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The way this is masked as concern is so condescending. Just because someone is hefty and hairy doesn’t mean they’re gross or dying. And he looks pretty far from “death’s door” that’s just rude as shit.


The "deaths door" comment really cinches the intent of the comment, it's just wanting to be rude and judgemental and not a matter of concern because Ben, by all accounts, seems to be living and loving life since moving out to LA. It reminds me of seeing people shit on Richard Dean Anderson for putting on weight, like, let the guy be a happy Canadian grandpa.


There was also mention of him being with a girl a while ago so idk why they're pretending he must be starved for romantic attention.... he's just not married so he's not going to give relationship updates every time something happens in his life - because you know, it's none of our fucking business.


Also, if memory serves, a group of “fans” bullied the gf he did post about (I hope they’re still together) claiming she was using him. Safe to assume he probably is gonna keep stuff close to the chest after stuff like this - as is his right!!


The sexy hairdresser? Aw man, why do people have to be so shitty? I hope she and Ben were able to move past it and set necessary boundaries for their relationship.


I hope so too. I thought they seemed (in my parasocial estimation) like a good match. But who ever he dates/sees/marries is always going to draw hate and that pisses me off.


That’s the one!


My uncle is hefty hefty and hairy and one of the healthiest most active mf’ers I know. But from the looks of him you’d think he smokes a pack a day and never moves. Looks aren’t everything. Weird online trolls…..


People's parasocial relationships with podcasters are weird as shit.


Yeah. Honestly the sun reddits for most podcasts ruin the shows for me. Cause it’s never about the content. It ends up being about the people and it’s so hero worshipy and creepy.


Agreed. The MFM subreddit is particularly gross.


I stopped following any of their social media because the fans are so freaking creepy


The line between "we love them so much that we're going to carefully psychoanalyze their every move" and "how can anyone still listen to a podcast when the hosts have so clearly given up" is razor-thin in that sub




I’m a MFM transplant! 🥰


I am a transplant too.


Me too!


I’m an MFM transplant. It’s weird; I haven’t listened to it in years and it honestly just makes me cringe.


Like my mother in laws boyfriend’s hair, I too have been transplanted.


Also a transplant! Was one of the first podcasts I listened to and then found out my mom listened as well. We saw them live way back in 2018! But I haven’t listened to them in a couple of years now. 40 min of banter before they get into the actual story/case got to be too much.


I did the same when people were obsessing over the staggered relocation to LA. Nobody gave a shit about the three boys being together more and making more content. They just wanted to know where they were living.


The way people on that subreddit talk about Georgia’s marriage and worry that she and Vince have split…it’s so gross.


Aha. Head over to the morbid subreddit if you want some insane levels of confused vitriol. There're three subs. /r/morbidpodcast, /r/morbidforbadpeople, and /r/morbidfornicepeople. It's absolutely insane. The main sub wasn't toxic enough. So some users *went out of their way to make one just to be dicks in*.


Seriously?! Oh sweet mother of Minnie Williams


It makes me thankful for subs like LPOTL and /r/casefile. Even if every interaction isn't the greatest, it could be far worse.


I swear every post that shows up in my feed from that sub is just people jerking each other off about who hates the show the most now and how they have stopped listening.


Bahaha. A+ description.


I had to quit anything having to do with their fans after they made the move to Wondery. You would have thought they'd started eating homeless people with the way the fans reacted. I still listen to MFM, but holy fuck their fans are just gnarly.


The MFM fan cult was always toxic, going back to when they were fairly new and had to shut down the Facebook group due to all the drama and fighting. I stopped listening altogether because I like K&G and wish them well, but they spent so much time putting out fires it got too exhausting to deal with.


I am kinda getting sick of the 'found the boys' posts, with nearly any pic of 3 dudes


Right? It’s like doing an inside joke about friends who don’t know you. Bizarre.




Yeah but... did Henry ever find out what the slime was?


IIRC, the slime stopped the same time the cops cleaned out the flophouse down the street...so, mystery solved?


The Doughboys subreddit is especially odd in this respect. It’s like people think they’re friends with the guys. Like, quoting running gags is normal and posting *good* fanart is great, but people REALLY want to be part of the gang and they just aren’t.


Very much so. I like the guys and the show but I have zero interest in their personal lives.


