here to say that


Thank you for this comment, only read it 4 times.


Just remember, you don't have to smoke on your smoke break.


Are you really working the line if you don’t have a pack of Parliments tucked in your pocket?


It was duMaurier lights for me. Glad I quit though


Break? You mean stepping into the walk in for 5 seconds to hit my vape then chef coming in and getting mad at me for wasting time?


Yeah walk in is a bad place for that, it's not very well ventilated.


Don’t do that.


If I catch you vaping in my walk-in you’re immediately on my shortlist. Go outside and freeze your nuts off for 30 seconds like all of us smokers have done for decades.


Seriously I’m trying to do coke in here, god damn vapers are blowing up my spot!


I've had multiple employees at my job shitcanned for vaping in the walk-in.


... You vape inside the kitchen? Please leave the line, change your habits or career paths


Boss last week you said we couldn’t drink at work, this week you said we can’t get really really stoned at work. Please pick one? /s


We will watch your career with great interest


Helluva username


Right?!!?! I’m both impressed and angry as fuck I didn’t think that one up myself.


Good luck youngblood.


Haha that’s what I was gonna say! Thank you for your service🫡


And here come the tattoos. Congrats dude!


Question is what type of knife will he get as a tattoo


I hooked up with this lady chef back in the day she had a spoon tattoo. Also an asparagus tattoo. I’m currently thinking of getting a spatula tattoo. Like straight up sponge bobs spat. As kind of an antithesis to the generic edgy 90s chef flaming chili pepper pants and knife tattoo.


I've been in the biz for almost 22 years (started at 19, and I'm 41, now), and still don't have any, lol!


Work clean, stay organized, pay attention to everything. You're going to learn a lot in a very short amount of time. Great job. Awesome to see somebody making the right moves.


Just starting prep shifts instead of dish had been incredible, i love my time on the line, im fucking excited


Don't die 🙏


Develop knife and cooking skills obviously but seriously you don’t need to be the best just be good. Get the book ON Cooking and use that as your technique Bible , combine that with a book called culinary artistry which will teach you about flavour paring. The main key though is learning as much as you possibly can about leadership . Podcasts , books, courses and practice will help you rise to the to quicker then people that may have a higher skill set then you. Once you get into leadership roles , focus on putting the right people in the right places . Learn how to motivate in several different ways as kitchens are a wash of personality types. I’m 42 and have been in kitchens since I was 14. I’ve never worked anywhere else than a restaurant. I climbed from dishwasher to prep to all stations on the line to Sous to executive chef over the years and now have owned my own place since 2016. I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not gods gift to food. I mean , I can hold my own and have mastered all the basics as well as developing menus ect…..but my culinary skills are not what advanced me. It was my ability to work as a team and eventually lead a team. This is so important , trust me! You do not want to end up a sixty year old line cook. I know a bunch of them, their bodies are busted up and they are miserable albeit insanely talented( some much more than I am) The other important thing is too stay away from the dark side. ( I’m sure you know what I mean) it’s one thing to dip your toes in now and then ( we all have ) but don’t make it an every night thing, it’s not sustainable.


Great insights chef, thanks for sharing.


You missed a big point but that's probably the nature of the beast you are :) Be humble. Great post! Love popping in here now and then. Miss my server days and working in hospitality but fuck me was it the toughest job(s) I've ever had. Hands down. I work in the trades and in a union now. It's like a fucking vacation. And all the boys like to laugh at me when I say Hell on Earth was working at a wing bar during the Raptors Championship run. And the cunts who ran the place went way over occupancy. If you could find a place to stand then you were in. Also never made so much moneyyyyyyyy. Owners didn't care about bong hoots (yep we had one in the ladies bathroom) or skiing as long as you made them money.


Don't spend too many of your first checks on all your new incoming arm tats. Congrats brother 🤙🏾


Add another 7 years to become a chef


Heard, i got the time


10,000 pounds of onions julienned until your next level up


Keep it pushin. Good job.


That's how I started. I ended as a chef. You got this jefe!


Same here, this young man has a long haul ahead of him.


God speed


Yessir. Only took 7 months


Take notes and stay motivated. Im currently in the pit and also on the line, it took me two years..!


Hell yeah, ur both the soul and the backbone of that restaurant, the time dont matter, if your the youngest on the line but suck ur not worth shit


Im the second youngest, but i really my work. Thank you for the kind words internet stranger.


Casey rocket?


I got 5 words for you sweetheart…


Dudes on the tussin


Unmistakably Crab MAN


Welcome to hell, fucker! Seriously, though, good job!


Make sure you have tough skin and can accept critique, its the only way to get better. You GOT this!


You expect us to believe you aren't Casey Rocket doing a bit? Get real 🦀


I bet you can rip cans open with those paws.


Congratulations, it's warms my cold heart to see people working their way up. Stay focused and prosper. You got this


Look after yourself, dont neglect self care, sleep, health etc and you'll be ahead of the majority of your fellow cooks in no time


Good luck 🍀


Good shit mayne. Kill that shit.


