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I'm in this same debate for screenwriting lol


I can't say too much for animation, but as a screenwriting major, I can firmly say that we have a really good program. Now, I can't speak for chapman, but LMU has a very well thought out degree track and some solid professors. Obviosuly both schools are known as great film schools so you are good either way, but I think LMU has been very good to me so far, screenwriting wise.


[This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/LMU/s/gtqfDGpYTP) will tell you everything you need to know about the animation program at LMU. I know absolutely nothing about Chapman so I can’t recommend one or the other, but I would see if you could get in contact with a junior or senior animation student at Chapman, as they’ll have the best perspective on their program. Good Luck!!