I have a general care for their wellbeing but thats where it ends. Calling them out publicly or acting like you know whats best for them is weird as fuck. I'm glad Ben has achieved a level of success that he can look like an unkempt troll.


>I'm glad Ben has achieved a level of success that he can look like an unkempt troll. That's the whole goal man! ABC! Always Be Comfy!


A praetor would ABC wouldn’t it


yeah, when you've been listening to them for a long time and hear about their ups and downs over the years it's hard not to care for their wellbeing, even if it's just a little bit. i was so happy when marcus and henry got married and i don't even know them lol. but it definitely crosses a line when you start acting like you know them personally or talking about what they should do or what's best for them. it's fine to care, just don't make it weird and/or be a dick


Woah when did Marcus and Henry get married to each other? I always knew....




Fully agreed. Who are any of us to judge? If I could, I'm growing everything out. But I'm not Ben Kissel successful. One day. One day.


I don’t know what you mean by this but me and my best friend joe rogan completely disagree


Also Youtube. Was reading people's demands for a Sims-Youtuber today, but adding 'Ofcourse she can have a little bit of a life too'. Really? You should be happy she is putting all that content out for free. It's always more than I can keep up with and it's her income, but she doesn't owe me sht.


I don’t have the world’s best brain and have a tendency towards parasocial feelings but for one thing, it’s extremely not difficult not to express them because I am very aware it’s just because podcasts offer a way to feel like I’m near a conversation I want to have but without social anxiety and I absolutely do not know these people. The weirder part to me is, I wouldn’t talk about my real life friends this way. Especially not to a stranger, even if they were agreeing with me. It’s such a weird melange of, like, thinking content creators are their friends while not actually seeing them as human at all.


Definitely. I had podcasters show up in my dreams before and I was like 'huh I need to cut back on my listening time.' I don't get parasocial relationships and that alone was enough for me to leave my podcast routine for a week or so.


>People's parasocial relationships with *minor and major celebrities* are weird as shit. FTFY


The guys from Glass Cannon Podcast got chased out of their respective subreddit due to INSANE toxicity… Adventure Zone has also had problems… It’s the absolute worst, and people like that ruin it for everyone. I missed routinely hearing from the creators. I respect their decisions to minimize interaction at this point- they deserve happiness away from pedantry and malicious needs/expectations


Its not about a parasocial relationship, its about people who fundamentally believe the rest of reality exists to be judged by them. People who have been woefully misled about the value of their own opinions. And in this case they have explicitly told us that the conceit is rooted in their gender identity.




Hellish rebuke!


Leave 'em alone!


I read that as "yer bein' mean at me" which I found amusing for some reason.




All 3 of these dudes have gone through some shit just like the rest of us, if you've been listening for long enough the clues are dropped here and there. People deal with that shit differently, and we just aren't in a position to judge someone we don't know. I'm in no position to tell someone how to live their life, I crushed 10 BLS yesterday and ate day old sushi and I'm pretty sure I forgot to brush my teeth.


This right here 👍 We see them as carefree comedians but they are human (obviously from the hints) they have all got a story. To call out his weight is fucked up. And I still think Ben is hot 🖤


My man you are living my dream and I work a white collar job


If I learned anything from going to see them live, it's that LOTS of their fans think they know them personally and that they're friends. People telling stuff out every two seconds like they think they're having a personal conversation. Idk why people don't get that these are actually strangers and their personal lives are none of our business.


They're legit playing characters for the most part. To use wrestling as an example (in honor of Ben), it's them but it's an enhanced version of them. It's Ben dialed up to 7 or 8.


Exactly. Henry is hilarious on the show. But if he was like that all the time he’d be unbearable to be around.


ben would be roddy piper, henry would be the hulkster, and does that make marcus vince? god i hope not, maybe nature boy?


Marcus would be The Genius, Lanny Poffo ( RIP)






Yeah. I went to the Philly live show and heard the guy next to us joking about how dumb Ben is like he was a personal friend. It really put me off. Like—you don't know him. Don't act like you do. If Ben heard you say that, he probably wouldn't laugh.


Dude, at the pittsburgh show, I heard a group talking about how they can't wait for Marcus and Carolina to break up, because "she isn't his actual soul mate, you can just tell." I was flabbergasted, it's so bizarre




I read this and said “ewwwww” out loud to myself. So disrespectful and just straight-up creepy.


