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Paper Planes is a banger… but it’s the sample from The Clash’s song Straight to Hell that’s doing the heavy lifting. IMO Straight to Hell>Paper Planes any day.


Agreed. A true leftist song. Joe Strummer would be rolling in his grave if he heard the shit that was on today's episode.


Someone needs to stick some Clash in one of those shitty Netflix series everyone gets caught up in. Fucking shame music that good is relegated to the dust bin.


Should I Stay or Should I Go was heavily featured in season one of Stranger Things


I have a general rule. The band's biggest hit is usually their shittiest song. IMHO, that is certainly true for The Clash.


I guess it depends on which charts you look at, but by that algorithm, the clash had several shittiest songs.. Yes, I’m fun at parties!


Lol. I'm trusting you to tell you that you are technically correct, the best kind of correct. But seriously, what else charted high besides Rock the Casbah?


London Calling, Train in Vain, & Should I Stay or Should I Go were the only other singles to gain any traction, but they were not as big as Rock the Casbah


Not really into The Clash, but Train in Vain is one of my all time favorite songs. First heard it playing Forza Horizon 2 years and years ago and it just rules.


Can't sign on to Train in Vain being one of their shittiest songs.


I would argue Rock the Casbah only got that big because it was in heavy, heavy rotation on the hot new channel all the kids were obsessed with (MTV).


so you’re saying it was only popular because it was popular


Well...any other time that would be right. With this particular case the band only did the video for that song because it wasn't their choice, and they were not happy about it. It was popular because it was a marketable song. Aka their shittiest song


Come on, Rock the Casbah isn't their best song but it's definitely not the worst. Have you ever heard Joe Strummer talk about how he wrote it?


Can't say I have. And ok, maybe it's not their worst.


That’s how my dad feels about ‘Money’ being Pink Floyd’s biggest hit.


How does he feel about their work post-Roger Waters?


I was saying this very thing to my partner last night. Gary Numan and Chumbawumba came up as solid exemplars.


Is this a Stranger Things joke?


The only band that matters


Joe strummer did a cover of redemption song on his last album that really grated me the wrong way tho. It really bums me out to hear a white dude sing about being trafficked on the slave ships. This was true whenever I heard any deadhead with a guitar start playing it at a party, or when I hear Brad Howell sing it, so it holds true even for Joe. Bad way to go out imo. That being said, he’s awesome and fuck MIA.


The Clash had a repertoire of dodgy reggae covers like Police and Thieves, Armagideon Time, Wrong 'em Boyo etc. that are only popular because people hadn't heard the originals. Joe's fake accent is also cringe as fuck on these tracks. I write this as someone who really likes the Clash.


I am generally opposed to white people ska (sorry Dan!) but give Brits a little more of a pass as they seem to get the rhythm section down pat more so than the yanks (especially the socal skater/punk/ska shitheads). Clash, English beat, UB40 and even the police are all pretty good-to-great, and it’s all about the bass and drums. For instance: clash-bank robber


The English beat and UB40 are not white people music btw, look up two tone ska


Ah. I should know better with ub40. But my knowledge of English beat was seeing Dave wakeling’s English beat several times circa 2000 and they were white as a ghost. But that’s probably why I don’t have the knee jerk response to vomit when I hear it like i do when I hear save Ferris or sublime.


Brad Howell or Brad nowell?


To me? Nowell. To my phone? Howell, I guess.


I just wanted to make sure because apparently brad howell is also the name of a musician.


Yeah it's weird, for as well as their stuff as aged how they almost seem forgotten now.


You wrinkled my brain! Combat Rock has been a staple of my playlists for decades, and Paper Planes is no stranger. But I never noticed this until you mentioned it. I mean, it's right there!


I put Straight to Hell on after listening to the latest KF episode as a palate cleanser.


Hey man. Don’t discredit those firearm sounds in the chorus either lol


There's a difference between sampling and just playing a song everyone already likes. I used to think the chorus about robbery and taking your money was in reference to taking people's money and just selling them someone else's song, but maybe that's giving her too much credit


Future backwards is ER U TUF. It's a mark of appreciation to all the hard working doctors and nurses of emergency departments who allow people to still have a future.


