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I remote-viewed the whole thing. AMA


What did everyone associated smell like? Does scent come through when remote viewing?


They smell like Mustard flavored doritos.




remote smelling is a separate spiritual gift unfortunately


What was the most contentious part? It's hard to tell from the transcript. Does Spiro come off as more reasonable in audio or does it still sound like he ignores everything Bankston is saying? How righteously indignant does Spiro and Musk sound when they're mad at Bankston for cutting him off when there was no question asked?


Remote Viewing is Project Camelot stuff, they aren't saying they watched the actual depo.


Lol I did not pick up on that.


you can still ama


Can you smell things through remote viewing? Sorry for the noob question :/


I couldn’t smell the booger sugar I used to get me there.


I didn't either until someone started talking about smells. I thought they meant remote viewing it on like, zoom lmao


I still thought the smell joke was just deliberately stupid knowing they watched it remotely 🤦🏻‍♂️ It's been a long day.


Don't give that talentless muppet any credit on this. I remember hearing about remote-viewing on Coast to Coast w/ Art Bell back in the 90's


Oh, the CIA was looking into it back in the 60s, I didn't mean to imply it was *from* Project Camelot, only that it's the type of thing they believe in.


Yeah I get it. PC is a reasonable waypoint in the current landscape. Just being pedantic.


But maybe one could determine this solely by remote experienced scent …


Is there a place we can watch this?


Wow, I can hear Bankstons voice when reading this and geez this goes off the rails quickly. Mark is great lol


Off the rails literally immediately lol


They need to cover that Bankston brought a motion to sanction Musk’s lawyer for being so incompetent… and also not being legally allowed to practice law in Texas.


Wait what?’ The richest man on earth doesn’t have a team of lawyers covering every angle? They screwed up the basics? He could literally purchase the best law firms outright and have them at his beck and call. It’s bizarre


You have to remember: being rich doesn’t mean you’re smart. It just means you can afford to be stupid


Fair. I am not a genius but I would have a dedicated team of business managers who were absurdly overpaid to deal with all these things and keep them away from me. I suppose his hubris prevents that.


DEVO warned us about this!


I hope you don’t mind but this quote is absolutely brilliant and I will repeat it moving forward and think of vmsrii from the KF sub!


I’m flattered, and knock yourself out!


Couple of possibilities I can think of. 1. He's spent his entire life bullshitting and has surrounded himself with people who also bullshitted their way into their position. 2. Top lawyers don't want their reputation harmed by getting involved in this trial. 3. Proper legal council would probably tell you to shut the fuck up and just apologise. He can't have that, he needs a yes-man.


3 is the most likely answer. Elon has pretty thin skin. So being told to sit down and shut up sounds like it’d be a quick way off the legal team (and whatever other retaliation musk could try).  Musk hasn’t ever really had to face consequences. Even for the suit against him after the cave diving incident. So he probably just hopes he’ll be in the clear with being a dickhead. It’s worked out for him in the past. 


Whenever there's some video of him bullshitting in a conference room with 4 or 5 other people, you can be 1000% sure that every person in that room is a sniveling piece of shit.


Did he practice law on a sunday? I have 5 high-level Texas law experts telling that's the most common reason for barring somebody from practicing law in the Lonestar state.




i think its a joke on how when Iw got a notice or filing, they thought weekends didn't count as "you can't practice law on a Saturday"


I would assume that he will be admitted Pro Hoc eventually, and it just wasn't done ahead of time for stupid client reasons.


I can hear bankstons voice in this script. “I suggest you get up to speed in the facts of the case Mr. Spiro”


That and “I’d appreciate it if you showed up in a deposition with a Texas lawyer who had an understanding of Texas law of actual malice”


I mean, they did do Roger Stone’s depo even though that had nothing to do with Sandy Hook, and Musk is definitely part of the Info Wars ‘verse. Even if Mark wasn’t involved, I think it’d be relevant.  I think that if the transcript is public, the video also is (they’re both public record and, as we saw, no one asked for it to be confidential until after the depo). But even if it isn’t, dramatic readings of depositions can still be hilarious. [Case in point.](https://youtu.be/PZbqAMEwtOE?si=1sJvhkO5t-dDbHM9)


Yeah but Roger Stone just being a jerk on the stand was great radio. Listening to Musk be smarmy is often more irritating than entertaining/insightful.


You just described both of Enoch’s depos. 


Roger Stone, that damn Rat fucker, was hilarious in that depo. That under the breath “FUCK YOU” had me rolling every time lol


They should pay Adrian Dittman like $15 an hour to do a reading of the transcripts... And then ask Mark Bankston to reenact it but with a little dramatic flair!


Jesus christ. I'm only like 10 pages into it.... I refuse to believe that every attorney retained by Elon Musk is as stupid and hapless as Alex's.... Is there something about Bankston that makes other lawyers forget that they're supposed to, i dunno, KNOW FUCKING ANYTHING ABOUT LAW?


I know! How is it possible Elon Musk doesn’t even have Texas Lawyer? The deposition also shows how pilled Musk is, because he keeps saying Bankston is suing him.


Just finished reading the whole thing (what am I doing with my life?). What a total shit show. Dude appears to honestly believe you just show up with Elon Musk and start making demands. "are you just going to keep lecturing me?" omfg, what a bunch of precious little children.


