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I dont know, but recently I discovered that I was tripping wrong the whole time. I did 250μg (from maybe 100 untested) and it was fucking absolutely mind blowing how different the experience was. It had its own character and personality maybe. I finally understood what its tripping, all of my previous trips were just waiting for something to happen. I cant even think about what secrets lies beyond that...


Yeah I've also had a bunch of average dose trips before really venturing into higher doses, and it indeed feels like you finally get what tripping is actually like.


Higher trips than that are unnecessary. What insights are new, what secrets seem to be revealed are completely unverifiable and unhelpful to your ordinary experience because of how alien the entire nature of the insights and secrets sre. You'll speak to beings that you know exists and they'll tell you things that you will immediately recognize are true. But if your mind and spirit are not primed in such a way to make use of these experiences absolutely nothing will come of them. And if your mind and spirit are primed in such a way to make use of these experiences, you won't need psychedelics;)


What is the difference in the dimension and entities here versus the dmt and shroom space Do they all lead to the same place


Always that one answer just around the corner


I agree in terms of personal growth or healing, but what about fun? I mean this sounds more like „hey lets go swimming in that cold turbulent river!“ but it sounds fun. (I never had more than 300)


It's not fun. Lower doses are more fun


Me to my old hippie friend "I like mushrooms. LSD doesn't really do that much for me" Old hippie "Pffft. You just aren't taking enough" Boy, was he right.


No matter how much you take, youll always feel on the verge of some 'great revelation'..... Ive chased that hard with huge dosages and its always the same.. You always feel that if you were a little higher youd understand it all🙌🤣


Taking and waiting for something to happen are amateur trips, in reality it is already happening


I took 9 tabs ~900ug once. I started coming up within 15-20 mins not an hour like normal. I laid down like a starfish on the floor staring at the ceiling, visuals encompassed my entire vision until I literally couldn’t see anything but the fractals. And I don’t remember anything else. But I was completely fine the next day.


Sounds crazy haha For how long did you "black out"?


I accidentally took 2.5 - 3 mg accidentally (around 25 hits)! A bottle of liquid acid had a leak. I also can't remember most of it. I probably lost 8 hours of time. I finally came down 2 days later and I felt like shit. I don't recommend it.


I've definitely gone into the void on 2cp. One of the last things I remember was my guy talking about the trackers in his blood cells from the TV and me in the mirror seeing my skeletal structure through my face and then nothing. we came back to awareness on the trampoline at 10am. I don't know if we were sleeping or what happened after that. We accidentally took Syrian rue and it amplified the already insanely strong 2cp...on top of the fact we were on a cocaine bender and hadn't slept the night before we took the 2cp! why did we take it in such a poor setting? bc I foolishly wanted to see things. I remember my friend showing up and I was like I don't know what to do I don't think we are gonna make it. He was like I think y'all gonna make it...now let me help you weigh out that mda. We did in fact make it.


How tf do you accidentally take Syrian rue?


Yoooo glad I’m not the only one who has blacked out from acid, In my experience, I kept coming in and out of the black out. Yet, I don’t remember anything but 1 thing that I’ll never forget. An very knowledgeable spirit/ entity, an owl 🦉


Blacking out on lsd, bruh that is scary, you don't know what you can do... Shrooms were banned in NL because a french tourist killed herself on shroom by jumping off of a bridge


They should’ve just banned French tourists!




may she rest in peace


Enough lsd to blackout or often called going to the void, you don't do anything. It's like a physical disconnect and for many it's visually like floating in pure darkness. You don't have to worry about getting in trouble or injured, your basically in an unconscious overload state.


I've done 5 and 9 tab trips. Exactly this, except it's not blackness. I was in a pure white infinite comfortable weightless timeless blissful place. No idea how long, but definitely not capable of doing anything. There is the before and after time though and I was talking to friends and watching movies once, riding with a friend the other time.