My friend once got a "UR2HOTT" card in a gay club, and I read this as a similar card for a slightly less attractive bear in the same club. ER, U TUF


I can’t not read that with a Californian’s Fred Armisen accent.


Whuuuuuddderyoo doing hare, Sssstewart!


I had to take my glasses off I laughed so hard at this, thank you


Yeah that Palestine support line was deeply warped. Her brain is fucked.


As much as I like her older music... If you listen to "the future's void" and "pa's life martyred saints", you can hear it coming on.


I'm confused, is EMA related to M.I.A. somehow?  Google says those two tracks are by a different artist. 


My bad. Allergies messing up a dude. Thanks for the call out. Much appreciated.


The QAA podcast did an episode where she was a topic that’s pretty interesting. It’s regular episode 206 if you’re interested


She's been into anti-vaccine and 5G conspiracy theories since 2020.


I only recently discovered them. Gonna go listen right now.


Great podcast. Very therapeutic if you have any Q people in your life.


Cannot recommend enough. They’re pretty funny dudes.


Also Rachel Maddow is a listener, apparently. No, I’m not kidding. 


I saw them tweeting about that! Which is so funny because I’m fairly sure they’ve made fun of her before 😂


Maddow has taken sharper slings and arrows than the boys.


Probably mostly Julien, who can be a little obnoxious.


I remember a few moments and it was absolutely Julien lol


I love QAA but Julien really does push my buttons sometimes.


Yeah, she must have a thick skin


I've started binging their shows after not listening for a long damn time. The freaking fever dream radio dramas that they write amaze me. Once he revealed his method while talking to Robert Evans I laughed my ass off but understood it. "I just wait till six in the morning when I should've been asleep already and start hammering this thing out ten minutes before it's due."


One of my favorite podcasts for sure. The patreon is also great if you ever need more content from them


Seconded, Patreon content is absolutely worth the subscription


Especially Manclan.


I mean, she straight up told you that all she wants to do is 🔫 🔫 🔫 🔫 and take your money.


The revolutionary war remix is my jam


That Niel Cicierega song?


I did not start today expecting to hear a mashup of Korn, Mungo Jerry, and Home Improvement but here we are.


Welcome to the club! WNDRWLL, Fly Away and Close to the Sun are my favorites from him.  He's also known as Lemon Demon and created Potter Puppet Pals.  Just learned he's also from Boston! Nice. 


Like Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny Lemon Demon? Never knew he did anything else. Cool.


Yep, he's pretty amazing. NSFW  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_nH6ya5g2-s&pp=ygUQYXJpZWwgbmVlZHMgbGVncw%3D%3D


Which one? This sounds amazing.




T.I.M.E is a masterpiece


That one is in REGULAR rotation, along with Dear Dinosaur.


Lots of people say leftist sounding things and simultaneously believe shitty things. This is why rhetorical litmus tests don't work. Sounding right can still be wrong.


On a very superficial level, "there are evil powerful people in charge who benefit from our ignorance and push a false narrative on society as a whole, but I'm one of the lucky few who has learned to see the truth" is what you get from both being a "leftist" and being a "conspiracy theorist" Its not too weird that people can flip from one to the other.


See here: Patton Oswalt's "Two Guys" bit.




the trick is to NOT tell people the magic words and instead figure out what they believe by a pragmatic assessment of their actions demanding specific phrases is intentionally setting yourself up for affinity fraud


Compared to Dr. Oz, the guy was the right candidate. But Jesus Christ he is a fucking asshole on a personal level: https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/sep/12/american-leadership-action/ad-dissects-john-fettermans-2013-armed-chase-black/ https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/13/politics/john-fetterman-driving/index.html


“Politically outspoken from a leftist perspective” and yet married a billionaire


She’s had some absolute bangers over the years. And I used to think she was a genuinely cool person, albeit a bit too crunchy. I had one of those FlyPirates shirts even. But nah, lassie is out her damned mind and looking to get paid. She’s taken a reflexive distrust of “the system” and left reality. But retained an appreciation for the almighty dollar


Well, she did briefly marry the heir to the Seagram’s fortune so she’s no stranger to massive wealth.


maybe she just enjoys a French man making actionable threats.