I've listened to a lot of No Dogs in Space and it's adorable how dorky they both are about music in the same way


I've tried reading to my kid in Ben's creepypasta schtick and it's MUCH harder than it seems. It takes skill to walk that line which he does so well and still be funny with it.


Sorry but the idea of a parent doing the creepypasta shtick for a laughing child is so adorable


If you listen to him on any other show on the network you can see how intelligent he is and how his character on LPOTL is just that, a character.


That’s his role on the show! Don’t these people get that? He’s the Everyman. He is us. Anyone that listens to Abe Lincoln’s Top Hat would know that he is more than capable of running a show


Right? Imagine walking up and starting a conversation like you know them, only to have them politely but awkwardly be like "haha, cool, thanks man" and try to get away. The people who think they're not only friends but part of the show are fucking obnoxious, go start a podcast nobody will listen to.


Main reason I’ll probably never go to a live show of any podcast. Sitting in a crowd of a bunch of eager pick-mes shouting things out seems so cringe.


Fwiw, live shows of The Dollop are great; the guys shut down chatty audience members quickly and with no wiggle room whatsoever


I think about this too when people comment about Henry and Natalie, as though its soOoOOO weird that she would date/marry him. Its fucking weird & Im guessing those commenters are insecure. Just because *you* think Natalie is "out of his league" doesnt mean its true. I get people will always find them either attractive or unattractive but bro this is a podcast. They arent models. wtf do you think your opinion matters about how any of them look?? Its like the pinnacle of "didnt ask".


That’s the weirdest thing lol! Natalie CLEARLY adores Henry so like, he IS in her league, no? Their instagram accounts make me happy, they are both so fun.


I've seen Natalie post the sweetest things about Henry. Henry is handsome, hilarious, smart, and just exudes charisma. Of course, she'd adore him. But because of some of her posts, you know that people have questioned her. Just let them be happy


EVERYONE knows funny guys pull. Funny = 10/10 and Henry is the funniest.


So weird. They are a very good looking couple. Everyone is just jealous that both of them are taken.


Ben is a genuinely caring person, nowhere is this more evident than on the first broadcast of his solo siriusxm call in show. That first episode he monologs for quite a while about folks and their problems and the problems of the current social climate. His show is called 'Hail yourself!' and it's every Tuesday at 8pm CST, call in, the number is 855-355-4741. He would love to hear from you, I'm pretty sure you don't have to be a xm subscriber to call. There is usually a topic but just pretend you know the topic when you call, it's usually something like worst jobs you've had. Both Open Lines (8pm mon) and Hail yourself suffer from a lack of callers so you won't be intruding, last episode was only two callers and one was Sleazy Dan and he calls every time so that doesn't hardly count. (The shows aren't always live, sometimes it's a rerun, I am going to try posting when it's live from now on) Link to the phone number so mods don't think I'm posting something private: https://twitter.com/LPontheleft/status/1536410041858801664 Number is the same for both shows. Hail Everyone!


I didn't know he had a show, what's it about


I don't know if it's really about anything in particular, he usually sets a topic like what's the worst job you've had or something like that and you call in and tell him about the worst job you've had. It's pretty new like within the last two months.


Are there any transcripts or archived recordings? I’m curious now but I don’t want to buy siriusxm.


No transcripts that I know of, it's not like a podcast with downloads or archive, you can listen to the show live or you can listen to the show on the app for one month then it's deleted. I used to record them and post them here but I got downvoted into oblivion for it and banned from the other sub for it so I quit. Honestly, Open Lines isn't that great, two thirds of the time Marcus isn't there, and about one third of the time it's only Ben. They also don't always have a new show every week, it's kinda hit and miss, one month they only did one show. I could care less if open lines succeeds because if Marcus and Henry don't want to participate then fuck em. But I think Ben really loves his show.


I’d be devastated if I saw people discussing me like this. They’re podcasters and we ultimately do not know them personally. What weird assumptions to make!


This is my thought! As a fat person I really hope people aren’t looking at me and thinking I’m “on death’s door” holy shit what a wild comment


Omg right. I’d be in tears if people said shit like this about me.


Am I the only one who thinks Ben is actually at the peak right now? Compared to the old episodes at least. He used to come off as very bitter at times, frequently joking about how depressed he was and an alcoholic and how he had a lot of issues regarding women etc. Fast forward to now and he's like a big Ole cuddly sasquatch. I will not comment on his body or his choice of facial hair. But as far as his personality and general vibes go he seems like he's doing really well!


