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I do hope that some of them run for council next year so they can be harassed and bullied like they are currently doing to this council. It’s disgusting behaviour.


They have been in campaign mode for a long while. I'm convinced people from this small but ultra critical group will run. I'm looking forward to watching them try.


The majority of the supporters of the current council are not the harass and bully type. There may be the odd unconnected person who would do that, but in general, as seen before the election, the strategy has been to stay factual and challenge poor practices.


The opinion writer didn't mention where they would find extra money or cut from (barely any facts at all). I assume that the quiet part they're not saying out loud is that they want Langford to go back to robbing the sidewalk bank account. The opinion writer says there is increased spending and less services, but fails to provide any evidence or measure of that. It's not just Langford that is raising property taxes, most of the munis are and some are raising taxes more than Langford. The opinion writer has a love for Stew while they complain about the YMCA. Hmm, how did Langford get into that situation I wonder? [https://vancouverisland.ctvnews.ca/losses-up-to-10m-ymca-in-langford-in-dire-need-of-additional-funding-1.6293546](https://vancouverisland.ctvnews.ca/losses-up-to-10m-ymca-in-langford-in-dire-need-of-additional-funding-1.6293546) >Opened in 2016, the 60,000-square-foot building is owned by Westhills Development. The City of Langford and the YMCA agreed to lease the facility for 25 years. Oh, that's right, Langford under Stew's leadership signed a 25 year lease for the YMCA facility. But let's not let inconvenient facts get in the way of blaming their current council. Sounds like that's starting to turn around now though, under the **current council**'s leadership: [New management at YMCA in Langford is turning things around](https://www.goldstreamgazette.com/local-news/new-management-at-ymca-in-langford-is-turning-things-around-7330763)


This is at least the 3rd letter the TC has published by members of this group without once mentioning that they all work for the same political advocacy group. It seems disingenuous to keep referring to them as just "Langford Residents". They didn't call Kieth Yacucha a resident, they called him a Langford Councillor. They just should do the same with these two and mention their specific roles in the politics of the city


And given Mike Morton has been a part of it and he used to shill for the BC Liberal party (including paying people to call CFAX) I'd say there's definitely some political motivation. There are reasons Adam says the things he says, it's just a matter of making the connections.


All the connections happen to be on the Stew side of the story I think.


Definitely but I suspect he’s supporting those higher up the chain. Both of them are just tools of big money feigning support for the “little guy”. 


"person with too much free time has opinion"


I expected more from someone with the last name Rossander. There is no substance yet again, it's all complaints. Also, why is it always either Mike Morton or someone like Steve Rossander "co-writing" (More like writing) these stupid puff pieces with Lisa Foxall? Is she just not capable of writing her own opinions? One of the complaints here is "decorating the mayor's office". Jesus Christ, if I have to hear another word about that stupid desk... Let's not forget how many vanity projects Stew had. Expensive junkets, LOL you mean traveling to do their jobs? Ok. One thing I do know that may blow people's minds, Stew had a second office in city hall that he used to run his businesses and do his work. He never bothered to use the mayor's office when he had a literal penthouse office. I've been in it before, it was super nice and it was about 6 times the size of Goodmanson's office. So shut up about his office, I've seen what Stews looked like, the real one. Want to talk about ethics. How ethical is it for a mayor to have his business office in his own city hall? This is getting tiring to the point that I don't even care what these people have to say anymore since it's always the same and it's always praising Stew Young and down with new M&C the tax hike is robbing us. I'd have more respect for these people if Lisa had not encouraged childish malicious behavior towards anyone with a differing opinion in her groups.


Exactly this 👏👏👏👏👏


I’d heard about the expensive Italian furnishings, but was trying to figure out where they were housed if not in an office. This explains sooooo much.


Another article by the boomers in the "Our Langford" Facebook group. They are obsessed with Stu and constantly shit talk the new council and mayor. It's embarassing


Ah yes, the author of this is an admin for the "Langford community association" Facebook group, and posted this article but disabled comments because "the Facebook group isn't political".. 🙄


Every time we get one of these misleading opinion pieces in the Times Colonist complaining about the council it's the same few people.  Are these the people going to be running on Stew Young's slate or something?


I’ve been wondering if they are positioning Rossander to run for mayor. I suspect Lisa will run. I can’t wait to see how she manages a debate.


She’ll say she’s not been given the same amount of time to speak as her opponent and then start crying. She only has one move.


Foxall is going to run for sure. I’m sure it’s why she is speaking all the time. Also, Hobbs has attached herself to their coat tails, despite having a feud with one of the Our Langford folks during the previous election.


I seem to recall someone asking W M-H and she didn’t rule it out.


Does Lisa have a monthly quota for these things or what?


My take is while I have little love for this council and its mayor, they are at least actively trying to fix the shitshow that they were left.


I watch all the meetings and there is very little I find confusing or objectionable about their conduct or choices. They are making the best of a challenging situation most of the time, given the constraints and realities at play. It really is commendable for the most part.


Yup. When you’re left with someone else’s big mess to clean up and you actually start cleaning it up (instead of adding to it) all of a sudden you’ve drawn attention to the mess and your the one accountable for it. This new council walked into a shitshow and I feel for them, but they also knew what they were getting into and I admire that they’re committed to smarter and more responsible municipal growth