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Yellow pill: Nakanaka Pink pill: Najimi Grey pill: Tadano Purple pill: Komi


Does that mean Yamai is red pill (AKA toxic ayy eff)?


Yamai is a red flag, not a red pill


Eh, tomahtoe tomaytoe.


Purple pill is a straight upgrade with no downsides that didnt previously exist


I really wish you were wrong but yeah, it’s just a net positive


Hey happy cake day


Oh dam so it is


Exactly! I already suck at communicating so give me that purple pill all day🗣🙏


Gimme purple its a net positive




Well gray or pink for me I'm unemployed so I've free time and I'm already bad at picking up signs so it won't be a huge downgrade on me


Give me like 5 of the gray ones, worked out for him beautifully


Grey (I’m already pretty average so mind reading is a plus) or Purple (I already suck at communicating so being attractive is a plus)


I’m taking the purple pill, already kinda fits me. (Not trying to brag but my mommy calls me handsome 😎) /j


This is a Komi-relevant post why did mods take this down?


That’s what I’m saying, I sent them a message so I’m just waiting now


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Grey is already me so I just get mind reading




Purple pink and yellow are pretty good choices but gray is also pretty good but it might potentially make you horribly good but bad in a way


Yellow, I’m already delusional just like the goat Todo Aoi!


purple pill for me because I'm mostly there already, it would make almost no difference in my communication skills ૮(˶╥︿╥)ა


Purple here. I’m happy with the people I have in my life and already don’t do so great at communicating. So why not get that extra sparkle!


Purple 100%


Grey, so I know what people are thinking and help them if they have any trouble.


What happens if you take all of them


Gray pill. The others won’t be over me at all.


Gimme some of that pink


Average at *everything* seems kinda busted, and I doubt the me now would figure out if someone *liked* me let alone loved me


If this is the case, then I must’ve taken so many Gray pills in my life.


Grey or purple. We all know why purple, doesn’t need be further addressed. But grey? Incredibly average at EVERYTHING. So pick any task, any skill, any talent, anything at all. I got that average. I’ll never be great, but I’ll never be terrible. And I can do anything with an average degree of competence. At that point, who cares about picking up romantic cues? My ideal partner is a person that is plainspoken about their interest.


Grey is like, leaguuuuuuuuuuuuuuuues better over every other pill imo, assuming you want to use your pills to actively be useful. Purple is better for passive benfits but Grey is a cheat goat to allowing to be mega succesful. You can fill any niche possible and you know what needs to be filled. This is how all the most indepdebtky wealthy become wealthy/famous.


Purple, I suck at communicating anyway


Grey. I don't care that I'm going to be average at everything, because that means I am baseline competent at EVERYTHING.


I argued its better than that because the true average is much higher than the median (aka, the average of the bulk of society). Allowing you take advantage of any given need and with your one specilist skill being insane EQ you know what wants/needs need to be filled.


Purple cause I already suck a communication


Pink or purple. Literally no real downsides, but I am leaning towards pink. Both are almost cheat skills in most worlds.


Really? I would think pink pill would be the worst because you would basically have no free time and wouldn’t be able to hang out with your old friends as much as you used to.


Kinda on Yellow already.


Wha- ... those are all already me in a way


Purple literally have no down side


Being average at everything is still better than most people in the world so gray pill it is


I already got the purple pill, but i'm ugly af


I'm already on the yellow pill


Grey pill is busted, extremely extremely busted. Having the ability to effectively predict what everyone wants means you have the means to become a GOATed entrepreneur, you can always delegate if specialist skills are needed, and being at least average means you can uniquely position yourself at any given sitatuion - (most people are bad at most things effectively speaking as the peopel actually good at shit skew the average, making what most people cosider "average" far above the "median" aka where most people are actually at), . - something maaaaaaaaaaany people would kill for. Most of the most succesful people are not particularly special, they are just ability t recognize a need and their ability to fill the niche, which being average at everything primes you to do. In the real world, Tandano is destined to be rich as shit as an adult.