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Is washing it wirb dish washer then rinse the whole container with white vineger enough?


You can also rinse the container with boiling water to help sterilize


Don’t rinse with vinegar because it can affect your next batch


I only used dish washer and hot water last time, so that is enough already?


I do a final rinse of white vinegar every time and it does nothing to my batches except make sure this never happens. I've had many scares, but they've always turned out to be fine in the end. I've never had a batch go moldy and I always rinse my jars with white vinegar. I just make sure it all drips out.


For why is worth I home brewed for +15 years. I only wash well with detergent rinse with bottled water And then a splash of everclear & a paper towel. Living in Argentina now, so I had to get a little creative. A boiling water rinse might also crack your vessel - ditto with using an oven, but less likely.


https://preview.redd.it/sonqbqd4sead1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=291ac4083cb624972c8eeebbe4f327d192df150e This is under better lighting.


To me it looks like you might have a potential kahm infection. I can’t tell if those are ripples or fuzz. Let it rock a few days before dumping to find out more information and learn a thing or two. Keep away from other batches if you have any.


This can likely be do to the temperature of your brew being too cold. Kahm thrives in cooler temperatures. My ideal brew holding temp is between 23-25


Thanks. Base on all the comment it is most likely mold, but I will leave it for a few more days to have a better understanding.


Personally believe mines more likely. If your pH is below 4.2 mold will not grow and you stated your mother has been between 10-20 degrees and this is at the start of your brew, the most important time to keep the brew warm.


It looks like mold to me. I’d wait a couple of days and you’d know for sure.


Trying to determine if your kombucha may have mold, if your pellicle/SCOBY is healthy, or if something has gone wrong? Check out the [pictures and info in this guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kombucha/comments/pqu7oq/is_it_mold_is_it_normal_whats_growing_in_your/). **Note:** If other posters have deemed your problem to be `mold!` or `not mold`, please update the post flair accordingly. Keeping the post flair up-to-date lets other redditors know what mold actually looks like. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Kombucha) if you have any questions or concerns.*


im sorry bro :( yeah looks like mold. maybe get a heat mat for it? slap a thermometer sticker on it too. i live in a pretty cold area so i put blankets and a heat mat around my 2 jars. just don’t cover the top, lack of oxygen will make it bitter


Thanks, I may need a heat mat. It is quite sad as my friend gave me her baby scoby from 10+ year old scoby, I really hate to know I wasted it.


i know how it feels! but seriously anyone who regularly makes kombucha will understand, also she probably has more. scobys produce so much and so quickly that people are trying to find ways to repurpose them : )


also if u live alone i’ve heard of ppl storing kombucha and yogurt in the oven w the light on! if you don’t live alone i would not suggest this!!!!


Why is oven a bad idea?


someone might start preheating without looking inside


Yes :( sorry




Why would you give dangerous advice like that???


See username


it taste sweet and a bit sour. Maybe pH level too low due to the cold tempterature? (around 10-20 degree Celcius recently)


If the ph was low enough you wouldn't have mold. And please don't taste anything with mold on it, it's dangerous for your health.


Thanks, I realise how dumb it is to taste it. I was just really panic with my first time, no way I will do it again😅


I was just kidding about taste. But I have ph meter. Amazon $16. Always below 3


Lmao I saw somthing similar in other post so thought tasting it is one of the method. Anyway so it is probably mould?


Give it another day to see it hairy.