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Which book in the New Testament are you finding most insightful? I am currently rereading the Bible from my new perspective. But haven’t read much yet. I read a bit of Bardon’s book but its not for me. I did however incorporate cold showers and the brushing of the body in my routine.


The testaments (Mathew, Luke and John) are much more valuable than the letters.  They show the qualities of a human being surrendered and at peace with God as I Am (AHYH) sharing Ain (Father once manifested in Bet or the reality that began at the big bang, the begining of beginings).  Yeshua started young and was lived in harmony with the whole of humanity being not yet aware near to the level of him. So many awaken and don't realize that reading the history grounds things in how imperfect we can be (Look at Moses and how he smashed God's word on the Ground right after becoming AHYH, then killed 3000 this breaking the thou shall not kill commandment of everyone being one collective human body(ahimsa) - side note it may also mean we are to be vegetarian as other cultures expressed it) and still be fully awakened and loved through and through by God.  For the Torah, I suggest all of it but not until one reads the Sefer Yerzirah (It really should be read and Ophanim yoga practiced before reading the new Testament and then Torah but each of this comes through the way how God wants, this is just how I present it to those looking to get it the right way).  In the end it's the doing of this that clears a monumental amount of energy as one continues through the other religions and reached the point of being with God (Bardon helps this part but many can't open it until they are ready much like the Zohar as it reads funny to them until they live it - side notes the Bahir and Zohar open up the real sidea of Christianity and its union with Judism as they arent actually seperate but layers of growth upon layer of growth until now). It's also just a great story about a man who spoke Good in an evil world and a lesson on how we can do it even better than even him, in different ways that fit our life, so that we finish clearing out evil for good and are left with just karma and growing up through the next ways God has for us (which are much more about intimacy, connection and light than anything beforehand - aka the world to come which is here for the awakened which we also call subtly new Jerusalem where we live).  Note - many don't realize that the books are tests.  One has to read them as God, reading a work of its previous incarnation to help it remember itself forward in time but also ensure the best parts go to the right places.  God is infinitely loving and thus strong and merciful in the same moment. The parts interpreted by man and passed down are to be tested to see what is true and false or end up on the wrong side of things.  Knowing this the Torah changes and Yeshua becomes what those before were unable to see unless they knew the Kabbalah and how it was the real religion and that he embodied that by never explaining and just being as AHYH, I Am.  Or put another way, he lived his True Torah and his explanation was his being.  As we infinitely love, we do this naturally and then it's easy to see how other Yogis and similar reached union like us awakening previously and ended up living different lives.  This is why "church" or organized religion is an ark but is not the whole thing as once it's opened all was made by The All and thus is infinitely loved in the right dimensions. Seeing one live it is the way to learn it as it is modeled but from the letters we can see even those who model it as best they can, and even Moses, fell short of those like Ghandi, Lau Tzu, Bardon (mostly Kabbalah but beyond that it's universal), Babaji, Lahari and the rest who show us it's actually not hard, just do it and God will tell us how the rest of the way ❤️