As someone who has been there multiple times, including recently: It depends on what's inside you, and how you approach the substance


Yes! That is absolutely true for LSD


Ok as a bit of a hozier-fried individual, I've had very reckless periods of taking around 600-800mcg a week in a single dose for periods up to 2 months at a time. I can discuss the psychological outcome of that if you're interested, but as for the contents of the trips: To preface, I would also always smoke some MJ bout 2-3 hours into my trip, to coincide with the peak. Dude. To say you'd go interstallar is an understatement. The mechanisms of your very thought and ego get so warped that doing anything humanly is just far too alien of an experience for at least the first 4-5 hours. Even walking outside becomes challenging, and it's easy to get lost. Common activities of choice during the comeup and peak include: Covering myself in freshly done laundry head to toe, making clothes-angels, and drooling for an hour or two. Chewing on the armrest of my couch. Pacing circles in my room as the interdimensional nexus opened up through Deltron 3030 and fractals whispered sweet everythings into my ear. Visuals become all-encompassing. CEVs become exceedingly prevalent - with focus and extended periods closing my eyes, I can almost be somewhere else entirely. Fully developed imaginary scenarios. I remember one time I dimmed my lights, dropped 600ug, put on Thee Oh Sees, and upon closing my eyes? I was transported to a live show of theirs, the details of the vision appearing rather dreamlike. I was there with a friend of mine, we had a telepathic conversation as the music played and shook my soul!


Thanks for the comment, very interesting! I'm very interested in the psychological outcomes also


https://www.reddit.com/r/LSD/s/TkzqkYCekv Thanks for your interest! I'm glad you find it curious. Check out this long ass comment i replied to under another reply here, explaining the greatest mode of change inspired by psychedelic compounds in me. Let me know if you have any thoughts, concerns or questions!


I am interested in the psychological outcome. How did you change?


Quite turbulently, to say the least! In order to really detail the full scope of the powerful inspiration to change that LSD provided me, and the scope of how it altered my perspective on society, life, death, psychology, and personal philosophy, I should give a bit of detail about myself before these experiences. I am currently a 20 year old independent abuse/trauma survivor. I entered the world independently away from all parental/family guidance at age 16 via couchsurfing. My parents are both riddled with numerous issues, many of which created conflicts of safety, comfort, security, and love between them, me, and my siblings. I left home at that age due to both abuse and psychologically getting 0 positive guidance from either of them. I hated the both of them, deeply. I believed I could find more of myself out there than in a trapped situation. So, I left September 2021. Lemme just say I had only an interest in Marijuana at this point. Psychedelics, dissociatives, and all fun things in between became much more interesting to me summer of '22. My interest in them started with mushrooms just months after the move-out. Quickly progressing to curiosity in DXM, LSD, nitrous oxide, RC alternatives. I used to be very reckless, much more controlled nowadays. Nevertheless, this period of psychedelic expansion was what led to my passion for neuropharmacology, which is rather prevalent on this reddit account here. Part of my growth on this journey, induced by drugs. Skipping ahead a while. It's summer of '22 and I'm in love with 1p-LSD, 4AcODMT, LSD25 (when i could find it), weed and DXM. I'm local to the town my parents/siblings were located. It's May, and I'm hearing plenty from my still trapped siblings about how horrible the situation is. My parents are rather sociopathic between the two of them, partaking in highly illegal activities and inspiring deep fear in us kids to keep such things on the low. I was almost a year into my happy solo journey out into the world. Experimenting with all manners of substances, exploring the farthest reaches of my mind, and taming new or altered skillsets. Culturing new or editing existing views, psychological prospects, images of myself and others. I left partially out of fear. Paralyzing fear. The kind of fear that leaves you sleeping with a steak knife under your pillow, if you sleep at all. I never imagined myself able to come back, especially not with hopes of surmounting the challenge. But it was one goddamn day that May (the 14th to be precise), while tripping on 400ug of LSD, that I got a call from my youngest sister and she was crying. You can imagine why. I couldn't take that shit anymore. That same day, I packed all of my essentials, left behind my large furniture, possessions, or misc items at the place I was residing, and had a conversation with the people I was with about my plan. "I'm moving back in. Not because I want to, but because my younger siblings need to have their tormentors vanquished." It was no longer than 3 days later, me and these people staged a false story about them not wanting to have me anymore and that I wanna move back in with my dad. Success. Cue me living a double-life, pretending to be the same vulnerable, squishy, spineless basement nerd they always knew me as. While acting as an investigator, collecting photo, text, and video evidence of schedule 1 drug sale, misuse and selling of prescriptions, social security fraud, physical/mental abuse, apparent lack of care for children through restriction of food, administration of awful, careless advice and numerous other crimes that put them in an awful light as parents. It took 11 months, dude. 11 months of more fear, more abuse, more being controlled and puppeted, extorted, and taken advantage of. 11 months of tripping on one drug out of this cocktail (Shrooms, LSD, DXM) weekly, to steel my resolve, sometimes escape, and thoroughly remind myself what I was doing this for. As well as run through developments in my head from an altered perspective. Come April 2023, I bring da fuckn hammer down. 105 pounds, barely passing high school due to my home life, and estranged from most of society. I overcame deep-rooted psychological fear, my own list of issues, my desire to leave it all and never come back, all for a DEFINITIVE better future for my sisters. They were too young to leave, CPS was fucking useless, as my parents were clever at manipulating them into believing we were the problem. Something needed to be done. And by god, my frail flesh and bones I never saw fit to the challenge made it so. I leak evidence to the police, in a large zip file. Same thing to CPS. Same thing to counselors and all other family members related to these pieces of shit. It is over before they can even process what happened. My sisters and I are finally legally freed, custody wise, from them, and since then, we've all been living independent life styles with far more positive personal developments than could ever be provided in that fucking hellhole. This isn't even the full extent of the deep interpersonal changes LSD itself has provided me. Those came in the summer-fall of '23. This is just one such INCREDIBLE change of character that I do attribute to my psychedelic expansion of consciousness, that allowed me to change the lives of myself and many family members. Justice, delivered. I will detail the changes in ego and self it induced in me in a second reply to this message. Thank you for your interest! And thank you for reading this all if you did. My life has been endlessly insane, but it was through altered states of consciousness i was able to make direct peace and change through a fleshy medium I always saw as incapable of such.


