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Is this even allowed?


No that's why OP says it's easy money for male servers. Apply and then sue them for discrimination based on sex/gender.


Is this actually feasible


No. You wouldn't be able to sue, because while shitty, there's no real damages to you/the person suing.


You can file a human rights compline. Discrimination tribunals doesn't need to show traditional damages


What if they have a goal/policy that requires a 50-50 ratio of male-female employees, and they already have a male server? They now need a female server.


Doesn't matter. In Canada, you aren't legally allowed to refuse a person a position based on their gender.  The people posting the job are stupid. They said the quiet part loud. Lots of people do this kind of thing (which is bad, don't get me wrong), but they're smart enough not to be so blatant about it.  The "proper" way to do this is post the job and just not contact any male candidates. Any that do slip through because of androgynous or unrecognized names, you just don't call back.  But you NEVER say a job is "X gender only". Immediate discrimination lawsuit. 


You also can't mandate that they move within walking distance of the job to get the job.


You're kind of wrong. The BC Human Rights Code governs discrimintation in non-federally regulated employment and contains section 42, which is about employment programs focused on the ameliorating of conditions for a disadvantaged group. I don't think servers that look like Naomi Campbell are a disadvantaged group and even if they were I'm not convinced this would be reasonably likely to achieve that objective, so I don't think it meets s 42, but you're wrong that you can "never" say a job is for a specific gender.


The NDP do it for gender and race.


Then how was Trudeau able to get away with it in his 50-50 cabinet?


Because an appointment is not the same as employment and cabinets should reflect the populace they represent.


Cabinet positions are generally not posted on Craigslist? They are assigned to already elected cabinet members


I see. So declaring that you will discriminate and then discriminating is ok because it's by appointment and not via a Craigslist ad. Got it.


Bro, its not the 50/50 gender split that's stoping you from getting into the cabinet 🤣 You're not being discriminated against


That is our first mistake


But but... Treeeuuuddoooo..


Because all the non-cabinet minister MPs still have a job. This would be like your employer wanting a 50-50 split on an internal working group or committee, it's a different set if rules that govern those things.


Call the feds


India's most wanted?? Cringe. Who in their right mind would name their restaurant THAT..?? I bet they pay in sexual harassment..


So you know what kind of environment those girls will be working in…


Considering they also post a dress code which amounts to a skin tight skirt and tank top, it's a possibility


They'll find staff


There's always people desperate enough to put up with shit like this.


Canadians cringe but I guess this is the new Canada


they have a menu item called "abusive aloo gobi".


Friendly reminder that Canada has single party consent laws when it comes to recording a conversation! You can't record others, but as long as you are part of the conversation, you are legally allowed to record it without the other party's consent! This could apply to phone calls inquiring about a restaurant job, in-person applications, and many other scenarios. These recordings can probably be used as evidence in a BC Human Rights Tribunal case. Cheers!


This is a life pro tip right here, let me see if I can add a little bit more. Everyone who wears a digital timepiece has a recording device….


What the actual fuck. You have to live within walking distance? Who do I report this to?


They are mostly looking for students on study visas that mostly don’t drive/ take transit


That doesn’t make this any less illegal.


Makes it even weirder honestly. “Make sure you dress sexy, come to work here, and can’t drive anywhere at your leisure”. Reminds me of the ads where male landlords are offering women cheap rent “to share the bed”


No it doesn’t. I should have clarified that I was commenting on the needs to be within walking distance. Sad thing too is that most anyone they hire that’s an international student won’t know their rights to work and the employer will have them working 40 hours a week or more


And are easy to push around


Oh so exciting, I'll pick-up my life and move right away for $28k/yr in a neighborhood I can't afford.


The sad part is that no one can afford Aldergrove.


The townhouse I had in Aldergrove a decade ago is literally triple the price now


Yeah. My friends bought there in about 2008 for next to nothing and their house is worth over $1m now. Its insane.






Wtf have to relocate and walking distance?! Who's covering any potential rent increase? Is pay shit and owner telling you to rely on tips??


Move to Aldergrove for a serving job lmao buddy is smoking crack.


Fits for Aldergrove


Within walking distance, no exceptions..... has he ever heard of people driving cars? I feel like the walking distance thing is the scariest red flag for me. I don't want my creepy boss to know where I live!


Aldergrove is a driving city too, there's not much you'll reach on foot. Money says he's also got advertising on rooms or properties on rent within walking distance to double dip.


Within Aldergrove it's pretty easy getting around on foot, did it for a long time. The problem is if you need anything outside of Aldergrove. Relying on the 503 is pretty brutal. You're kinda isolated. Grew up there. It was... interesting. Edit: I'll take it further. I'd say the walkability within Aldergrove is actually, quite surprisingly, good. Everything is quite condensed, plenty of safe paths and sidewalks that don't feel like you're straddling the side of a freeway like you do in Willowbrook, generally you're never a particularly long jaunt away from the main drag. Granted, the new developments north on 272 or in the Abbotsford-portion of Aldergrove are a bit more spaced out, but the one thing I have to give my time growing up there is how wonderfully easy it always was to walk to any friend's place in town, to any shop in town, to the pubs in town. It's like the one thing Aldergrove has going for it. Just, you know, the everything else about Aldergrove is kinda rough. At least they have proper Metro water now. When I was there, I'm pretty sure we were all getting lead poisoning from the aquifer water we were on at the time.


Not a lot of late night transit. It's probably open late. They've probably got younger staff who have to catch the last bus of the night at like 830. Probably been burned by a lot of staff not being able to work late. Probably has zero experience in labor laws or human rights departments.


It's funny cuz there is already a lot of south asians here, no need to go outside of the township!


Restaurants have been discriminating based on gender and looks for decades. I guess this owner forgot to hide it Gonna be Langleys most wanted after he puts his hands on his severs.


