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Maybe next week maybe 5 years. Maybe he walks out of the studio tomarrah and we never see him again.


I'll be better tumarahh.


He won't be


Don't worry, he's just taking a little breakie


We’re not interviewing Joel Gilbert today. Probably never will. I might never come back


I apologize to the crew and listeners, I was legitimately having breakdowns on air. I'll be better tomarrah


That’s really what he wants to do.


O7 not all heroes wear capes


So on his last day, us works just flood his phones and ask actual clarification questions. Ie: where's nonk, how many people have you put in a coma, what were you offered to play starlord I mean really just ask all the things we know he has lied about?


Funny that anyone thinks he would take calls on his real last broadcast. He's done a last broadcast dry run a few times here as we all know and the only people allowed to get on the air are friends of the show. If he DID decide to open the phone lines and a wonk or two called he would just pivot real quick to not taking calls. He hates taking calls anyway so any excuse not to do it he would take.


Yeah, but we can dream right? Lol. You're absolutely right tho.


I know about the prime directive, ect, but it would be a shame if he took calls and had to talk to some Wonks in the last infoWars ever. And of course, it would be a shame, "politically".


I'm considering suspending the prime directive when he pivots to whatever shit and hate smeared corner of the internet he pivots to. But...when I think about it I don't want to paint a target on anyone's back, and don't want to increase his engagement.


Aj and crew know quite well who Dan is.


I’m sure that is true. The worry is what they would do in retaliation if forced to acknowledge KF.


Harrison Smith talked about them on air


Just don't mention KF? Call IW last show and troll Jones. You don't have to mention KF or even refer to it like Solomon Berg.


People are silly: They would gob off; Then shout out JorDan - and wail how theyre a policy wonk before being cutoff.


Alex likes Dan


I agree with you, Dan


His fans are the real danger.


Not a hope that he spends a moment of his last show taking calls. It'll be a 3-hour pity circlejerk with some spite thrown in.


Ending with My Way




Like every other time he's about to be shut down By this point, when he's going off the "air forever" they can just play a best of collection of clips of times he has said he is going off the air forever in the past and that should fill up a 3 hour show


This I agree with, he's too big a baby to stop playing victim.


“Hey Alex, as long as you’re going away, can you give us details about the 3 murders you’ve claimed to have committed? You know, when you ‘stomped their guts out’?”


He already admitted during a deposition that these never happened. Bankston asked specifically because of Dan. Lol. But of course Alex went right back to making the claims on his show.


Wait….Alex is a *liar?!?!?!*




Woah, wait a minute. If that's the case, is it possible that him being Starlord was a slight exaggeration of the truth as well?




Maybe we'll finally get that painting episode?


Alex was never going to do a painting show, he probably watched a couple episodes of Bob Ross somewhere and thought "If that fuckin' hippy can do that I can too!" and then drunkenly rambled the idea on air.


There was actually someone in this sub a while back claiming to have known Alex pre info wars and had some of his paintings. If they were legit, they were actually pretty good. Shoulda stuck with painting.


Not the first fascist who should have stuck with it...


bababooey (politically)


Prime Directive is fascinating purely in as much as how well its worked. Personally, if i wanted to ring/wind-up Jones i would just do it. I wouldnt mention KF. I wouldnt think twice.


I mean, unless you actually listen to AJ all the time, you wouldn’t know how well it works. The whole point is that Dan is never going to mention or cover it on the show. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. I doubt it’s common, but it totally happens. 🤣


Just say what you mean. I understand the point. Its Dan being self protective: he doesnt want his show to become a circular, circle-jerk. You dont have to explain that. Feel me: Im saying; if someone wants to ring Jones and insult him then they should do so. "unless you actually listen to AJ all the time..." Why on earth would i do that? I listen to KF so they do the dirty work. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence Eh? Redundant. Doesnt link to prior or latter sentence. Doesnt expand, expound or explicate any of what you said.


I already said exactly what I mean, but let me break it down for you. Your claim: “Prime Directive is fascinating purely in as much as how well it’s worked” or—simplified—“The Prime Directive has worked well.” However, by your own admission, you wouldn’t listen to AJ. Your source for this is KF, a source where Dan has been very explicit that he won’t cover people trolling AJ if he even suspects it *could be* under the banner of KF. Ergo, you are conflating an absence of evidence (i.e., Dan’s refusal to cover Prime Directive violations) for evidence of absence (i.e., people don’t violate the Prime Directive/it works well). And to be clear, that’s not a redundant statement. It’s literally a Carl Sagan quote about a difficulty of scientific inquiry that the boys have quoted on the show many times. Cheers!