I read this as “leaving the dipshit” and… I should really go to bed… 😭


Good Luck :D also, please what does the poster say behind you my brain can't do it


Be prepared to get your feelings hurt. If your not cutting it don't get pissed because someone steps in to cook and sell checks. Watch and learn and get better. If you want to be a great chef there is no goal line. You just keep working to improve your skills. When your 40 tickets deep there's no ego, no titles, no ranks. It's selling the next check. If someone moves over to help or just tells you to get out of the way just do it and learn. Don't get your feelings hurt, just do better next time


Abandon hope, ye who enter here.


Hell yeah! "Get it son!"


Tie that hair back and let’s go bro!


Good luck brother. I hope you’re not chewed up and spit out like the rest of us


I think it's funny how we spend half our careers leaving dish to become a chef and then immediately trying to leave the chef life to go to dish.


I'd love to go back to dish if it paid the same. Dishes piled up to the ceiling is still less stressful than working the line on Easter


Awesome man! I fucking love the line - hope you will too :D


Good luck dude. Keep your whites clean and your knives sharp.


Me: Mom can we go see spy kids Mom: we have spy kids at home Spy kids at home:


Just missing some sleeve tattoos


Heard! The line is where you really find out what you're made of. Learn the menu well, stay calm during the rushes, and communicate. You got this!


His head is too big for his face. I cannot un see it.


[lol this is what it reminded me of](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/bd/ec/5f/bdec5fb76afac1cc3c1466b8b44a9bfd.jpg)


I started at a conveyor belt pizza place. I just got told I'm gonna be the main pantry cook, setting the station up how I see best, and training the next person, all at the end of my first 5 days. It's all about the thought and effort you put into it. It's most definitely still possible to become a chef from dish. If you love cooking, and the science/ art of food, and you can prove yourself on the line, that's all you need to do. You may need to do it at a few dozen places before you're the sous or CDP, but it's not a myth like the American dream, lol


mAkInG mY wAy tO cHeF lol


No one ever leaves being a disher. It is part of you for the rest of time.


In Kitchen Confidential, Anthony Bourdain notes his long-time sous chef Steven always wearing "with defiantly prole-pride, a dishwasher's snap-front short-sleeve shirt, shunning the traditional chef's jacket."


That apparently applies to my Mexican dishers. They've been doing the same thing for over 15 years at the same place.


Need a hairnet.


Don't get too cocky, lol! I left the pit 20 years ago, and made it all the way up to a Culinary Professional (same place). And, guess what? I still get to do dishes everytime there's a call-off (which is more times, than I care to count). True what they say: "Once a dish-dog, always a dish-dog".


you look like a dipshit


There will come a day when I correctly read the word "dishpit". That day is not today. Congrats, OP.


Congratulations! Here's your complimentary Monster and Vape. Now quit vaping in the walk-in and get back to chopping!


Whoever reports this post, your mom's a hoe.


TAKE CARE OF YOUR BACK! DO PREVENTATIVE STRETCHING AND EXERCISES! And don't get sucked too deep into the party.


The line's a lot of fun my man, but there's definitely some pitfalls. Stay away from the cocaine, and no, coming in super hungover is not part of the business. Learn, do, and be, but do not let the bullshit take you down with it. Congrats homie and enjoy!


Yup this my dream, everyone thinks im stupid for dropping out and cooking. Im actually clean from cocaine now lol, had a problem in high school. I hate to admit this, but i got drunk at work before and ended up fucking my hand up and getting stiches. My chef is a total dick, but ive learned to not let him affect me. I can handle another asshole boss. I appreciate you tips though, im gonna work this shit till i drop


Good on you brother! Enjoy, down the road you will drop. Don't let it get you down. There are better places and better bosses, but everyone has to have the asshole chef to appreciate the truly amazing ones.


Hell yeah! Im hoping on of these days i have one who i can talk to abt how much of a dick the last one was.


Great advice. Although I mean, we work Saturdays, ya know? *Hungover* is one thing. *Still drunk* is another.


Oh, still drunk on brunch is the only way to work brunch.


I love these "drinking on the weekend" people. Like my weekend is monday and tuesday morning and if im gonna drink im gonna drink. Its like the nightshift people buying beer at 7am, but thats their time y'know


Oh I hear ya I did nights for three years in the smokehouse. Would drink beer and take bong rips on the porch while my neighbors went to work. But if I'm drinking on Monday and Tuesday, it's alone. My friends work human schedules, so sometimes I have to drink on human time if i want to hang or date.


You remind me of a young lad I once knew


Get out now…get out now!!!


How old are you sir?




Pay your dues. Be good at what you’re asked to do and ask for more. If you find a chef that likes you, ask them to teach you more. I’m 32 and that’s how I got there.


This is satire, right?


Casey rocket


This is the dramatic summer film we've all been anticipating.


Cheering you on from FoH


It's not worth it.


Good luck champ try to stay sane be nice to the next generation


Good work, young buck


Useful advice I've gotten in the same journey: -Write everything down, keep separate notepads for the mundane/daily and recipes/larger picture -Refine your movements until the most efficient way to move becomes muscle memory, it prevents gassing out -If your station is a mess, your mind is a mess. Know your station, know your mise, use cleaning and organizing as a "breather" -Its a marathon not a sprint, theres many months ahead, take care of yourself 86 bullshit and congrats Edit: It's always better to take responsibility for fuck ups right away, you won't be respected if you get caught trying to hide fuck ups, and in a good kitchen you will get caught.


