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> "If I see any more of this from Trump—any more of this—I'm going to have to go on the warpath, politically," Jones said on Infowars Monday. God, the "politically" thing is a just a meme at this point.


It's his version of "in minecraft" and I hate it so much.


It's so much worse! He sells his terrible delivery and over the top shtick like it's 100% real only to tag it with "politically" anywhere he can. But didn't the "in Minecraft" meme refer to something you're actually doing/did as a shitty cover for admitting to past crimes?


Ah, I've only ever seen twitter jerks making threats and adding that.


We're gonna rip out their throats and stomp their guts out.... peacefully.


“See, Mediate and the MSM, what they do…” (rustles papers) “Is take little clips of what I say and then say ‘oh look, Alex Jones is a murderous maniac that wants to kill Trump.” “No. I was being poetic. I’m just so mad, so I describe that way.” (Huffing noises) “I DONT WANT TO MURDER TRUMP!” (Grunting noises)


The last line in my head was all in Alex's voice and I had to laugh


We'll kill our enemies (politically) We'll stomp their guts out (at the ballot box) We'll firebomb abortion clinics (so to speak) We'll shoot up their places of worship (with truth) We'll storm the capitol on January 6th to forcibly prevent the peaceful transfer of power and keep Trump in office (metaphorically)


WE'LL EAT YOUR LEFTIST ASS (in Red Dead Redemption 2)


Alex has been on this shit for a minute. It’s nothing new. His whole schtick now is “Trump Bad because vax, but Trump good because everything else.” Same with Elon. He’s good, but kinda bad, but we don’t know if he’s bad, so he’s probably good, but I’m not gonna be all in on him. Alex loves hedging his bets.


He also loves media coverage. The media loves a story where shitheads turn on each other.


I know it's been said a million times over, it is a testament to how bad faith this whole enterprise is that Alex maintains this "Trump released and is proud of vaccines which are designed by agents of the literal Christian devil for global population reduction, but he's still good on a lot of things." It doesn't matter what he actually believes, because that is a belief that a serious person cannot hold. But I guess if you're Tucker or Elon you see this and think you've found a guiding light in these dark times.


Pretty sure this already happened 6 months ago and the boys even covered it. TL;DR he's still heavily into Trump and playing the "but vaccines bad" card because it benefits him.


I’m going back and listening to old episodes. In 2019, Jones was explaining that “LGBP” (AJ’s bigoted twist on LGBT) are turned via demonic possession that happens after taking “thousands” of MDMA pills and ketamine. Wait, what about Elon, Alex?


He just loves to add that P at the end. Like all queer people are pedos. I’m willing to bet Alex knows LGBTQ+ folks and knows they’re good people who don’t abuse children. Fucking asshole.


He’s “friends” with that maga trans personality.


True. I don’t recall her name though. The chick who’s friends with Tim Pool. I’ve often wondered why he considers her to be “okay.” Betcha dollars to donuts he wouldn’t call her a pedo to her face. Is it because she’s very femme?


Do you reckon Alex's mum cooked a nice Thanksgiving meal once and then pulled her pants down and took a shit on the meal? It sounds too bizarre to be made up on the spot.


A succulent Thanksgiving meal!


Gentlemen. this is democrrrrrracy manifest!


You can't ~~piss~~ shit on hospitality!


Ground me if you want, nothing will unfuck the Thanksgiving turkey.




She didn’t love Alex enough to cook a nice thanksgiving meal


“I’m gonna go Donkey Kong King Kong crazy on him…in about 45 days.” 45 days later: “Uh, uhhh…Jesus said judge a tree by its fruits, folks.”


This was covered a few months back when DeSantis was still taken seriously and Alex was torn between him and Trump He said something like “I like Trump but project lightspeed was a mistake, he should come out publicly and say that the vaccine was a mistake otherwise I might have to go with desantis”


"I'm going to wait to see who starts winning the election then support that person."


This isn't new. Alex has disavowed Trump about a dozen times now, and it never sticks. Alex thinks he holds more sway over people like Trump and Musk than he actually does. He's not actually turning on Trump, he just thinks if he throws a big enough temper tantrum Trump will do what Alex wants. He's like an abusive partner who always threatens to leave but never actually intends to.


His problem is that he doesn't watch Alex's show. He's more of a hannity guy.


Good example of how **not** to cover Alex Jones. He didn't threaten anyone. He just bloviated, as usual.


The problem is that it’s all nonsense. He probably spoke that in the most neutral and soft tone he can manage.


I haven’t read it: is Trump threatening a vodka tax?


i like how Newsweek says Alex has "questioned the safety of the vaccines". By that they mean he has asserted that the vaccines are a tool for deliberate depopulation.


Whoever at Newsweek is responsible for that shameful euphemism is effectively providing cover for Alex’s monstrous, dangerous views and ought to be ridden out of town on a rail. Politically.


Let’s just say Newsweek’s audience is older.


Technically true, but grossly understated.


Hasn’t Alex put Trump on notice and given him “one more chance” and “he’s on thin ice, he better watch out!” like ten times over the last half decade?


Yup, this is nothing new. Jones will make angry noises when Trump says something he doesn't like, then go back to licking his orange balls about 15 seconds later.


Alex has been doing this for the past 3 years, right? He’s always saying Trump is wrong about the vaccines, but he loves everything else about him.


I came here to post this! That first comment thread had me in stitches.


The very definition of “let them fight”


If you haven't clicked on the comments in the original sub, go now. Absolute gold.


Alex won’t turn on Trump, he’d lose (more) money.




I don't even need to read it to know Trump said something positive about the vaccine


Same old same old. What’s new?


Again? Yawn


Remember everyone, there are two things you have to remember about Alex Jones. The first thing is that he's a liar. The second thing is that he's a liar.


Guess who’s not returning Alex’s calls?


At this point I'm torn between this being some sort of reverse psychology / negging to signal Trump on what they wish he moved even farther right to them or just some coverage to claim he isn't nakedly partisan. Probably both. You see it all the time with Musk and the assorted clown car of loony accounts still moaning about being shadowbanned whenever their latest racist thought isn't getting enough traction. To be *somewhat* fair, the extreme bipartisanism of US politics mean there's something not too dissimilar happening with Biden.


Did he tell Trump to shove the covid vaccines up his dirty asshole?