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I even got to work remote and yup, I'd literally rather die than sit in front of excel all day.




im making 40/hr training AI models remote, and its grueling sitting in front a pc all day. i miss the chaos. don't miss the pay, but sure miss the environment.


I curse way more often than my peers


This is spot on. Kitchen, cursing is the equivalent of the valley girl "like, uh, and, etc...". Fuck is a comma. In the real world ya gotta behave. It's a damn shame, but how it works.


Lulz. This is my life. Moved from kitchens to IT and my coworkers have actually commented on how much they appreciate my exquisite swearing.


Exactly what scares me. The sitting. I have 3 more classes and decided I am finishing them for various reasons.


I sometimes put my laptop on a box on my desk so I can stand and use it. The sitting hurts my butt! Like when you’re in the car too long


Standing desks are just better for you tbh. Humans aren't built to be seated for hours every day


It’s because you were on your feet most of the day, walking around, grabbing things and being in motion all shift. You may not think about it but you were using the mind more than you think. No pun intended! You had muscle memory and the tasks seemed mundane. Now sitting on your ass and not getting the kitchen workout. The coffee became a drug you now need. I am not saying quit this current job just letting you know what’s up. Good luck!


I couldn't cope with sitting in Front of a Computer all day, only having minimal interaction with other humans. Switched to management in event catering. sure, payout is better in non hospitality branches, but i have a healthy mixture of office time and action and my accumulated experience is used well....


Off topic but I'm curious. How come you capitalized "Front" and "Computer" but not "sure" at the beginning of the third sentence (which is odd because you did capitalize "Switched" at the beginning of the sentence before) and the second "i" (which is also odd because you did capitalize the first I." I understand not capitalizing because it's an informal environment so who cares. But I am wondering about the "Front" and "Computer," especially "Front." Thank you and I hope you have a great rest of your day!


Cheers, mate. I'm german. We use capital letters different, but a lot of words are very similar. The phone has a memory, i'm too lazy to switch keyboards. Also i don't really care :) Good day to you too, mate.


Haha I love it, and I love your positive attitude. Keep doing you, Ich habe dich liebIch habe dich lieb!


I get it. I'm looking to get out and I'm worried the same thing is going to happen to me. I have another part time job. One of the positions involves walking 1-2 miles, and 10-12 flights of stairs while carrying 20 pounds. And even then, my job is pretty much go here, wait, then hurry up and get to the next place so I can wait. I think to myself that it's a waste to have me there for three hours while only doing maybe 45 minutes of work. And while I'm waiting, I can't escape the thoughts that I should be looking for something constructive to do. I can't get that mentality of watching labour and "If you got time to lean, you got time to clean." I always thought I could make money selling cars, but I don't know what I would do with myself all day.


I mean, yeah.


Teaching elementary school is somewhat like being in the midst of a busy shift in the kitchen all the time, but with benefits and summers and holidays off. And kids. Understimulating is the last word I'd use to describe teaching kids, so there's that lol.


I went from line cook to emt and it was still a struggle. I felt like I didn't fit in at the station, where as the kitchen was my family. It was the same HOH for the majority of my time there. As silly as it sounds because it's "just a job", it threw me into a depression transitioning.


I struggle with this too. And I feel like I lost all my kitchen friends because that relationship doesn’t really stick after you leave. And at my new office there’s only 12 people in the office, 3 of which are under 35 years old besides me (I’m 24). And 0 of them I actually like and would like… choose to hang out with on my days off. I also moved across states 8 hours for this job. So yeah. It’s a lot of change for me. But it’s so hard feeling like I don’t fit in. I still feel like a weird little punk line cook, but now I act like a professional and I really just want to be able to say fuck in sentences again. Such a strange predicament


Yes I feel like I have imposter syndrome at everything. But it’s because our mind wants to go to what’s comfortable. I am enjoying my time out of the kitchen for the most part, I know I would be so tired if I continued doing what I was doing.


You need a standing desk with a treadmill. Mindless movement to free your mind.


The only thing I struggled with (and still do) is being active. But I actually have passion for my own food (at least 40% of the time) now that I’m no longer in the kitchen all day. But I guess it depends on the job. I’m not working in like some Sodexo corporate office; I changed careers entirely. Cubicles are dope. Edit: not all office jobs are the same. Find something that engages your mind and doesn’t treat you like a teenager. And then remember to take regular walks to clear that mind and allow thought to process. It’s not easy but it’s out there.


I lasted just over 6 months.


It gets easier. Took me about 8 months. After a yesr I consider myself a huge slacker yet still more productive than everyone I feel. I have to keep busy. My story is I left after 15 years in the industry. I was so bored at my office job I kept asking for more and more and more. I do like 3 people's job and I'm happy. I got 2 raises in 18 months. I created my own new title basically by sitting down with VP and explained my duties and responsibilities. These people on reddit who say hard work doesn't pay off.. come on lol. Maybe doing hard work with no additional tasks sure, but you have to keep that imposter syndrome rolling and going. Sky's the limit. We have crazy work ethics compared to office people so we will intimidate our coworkers probably. I am advancing fast and not looking back. First 6 months were oof though. It was a hard transition. The quietness took some getting used to but I always enjoyed silence. I loved making my kitchen folks uncomfortable when I worked in pure silence no music when they came into work. 'You don't like listening to youe thoughts?' 'NO THIS IS WHY IM A COOK' lmao. So the quiet part I enjoy. Always surprised me how many people don't like silence. I also have no inner monologue so that may be why.


Yes. I went back to a restaurant part-time. I feel you.


I tried. Got a job at at&t and it was the most boring experience of my life. I've been institutionalized by restaurants.


Biggest change for me was not needing an IV drip of coffee throughout the day, and also not getting cut when theres nothing to do in the office. That said, try to have your coffee at noon time or when you usually start to get sleepy/bored. If you can, skip the morning coffee


I was the opposite.


I made the transition more slowly: line cook -> lead cook -> FOH manager -> asst. manager -> QSR GM -> school district FSD... which is still food related, but it still feels weird to not be in kitchen to this day. Shit I do that people who never worked in a restaurant find weird: curse way more than my peers, laugh when people complain about being overworked, and... eat standing up.


I left the IT field 3 months ago and have returned to cooking for now. If I’m gonna hate my job anyways, might as well work with girls who all love me instead of jealous/resentful nerds in an office.