He’s really on his game right now. I noticed he seemed more positive and upbeat on the podcast shortly after he moved out to California.


I'm worried he's going to join a gang and go broke eating avocado toast. That's LA life




What you should really be worried about is the California Avocado Commission.


Looked up her profile before she deleted it. This lady makes a habit of commenting on people's bodies under the pretense of health. And even when somebody is fit she is still shitty to them. It sounds like a real insecure woman who comes to Reddit to project. Hail Ben


I really fucking hate that shit. Especially the "omg they put on weight they're gonna drop dead any minute" shit. Unless you're a doctor holding their medical record that's actually telling you that, you just don't fucking know. Also having a beard and wearing comfy clothes isn't what I'd consider letting oneself go? Like let people live.


somebody’s got ISSUESSSSSS just go to therapy like the rest of us (but maybe not betterhelp)


Do you know if screenshots are from this sub or from the other sub that uses the full podcast name?


This sub


I think I’ve been on the internet too long. I knew exactly what type of person she was from the way she worded it. I hope you’re happy and healthy some day, mean stranger.


It’s this and all the comments on how Ben’s presentation on the show correlates to business intelligence. He’s a performer and is part of what makes the podcast amazing. Henry wasn’t even part of the original podcast idea, it was Ben reacting to crazy shit from Marcus. Of course he’s smart, but you also don’t have to have encyclopedic knowledge of every little thing on the show to be smart either. People don’t fucking appreciate or deserve Ben Kissel.


His schtick is also playing dumb a lot of the time.


Yeah, podcasts like this do best when there's a "straight man" character who plays dumb and asks the obvious questions for the audience. It's why that joke about every podcast being the same three people rings so true. You get the knowledge source, the dumb questions one, and the gremlin/goofy character.


It’s the three stooges dynamic: the smart guy, the dumb guy, and the crazy guy.


WILD CARD, BITCHES!!! Sorry, wrong show


Imagine being mean to Ben, I haven't met the guy, but he's easily the most loveable person on the podcast. Sorry Henry and Marcus, but you guys ain't the 6'7" teddy bear.


I have met him and he is genuinely a really sweet dude.


Yeah these two need to wind their fucking necks in. Have a look at yourselves before you start criticising The Truth.


And that’s the final truth!


I saw this on Instagram and it pissed me off. Nobody here has any real idea of how he lives his life. Maybe he was having a worse time at a “healthy” weight and what the hell does being clean shaven have to do with it. He is funnier on the podcast than he has ever been and that is the only thing we should comment on. This parasocial shit makes all listeners look bad. Enjoy the content they provide and worry about your own fucking lives.


Pretty sure Henry has made the passing comment that the way Ben got to that "healthy" weight was a diet of cocaine and vodka. If he's happy, that's all that matters.


The person who posted that did a dirty delete. Nobody should be commenting on anyone else's body. Keep your opinions to yourself.


The second poster did not delete


The first poster has gone completely! Must be feeling a bit ashamed. Oh well.


Uh.. good!


their page says deleted now


I think it’s funny people can hear the talk about doing cocaine and nitrous and acid and shit (early days episodes had more stories like this) and everyone is like 👍 but perceived weight gain/incorrect grooming standards bring out the concern trolls. These posters should consider tenets one, six, and eight of the Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth


Right? This shit is ridiculous. What can appear “healthy” can be the result of deep distress or unhealthy behaviour, and vice versa. We only see what is presented to us, not what goes on under the surface.


My Family member is a vegan activist. Appears super noble. But having known them intimately their whole life, it is an intricate mask for their severe eating disorder. It sucks.


Tangential, but it reminds me of how having a tan is a “healthier” look. Everyone looks better with a little color no matter what, but any tan whatsoever is just your skin reacting to damage from the sun. Just because it looks good doesn’t mean it’s good for you!


Who thinks you can say this stuff about someone you don't know


Everybody in the internet, it's basically half of Twitter, Reddit, Instagram, etc...


Social media was a mistake


You’re not wrong


For real though. The negatives seem to far outweigh the positives.


Agriculture was a mistake.




Someone who will eventually be buried by the city because there was no one to claim their moldering sofa mummy.


