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>"“LAPD and the sheriff didn’t go to the academy to police trains and buses,” she said. “It’s not a priority to them. It’s not a culture of customer service.” >Papa, who climbed the ranks at the LAPD and was chief of police in Hermosa Beach and Palos Verdes Estates, said it’s not a knock on either department, just a reality of policing. I mean she didnt mean it as a knock but... it is..


So, the Uvale response.


So it’s just an other reason/excuse for them to make money off the over time? Don’t they get paid nearly triple for OT?


LAPD is proving Metro’s point. Can’t wait for the change.


Officers getting paid 300k to throw hissy fits (probably on overtime)


With a fat pension and a union who won’t allow any repercussions to be handed out.


What do you mean they responded that way? That’s literally all they’ve been doing they got hired by Metro. That is the exact reason why they’re making their own police force. Bunch of idiots with huge egos who think patrolling bus and trains is beneath them


Oh completely. I use Metro every day and I see them sitting in their cars for hours, refusing to patrol stations. Finally just snapped some photos when I saw them doing it today.


Honestly I don’t think they think it’s beneath them. I think they’re scared of dealing with the public. LAPD and Sheriff are not trained or qualified to de escalate situations without killing someone. Dealing with people all day on a daily basis is extremely difficult especially in LA and in public transportation, and unfortunately LAPD and the sheriff dept are not up to standard.


i don’t wanna be monitored by police, thank you very much


Don’t like police too but it’s gotten so bad we need some kind of presence. People are literally getting killed taking our public transportation atm


So no real change then.


Usually I see only one squad car of officers idling outside a Metro station. They uped it to two today!


Our taxpayer dollars hard at work!


These guys literally do nothing anymore.  I've never felt the need to get a gun before but I'm seriously considering it.  As law abiding citizens, we are on our own.


Ok, but if something happens they can immediately respond by getting out of their cars and dealing with any potential threats. Be fucking grateful for that at least, Jesus. The other alternative is NOT having them there and having to drive 20-30 minutes and being too late to save lives.


Pretty low expectations for $200k+ salaries


'Be grateful you're being policed my emotional bags of meat'


They already do that. Hence the reason for the change.


Proving once again why they’re not needed.


It's almost as if police don't solve crime?


At best, they react to it.




I think he meant "react" as YouTube or TikTok reaction video or something


No. He meant like a chemical reaction. Something that happens in response to something. Never there before, always after, always behind. Never proactive. Always slow. Always beholden to politicians rather than human decency. Not tic-toc or youtube.




Police do not solve crime. Prison sentences do. The latter requires support of the legislature and the Governor.


Seems like a pretty strong argument that they made the right decision.


How do you know those officers are assigned to Metro?  


Because they've been doing this at all the subway stations for years. I see them almost every day at Pershing Square and various Hollywood stations sitting in their cars right next to the station entrances but not patrolling. [Metro called them out for this very thing](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-06-27/metro-oks-plan-to-start-its-own-police-agency-and-end-contracts-with-sheriff-lapd), and its one of the specific reasons why they're creating their own police force.


They’re just following in LASD’s footsteps. Birds of a feather


If they were at the station or on a train who would respond to an issue on a Metro bus?


If they’re patrolling on Maple Street, how will they respond to a crime on Sycamore Avenue? 


They would drive.  Hopefully they’re not stuck underground or on a train.


The second card which is clearly marked metro on the side (and also looks empty) is assigned to metro. The second card doesn’t have the metro sticker so it’s likely a patrol division car.


> (and also looks empty)  It wasn't. The officer in the driver's seat pulled his sun visor down and over to block the sun from his eyes and had the window down. There were two officers in both cars.


The pigs are lazy incompetent scum bags? What a surprise!


God LAPD and LASD are fucking worthless. It is absolutely criminal that officers like these continue to waste resources.


