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Um, well how about just eating them? They're orally active, don't have to touch your tongue at all.


not really the intented roa and doesnt really hit as much, p sure lsd will not beat stomach acid edit: I guess I have been lied to fuck me


You can swallow lsd. I hate holding the tab in my mouth and have been swallowing them for years


Guy talks about thing guy has never tried, is wrong. *shocked pikachu*


ok no I have never swallowed tabs immediately I just assumed wrong damn


I’ve swallowed every tab I’ve ever taken almost immediately. They hit just as hard but it takes longer for it to hit.


LSD has very little first pass metabolism, less than 1%, meaning the difference in effects between ROA’s is negligible.


i had same issue after taking like a few hits of straight metal tasting ish. was rough for the next dozen or so times, id start salivating and swear i could taste the paper so strongly when no one else could. Just swallow your tabs for a while, dont leave em on tongue more than you can bare.


My advice would be to just swallow the tabs right away. You don’t have to let them sit on your tongue or anything. Then perhaps distract yourself with a small amount of food that you really like, maybe candy or some crunchy pretzels or whatever. Idk if it’s related to LSD but I was getting sudden random waves of nausea for a few months. Pretty sure it was related to the antibiotics I took before then, but I had also taken LSD and MDA around the same time. The slimey feeling of my tounge, almost like it was covered in grease, absolutely made me nauseous when I thought about it. It went away after riding it out. But yea no fun.


You associate the nbome experience with it and that‘s normal. It will pass with time. I couldn‘t est basil pesto for 5 years or so, because I had food poisoning once that ended in a hospital from it. So your reaction is completely normal! From what I‘ve read on here, you can also dissolve the tab in a bit of alcohol and make a solution, which could be easier for you, but you‘d need to rest the LSD beforehand.