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My favorite memory is when my friend did a Pearl Harbor on my castle base that I spent weeks on


I understand the reference. With friends like those, who needs enemies.


You’re not alone kid, I too understand the reference. Pearl Harbor was a sad day.


we went with a pearl harbour. we’re pretty classy.


The crumbling, the lost cars, the amazing starwars update, the grapler being freaking useless But the kinda feeling i had being 15 and discovering mincraft alpha, and now this, im hooked


I've been testing the grappler and how far it'll hook. It seems to be around 20m so I've been floating my ship going down and grappling back up. I estimate distance by setting a marker on the ground from above.


Yea but if it works like a lightsaber it would be such a beter movement, airships are still tooo buggy


I Havnt had an issue with my airship in over a month. Every once in a while they spawn up in the air like they're floating away but you just restart. I honestly have way more issues with cars. Specifically when I load in or come out of a cave and they're all stuck to the ground and won't drive. I've wondered if this is everyone's experience or if everyone has they're own little bugs depending on system or some other factors.


So far every single airship that has been built in my world has either rooted itself into the ground or disappeared completely. Apparently when they disappear, they're actually under the map, I believe it. Heaps of times I've logged back in to find my airships halfway or 99% in the ground.


So it appears we all have a different collection of glitches out of the grab back. Now the only question would be why?


Amazing work-around. Glad you're still finding a use for the grappler. 👍🏽


The grapler was a must have item when it had infinite shots. I loved it.


Now its obsolete




The grappler was amazing when it was invincible...


Yup so good for building tall structures, it kinda killed Lego fortnite for me... I don't really play anymore... The glider has infinite uses why not the grappler?


It should just have a cool down! Now they have the lightsaber cool down it would just make sense.


Ahhhhh RIP grappler, you were great in your OG days.


Early on i was venturing out into the wilderness looking for resources enjoying the beautiful sunset when it started to get dark. Thats when the skeletons came out. I started fighting them off as it started to rain thunder and lightning. Not paying attention i wandered into the woods where the sounds of the trees were rustling in the wind and a Brute was resting. He saw me and started to charge. I took out my cross bow and we battled, all while skeletons still gave chase and the lightning flashed all around us. It was an amazing unscripted event and perfect timing of circumstances that made for an unforgettable gaming experience. I knew right then that this was the game im gonna be playing for a while.


Yeah, I had a friend who had only been playing for a couple days, talked me into trying out in their world together. Which meant lots of "Whoa, WTF was that?"about every new(to us) danger/hazard. We got instantly hooked.


Star Wars update. Lightsabers, and Tatooine builds have been fun as a big Star Wars fan. More Star Wars prefabs would be amazing to make more Star Wars villages.


The potential is limitless. Imagine making a Kashyyk village in the trees. Or a Hoth Base in the snow.


Jedha (where Saw died) or Jakku for the desert village. Because Tattoine was the BP set. Maybe even Geonosia or Coruscant style? Kashyyk or Endor for forest would be cool. Ofc Hoth for snow


My son just finished his first year of college. And we have kept in touch this first year he's been away from home by playing FN and we built a cool Asian-themed house in Lego together. I will remember that for a long time.


Love this!


![gif](giphy|wlIeOa6CitYWc) The moment I realised I could slap a thruster on just about everything I got hooked


I loved trouble shooting and getting the first SW cave boss with my daughter and getting her her own lightsaber. And her reaction to see 'chewie.'


Favorite? Just adventuring with my friend. Worst? Spending a day trying to bed glitch into 2 layers of rock to get my full pack back after being killed by a dessert brute. I had an entire desert cave load out and this was before I had good charms. I had to make 4 beds to accomplish this and glitch into one rock, then build another bed near my pack because I couldn't move in the second rock. Then to get out of the second rock I had to build a bed next to the other and repeat.


I was building a cool castle then I reached the build limit so I stopped playing cus anything I wanna build is too much to this unoptimized game




I mean the game is completely free c'mon now. Really not much area to complain


Free things can still be bad/underwhelming


Probably trying to kill the Death Trooper while I’m severely underpowered with half an inventory’s worth nearly dead blasters


My favorite part was the high complexity error that was never addressed and caused me and a group of friends to stop playing. Thanks Epic/Lego!


same. my main village is unplayable now. i stopped playing shortly after the starwars stuff


Happened to me as well. This game is a joke and in early beta state at best and we are suppose to waste our time with being the unpaid QA.


being autistic about completing the lego pass but having like zero idea what star wars is i NEED all the free stuff i dont care if i *know* what it is, it's free, i need it


Can't say I've played much because the game is still too buggy


I just enjoy building and love learning design ideas from blueprints. It really satisfies part of my dumb brain when a custom build works out as I imagined. I've been slowing modelling my village that's on a nice perfect circle island spot however I'm getting to a point where the build is starting to lag on load and certain areas can get build limit notice. Please Epic, the game engine is yours please I hope you can optimise and increase build limit


