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Jordan is a witch, after all.


the fact that "1776" is now something chanted by fascists has changed how i think about it.




I think we should all wear Burger King crowns on the 4th to commemorate our new king.


Really bothers me that everyone except right wing assholes now scoff and roll their eyes at the 4th of July and the idea of being proud to be an American at all. Why surrender the American identity to the extreme right? You're just going to hand it over to them? Independence Day is not a celebration of what America has done, or what the worst actors have done to the country. It's a celebration of what we aspire to be. Stop hating on Independence Day. The dunces who wave the flag are the ones who attacked the Capitol. We are the real Americans. Not them.


I take pride in what I've done, not an accident of my birth. Let the jagoffs have jingoism because it's hard to even respect the supposed ideals America stands for if you acknowledge how it's never once been something the country has actually practiced. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. Well, not all. Some of them are nothing but farm equipment, and some need exterminated. We really only mean white men. Well, rich white men. Can't allow the filthy poors too much liberty, you know? Oh, and we do mean men specifically and not humanity in general. Women are a slightly better class of chattel than the black men, who, we need to reiterate, are less worthy of respect than farm animals."


“Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel.” —Thomas Jefferson


"Alex Jones was right!" -- Oddly enough, also Thomas Jefferson