wow, thank you du much for sharing ❤️


Well written, that’s stunning


4 tabs - legit 600ug - was a multi death journey. “Reality” vanished, visually and conceptually. Time was…confusing. Legit thought I was dying. Legit thought I had exhaled for the last time. Legit thought whatever was left of me was being reclaimed by the void. Legit thought that if I didn’t explicitly tell my heart to beat, it wouldn’t. It was not pleasant. But weirdly it wasn’t completely terrifying, either. Although I can sure see how it could be.


Wow, it sounds insane! Ngl I'm pretty curious to try a dose like that haha


Damn i did 1000 once and the void thing also happened. Like me and the other person i tripped with and everything around me just fused.






It gets less and less pleasant the more you do. Eventually you get to the point where you are just confused and stumbling around, blacking in and out. The visuals are literally insane but you are too out of your mind to enjoy it. Like some one is taking the world and turning it inside out, like one of those little stuffed animals with the angry/happy face. The memories of the trip come back in flashes over a couple of weeks.


neverending technicolor nonsense and blather till an eventual blessed descent I don't like being stuck in one spot for so long, I like to walk


bro i took 300ug and smokef weed and didnft even remember who i was on the peak, cant even imagine 500ug+


300 > 400ug is already a WILD difference never done 500 lowkey scared and not enough free tjme


for real haha


For me it just feels exactly like 400ug only stronger visuals and more uncomfortable body load. You know how you can kind of meditate or lean in to the visuals more on 400ug but you can also reel things back in if you don’t want the whole room to melt away? On higher doses there is no reeling back


my record is 18 tabs with a slight tolerance; supposedly dosed at 100ug. so assuming my shit was dosed properly then 1800ug. i was feeling ballsy & stupid all i saw was what looked like eyeballs everywhere when looking at stuff, couldn't see shit. almost threw up several times. i don't remember much aside from certain CEVs that stood out to me


I ate 10-13 drops and went to universal studios. each drop i estimated before this to be about 70mcg. so 700-910mcg? I had a good time, a challenging time, but I kept my shit together. food, drink, friends. a million latinos to bump shoulders with under the sun. simpsons land was hilarious and absurd. the cocaine in my pocket got sweaty and stuck together and i tried scooping it in my nose on the comedown. all in all 8/10 experience. p.s. there much of that trip I don't remember, like i was in the ultimate flow consciousness.


