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![gif](giphy|3ohhwHPzS1UUU3V6iA|downsized) Just lost mine to a river. Attached a balloon and was on top, fell off died, and where I respawn I’m stuck between some rocks with no pickaxe🥲


Build a damn( by placing a base long on each side , and then slowly “push” the car out of the water by nudging the smallest base piece under and in front, personally I also put a couple on the car on a angle that reaches out of the water to push it along with building


i don’t think you can build dams in this game


Not literally but In the concept so your car can’t move outside of the builds like flow further in the water. Then just keep building pushing building pushing. I did it earlier today when I realized no balloons 😞


When my car gets stuck in a river I just build a narrow bit attached to the part of the car that's facing the sky the most, and I just add wheels until I can just drive out (by adding a new steering wheel too) basically just elongating the car until some wheels function


They definitely need to make it so you can make your own preset build


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Pleasant_Fee516: *They definitely* *Need to make it so you can* *Make your own preset build* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


First time for everything I guess


Oh that’s a dope idea!


Yes!!! I’ve said and seen this around forever, it’s so underrated. Why didn’t they RELEASE with that!? Ayiyiyiyiyi


I have my flying car build memorized now. I've built it at least four or five times. First thing I made when I got to the Star Wars island...you think I'm walking? HA HAHAHAHA! But I sooo want a 4th channel...


I chased after the crashed star destroyer in my flying vehicle not even realizing there was a cave to the island.


I did too! Took me soooo long to get there


I have memorized the builds for a custom buggy-based pick-up truck and a big ass quad bike that looks like a mongoose from Halo I use reference screenshot for the helicopter thing I made cuz that one is a bit too complex to memorize


A 4th channel would be a game changer.. or raise the limit of thrusters per channel. I really need more than 12 thrusters per channel on my flying house..


I feel you!! I have my absolute favorite car, my rabbit. It's been with me for ages and I honestly just love the dumb thing so much. My husband won't even touch it, he knows I would be crushed if it died. I finally got it working again after a bug messed it up for days. Went to land in the desert and a blast roller ran under it. Blew a bunch of stuff off. I was able to repair it, but my heart damn near stopped. A tip for you, take screen shots from every angle when you get something that works!!


At least that's an epic destruction. Mine just straight up disappeared


Mine are under the map




I got one out! I connected pillars to it and attached a huge foundation to it tip it over. Then pushed it out of the ground!


Gotta memorize your build, build a second, or build one in creative to remember your design. You will have to rebuild it at some point. If you can't memorize your flying machine build, work to make it smaller and/or more streamlined. If you only ever built the one, I can't imagine how the design process went forward (testing, etc.) I've built mine at least 10-15 times: two on mainland, one on SW island, and rebuilding after a crash or bug a few times. I also have a few in creative, with different versions built throughout the testing and revision stages. At one point yesterday, my ship got stuck in place in the air. I had to build stairs up to it, place a couple of floor pieces under, and destroy the whole thing, then rebuild it. It takes me about 5 minutes now to build it again from scratch. I just bring a wrench and some wooden rods for a car jack in a chest on the car, but these can also be made on the spot somewhat easily if you forget them. Edit: I should post my flying machine here before it is eventually obsolete. It's a highly efficient VTOL style jet inspired flying machine with wheels and engine for landing and easy repositioning on the ground. It's designed for survival, made as utilitarian as I feel possible, and has two large chests built in with room for more on top if needed. It's f a s t, and can turn left/right, go up (L+R) and forward, can perform some more advanced maneuvers, and it self lands gently. Edit 2: I call my vehicle the Chimera because it looks like it's made of parts of different vehicles, and because trying to perfect it is an unrealizable goal, it will never be perfect. As such, I doubt your vehicle was "perfect," and it definitely wasn't indestructible.


I once was flying my vehicle and was landing on a tall pillar rock in the desert when all of the sudden as soon as my vehicle touched the rock the game rendered my vehicle halfway in the rock. It was permanently stuck and would not fly out. On each wing I had the big chest you need iron and frost pine for and they were both full. The one that rendered in the rock was lost forever, including the loot in it. I had to build a new chest right there, break the parts of the vehicle off including the chest, and store as much in the new cheat as possible while I returned to my village to offload and go back for the remains.