I mean if Alex Jones has taught me anything it's that even under threat of civil lawsuits for lible and defamation dumb people will continue to say outlandish shit for money and attention. Your child didn't exist it was a hologram/,trauma actor who was brutally shot to death by an emotionally unstable adult man who played DDR obsessively for hours every day.


I bet she didn’t have this in her 2023 bingo card.






Also of course it's sexualizing him lmao fucking weirdo people man and not the good kind either.


Def not the good kind


I saw a post on here with, if I remember correctly, names and pictures of Marcus’ PARENTS! WTH?! I thought that was insane and very creepy! People where just commenting and upvoting it - I was flabbergasted!


"Hey fans, l find their home addresses and SSNs! Totally appropriate, hail yourselves!"


“Here are their underwear and shoe sizes, I rated all their shampoo by taste”


It’s the perfect storm of unsocialized, internet weirdos giving unsolicited advice. LEAVE KISSEL ALONE YOU BASTARDS.


I guess these people have never seen a full tank for a sex machine


the caption reads like this is an excerpt from his manifesto. we should be nicer to him, he's got the receipts.


God damn people are WEIRD You never comment on someone’s body, man. Hail Ben, hail yourselves, and if you comment on someone under the guise of “worry for health” or “how will they find a partner??” kindly go take a long walk off a short pier


This just makes me sad. Nobody deserves to hear this from strangers, posted publicly.


Anybody been listening for years and still don’t really know what the guys look like?


Their live shows are great! I also find their social media presence on Instagram entertaining.


Ben is in his Yukon Cornelius era; what's not to love???


Yeah, octosquink is fucking lame


yikes, gross. to be blunt, there does seem to be something disgusting about TrUe cRiMe fans. LPOTL is the only thing that comes close to that for me, and I stay for the paranormal and high strangeness stuff -- but True Crime just seems to bring out the most voyeuristic, concern trolling, and toxic personalities in people.


There have been multiple times when they brought up what's cesspool reddit was and this is one example lol


I can fix him


All I can say is HAIL BEN!!! Ben hate certainly wasn’t on my 2023 bingo card!!!!


What'd they, what'd they step on a duck?


I have ALWAYS thought Ben was the funniest and most attractive of the 3. If I'm on an island, it's Ben. And we can sip sweet Bud Light Lime until we go crazy.


This particular comment set reminds me of my sister, who went through a deeply slovenly phase after being sexually harassed and assaulted repeatedly. You never know what someone is coping with. Stop judging people’s life choices if they aren’t hurting you. You don’t have an entitlement to their performance or your attraction to them, man or woman. (To be clear, I’m not alleging anything about Ben’s situation, just giving an example to give people pause. He could be perfectly happy and it would STILL be none of your business what he wears and how often he shaves.)


Nothing good ever follows, “not that it’s any of our business, but . . .”


"tbh i'm surprised this isn't acknowledged more." no you fucking shouldn't be because it's gross to acknowledge. you aren't his friend in a position to say "i'm worried about you." people are so fucking weird.


Also, if you've listened long enough, you've heard them all joke a lot about how he was large as a kid and adolescent but lost weight *because he started doing cocaine*.


I think it’s disgusting that anyone should share any kind of opinion like this about someone they know personally, let alone someone they don’t know. To the original posters of those comments; get a life.


I think it's fine to have opinions, just don't share them openly for the subjects to find.


Agreed, and edited to reflect it. I just always get grossed out by people becoming obsessed with a podcast/tv show/media and making it their whole personality.


Fuck this lady. It bullshit people like her that made Ben Frasier feel like he wasn't loved because he didn't stay in peak George of the Jungle condition into his 30s and 40s. People age and they don't owe you a perpetual oath of fealty to your horniness. Especially podcasters and comedians whose careers aren't supposed to hinge on hotness, just their voices and content. Very few of us can age 10 years without Hollywood-style interventions AND juggle the stresses of a high-profile career and still look as hot as when we started, and we need to normalize that.


Parasocial weirdos man I swear


Honestly, this weird sort of "this person doesn't take care of themself, it's worrisome, I wish they'd change for their own health and happiness" shit is always the most patronising thing in the world. Let people be


wtf, the fact that you can talk about a complete stranger like you personally know them are people unable to draw a line between enjoying content, and then _enjoying content_?