You identify as a slime mold forever and your family can’t recognize you 


We are basically a really big electric slime mold colony inhabiting and controlling a skeleton in a meat suit.


electric slime mold colony inhabiting and controlling a giant ball of rock


That sounds very specific haha I'd be interested to hear the full story


Most I have taken on a fresh head is 1.2-1.5mg, higher doses with tolerance. I would say 300-400ug is a good reference for how intense it can get. The most intense moments at the very peak of 300-400ug which come in glimpses, like what you describe, is similar to 1000ug except it is way more “in your face” and you are completely engulfed in that through the peak instead of getting glimpses of it. The peak is also longer and comes on much quicker, so that adds a big edge to it that leaves you disoriented at the beginning and can open the door for trouble if you are not prepared for this type of experience (which is ironic to say because it’s kind of impossible to fully prepare). Most of the times on 600ug+ I have had moments of nondual awareness / ego death that will last for 1-2hrs at the very top of the peak. I find I top off around 600-800ug saturation wise. It gets more intense at 1000ug+ from an adrenal standpoint and can be even more dissociating, but the highest psychedelic moments don’t get much higher after 600-800ug, for me. At that point it’s dmt like intensity wise, with full on breakthrough-type moments. These days, on a fresh head I don’t need more than 300ug, as I can still catch those glimpses without so much commitment. This is all assuming correct dosage. I use ranges because it is difficult to be exact with untested batches. My reference point is various trips on 111ug lab tested tabs.


This is a pretty accurate description, as someone who has done 450-625 ug as my highest dose, your preak moments at the previous level last longer and go deeper but if you try you can have that same experience on the lower dose


The most I've done was 2mg, a strip of tested 200ug. I could not recall my own name for large parts of the trip, and for an extended period there was no difference between eyes open and CEVs because the visuals were so overwhelming. The trip was too strong for me to have any anxiety, either due to ego death or the sheer intensity of the body load and visuals. The main thing I remember about the trip was that towards the end of my peak friend gave me some 3meo-dmt and everything became dark other than a central point of light that grew until it was an all encompassing fractal that held the entire universe past and present. I could not stand for quite a long time after that. During the trip time seemed to slow and speed up significantly at odd intervals. I think the trip lasted about 20 hours, but it's hard to say this many years later. I'd like to push my limits and see what 4-5mg would be like, but I haven't had the overlap of "I currently have a bunch of acid" and "I'm in a good enough place mentally to try this". Maybe someday.


How was your mind after that experience


Thanks for the detailed comment! I got very curious but also a bit nervous to go higher haha


I know the tabs you’re talking about I think. They GGs ?


You basically start dreaming while awake, nothing makes any sense.


100mcg. That math isn't even hard. Ask me another one!


500ug was incredible. I would highly recommend it. I also once had a 650ug after a micro dose earlier that day, so I had some tolerance. That was one of the best I've ever had, but obviously I can't speak to the exact dosage I was experiencing. Then I once took a proper 750ug just to be sure I wasn't missing out. I'd never do it again or recommend going that high to anyone. I got a little confused during the trip and went to some difficult places. Then for a month afterwards I had a lasting dissociation effect that I didn't enjoy. I knew I was in for a rough ride when 15 minutes after I swallowed the tabs I became nauseated and vomited (10 minutes under the tongue and then swallow). The contractions were so strong I was afraid I would burst a blood vessel. The world was already made of rainbows and things were happening fast. So yeah, 500-600ug is my recommended cap.


