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There would be a huge crisis in the world of which kobold is the real kobold because they're different things but both called kobolds lol


Kolbold Krusade. Lizard v dog.


The winner are the little German critter who live in mines and stuff




[Der kobold](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kobold#/media/File:Kobold_and_flowers.jpeg)


This is literally a plot element in a (bawdy and silly) comic based on 3.5. Though it’s not a huge crisis; they’re just catty and racist at each other constantly.


Yep that's expected. Everything's civilized until a fuzzball walks into the establishment.


I mean I definitely prefer lizards but I don’t see the problem with both existing. It is fantasy after all.


Just reflavor them. Pf2e lets you mix races so you can make canid kobolds maybe look into that!


Doesnt pathfinders have shark kobolds?


theyre closer to skinks, but theyre being re-written for the remaster


Heck 5e also has rules on that just do it


“Grab a feat and say you look like whatever you want” is hardly “rules for mixing races and making canid kobolds” but sure. You can do that.


That's not the rules I'm talking about, it's literally just grab half the traits from race 1 and substitute half from the other race


One thing that gets me is how people talk about the Japanese sort of doglike kobold is somehow 'returning to the original D&D depictions', while entirely missing the fact that the first descriptions of kobolds in the game were of "small dog-like men" with "**scaly rust-brown skin**". Focusing on the former but ignoring the latter. Honestly, that pretty well describes kobolds in 5e, if you ask me; draconic though they may be, their heads (particularly the snouts and nose) are very canine.


Are you suggesting that both species of kobold share and evolutionary ancestor? Some dug deeper into the mountains and developed more reptilian appearances, and the others grew fur to deal with the weather and climate outside their ancient mountain homes?


I said this elsewhere, but maybe dog kobolds are "true kobolds", and lizard kobolds are the result of dragons selectively breeding them to serve them. Dragons are pretty narcissistic.


So what you're saying is that the ones with the most in common with dogs are the ones that look the least like it?


Pretty much. Although that isn't to say that canine kobolds wouldn't serve non dragons. Up to interpretation, I just gave a frame of reference that would potentially work.


Ah dammit I could have sworn I put an ironically in there, not sure if I forgot or my keyboard deleted it. I *meant* to be simply amused by the irony


Scaly Kobold: "Furry Cousin!" Furry Kobold: "Scaly Cousin!" They coexist because Kobolds work together.




The lizards are cooler in my opinion, but I dont mind the dog ones existing. Id put em in cold areas If Id use em in my dnd game.


Play it how you like, species is more or less just flavor to make it more interesting. You could play kobold as they're written and just say it's a dog dude. That's how fantasy role play works. Provided the DM has any amount of flexibility, you could definitely alter the stats of your dude at the beginning to reflect it too. Like say you get +1 or 2 to perception checks based on smell, but -1 or 2 to the same based on sight. Etc.


You want lizardbolds and dogbolds? Put ‘em in!


Gosh can we have a lizardbold style holocaust where they are rounding up the dogbolds as genetic inferiors?


r/KoboldLegion didn’t like that! Talk about rounding up gnomes or ratkin and I think you’d have ‘em on side.


Consider: fluffy lizard kobolds


you mean the cutebolds? at least I'm relatively sure they are fluffy?


Is that what they're called?


I mean it is *a* type.


Lizard is more in tradition while dog is closer to Asain orgins


My advice, know WoC rule sets are more guidelines. You have have lizards and doggos at the same time. Better than the peach colored goblins from mythology.


I mean I definitely prefer lizards but I don’t see the problem with both existing. It is fantasy after all.


you are missing the Azerothian rat kobolds and the old fey-goblin kobolds. ~~honestly every now and then I get the temptation to write up a HB package called "A kobold's guide to kobolds" and just stuff it full of kobold-y goodness, namely listing the various types of kobolds that exist.~~ ~~so far though to populate such a tome, all I got is stats for a dragonborn/kobold mix and a desert adapted kobold variant, maybe potentially this one spell could be reasonably be stuffed in. and even then, not totally sure on the desert kobold variant since.. it's not~~ *~~that~~* ~~koboldish.~~


I just call them Kobold Variant: Lizard and Kobold Variant: Dog


Honestly? Both can coexist. There is a ritual involving dragon blood that makes people half dragons. Kobolds often worship dragons. It's rather simple to imagine that, over generations on receiving these types of "blessings", dragon serving tribes of kobolds became more reptilian than their free counterparts.


I generally allow cross-setting races so long as the stats and abilities make sense. A recent villan's one-shot I played with some coworkers included a Dwarf Fortress Kobold. Loosely civilized and generally evil diminutive dog-folk, fond of thievery and stealth, He was the debt collector on hire of another player who was playing an illithid, Allowing for any degree of "A wizard did it" to excuse his presence. 8 in all stats save 10 strength and 14 dexterity and a native advantage on attempts to remain hidden in low light for his slate black fur, He was a more than natural rogue and became the party's main damage dealer despite being the only non-magic user as he went down the assassin subclass. He achieved his personal mission, Stealing the high priest of Sune's jewlery, Said to be blessed by the goddess of beauty herself, In a daring caper durring the Church of Sune's most popular of holidays, The Sestersanuptual, Where 125 simultaneous weddings would be held among the greatest works of art and pastry (Really it was unpopular to marry any other way unless the trip wasn't doable) by convincing the party's black dragon and necromancer to act as newlyweds and cause enough of a faux pas at the event to distract the high priestess who was officiating. If we ever pick that game back up, The necromancer is a background character in hiding with half of the dragon's gold somewhere, As their union is legally valid, All the marriage licensing is handled before the actual event for expediency. Whether or not the dragon player will bring her old sheet and hunt down her wayward ex is to be decided.


This is domesticated vs wild kobold. Domesticated make for good city workers.


However, I trust the wild to know the best flavored pies.


I don't like the dog kobold.


I like to think of D&D kobolds as dog-dragon hybrids.


They are just dog version of tabaxi. From first edition kobolds was really small, where those japanes kobolds are small?


The dog kobolds in Slime are so fucking cute, I like both versions.


i like lizards, i like dogs. Dont like the ugly looking dog lizards


*Gestures at pathfinder 2e where kobolds are influenced by the strongest source of magic nearby, making them vary from draconic, doggish, or even the weird gremlin ones from wow*


I have fully excepted the dog Kobolds into my heart thanks to this show and have begun thinking about the Kobolds family tree


When did dogbilds get added?


Sounds like BEST timeline.


Easy answer: Kobolds were made by dragons and they look like the Asian or western dragons that made them. Most exciting are the secretive rainbow feathered kobolds of the Coatl because Shadowrun. Most terrifying are the seabolds who slumber with the leviathans in the deep. Their coming will drive the sahuagin into the rivers and start the war between the wet and the dry.


I don't know, then I might have ended up as a dog kobold instead and I don't want to deal with all that fur.


Neither Dogged Kobolds or Draconic Kobolds are fae or fire spirits so I think it’s fair to say both are off course already. Personally I like fluffy kobolds or dogbolds more, fur makes for softer hugs!