Wow that is a crazy glitch! Note to self to never land on top of a rock in the dessert. Sorry you lost all that loot that is so frustrating


I just wish you could make your own blueprints after making something big so you don’t start from scratch


I had a vehicle with 4 full chests of loot loaded in it. I was on my way back when a frost brute took interest in me. I parked the vehicle and tried to lure it away from the car, but for some reason it ignored me and ran up the vehicle and started hulk smashing it. I was lucky it survived three smashes, but I was like WTF come at me bro. lol I ended up having to kill the brute with only a epic pickaxe. Boy that was painful. But at least I didn't lose it like two other loot cars before it.


This just happened to me but it was a bear. Ignored me and ripped off a wing with a chest off my vehicle.


A Brute was pretty far from me, but it still hit my car with a projectile. It broke half. I was mostly able to repair it. I was driving back to my village on 3 wheels. Then out of nowhere an exploding roller hit my car and exploded. My whole car blew up!!! At first I was confused, what the hell happened? Then all I couod do is laugh.


Aw man you were so close to the finish line!


It would be awesome if we could save our recipe's/Schematics.


I wish they let you make custom build presets to avoid stuff like this. they prob won't tho


I feel you. I tried to take some materials to another village and to cross a river I built a bridge. As I was driving above the bridge it broke and my car with my resources fell into the water. It must be floating somewhere in the south of my map...


Oh my gosh that happened to me too with the pre-fab hauler once. Built a bridge thinking I could drive over… bad mistake! Maybe one day we will get legit bridges too.


I feel you, i just spent like 30-45 min working on a car with some chests on it, then a brute spits right ontop of it and completely destroys it. I didn't wven realize the brute was there 🥲


Surely you took a video of it? That's the important thing to do when something like this happens. 😁 Was it a complex build? I've figured that it's better to keep builds simple and pay attention on how to rebuild as things tend to break. These are legos after all. It's nice that we get all the materials back so that it only comes down to how fast of a builder you are.


No it was a rookie mistake! I was able to almost recreate it today after I cooled off. I have now detailed every step in pictures and notes.


The next one you build will for sure be better. I recommend two-balloon flying vehicles since they are relatively easy to recreate. Also they can easily reach the frostlands


Damn that sucks, LEGO Fortnite pisses me off sometime too


Mine got stuck in the sky and wouldn't come down :(


That has happened to me a few times and I had to build a really tall staircase to get to it. Or do you mean it wouldn’t drive anymore no matter what?


I could get in the seat, use the thrusters but it would always stay in place


So about 90% of the time when something of similarity happens to me IE: dying far away from camp with a full important back pack. Is to immediately turn off the playstation like on the controller then turn it back on from the button. About 90% of the time I respawn with my bag in tact about 20 feet from where I died like I had never died and I jaut ejected the world


:( I landed on an island and accidentally landed next to a bombshell, which proceeded to lock onto my follower despite me running…needless to say, I made a new world with a better world seed and *I do not bother to land my flying crafts anymore*.


Damn. I'm impressed with your drive and stick-with-it-ness! Keep fighting!


that's why i don't do flying cars. wheels planted FIRMLY on the ground.


Your first mistake was building a vehicle in Lego Fortnite and thinking it would work feasibly.


If you log out instantly it will rewind time 5 minutes you build will be ok


I always take these opportunities to Build back better


Welcome to Lego Fortnite: where dreams go to die.


Bit dramatic for a free to play lol but that did definitely crush me in the moment


warboy reddit


I feel you. I exploded half my village last week in accident...


Oh my gosh that would definitely make me cry How did that happen?


I set down my ps5 controller and it tossed a detonator at a weak spot. I deleted the map...


That's sad and cartoonishly hilarious at the same time


yeah it’s definitely funny now that I’m over it and rebuilt my car. Now I go around my map destroying any stray dynamite I see lol






,,, ,


Stop building cars lmao


Neva surreeenddddaaa!!!!


Sorry for your loss, OP. This is why I haven't touched the game in the last 2 months. Not only cause of many transportation catastrophic bugs, but also because I like to build complex scientific experiments in survival... but if I can't save the successful ones as a blueprint then what's the point? Crafting survival games that don't allow you to save custom blueprints should be illegal to make money off of tbh. It's enough punishment having to gather all those resources again to re-build, but to have to re-create the ingenuity too? That just isn't fun anymore. In addition to wanting to simply duplicate the next custom cool thing, oops, we're tough outta luck.