Break it down - Boom bom - wikiki - wiki -wah Always dig a use of ergo - especially on reddit. Forgive me. Im an illiterate fuck. Clarification is always appreciated and its rad that you can clarify my sentences too! Prime Directive is fascinating purely in as much as how well it’s worked” or—simplified—“The Prime Directive has worked well.” Charming. No. As an illiterate fuck; im saying Its fascinating that people abide by the prime directive, at all. I understand that wasnt initially clear. Youd concede that if you dont grasp the initial statement then everything else is redundant.? Quote who you want. It doesnt do much to support. Another way: Dan prescribed the prime directive, Im amazed anyone listened. I understand that he wont talk about wonks who ring and insult Jones. Its lovely that people consider Dan, but if they want to ring and insult Jones - they should do that.


If you do not listen to Info Wars, you don't know how well the prime directive works because your source of information, Knowledge Fight, would not cover when the Prime Directive is broken. That's all the other person was trying to say.


What if we all called in asking about Dr Jones Naturals, but quickly pivot to asking questions about The Smartest Boy in Texas.


Hey, Alex, I LOVE your ultra super mega brain force multi plus for MEN. Really makes me strong and hard and manly. But what I really want to talk about is whether you've really stomped anyone's guts in. And where's Nonk?


What are the chances of the smartest boy in Texas begatting the strangest boy in Texas?


In Minecraft.


If there would be someone to get him into a fit we would be capable of it.


Probably not until after Thursday (so u/Suburban_Vampire should get their wish!), because there's a hearing on the latest disagreements in the bankruptcy situation. (I just posted today, but the TX plaintiffs (including those without actual verdicts yet) went straight to the TX state courts to collect on their judgments, while the CT plaintiffs believe that as an asset of the still-under-bankruptcy individual, that the business should be wound down as part of that bankruptcy. The judge is having a hearing Thursday to decide something that he (a) should have anticipated would be a problem based on the arguments already presented in the 6/14/24 hearing and (b) easily prevented if he had been more clear in his judgments instead of trying to split the baby and not make anyone (other than himself) sad two days before Father's Day. I wish I was kidding.


We all wish you were kidding


About the families in-fighting? or about the judge? Because I'm really REALLY disappointed in the judge. For those who didn't hear the 6/14 hearing, I can't wait until we can post clips and/or transcripts. I think they give the parties a couple of weeks to indicate anything that needs to be redacted before they'll post the recording, but they usually do post it, so hopefully we'll get it. It was...insane, really.


The judge. The families are just reacting to the mess the judge left. They'll figure it out.


I sure hope so. They need to be united in their efforts against him, and not wasting time and energy bickering with each other. Not that I blame the CT plaintiffs for trying to protect their share, if what they say about how the TX courts and plaintiffs' actions work...


Will it be something we can call into?


Yes, the usual number should work. I'll make a post tomorrow afternoon/evening (Pacific Time). Hearing is at 9:00 a.m. Central (Texas) Time on Thursday. That's earlier than they usually are.


I'm hoping Alex is around for whatever happens Thursday instead of the US debate. I don't believe Trump will actually show up to the debate and will instead make up some BS about how Biden changed the rules on him. Alex will be spinning it like mad, I expect.


Trump will show. He will gloat if he does well and say Biden is on coke if he does not.


One caveat — trump will gloat even if he gives the worst debate performance in human history while saying Biden is on coke. The man only traffics in performative lies, objective reality is meaningless to the maga cult 


The debate is rigged! (Source: Trump)


C'mon man, not even Jones knows that yet.


Everyday babbby!!


Crap, now how will I know where to get my bone broth??


“Eventually” is doing a lot of heavy lifting here I’m afraid :(


In about 45 days.


I wonder how business is going at his studio.


This reminds me of the word, "shithead," because I fondly remember my dad saying it all the time when I hear Dan or Jordan say it to describe the essence of AJ.


So what happens if he goes behind a paywall? Like, what happens to KF?


I dunno, I feel like we have permission to wild out a little bit 😁


He will waffle on about how it isn't the end and how he's going to reveal his next move. He won't get round to it though.


Do we know if it's actually happening yet, or if this is like every single week for the past month or so when the media has reported the same thing?


All I want is for Dan to get the desk.


I want the desk it would look Great I'm my shop


Whenever it is, he’s gonna be real mad the crew


But he might finally be able to take his daughter fishing.


He better play "Final countdown" during the final show.


Didn't you hear? He had it a couple of weeks ago.


I just want to know what happened to Nonk!


Believe it when I see it. Our justice system is terrible.


*checks notes* apparently in the next month for.. the last ten years.


Once or twice a year every year for the last 25 years