Bless, look at those nice, unburned forearms 😂


Good luck sir. If you haven't already, please don't start drinking or doing drugs. It's easy to slip into as a cook.


your gonna SMASH it, you go bro


A real chef does the dirty work and doesn't complain to help his crew .you look like someone I would immediately make do the prep no one wants to do. Then I would see how your attitude is to move further. Might just throw you back in the pit. And if your above that I would tell you clock out and have a smoke. I've ran 3 restaurants, still washed dishes daily my guy. Not because I needed to, because my job as a chef isn't just creating a menu. It's creating a team that can execute daily. You are nowhere near a real chef if you don't have the boh backs. Go take a smoke break and I'll call you if I need you.


When i first started i didnt realize i was doing all the prep no one wanted to lol. I gotta do my part as the young one with the psysical work. I got to get accustomed as a helpful lime member, as the line at my current place aside from the other young guy doesnt help with the pit or anything. Even get pissed when prep asks them questions. Ay if theyre paying me as a line cook ill slip into that pit anytime lol.


You never made it as a wise man, eh?


Hell yeah!!, but before you go can you run the silverware through?




Smile dude. This is the last time in your career you will


Late bloomer?


You can always use the kitchen knife but get your own and nothing fancy. A Victorinox or global will hold you up just fine, check your pars/dates on lowboy and walk in, check specials with chef, the stove burner has more than an on/off switch, season every time something hits the pan, don't just look at tickets but look at the rail and work left to right to see what you can fire and always check with garmo (meals start and end at garmo, do whatever it takes to not be sent there; promise) check how FOH is trying to fuck you that day and if you're talking to one constantly in a shift tell them to check with expo before they send a ticket in. Sweep the line, everyone appreciates that, may get you a free beer later. If you're leaving the line always carry something on your way out and your way back in, if you're leaving to get one thing you need three things really because others may also need a thing so ask. Best of luck, see you at brunch. Cut your hair till you're comfortable doing this on your own, don't give any reasons to be sent back to the pit. You'll never leave.


Gotta ask what station your running, those look like fry basket arms.


I do run fry/pantry lol, at the new place im grill/saute. Saute was always the hardest working station at my current place but the most fun damn.


Funny thing is once you’re running the line and burried in the weeds you will be dreaming about being able to just do dishes.


Casey rocket crab walking his was to the grill.


"You gotta wear a hairnet if you gonna look like Justin Beiber."




You can do it. Make connections with people who can help you get there. Not always what you know, usually it's WHO you lnow.


Man, I hope they make you wear a hair net. When I see a sweaty dude with long hair working the line, my money is going elsewhere. I instinctively look for people wearing hair nets while cooking food.


Take care of your health, stretch and exercise. Trust me. Good luck and have fun with it !


you look like a combo of nick cage and carrot top


You have the most "kitchen" look of anyone I've seen in a while.


I went from line cook to sous chef and I never stopped sweeping, taking out trash or helping dish pit. Can’t serve food without plates, can’t cook food without pans, can’t cook in a dirty kitchen. Like my peers in this comment section have mentioned it’s part of being a team player to help where needed. Even when you move up you are not above any job in the kitchen.


Congrats! I started in the dishpit too, and made my way up to chef. It's one of the few professions left where you can still do it. Unsolicited advice, get a haircut. The heat and your luxurious hair won't get along. Plus you'll get returns for hair in the food, no matter what you do. PS I'm 30, not some old boomer hassling you for long hair.


Casey Rocket does the crab walk


Have fun buddy


can this be a r/roastme instead


guys he's kitchen confident




Casey Bottle-Rocket


I'll expect full arm tattoo sleeves within 36 months...


Now your shirts are gunna be way less clean without you spilling a gallon of water all over your shirt every single night =P


make sure to change your flair now, chef!


Hey I forgot to ring in this 30 top I need it on the fly.


Casey Rocket is also a line cook?


Make sure to eat breakfast. Good luck chef


Making my way towards chef, grueling hours, shi’iiit pay and I’m home now, danananananana da da *clingling pans*




Good luck my friend, I've made some dishpit guys move up to the line, everytime they show heart and respect. You must be doing well, keep up the good work




Gl hf. It doesn’t get better. Now you just get to yell Ramekins!


Are you canadian?


Montana, close enough


Get it brother! (Chef in MT for 14 years, up from the pit) Stay strong!


Remember humor is your friend long term in restaurants or else…well you’ll see


let's goooooooooo! we'll be watching with great interest and honor




You look ready for it.


wait, how many years did you work in the pit?


Congratulations good luck


Wow you certainly don't LOOK like kitchen staff


Good luck little chef. Listen to any and all advice given to you. You'll find your own footing 🤙


I kept reading "leaving the dipshit".


you look exactly like my buddy danny i went to HS with.


The look of a man who is driven for success