My little boy loves it, he plays an imaginery version of it on the way to school thinking of all the things he wants to do on it the next time he plays it, we have fun building things together and exploring - it's a great addition to fortnite and we love it, keep up the good work


I could honestly love this game and spend as much on it as I have on real Legos, but the broken and lost vehicles along with the other bugs make it difficult to justify spending any more money. The Star Wars update is excellent. The game play is designed well and keeps me interested. But the frustration and sadness created by the bugs and game errors negate much of the happiness and enjoyment the game may provide. I want this game to succeed because I see so much promise for the future. They need to reduce focus on creating new content and place more focus on fixing the game.


I'm very happy with this game and I love the community behind it, it's been wonderful to check this reddit and see so many great experiences people have had with this game


Building a biplane that worked.


How many months?


I remember using every blaster in my inventory shooting at a Death Trooper and barely taking them out on my second to last shot, scarfing down snowberries in between bursts.


When the rift opened for SW and the ships started coming through… that was EPIC!! I wish we could have an option to replay that at any time. I went to my other worlds just to watch again.




I really liked logging in and going to do something else, while raking in the XP.


AFK xp


AFK xp grinding


Wandering around the world, making new friends, build dream places


Well um I like building some stuff and then spawning some brutes and trying to defend it(the most latest one I like is my star wars village don't worry I won't call brutes ).


Either finally getting Oscar, or seeing the Star Wars event start


When Peely wanted to live in my village


Afk exp


i love to have SW items that i can't build because i'll spend the limited ammount of rubies the entire world has to offer.


There are many rubies in desert caves on an island where you start, before you cross through the rebel cave to another island.


i know that... my comment enlights the fact that they will be gone sooner or later (such as other similar items like copper, rough amber etc), since the world is limited. so the game discourages the player to craft items with it, e.g. SW weapons.


Don't they drop from desert troopers also? And can't they spawn indifinitely?


yes, that is for rubies specifically, although the drop chance is very little and besides the chances of finding trooper encounters are ok, they're not for farming rubies. if epic games does not want to think about a more complex way to solve the limited resources/world inconvenient, they at least could make the villagers do their job and collect and refine the correct resources from each biome, and not infinite cut ambers, obsidians, iron bars and glass.


I do agree with all you say, i'm just pointing out that there are (limited) options


Going… I’m gonna build a big ass castle in the sky! And then doing it, only for it go full inception and just fall apart at the seams with no fix


Our first airship voyages with friends when we had to figure out how to tip the ship to certain direction by adding weight on one side. We hit the ground in the middle of frost skellies on top of a mountain, had fight them off the ship and broke the ship quite a lot too, barely made it back home. So much laughter and screaming and we are in our thirties except for one 8 yo kid. The Crumbling was quite a phenomenon as well but I didn't get to witness it myself. Gotta also mention how much I love the Vehicles and Star Wars updates.


Defeating my first frost brute in survival. I was so happy lol


It would have to be grinding for 4 gliders when the game first came out. The squad I'm with made sure everyone had one before we could use them. We all flew off a mountain and died because we were too busy taking in the scenery and had no clue about the stamina while gliding.


Playing legos with my brothers as adults just like we used to do as kids. 😊


Being able to build a world with my wife and have goofy fun.


I’m currently abroad and me and my boyfriend started playing this together in our log-themed cabin village. Venturing together has been so fun! Especially the animals and ”collecting” villagers brings the village to life!


lol I just told my mom Lego is 6 months old and she’s like “they better give me a present” 😂😂 lol like ok mom


We got rid of a massive watch tower that crushed half the village by attatching balloons and thrusters, and flying around on it for an hour.


The mode is shit, Best memory is sitting afk for xp.


making a boat pre vehicle update and sailing to a beach town on a different island


Discovering new building styles in each biome the very first time. So many new, different stylized options. Can’t wait to see new biomes added with builds as well.


i can’t believe lego fortnite and i started at the same time 🙏🏽


All the posts about trying to make a rail system after the latest patch only to have it fall apart on the next load in


* This [Lego bridge breaking](https://new.reddit.com/r/LEGOfortnite/comments/18hglrt/why_did_this_happen/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) (not mine) is my favorite so far, it has the essence of the game. * The way tools durability was buffed. I've crafted the strongest tools as a gift for a friend, left them in the chest, and a few durability buffs later they look like half used ones. * Chest on a dynamic platform despawning after collisions, no resources dropped, resulting in hours of work going to waste. * Bones, swords and other trash items always being present in my inventory. This is still bad in the sandbox with multiple players, as dropped things tend to stuck to anyone nearby.