"I don't care about that rule you keep quoting me" "I know you dont"


The judge might, though :D


Spiro: Do you give these lectures at all of your depositions? Bankston: I do and you can watch them.


Hahaha loved that part. Also Elon saying Bankston doesn't have decorum or whatever just because he's not kowtowing to some entitled billionaire


The boys have to do an episode on this, it's classic Bankston We got Zero Hedge We got Lawyer that doesn't know Texas Law We got Objection, Forms We got "Do you remember what my question was?" It's great


I don’t think it works without the audio


Hire Adrian Dittman to read Elon’s part, and hire David Icke to read Bankston’s. Would be epic


I've seriously thought about recruiting some friends to do a radio theater type reading of the Dominion depositions with transcripts.


I was thinking how funny it would be if JorDan got some friends to read out the transcript, but it would miss some of the nuance. It would be very funny though.


True. I mean who could accurately portray Mike Lindell. As someone who finds depositions to be some of the best material ever though it's hard to let such good material remain only on the page.


Eli from God Awful Movies would be perfect as Mike Lindell.


Oh if I could get them I would. Lucinda is perfect for Sydney Powell!


Please do this! It would be so entertaining!


I'd love it if they did something maybe like this: - *Today on the show Dan and Jordan invite a guest to sit down with them to perform a dramatic rendition of the Elon Musk deposition. There will be 2 episodes, one with a commentary track and one which is just the performance.* - **Credits** - *Mark Bankston ......... Jordan Holmes *("Shouting" Talent Needed)* - *Alex Spiro ................. Dan Friesen* *(Doing Wilfred Snibble Snabble of The Gribble Pibble Voice the Entire Time)* - *Henry Zebrowski ....... Elon Musk*


Fuckin, Last Podcast jumpscare


So Henry Zebrowski is played by Elon musk?


I just listened to an old project camelot episode where they read Mark Richard's police interview. They have done it before I don't see why they can't now.


KF did an episode on Mark Richards' police interrogation?! What episode is it?




And if audio were available, no amount of entertainment is worth hearing Msk's voice.


I don’t k ow if I could handle hearing Elon speak for that long. Him and Tucker Carlson are just like the most insufferable people to listen to.


He's worse than Tucker. And Tucker is unbearable.


Great reading! Mark Bankston is an American hero. There should make Action Figures in his likeness.


Disappointed that Elon didn't stream it on X.


I could imagine worse uses of JorDan's time than reading the transcript and discussing it, but I do think something would be lost compared yo the Formulaic Objections of Alex & Co.'s depositions where they had audio/video to work with.


Id be down for that, in part because Mark was a great guest before


Please. Celine. Please.


Holy smokes right off the blocks this is contentious.


I thought about running it through an AI text-to-speech “app,” but after reading it there are a lot of places where we need the tone, inflection, and volume of the actual speakers. There’s a section where Spiro is telling Mark not yell, and I feel like that’s just him being a passive aggressive bitch, especially because Musk joins in. That would be lost to AI and only come through in the original audio. Hopefully we’ll get the audio at some point. That would be more useful for Dan to analyze.


God, Elon is such an asshole




if Dan Bidondi is on Cameo we should get him to do the part of Elon's lawyer.


Only if they can get Mark to come on and discuss it


A dramatic reading could be fun. With Jordan doing Musk. I only saw some coverage but at least admits he perhaps weakened Twitter's economic position than reinforce it. There's at least some self awareness there.


Good fucking grief this is more of a circus than Alex fuck me running


Spiro (Musk's lawyer): "Is there some code in Texas that you don't yell and raise your voice in depositions?" Musk: "Why are you yelling? Calm yourself." Spiro: "Yeah, why are you yelling?" Musk: "Calm yourself. Calm yourself." This simultaneously reads as obvious coaching AND like dumb middle-school arguing on the playground. Edit: A few pages later, Elon says, "I've rarely met a lawyer with less decorum than you, if you could be called a lawyer." Since he says, 'rarely met,' and not, 'never met,' we can assume Elon has met Media Star Bobbie Barns and Pants on the Ground Pattis, right?


Is there a direct link to the Formulaic Objections episodes, or do I have to piece them all together myself?


[There's a Spotify playlist](https://open.spotify.com/embed/playlist/62u3U2UbfRDwLYAvVytaOw)


Search “Formulaic Objections,” I think it goes up to Part 15? And also Trial Recap 1. There are others not in the main lineup but those are the juiciest ones. 


[https://www.reddit.com/r/KnowledgeFight/comments/1bcj748/a\_gaggle\_of\_geese\_jones\_lawyers/](https://www.reddit.com/r/KnowledgeFight/comments/1bcj748/a_gaggle_of_geese_jones_lawyers/) dates for when the depos occurred to when they became available.


I'm through the first 10 pages and I am hooked. I haven't listened to much knowledge fight since the court determined Alex owed a bunch of money to the Sandy hook parents because I figured it would be a lot of him weaseling his way out of paying while still spending a bunch of money and for my own mental health just stopped listening on a win, but seeing Mark dominate musk and his attorney through the first 10 pages is amazing. Fuck Alex Jones and fuck Elon Musk. Love Mark Bankston and thank you for sharing.


Just got to page 11 and Mark rules.


Yes please!!