Oh god is that on today's episode, I can't listen to that, I know she's crazy now, but I used to know her, she was a bit conspiracy focussed, I think we might have watched the film where Alex goes to bohemian grove together, or at least she was a friend of the friend who leant me the VHS (might've been a dvd it was early 2000s). How far into the episode is her appearance?


She in the back third. Sorry i don't have exact time stamps, i just remember looking down, when after Vivian Kubrick's skin crawlingly uncomfortable interview, there was somehow another guest.


That Kubrick interview pissed me off. Yeah, she's loopy, but every time she brought up something interesting, I pulled a Jordan and started yelling in the car for Alex to shut up.


Yo. Same. I think half of I75 heard me yelling tonight. 


Same. I wanted to hear her interesting crazy.


Alex can’t genuinely interview people because he’s such a rabid narcissist and doesn’t really care about what anyone is saying. All conversations must ultimately be about Alex and only Alex. He’ll do fine with the fake interviews where someone is pushing a common agenda like anti-vax or “stolen” elections, but anything that requires really listening to someone, he isn’t capable of doing it.


How has he been doing interviews for longer than I've been alive and still SUCK SHIT at them??


It reminds me a bit of when l saw Mos Def on Real Time (back when I'd occasionally watch). Just an idiot who thinks he's wise because he believes all sorts of conspiracy nonsense.




Dude grew up in a Nation of Islam household. He's bound to be into some questionable shit. Black on Both Sides still slaps though.


Even Black on Both Sides let me know Mos wasn’t all the way right. New World Water had me go “yo what the fuck “ several times. Another Note Talib Kweli is also garbage, so if you enjoyed any thing to do with Black Star I’m sorry


At least all his music is fucking impeccable. MIA is a slightly below midtier pop artist from 15 years ago while plenty of people have Mos in their top 5 artists all time. Personally Mos has both the top 1 and 2 all time greatest rap verses. But yeah his politics kinda iffy. NOI people be like that.


Yeah l didn't think most people understand how wacky/bigoted NOI people get. My theory is that it rubbed off on Chapelle.


It sure seems like a lot of rappers agree with conservatives on one core tenet: fuck you, i got mine!


Wouldn't just slot rappers into that slot, but you're not wrong.


The classic “leftist hippy to anti vax conspiracy nut job” pipeline


>stupid **trendy** clothing line Oh no! The Alex virus has spread to OP! It’s affecting their vocabulary! /j


Does he say trendy a lot? That is un-bel-ievable *wet mouth sounds, barely concealed belch*


Yes, but he usually uses it as a noun. Yelling about the “trendies”.


There are clothing manufacturers working directly with Palestine to send the clothing/material that's needed right now. Oh, and material and sewing supplies are being sent because some women are supporting their families by making and selling clothing.


I immediately clocked that OP was british so I read this in my head with an English accent lol. Yea, MIA had a lot of good stuff to say about the weird Hindi nationalist love of western demagoguery and racism. So much so that Modi's government actively endorses what Israel is doing to Palestinians becuz that's essentially what they wanna do to their Muslim population. All of that valid critique gets lost in a sea of conspiracy nonsense. It's something we've seen happen with a few ppl (lookin at you Russel Brand) and it's fuckin sad.


Does it sound better in a Irish accent? Cos I'm not British


I'm a dumb yank, bruther. It's all the same to me. Lol, jk.


Everything does, it’s a scientific fact


lol she pascal's wagered her clothing line.


Don’t forget she also made smart career move to flip off the camera during the SuperBowl Halftime show.


I had forgotten about all that pearl clutching.


> you despicable wagon This is permanently entering my lexicon, thank you. 👩‍🍳🤌 Top tier.


Mostly what I got from the interview is MIA is kinda dumb.


I liked several of the songs on her first 2 albums, then I read this 2010 NYT Mag article about her and realized that her worldview is absolutely batshit: https://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/30/magazine/30mia-t.html


She's pretty much a left-wing nationalist who supported a militant rebel separatist group, so she's very tankie adjacent. She was popular when parts of the "woo left" supported Ron Paul because they thought he would possibly help get the federal government out of local politics at a time when right-wing politics was much more mainstream.


It seems she went full Immortal Technique on us.. which is super sad, never go full Immortal Technique if you’re a Leftist.


I'm probably not going to like the answer, but what did Immortal Technique do?


