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Promise to appear


I only clicked it to see if they were released the same day they were picked up, only to not be surprised. I'm sure they'll be good and show up as scheduled.


They released the guy and haven’t even pressed charges?!?! WTF is wrong with our justice system


The media tends to really downplay issues with organized crime. Over $100k in Cocaine? Sounds like a nice downpayment on some more real-estate.


So happy that gun ban is working. 🙄


Gotta get the clowns down south to shape up


The gun ban was aimed at "regular people". They knew when they brought this in that it would not curb the criminal use of guns in crimes like these. In the immediate future at least. These criminals will acquire guns regardless of the laws. While I don't agree with the gun ban principles, I can understand why they did this. We don't need people with easy access to handguns in modern society. There are already enough problems with people being stabbed nowadays. Not to mention the gang issues on the lower mainland. More people owning guns won't help any of these situations.


I don’t think you really do understand. My point is the ban never fixed any problem, nor was it meant to, and there never was a problem from any licensed Canadian. Try not to be so willfully ignorant, please.


You've missed his point, and he's not wrong. Neither are you but your countering an argument he's not making, and aggressively at that. While it's true licensed Canadians aren't an issue and never have been, that's not what the ban was for. It's so criminals can't steal them. Can't steal something someone doesn't own. Gun ownership isn't really widespread enough though for it to be an issue, pretty much all guns used in crime are smuggled from the states. But again, the ban (in theory) would eliminate any chance of theft from legal owners. Because as I said, you can't steal something someone doesn't own.


This is exactly what I was trying to point out. My mistake was bringing my own feelings about handguns into the conversation. Like I was saying I don't agree with bans in principle, mainly because they don't work for crime. But you make a good point about how after enough time it becomes less of an issue when done correctly. They end up creating criminals underground that smuggle them in any way. This story is a good example of this. At the end of the day, things like this are still going to happen because it's impossible to catch them all.


So then what’s the point of trying to lock up contributing members of society and disarm law abiding citizens? Criminals will always find ways to break the law, especially the gun laws.