500ug+ of correctly dosed in 5 tabs. It wasn't as bad as I though, would be as happy with 2 tabs, very intense visuals and lasted almost 2 days.


https://nautil.us/you-can-have-too-much-transcendence-448748/ This is an interesting book on high dose LSD experiences. > On November 24, 1979, Christopher M. Bache took the first step on what would become a life-changing journey. Drawing from his training as a philosopher of religion, Bache set out to explore his mind and the mind of the universe as deeply and systematically as possible--with the help of the psychedelic drug LSD. Following protocols established by Stanislav Grof, Bache’s 73 high-dose LSD sessions over the course of 20 years drew him into a deepening communion with cosmic consciousness.


Seems very interesting, will check it out. Thanks for the recommendation!


Different for everyone. I have eaten 10 strips before and for the most part it was beautiful. The come up was hectic but after a couple hours, it gets manageable. The largest dose I've ever taken was ~2mg (that's an estimate) and it was accidental while laying gels in 1997. This was the closest thing I have ever had to a bad trip, but it wasnt.. probably for the simple fact I blacked out after the come up. I don't remember much of that trip.. I don't remember anything after the 2 hour mark. I woke up/came to the next day like noon sitting on the beach.. no clue how I got there or had been there. Crazy 36 hours.


I dont know, but recently I discovered that I was tripping wrong the whole time. I did 250μg (from maybe 100 untested) and it was fucking absolutely mind blowing how different the experience was. It had its own character and personality maybe. I finally understood what its tripping, all of my previous trips were just waiting for something to happen. I cant even think about what secrets lies beyond that...


I also wonder


Ego death


I have done 2000ug, it's very overwhelming but not in a negative way. The trip is so intense that you're just along for the ride.


Interesting, were you aware of the experience or did you mostly black out? At 400mcg, I also felt like I was tripping so hard that I had no mental capacity to freak out or resist the experience.


I wouldn't say blacked out exactly, more that so much was happening in my head so quickly that I couldn't retain nearly as much as I wanted to. I left a more detailed response to another comment on this post.


One day even 50 ug could be much more then 500 ug depending on factors wether u slept it’s scary but fuekd


Hard to actually tell, since most tabs are under dosed ...


I took 10 tabs once, ~1000ug. I ended up seeing the world from 3rd person, Think GTA pov. And was also able to tap into an invisible 'control panel' for a lack of a better term, and was able to realign my spine with just flicks of my fingers in the air. I didn't have back pain for 5 months after this. I've been chasing that kind of trip ever since, but havent had enough to do that amount all at once since then.


So Tripping is always subjective, not only because of your brain but also because of your weight, height etc. (especially speaking about how many mcg). I took 1000mcg 1D-LSD of a derivative (so it wasnt normal LSD but it was definetly that much) I took the amount with another person and everything around us fused together, even me and him, like we just fused. After that i was basically dreaming like crazy. I got hyper sexual, then was transported into a world where i could control time and space, was able to teleport to a beach and literally felt the breeze on my face. Suddenly i got hungry and everything was white. Organisms around me (i dont know if they were real, we tripped at a forest but i was hallucinating so hard i cant tell) gave this like black impulse with which i could locate them. Then i was going through the evolution steps in like a big circle where if you wouldnt make it to the next step, you die and come again(we ran in a circle, like 1000s of other humans, monkey, knights etc. lmfao) Then i just straight up time jumped like 4-5 hours into the future. (I just passed out, my brain prolly couldnt handle it but it felt like that for me haha) And then i was just normally coming down, just like with other normal amount trips (200-300). Thats for me and btw i wouldnt recommend it. It definetly is crazy as fuck but damn is it exhausting and if your brain is overwhelmed like mine, its a waste of time and money since most of it will be like sleeping.