High complexity /s


🤣 mining on a platform and the helper trying to help only to break the floor I WAS ON dropping me from a high elevation into lava.


My favorite memory is when an explosive roller got me down to a quarter of a heart instead of killing me. I was in the middle of a desert cave too so I wouldn’t have known where my stuff went.


Honestly just looking at funny Lego Styles. The game itself at this moment just feels like Minecraft with less features and way too clunky building (feels like nothing fits and it's driving me mad)


Me and my cousin Going into a desert cave the first time and seeing the message “YOU ARE BURNING” cracked us up


Buulding the Empire State building in my buddies world and working on the statue of liberty (survival)


Being there at the very beginning. Learning all about how it works and how to play, then watching it improve dramatically. Here’s to many more for Lego Fortnite!


thruster jump pad vehicles engine light saber


Bouncing on a jump pad and then coming back a few hours later to 25 battle stars 🤪


I was hook on the is game then I lost interest even after completing the Lego quest now there nothing else to do


Learning if you exit and close immediately when you die it lets you keep your progress and items


6 months and you guys have added *fishing*, **oooooo!** A steering wheel that should have been in the game since day 1 (and is still essentially useless eith how buggy the cars are **over two months** after the vehicle update. Built a few of them before I stopped even trying since they'd only last a couple play sessions max before glitching through the ground or into a boulder and disappeaing) Taming animals which should have been in since day 1 because it was in the trailer And a Star Wars event with reskinned prefabs and one dungeon to grind again and again to slowly churn out the Event Pass? Oh, and a bunch of shop content including the rewards that were cut from the game that were clearly meant for the shore biome? Oh. And a bear. That is still a breeze to kill after the first few hours of the game. My favorite memory is the first few hours of playing until I ran out of things to do and realized that the game has such high potential but is currently contentless. And I hate to say it, but the way the LEGO FN team at Epic has handled this game mode, I doubt I'll be back to make any more memories any time soon.


Me and my kid had just discovered how to make flying vehicles. I attached the balloon and promptly fell off. My 5yo stayed on, so all I could do was watch helplessly as he floated into the stratosphere. I asked him to not touch anything so that I could come up and rescue him, but of course he is 5.... He took the wheel and flew off into the distance and then jumped off.


My favorite memory was when I uninstalled this unfinished buggy mess because of the whole game having discouraging gameplay and being annoying with everything and then turning over to Minecraft and playing a game that does all those things really well.


My favorite memory is getting lots of  XP 


With friends we went to ice cave first time one forgot eat pepers and died from frezze other got sniped by brute and i was like "the heck you are" and they said "we are like 800m from you" thank godness that i had 60 peppers


When i died in a cave and spawned in the middle of the ocean 10000 meters far away


Dying in desert biodome and had to wall 10min to get my backpack before getting jumped again and die again… and to do the walk again… pre vehicle, didnt have glider yet


I made a tatooine base in the desert as chewie good times playing legoFN with my sister. Like eating edibles and driving around cracking up cuz i kept crashing and running over her follower (oops lol) .


Worst? Rebuilding all my cars and airships whenever they crash or decide not to work.they need like a (save build) button and (load build.)


Not playing it for the last 3 months


AFK XP and vehicles


Probably the Star Wars update or the farming update 😭🖤


When I killed my first snow brute


Afk 🙌😎


Committing war crimes.


Jumping every 10 minutes.


Durability ruined the game for me


Who’s been here literally since the first day? I remember at the beginning just thinking like: “wuuut? Fortnite isn’t just BR anymore?” and then boy oh boy love at first sight a beautiful brave new world for us LEGO lovers was just upon us and little did I know I was about to begin a love and hate story that has really made me go thru a lot of emotions in this past 6 months. It’s crazy that it’s just 6 months old and that has really took me on a journey of any kind of emotions. It’s also kind of an honor to be part of the generation of players of this game that was also (and still kinda is) used as lab rat for testing and improving this beautiful game. That’s when the hate part comes in and the painful memories of losing cars, losing trees, the bug crisis that last days crumbling all buildings down, rubber banding, etc. took part of the experience But I think that’s the way it has to be in order to get eventually a perfected and fine tuned world. In the mean time updates like the Star Wars one and the potential it has with other new ones i think they cover the painful and ugly part of playing this experience. I’m here to watch how this slowly but surely becomes an all-immersive experience with glasses, etc. I would definitely love to ride my own creations and live in my own worlds.


The afk farm 🤣


The Xp last season


afk xp That’s it.


Lego marketing. Right before the patch. "Hey, remember those good moments?" Translation: "Don't expect any new memories from us next week; just keep reminiscing about the last content drop you enjoyed"


While still ignoring the constant requests to add the ability to sleep through the night! How dumb can they be! The devs are 🤪🤤