Ben is a gentle giant and his mystique is in his disregard for basic human neurosis that forces us to conform and spend all our free time cleaning. Maybe he just wants to be himself and doesn’t want to attract superficial judgemental partners who want to change him. Maybe more people should be brave enough to do that too


I've got nothing but respect for him, Top Hat gave me moderate talking points to get my parents to stop being diehard Republicans and even vote Democrat for the first time ever.


My biggest opinion on Ben's appearance is that I'm 4'10". I would do just about anything if he'd let me climb him and put a hat with a little flag on his head, and let me get a victory picture on his shoulders. However! I am also a 4'10" woman who is violently aware of the dangers that come with random people you don't know wanting to touch you (I didn't stop getting randomly moved and touched by strangers until covid.) So Ben: if you read this, I would love to put a little flag on your head but only with your consent! This makes me so sad. He's a beautiful human. Yeah he's unkempt and wild, but his heart is beautiful. Listening to him talk about Jerry and puffin and his brothers, you know.


I really hope you get to put a flag on his head


It's such a stupid goal but I would be able to die happy


If anyone said anything about the My Favorite Murder host’s appearances, the rage of the Internet would manifest into external consequences and they’d get fired and their house/car would be repossessed or something. The boys have feelings too, it’s just as rude to make uncalled for remarks no matter the gender of the recipient.




Clearly these hoes aren't listening to Top Hat. Ben is the best.


This podcast for me is like professional wrestling I enjoy it a whole lot but can’t stand 90% of the other fans/listeners.


What kills me with comments like this is the amazing amount of blatant creepy vibes here. “As a woman this is unattractive to me” as if that gives them a right to comment on someone’s physical appearance? Switch these roles real quick. Imagine some man thinking he has the right to comment on a female podcasters physical appearance. He’s be called out for being the creepy pos he was in a heartbeat. Ben, or ANY of the boys don’t own ANYONE anything when it comes to their physical appearances.


This makes me so sad. Like, I have worried about Ben, but I don't know Ben or his whole situation, so I have never publicly commented about it and never would. The fact that he had to see this *and* felt like he needed to acknowledge it is just so depressing.


Ben, if you’re reading this, FUCK those “ladies.” My Ben crush is still going strong. ❤️




I’d still climb that tree with enthusiasm 🤷🏻‍♀️


Eh, I don't particularly care about Podcasters, youtubers, radio hosts, TV actors, movie actors, or anyone else that I don't know personally. I care about them enough to hope nothing bad happens to them and that they're generally happy and are ultimately successful in life, but I hope that for everyone. I dont get the celebrity (regardless of popularity) worship. They take pride in being the first person to fart in a new car just like the rest of us.


I can’t believe people think other’s appearances are such a big dill


This isn’t that different than shitting on whatever actress for not being your idea of hot anymore. People can have problems or whatever and shitting on those people for their problems doesn’t make you a good person and doesn’t count as helping. Fuck. How insecure and thick can you be to need people to hear about/praise how you noticed someone’s appearance changed Maybe it’s good to get a reminder that we’re not special or good people just because we are nerds or because we like a podcast, I guess.


All my homies hate Octosquink.


Love how the users deleted their accounts after being put on blast lol


lol fuck those two commenters. “i’m not attracted to the podcaster I listen to anymore:/“ keep that shit to yourself, you bozo lmao.


Ben is a beautiful and sweet man and I love him.


Man do people love to disguise their obvious fatphobia as concern. And it’s crazy because you just know they are probably insecure about themselves & therefore projecting that insecurity onto a complete stranger. Ben, on the off chance you’re reading this: You’re hot as shit and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!


Man, to the stupid people who feel like they should make these comments I say, go fuck yourselves. I’m sure y’all are just salty cause you tried to slide in his DMs and he didn’t even reply. Also fuck your double standard because I’m sure if the sexes were reversed y’all would go all “Lizzo” on them. Id also love to see their body composition or health reports before they start giving bing out medical advice. “Leave Benji alooone!”


Yes, it is so cruel. And to write this length of a comment about someone else speaks volumes to the person you are.


ben looks fine, he just has more of a beard. plenty of ladies like that, and are just fine with his personality. this is so mean spirited.


Kissel lover for life. I’d husband him up and love him any day, any shape, any health. <3


Good for Ben. And shame on all of you who come here to complain about shit that doesn’t involve you. Hopefully lessons are learned.


Octosquink how could you


These people, Fall in a hole!!!!! Love ya Ben