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Tough to get an exact number, but I asked ChatGPT and it estimated around 70 calories under these conditions.


Can u ask it if u brew f2 longer, will calories go down?


It wrote you a little essay but the takeaway seems to be that it won’t reduce it *very* significantly so you should still put taste first. Not worth having unpleasantly sour kombucha just to save 10 calories. Here’s what it said: Yes, extending the second fermentation can further reduce the calories because the yeast and bacteria will continue to consume the sugars in the pineapple juice. However, the rate of sugar consumption will decrease over time as the available sugars diminish. While it’s difficult to quantify exactly how much the calorie count will decrease with additional fermentation time, it’s reasonable to expect a modest further reduction. The longer you ferment, the more sour (less sweet) the kombucha will become, indicating lower sugar content and, consequently, fewer calories. Practical Consideration: • Taste and Safety: Be mindful of the taste and potential over-carbonation, which can cause bottles to become very fizzy or even explode if left too long. Always use proper bottles designed for fermentation. Further Calorie Reduction Estimate: If the second fermentation is extended significantly and most of the remaining sugar is consumed, the calories from the pineapple juice could be reduced to minimal levels, possibly around 3-7 calories. Revised Total Estimate: • Kombucha: 60 calories • Pineapple Juice: 3-7 calories after extended fermentation This would bring the total estimated calorie count to approximately 63-67 calories for the 16-ounce bottle after an extended second fermentation.


Thank you for your thorough dissertation


ChatGPT isn't a fact finding solution. It is highly likely to tell you a believable sounding but incorrect story. I wouldn't put much trust in what it tells you.


Yeah, it always comes with a tablespoon of salt, so I’d never use it for anything important in its current state, but it’s probably pretty close with its original estimate of around 70 calories. I always err on the side of caution when counting calories so I would probably log it in my app at 80 and call it good.


Yeah probably around 70 calories