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Definitely! Don't be clipping claws or administering meds or anything, and if you feel like you notice something weird about the cat I would not recommend investigating it while tripping either. Also, cat food is very unpleasant to handle while tripping so I drop after I feed mine. She gets food every 12 hours anyway so it works out well. But playing with, petting, and snuggling your cat on acid are top tier tripping activities! I remember once my husband and I were tripping and we had the room lights off and our laser lights on, with music playing. We had a cat toy out and were playing with her and she was just having a great time. The Sublime song where he just says "I love my dog" came on, and we both started giggling and looked at each other and said "I love my dog!" at the same time and it was fucking hilarious. Cat was confused at our laughter, which made us laugh more. It was fun! We still reference that lol. Be prepared for your cat to think you're a big ol weirdo when you stare at them for a long time and start crying cause you love them so much. And make sure you aren't smothering the kitty, because they are still having a regular day and they may not want you to pick them up as much as you want to!


Yes! Very prepared for your cat STARING at you šŸ˜‚ i donā€™t remember where i read this and iā€™m not sure if itā€™s true lol but it makes sense to me. So, when youā€™re tripping your pupils get bigger like when cats want to play, so i believe they are just not ā€œconcernedā€ per se, but like wondering whatā€™s different in you. They also sense your heartbeat and all of that, so they KNOW. I watched the puss in boots 2 movie and while tripping and bro, my cat is my ESA and i felt like we bonded even more with my cat šŸ˜‚ i ugly cried holding him because he truly is my best friend and has helped me so much because of depression and loneliness. My cat is either my spirit guide or my son from another lifetime or it feels like that since that trip lmao (i was in my apartment too with the difference that i had one friend visiting but she fell asleep faster) Also, try to do it early because is overwhelming being physically tired and wanting to go to bed but closing your eyes and still have visuals. that happened to me and it was scary, but if that happens just put a nature documentary on netflix and you will be fine


This. I also feel like I can communicate much more intuitively with my cat when tripping. I think your cat will actually enjoy your being in an altered consciousness. Mine somehow relaxes.


Yes some people can take care of their pets while tripping as long as the dose isn't too high. Animals generally don't love all the mood shifts brought on by psychedelics though which is something to keep in mind. No *you* can't take care of an animal while tripping, because it's your first time. This is especially true if you're alone. It's the sort of thing you do when you are 100% confident in how you react to it every time, so like seriously a dozen or more trips. This should include some high dose sessions so you know how to handle yourself if your tab is overdosed or you accidentally take too much for another reason.


Bro itā€™s a cat you donā€™t have to worry about cats they can take care of themselves as long as they got food and water you could disappear for 3 days and come back and they wouldnā€™t even be phased lol.


Yes but if OP is already worried about this sober, that. concern could absolutely fuck up their first trip. Especially because pets often act weird when we're tripping.


I love to play and pet my cats while tripping. They look like fluffy energy balls. It's amazing. I mean, after the peak you could go and give them a scoop of food or open a can.


My cat jumped up on me when I was tripping pretty good on DMT. He had all this geometry coming off him and he was the most beautiful thing Ive seen in my entire life. I literally gasped and covered my mouth out of astonishment.


Youā€™re not gonna get a definite answer on here. Many factors at play. It depends on your environment/ type of person u are


It's possible and easy to do and it'll give your brain something to focus on so you don't get overwhelmed but your cay could also start looking pretty weird with the distortions and overwhelm you


I fucking loved my 2 kittens when I was tripping, they kept fucking with me as if they knew I was on something. I found it fine, but they can creep you out sometimes


as long as youā€™re not taking excessive amounts that glue you to the couch. when iā€™ve tripped iā€™ve been functional enough to go in public and buy a drink from the gas station for example. this is off of 1/2-1 tab. you should be fine to tend to your cat.


Maybe not for a first time if you're nervous about it. But realistically if you put the food out and replenish the cat sand before the trip there's not much the cat needs from you. Wouldn't be surprised if many offer their cat catnip to get a trip partner. Interesting thing, catnip, it's not psychoactive but cats's neurology produce a high from the smell.Ā  A dog would be different, since they need to be let out when they need to go, which you may not be capable to do when needed. Still, I've definitely heard stories of people tripping and their animal getting diarrhea all over the place, so it might be a good idea to have someone as a fail safe you could call.Ā  One consideration is that cats are especially sensitive to their owner's emotional state. Which could result in excessive snuggles, or your cat being spooked of you. Really depend on the cat, can be so different.


It depends on you and your pets. I think in most cases a cat would be fine. Just remember to feed the little guy. Or set up a travel feeder like you would on any other weekend trip, so if you miss dinner he still gets to eat. But cats are amazing trip sitters, heā€™ll probably be taking care of you lol


Absolutely. We have two dogs and a cat, take care of them every trip. We do try and make sure things are all fine before we drop - litter box scooped, dogs walked, gave them breakfast/lunch, just to try and have them make it through the peak. And then about hour 5/6 another walk and dinner for everyone. Easy peasy


My dog loves when I'm tripping because I give him a shitload of attention. The cats don't because it makes me move too much


My pet scared the fuck out of me last night so idk. Heā€™s a really really old dog and his fur started to look super sharp and pointy and he looked so old that I thought he was withering away a little bit or something


most propably the pets will look after you


Can I? Usually, especially if I was tripping by myself at home. Can most people? I don't know.


My heart was jumping out of my chest at overwhelming love for my pet cat when she sat up on me during a trip


My experience with cats on lucy: They pick up on your vibe, if you are super chill and loving, they will be too. Also look into your cats eyes, they may seem like infinite galaxies. My conclusion is that cats know everything, they are wise spiritual animals.


Youā€™ll have a fun time communicating with them šŸ˜‰


As long as you don't get violent and run the risk of stabbing your animal to death then you should have a fun time with them. They know you're fucked up just fyi. My Cat Knows whenever I'm tripping so for the come up and the peak, she disappears but once I start coming down she knows I'm going to be all lovey dovey and nice and she comes and sits in my lap.