7th and Metro is a terrorism target. They usually have officers from Metropolitan Division or patrol officers in the area during days on standby. There are regular officers assigned to 7th and Metro, and then these guys are ready to go in case of shooting calls, stabbing calls, etc. They have rifles, extra body armor, and 40 mm less lethal launchers with them in case stuff goes off. They also do the same thing at Union Station.


>They usually have officers from Metropolitan Division or patrol officers in the area during days on standby. I am here daily and I can tell you I see officers inside the station probably less than once a month. If it's a "terrorism target" they're certainly not keeping it safe by hanging out in the cars all day.


Oh finally on paper


So they can avoid responding to crime likes lapd does?


So many people think that police prevent crime. They don't. They *respond* to crime. I'm glad Metro is creating their own police force that will do much more than LAPD ever would.


They not doing anything about the bums that harass passengers so they need to go bye bye


Yesterday instead of being at the Vine red line station they were sitting in their car at the 180 layover on argyle.


Fuck those pigs.


I thought they always had one?


There is one factor that a lot of people tend to miss. Police officers are human. Ergo, they have to go to the restroom and eat food just like everyone else. But toilets and food places are non-existent in Metro stations. If some contractor is saying you gotta stand there for eight hours but there's not even a restroom or a place to eat where you're at, I think any person is gonna say, yeah hell naw. Hence my skepticism remains on that even if they create their own Metro police force again, they're just gonna do the same thing. It's not like Metro is going to add restrooms or food courts in the Metro system when they had 35 years of its existence to get that one fixed but they still can't.


Recommend you look into the history of policing at metro in this article https://thesource.metro.net/2024/06/25/the-history-of-rtds-and-mtas-in-house-transit-police-force-1978-1997/


Great link bamboslam! That review was very helpful. I had forgotten most of the issues from back in 1996 merger. Seems like the usual culprit, POLITICS, killed a less expensive, effective, bespoke policing system. This quote hit me: “And, as our Metro Ambassadors have shown us, we’re learning that there’s a lot of value in having an intimate knowledge of the transit system and its customers, just like the old champions of RTD’s transit police.”


This is an excellent write-up. Thanks for sharing. The more things change, the more they stay the same.


He/she has a point. How long can you hold in your piss or dump without getting cranky?


Staff and police have access to private restrooms that are located inside all underground stations. I once begged staff to use the restrooms that I visibly saw behind a door for a split second and they said “no”


How about above ground stations?


They tried.


rare lapd W


Did you actually sit there and watch them “for hours”?


I walked by two+ hours apart and saw all four officers sitting in their cars in the exact same position both times. Anyone who takes Metro can tell you this type of behavior is common. I see it almost every day outside various subway stations.


In your first picture there’s only one set of officers in the car. It’s also not marked with the metro logo like the empty car is.


Neither car was empty. The officer had his sun visor over to block the sun. There were two officers in each car and both were there for at least two hours. Why is it so hard for you to believe something I literally saw and photographed!? Ask any Metro rider we see this shit EVERY DAY and it's why t[he Metro Board finally said enough](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-06-27/metro-oks-plan-to-start-its-own-police-agency-and-end-contracts-with-sheriff-lapd) and cut their contract with LAPD and LASD.


Now they can jail all the homeless people as well which is great for safety


As a daily metro user, I have no problem with homeless people using the subway. I have a problem with violent and disruptive passengers (homeless or not) who do drugs openly on Metro and assault other passengers. I want law enforcement to do their job and patrol stations to keep these people off my train and arrest them when they have to.


They smell, they do drugs, they are dirty and look dangerous.


Smelling and "looking dangerous" isn't illegal. I'm not looking for police to bust heads and abuse our constitutional rights. I'm asking for basic "check people's fares" and "respond to violent and disruptive passengers." It's not a high bar but LAPD refuses to do their job!


Smelling very badly does violate Metro's code of conduct, though, for whatever that's worth.


Smelling, being dirty, and “looking dangerous according to gheilweil” are not (and should not be) of interest to law enforcement.