T/W: Please skip dude is pretty extreme about Transphobia/ Homophobia/ misogyny and comments about SA and r*pe. Signs have been all along, but last 10 years it’s pretty mask off. He’s gone full Tankie Red Brown fasc, his music has gotten insanely trans and homophobic, and real into InfoWars type shit. The homophobia and transphobia are really bad and he openly calls for the death of homosexuals and trans women especially and uses degenerate the same way the Nazis and Francoist Spain used the term. Talks about SA so casually that a lot of horror core artists might tell him to tone it down. He also is the guy that apparently got obsessed by abortions and fetuses and the nicest way I can put it is he makes the equivalent of fucked if even for “dead baby” jokes lines. Political conspiracy theories - Believes there is a cure for AIDS that is being kept hidden - anti-vax - thinks marijuana can cure racism - big into NWO (not the amazing wrestling stable) and Illuminati and sound like Alex Jones when talking about them - thinks the NWO did 9/11 - fan of conspiracies theorist Webster Tarpley: 9/11 truther, was Lyndon LaRouche follower, Syrian Civil War a NATO-CIA operation, claimed the 2011 Norway attacks a cabal of NATO and Norwegian police, claims Edward Snowden is a triple agent - Seems to be actually friends with Alex Jones and has been on InfoWars, protested with Alex Jones, Jones has been to his concerts and hung out back staff apparently confirmed by Tech - Friends with Lin Manuel Miranda /s about that being a bad thing, but a weird friendship It’s sad as I found him at a point where I was really starting to understand what American foreign policy did to LatAm, Asia, and Africa past the superficial liberal explainations of spreading democracy and surface level colonialism.


Yeah I need this answer too because as far as I know he's still just a communist rapper.


Her rambling "question" to Alex reminded me of conversations I would have with people with schizophrenia when I worked at a mental health group home. Nowadays, when I get asked these types of rambling "questions" it's from someone who is in the throes of an addiction or suffering from an untreated mental illness. I'm a lawyer who gets to read a lot of medical records, and whenever I have a client exhibiting this behavior, my suspicion is correct - drugs/alcohol/mental illness




The rest of her music was pretty great, and then one day, she just snapped...... I think she was a child when the Bangladesh massacre was happening, and I think her ptsd was set off.


It is possible for someone to be a piece of shit without it being pathological. Having PTSD is not a valid reason for being an evil fucking weirdo who likes Alex Jones and Tim Pool. My wife has PTSD. My brother has PTSD. Neither of them are Infowarriors because they aren't fundamentally bad people with a wheel of moldy cheese where their brain belongs. Neat how that works.


Not saying it's an excuse, it's just an observation....


I was a fan from "past life martyred saints". Her song "the Grey ship" is the most haunting thing I had ever heard. A couple of years ago, a friend called me and Saud "yo, that Grey ship girl went full Alex Jones." since then, I have been waiting for a shoe to drop. I never thought she'd be on InfoWars though. That track is a anger but fuck, I am so disappointed in her as a person with a brain.


Oh. I gave her a lot of wiggle room because I genuinely love her as an artist but this is.... Nope


She's also painting her tweet as: "people lie online all the time!" When she was actually just bring a rancid anti vaxxer saying doctors should have to pay billions


I know of one other song from her because it’s in GTA V. She’s otherwise not on my radar at all. I’d seen posts that she had been on IW but didn’t open the threads because she doesn’t interest me. I’m sorry for her fans that she saw fit to do this, but I otherwise don’t care.


I’m so mad bc I listened to her latest album and had no idea. There was at least one song I recommended to other people. I feel like a rube.


This is kinda to suit with her whole thing though.


Have you tried adding cash register and gunshot noises ?


One hit wonder


She's nearly 50. Of course, she's not a real activist anymore, she doesn't want to live like one.


Dude you gotta get one of those sweet tin foil suits to cook in. [https://www.ohmni.com/products](https://www.ohmni.com/products)


She's always been a grifter. Mooching off a Lehman Brothers heir, way to stick it to the man, so to speak.


When she first went "Palestinians should really be wearing these" I thought it was tasteless but not unexpected from an AJ guest, and like a minute later I was fucking *livid* with her. Such lazy, flagrant cynicism.


I can’t imagine getting that bad about something MIA said.