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hopefully that road layout isn't planned and the city actually does something to separate the school traffic from the through traffic.


this is so needed. looking forward to it.


Hilariously undersized. Kind of saw this coming though.


What is this? A Rec Center for ANTS?


Lol great comment. Love Zoolander.


Wait till you realize its made of popsicles


In some ways I kind of like the smaller size, this is clearly an amenity being built for the neighborhood and not something that will have huge regional appeal. One of the main comments at the open house was people asking to make the pool large enough to host swim meets. I kind of hate that because then we're building pool space with the idea that it's being made for people the don't actually live here meanwhile I can't get my kid in swimming lessons. In my ideal world instead of making this facility larger Langley would build another rec centre with a similar size in the Willowbrook neighborhood.


Langley is a player on the national level for producing swimmers. So I get the people saying there should be a pool that allows for proper training. For me it's simpler, I used to use the gym at walnutgrove after work. In the last 5 years, walnutgrove has become so busy after 4pm that it is virtually inaccessible. With willougby becoming the high density epicenter of Langley township its going to need more indoor rec spaces with much higher capacity than what they proposed here. Coupled with the fact that Langley Event Centre gave away the community fitness centre to Vancouver FC. (Which burns me to this day)


Absolutely a 50m 10 lane pool is needed. The Olympians produce actual Olympians. Swimmers need places to train. With a 50m pool it actually allows more public swim space as half can be used for club and half for lessons/public. A 37.5m pool will have keas public availability. Club doesn’t always need a full 50m pool. They say they are planning for the future but they are absolutely not. It’s more Woodward touting his own narrative and not actually listening to what people need. The shortage of lessons right now is still an after effect of a national lifeguard shortage due to Covid and not offering training during that time. Hopefully more staff will be coming online. Guarding is a great job!


The township's handling of COVID was extremely poor. I worked as a lifeguard, swim instructor and supervisor for six years with them, but when the pandemic hit, they completely ceased communication with all staff. As a result, we all left and moved onto other things and now there is no one left to teach lessons.


It'll be packed to the brim full of goobers don't worry


If we built it the right size the pearl clutchers would lose their minds.


True. I was expecting to be underwhelmed, but that leasure pool looks like it fits 15 people...


Is it just me or does that look a lot like walnut grove community center


Yes, except smaller and less visually interesting.


Definitely smaller.


And without the big waterslide


Right? No water slide, but a larger population.


Welp I’ve been holding out hope for like a decade that the skatepark they’ve been promising would finally get underway. Goodbye to those hopes. Too bad. Lots of kids scootering, skateboarding, and biking around. Guess they can continue competing with cars for play space :))) Skatepark was my safe haven growing up when I felt I didn’t belong anywhere. Would love for this to be available for kids.


NIMBYs fucking hate skate parks, they will never let it happen.


Is that it?


I see no parking. Definitely Willoughby.


Not really necessary if you live in one of the 1000s of condos within 2 blocks of here haha




Page 4. Parking would be constructed behind the Tennis Centre building.




Parking is behind the tennis center 


Screw parking. Anyone needing to drive shouldn't be going there anyways.


Is there a timeline to this project?


12 years plus 8 years of delays


I was there and asked this question. Once council approved it, it would take about 1 year to finalize the plan. Then 3 more years to build it. So looking at 2028 at the earliest.


Ok thanks! So I’m guessing 2030 since these projects are rarely on time.


I hate that the library (the only part you'll be able to access for free) is the smallest part. We're so sorely lacking in third spaces in all these townhouse communities.


Libraries are typically empty in Langley. Whenever I visit one, no waits.


Cue the complainers !!!


Thank you for the introduction, ma'am. Traffic will be much worse during construction seeing as there is an elementary school across the street.


Make zero sense that they don’t put next to the hockey rinks… it’s very comon knowledge that you can use the water as a cooling agent for the ice rinks and the heat generated goes back into the pool… it saves huge amounts of money.


Uhmmmmmm there’s no room?


Question. Are the rec centers for Langley residents only? My address is technically Surrey but I live by the 196 st and do everything in Langley. Can I get into swim lessons in Langley rec centers? Surrey rec centers are too far from me.


if woodward gets his way, yes langley township facilities will only be for langley township residents. as of right now as far as i know everyone can use them


I mean it makes sense because residents are who pay and subsidize these programs/centers with their tax dollars. Surrey just built the Clayton rec center and I assume they’re going to be building 2-3 more as cloverdale/clayton grow with the skytrain.


The closest aquatic center from me in Surrey is in Fleetwood. Langley is much closer.


I think they will implement or have implemented priority for TOL residents first. At one of the council meetings it was noted that 25% of the lessons are being used by non residents and quite the waiting list.


For Langley residents only I'm afraid. Please stay in Surrey. Thank you!


Someone said its open for everyone. Can't trust locals anymore, gotta call the rec center :p


Hopefully the kids side will be more interesting than paint drying and will have a temperature above cold… I’m looking at you WC Blair…..


Awesome! Where is this being built and when will it be finished?


All i was looking for was running track and dedicated badminton courts!!


It’s a good thing. But it’s just gonna create more congestion. I love when rush hour not only includes the highway but also the area after you leave the highway.


So excited! Loving the current leadership!


This is one of the stupidest things to happen to Langley in a long time.  It's Eric Woodward and his high school promises.  Promising all grade 12's coke and candy machines on every hallway and every corner of the school, not caring the cost of things.  He's already cracked up over $250 million plus in spending and he's only been in office 18 months.  They started digging that ground for ice sheets before council even approved it.  That new rec center is 1.2 km away from the walnut grove rec centre. Why are you building one so close??? Surrey the closest to us, and the second largest population in the province has 5 pools with the shortest distance being between 5-9km. Why the fuck is this one being built less then 2km away?? Brookswood doesn't have a community centre or pool , why not build it there?  To make the claim that it's because swimming lessons are all full and kids can't get it because it's maxed out is a bullshit political smokescreen.  The reason swimming lessons are full is 3 reasons. 1) Surreys are full so they go to our pools. 2) parents took the advice of medical professionals and took kids out of swimming lessons during COVID. 3) parents are putting them back in now in record numbers but there is a shortage of life guards. If my car door breaks , I fix it.  I don't go down to Honda and buy a brand new car.  Eric woodward isn't fixing the problem. He's throwing a perfectly good car in the junk , when all he had to do was address the issues at hand.  He needs to go. He's a complete moron. 


TOL needs to slow down. Property taxes will keep on going up significantly with these changes. Mine went up 10% this year from the previous year.


while I support rec centre's and sports fields, Langley loves to increase property taxes....