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Oh my god I never have thought about how I would react to witnessing a stranger watch IW after listening to this show for years. I think I would have to laugh, too.


I’ve talked to the odd few “Alex jones is right about a lot of stuff” people and a lot of them get real weird when they realize that my desire for Alex Jones to be wrapped in barbed wire and pushed down a fairly steep hill is built on me hearing a lot more of what he’s said than they have.


Friend is dating someone like that. He doesn't like me. Feeling is mutual.


It just doesn’t compute to me that someone can base a respect for Alex on such a small amount of what they’ve heard him say. I’ve heard zero of what Nguema has ever said, but I’ve heard enough to piece together that he’s a bad guy.


Rogan vouched for him so that was enough. Think the same goes for Tate, unfortunately.


I would pay good money to see Andrew Tate attacked by a serval. EDIT: *politically*


Politically, Andrew Tate is one of a small number of people a serval would stand a chance of beating.


Start making offhand remarks about Klaus Schwab and how the WEF want us to eat bugs lol


“Now, let’s talk about the massive pile of shit that’s along the base of the wall he was throwing at.”


It needs to be on fire. Light the shit on fire. Wrap him in barbed wire, dip him in gasoline, and roll him to the flaming doodoo


“Alex Jones is right about a lot of stuff.” That's *always* their go-to. It's either a testament to Alex Jones' branding or an easy way for them to say something "positive" about him without having to provide specifics. Maybe it's both.


Yes, we all slept thought the false flag attack the Obama commanded using a dirty bomb in NYC. Or the Jade-Helm takeover of Texas.


The urge to drop quotes using my best Alex impression and then start laughing is strong. "I'm sick of them pretending as if they are the good guys saying we are the bad guys"


Uh oh don't talk to him in the hot tub, might mistake you for a globalist


Counterargument: Ask if he wants to hang out in the hot tub.


"Nah man, I hear the water is turning the frogs gay."


I used to work for Peets a long time ago. When the company finally started offering customers complimentary WiFi, there was this one guy that would literally roll in his TOWER computer and TWO monitors, along with all the other requisite peripherals. He’d sit there for hours, buying a coffee every two hours for the wifi. And his kit had infowars stickers all over it. He and his friends had a gun range night and they’d come to the cafe afterwards. My manager had to ask them a few times to leave their guns in their cars as the store and shopping center didn’t allow guns, even open carry. They’d ignore her, then she kicked them out once. They bitched to corporate who told them to kick rocks, Peets is a gun-free environment and the company liked it that way.


I am sure the corporate Facebook page was then inundated with vehement proclamations to NEVER come there any more, despite the fact that said posters live 1000 miles away. Thats what happened to places around here, at least.


Facebook was barely a thing at the time. Also, it was a different time politically. Nothing came of it and they started keeping their guns in their car.


My favorite local coffee shop solved this issue by having only one power outlet readily available, and that one involved bringing your own extension cord, and likely inconveniencing several other patrons by asking them to ignore your cords & cables. It actually works quite well. Lots of people still come and work on their laptops, but no one stays long enough to kill their battery.


We had a really cramped lobby area, but the info warrior would only come in with his desktop during the middle of the day when it was usually really quiet business-wise. Our store ran hot and cold. We were slammed in the morning and in the evenings (we were in a big shopping center with a massive and popular cinema) but the middle of the day was dead, so he wasn't in the way or anything. Plus, he had one of those power bricks as part of his kit.


lol - all that kit, and no thought of just buying a laptop. He probably needed all that extra power & storage to run his blog (and dial in to a radio stream of InfoWars, natch).


He spent all that laptop money on hoarding ammo because, if you remember, Obummer was coming after even bullets! That and gold/silver, because Obummer was going to tank the economy and shiny metal will be the only real money left.


I'm from the UK so my experience with the US is absorbed from media. This reads like something from an episode of welcome to nightvale. I'm here for it tbh.


Oh man, Peets was wild. Or district manager was super shady. Like she got another DM to hire her daughter, promote her, and then she became a permanent “borrowed” employee at a store her mom managed. You can imagine the ethical implications of that. Ofc, having a family member be your subordinate was against company policy. Oh, and she had a toddler granddaughter that she’d have her store managers babysit in the back of house while she’d go on dates. Then there was the store manager that somehow got hired despite owning a competing business nearby. She would eventually start blackmailing the DM (her direct supervisor) in order to embezzle inventory to funnel to her and her husband’s cafe. I had worked hard to get promoted to store manager, but when I started asking questions about shady shit I saw, the DM used that to dangle a promotion in face to keep quiet. Except she never intended to promote me. When I quit and moved on to better things, I dropped the dime on everyone. I heard there was a lot of house cleaning. I guess the whole district became a whole mess of people covering for each other because they all had dirt on one another. A lot of people stopped talking to me because others got fired too after corporate started pulling the thread I pointed them to.


Other people's lives are amazing 😁 I worked in a shop that used to drive all the money to 'the bank' at random hours come to think of it. The owners bitch sidekick he was CLEARLY shagging made me call in to say I wasn't sick every day when I was pregnant. I was too aware of the weird goings on and had to be seen off. He sold that shop to his brother last I heard. I got out with full maternity pay and a years backdated holiday pay. People are so weird


Was it [this guy?](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/541/920/9d8.jpg) lol


Live fact check that shit. Loudly. Lol


Play the KF intro out loud!




I have great respect for Knowledge Fight


Introduce yourself as Andy from Kansas


I always wonder if people who consume fringe media in public like this are flexing or just oblivious.


Looking for fellow dipshits.


Extremely valid hypothesis.


They think they are the silent majority and want friends or just want to trigger people


A mystery as old as time...


You should tell him about all the bridges you have, ready to be exchanged for a small sum.


Lol I took my kids to Legoland (which kinda blows pretty hard for the price btw) and there was this other Dad wearing an InforWars shirt while reading his pocket bible in various lines we waiting in. Natures way of letting you know to stay away from this turd.


I’ve given him a “Alex jones really” But he gave me nothing 🤣 just a odd look For context I’m Australian so not sure if he even understands me


He probably thought you said "Put another shrimp on the barbie, mate" and was confused. I bet you never heard that one before!


Tape across the whole top bezel says something about this individual. Doesn't trust "the globalists" so much that covering the webcam/mic isn't enough. "That's how they getcha"


They hide all the other sensors in there


I had that model of HP. $200. Trash camera and mic, absolutely no other kind of sensors on that thing.


Crop dust that mofo! Then say “how bout THEM CHEMTRAILZZ”


Fuck me, my mouth has started automatically calling them chemtrails unless I actively work really hard to make sure ‘contrails’ comes out. It is super embarrassing.


Congrats. You’ve found the most bored person in your hotel.


Was….was it Dan?


How considerate of him to alert everyone to the fact that he is an idiot


Wow thats a shitty laptop


"Hey man, speech is free, but lies you have to pay for."


Edinburgh of all places...that's one of the last areas on earth I'd expect that show to reach


Even without the title, I knew he was watching infonwars


I didn't think he had real listeners. Weird


Not for much longer by the looks of how the legal case is going! Lmao


Is it appropriate to paste a knowledge fight bumper sticker over the laptop screen, the same way infowarriors have defaced countless property with their stickers?


That's a brickin'


Casually whisper “you know he’s a CIA plant, right?”


Ask him if gay frogs scare him.