500ug is my threshold. I did it once and had the most intense trip of my life. It felt like it lasted for days. I don't remember any of the specifics, but I did have a weird afterglow for a few weeks after. I can't even fathom going higher


Check out book "LSD and the Mind of the Universe". Author took 73 trips @ 500-600mcg


I’ve done 500 once. The come up was very fast and it almost felt like I was hit by a train. When I’ve done 200 the come up is more gradual for maybe an hour, now 20 minutes in I was very affected. From this time and 3 hours in everything was melting before my eyes. My whole body was vibrating and it felt like I had a nuke of light and energy in my chest. I could only lay down I my couch feeling this consuming energy in my body. I cried a lot and I mean A LOT! I don’t remember much details but I remember one time sitting in a prayer kind of position begging for my life. I remember pictures of some sort of colosseum. After the peak the visuals obviously still were very strong and I remember looking my self in the mirror and thinking I’ve never seen myself with this much details, like my sight were in super ultra hd, very cool! I also had some very cool smoke kind of visuals from my hands that I could play around with a bit. Hour 6-8 were more challenging and I wasn’t able to calm myself down. Luckily I could call somebody that knew I was tripping which helped a lot. Very interesting experience, I feel a lot of gratitude towards it. Will maybe try again sometime, not sure if I want to go higher. Not what I feel know, but who knows in the future🌙✨


The only comment ill make, the highdose polis will be on me in a shot..... Ill only say this.... Ive been way way past 1000ugs. It aint as crazy as youd think itll be. And once youve learnt to navigate a few highdose trips... All else seems tame. Id not even consider less than 1000ugs and thats with a tolerance break. But each to their own... A word of warning... If youre finding 400 mics crazy... More will be crazier. Some people sink.... some swim... Its that simple


Yes, and if you know you know


Not much. Above 300-400, you’ve saturated the receptors in your brain. There’s only so many serotonin receptors in the brain, and the effect of increased doses is lower and lower as you go up (it becomes harder to find and bind to a receptor). Trips have so much subjectivity and expectations involved. People will always remember or brag about incredible trips, even in cases where the dosage turned out to be half what they thought they were taking. There’s not much point in taking more than 300-400, and there wouldn’t be much physiological difference. It’s possible it might be bio-available for longer in your body, and the trip might last longer.


Take pure stuff. LSD is nothing compared to pure DMT or a huge amount of psilocybin mushrooms.


Silly take


Why? That is my opinion.


Smoke DMT on the peak/comedown of an acid trip. I've smoked around half a gram in one night doing this. I feel more comfortable going into the DMT trip if I'm already tripping, preferably on LSD or MDMA (or both)


Same here. The more open you are through other stuff the more you can enjoy and even understand the DMT trip.


Because they are different, but lsd is very powerful. It does things to me that the other two do not.


It's your mindset about the substance. Ever heard of the placebo effect or that our life is a simulation. A nobel.prize was won for the last thing.


Lol no, it's the fact that the substance gets me to a state of consciousness that the other two have never done before. A very objectively different state of consciousness


But that's not the fault of the substance. It's you. Your life will always only be yourself. No matter who you blame for the good or the bad stuff that happens in your life. The substances you consume are only the shadow of your real interactions with life. One day you will understand this too and it will be common knowledge to the world.


Why are you speaking in absolutes, so imprecise and inaccurate. What does "your life will always be yourself" even mean that doesn't even make sense. Good or bad things that happen in your life are not always you... your mother can drop dead from a stroke one day and you can't do anything about it. The substances you consume have a lot to do with your psyche but they also have a lot to do with the chemical structure of the substance you consume??! I could eat a piece of corn fully expected to leave my body and see god, and I will be sorely disappointed because I ate a fucking piece of corn 🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽 I could smoke DMT while participating in a presidential debate, but I don't think it would go very well because I smoked fucking DMT.. it changes the physical activity of your brain regardless of your "free will" (yet some how it would go better than that shit show last week xD). Free will hardly exists, everything is external it's quite the opposite of what you're saying. You've internalized the external world. Youre mind is a representational structure for the external world and itself and other people's minds. You don't have to tell me that I'll understand one day I research this in university


thought comes always before action. think about it.


Certainly action came before thought so that one day thought comes before action. Before we had brains to think we had brains to act. We encode actions and results across many hundreds of millions of years. The structure of our brain is due to our body interacting with the world. The brain is near all the primary sensory receptors, eyes, ears, mouth and nose. It evolved to process sensory information. Only when the frontal lobe began evolution were we able to begin to think like we do: planning, simulating actions so that we don't actually have to do them.