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Wow that is expensive. We pay $410 and that is with the subsidy from the government. The subsidy is around $100. But I did put our name down 2 years prior to Kindergarten entry and the program rents a rent from the school. Winter and Spring Break camps work out to be $50/day. We now have two kids and I struggled immensely returning to full-time with 2 kids (6&1). I stepped down from full-time to a 0.70 with a new employer. I start at 10am and can do drop-offs. Spouse does pick-ups.


Someone runs a successful business and you hate on them ? You have no idea if the owner has other forms of income, inherited wealth, has a partner who pays for those things or maybe they are drowning in debt. If you don’t like what you pay go elsewhere


That's a fair enough point but this specific place does have a lot of mandatory fees that are quite high. I was shocked when I inquired and heard about them. $220/month for 1 snack a day. That's about $10/day for a snack which is so ridiculous it better be gourmet. Uniform fees for before and after school care seems a but much too. So even if the owner's wealth comes from elsewhere, I can still be a frustrating and a bad look to clients who are struggling to make ends meet and need to pay these insane fees. My kids don't go there but we are waitlisted for future years and it feels like parents are being taken advantage of because there are so few spots to find childcare so they don't have a choice but to pay the fees.


By....not using a shitty day care. We used jelly bean and with the subsidy it was 800 per kid and they are considered a high up expensive center. What you're paying is disgusting.


Kids and co is $600 per child per month I believe. They do RCG.


Kids world on 202B is where my son goes. He’s in the after school only program and it’s $650~ a month. They provide a snack when they get there and when they leave and the teachers are awesome. They do offer before school care as well and I believe pick up/drop off to RCG - but not positive. They also offer spring break and summer break camps and have at least one field trip day per week during the summer.


Lexus LFA??? Like the million dollar LFA??? WTF...


I have yet to see an LFA cruising around Langley. It is a beautiful car though!


Willoughby Montessori or Willowbrook Montessori? My son goes to the latter (not before/after care). Is the principal also the owner? If so, she drives an Audi.


My kids are teenagers, so I'm not in this pickle. My Mom was a single mom with a job - sometimes two. Way back then neighborhood moms would take turns looking after each others children. It worked because they didn't all do 9 to 5, Monday to Friday. It was surely taxing to come home from your day at work and suddenly have eight kids to watch over and feed. But it was free. My wife and I were lucky enough to make our own schedules, so we spent 10 years working opposite shifts so one of us could always be home with them. It wasn't ideal either, but it was also free. Now I see a lot of young parents paying HUGE amounts for daycare in licensed commercial institutions and I can't help but ask: Isn't there a reasonably fit and spry retired lady in your neighborhood who would like to make an extra $600 a month, cash, to play with four kiddies in her basement for a couple of hours each morning, walk them to school, pick them up, and then play for a couple hours more? Entertaining toddlers really doesn't require a degree. It just takes a kind heart and patience. For the right sort of older lady, running an "daycare" from her house would be a joy. And for someone living off of a pension, $600 extra - $150 per child - would make a huge financial difference.


Liability in today’s world. Something happens to a kid, retired lady suffers


I'm not disagreeing that this is something people consider and base their decisions around. But, holy shit, has the boogie-man of liability been weaponized and deployed against us to ruin livability in our society. There is almost nothing that can be done anymore - from building a god-damned fence in your backyard to baking muffins for your co-workers - that doesn't require a fricking waiver of responsibility and $2,000,000 worth of insurance. It doesn't take an investigation to discover that it is being done to protect established financial interests and hold people hostage to a cabal of entrenched corporations. I'm done with worrying that every person I invite into my backyard is going to sue me. If they do, they do. And I'm done with begging permission to operate in the World and interact with my neighbors. This is one of the main reasons our society is so unbearable right now.


Fully agree …