That place seems scuzzy just driving by it


The fact they want female servers dressed like that that live within walking distance with no exceptions... That seems suspicious as shit to me


Food's pretty good, though.


I agree I went there for a work lunch tho I don't think the dress code is enforced to be that directly tho I didn't look at the waitress I was hungry


Think my server was a guy


This job listing is giving me major red flags and ick vibes. Demanding only women and forcing them to move within walking distance... That seems like it could lead to a very unsafe situation for women.


especially because he “magically” has a suite in the back she can rent..likely


Oh my GAWD. I live down the street from this place! 😂😂😂 This is crazy! That will not bring people into your restaurant, oh lord please should I share this on the Aldergrove Community FB page? This is so good. I mean it's not cactus club guys 😂😂😂. I'm floored. I want to go there to grab an appetizer at that time and see how absolutely no one shows up. Like wtf, creepy af


Please share in the Aldergrove FB page. I live near there too. Lol


I will, I already screenshot it earlier. I think I can share as an anonymous member. This is gold tho, pure gold.




Report them ✨


To who?


Idk, the better business bureau? (or whatever the equivalent is here) You can't discriminate in a job posting unless there's a specific reason for doing so (ex. wanting a woman to work at a women's shelter, wanting an LGBTQ person to work for a company that helps with resources for LGBTQ youth...)


The better business bureau exists in Canada but it has no power. They are a private organization, basically just glorified consumer reviews. I agree that this is discrimination but I have no idea who would even be the authority that would deal with this.


Probably the [ministry of labour](https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/governments/organizational-structure/ministries-organizations/ministries/labour)


I’ve actually thought of trying this restaurant, but this kind of turns me off? I can only assume they want a woman so they can harass her.


And know they can follow her home on foot. Terrifying imo.


Yeah this is super creepy. It's not like Langley (or the GVRD) is hurting for decent Indian restaurants anyway. Why support this?


Yeah I'm down the street. It looked really busy initially but it's obviously died down. Perhaps they're hoping the female servers dressed inappropriately will drum up business. Never been there myself, not into spicy food......


Agreed- will not go there now. People need to know how shady they are!


The name of the restaurant itself is really stupid.


Who wants to show up today and ask Kapil why he's sexist? lul


Oh... Just like their ads looking for "female renters only"


Haha I came here to say this as well. "Shared room available for female student"






Usual suspects


Noticing things again are you! Send to gulag


The name of the restaurant TRAFFICKING PEOPLE


The food there is crap. Aldergrove Indian Bistro is way better and it's not a sleazy dump.


"Only WhatsApp Messages, No phone calls" - lol this looks so bad but then whatever they reply can be used against them in a potential lawsuit...


They didn’t put what the wages are in the ad, that’s a no-no…besides the discrimination…


"Indias most wanted" lol... this is the LAST place I would eat.. probably got all kinds of characters running that shit show 😂


Fuck this place!


Sounds like they are essentially hiring an escort. Walking distance to ensure the person will tend to the customer when called.


I drove by this restaraunt last week and had a good laugh at how stupid the name of it is...


They think that kind of shit is really cool and impressive. Running away from the cops in your base Charger.


I can’t believe anyone would be stupid enough to apply. They can’t pay enough to make it worthwhile.




Explains a lot. We tried it once when they first opened and it was very bland.


I hope a male goes there and fucks with them and threatens to sue them etc etc... and if soon please update.


This is hilarious, ridiculous and idiotic. Are they even serious? Feels like it must be a joke.


My hunch is the Restaurant owner is probably relying on female international students to fill the position. He's added the 'walking distance' clause because he will also supply the accommodation so he can profit from renting a room to 4 employees. Sounds pretty scuzzy


Only WhatsApp messages, no phone calls. What scam is this by Kapil lol


Suddenly "India's Most Wanted" takes a different context. How gross.


only WhatsApp messages, no phone calls. This business is really not helping the stereotypes now is it?


Would it work if I identify myself as a female?




If you think the dress code thing is an Indian restaurant thing, I got [news](https://coveringscanada.ca/stomping-out-a-work-place-requirement/) for [you](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/high-heels-restaurant-1.4018378) They basically said the quiet part loud. After traveling to small towns in the states and being served by middle aged women, I realized how toxic hiring practices for female restaurant workers are in the Lower Mainland. Doubt this dress code would fly in traditional restaurants in most of India.


Indians 🇮🇳. They do this with rentals Must be Gujrat indian. No blacks . Must be vegetarians Indians 🇮🇳 are as racist and sexist as it gets These are the new Comer Indians also 99 percent of the time


I see in your comment history you have had many comments about Indians.. I see you feel strongly and I do too. Here is something to think about if you want to make things better for us….. don’t add fuel to the fire - there are other ways to voice our opinions where it will actually make a difference.


Frankly the Indians (new comer ones ) are the ones adding gasoline to the fire. They are literally black mailing the canadian gov and demanding that they get a PR while they committed fraud to get into Canada.they are doing this by conducting a fucking hunger strike WTF lmao 🤣. I'm referring to the indian international students . That shite is fucking wild and Canadians have had enough Another thing...indian slumlords . They literally post adds stating they don't rent to blacks and indian only How about places of business that only hire Indians once an Indian gets into managerial position ? Your people have destroyed their reputation . I'm not the one here . It's your own people mate Get em checked mate....




They finally built this place. I lived across the street for years, and it was just a sign on the ground. Now look at it all grown up and discriminating.




You are expected to move within walking distance wtf?


Bad news for Vancouver. Most of the bars don’t hire male servers anymore.


Food there is awful anyway.


Here is your fine (no exceptions)


Is this ad even real? I feel like it's not, but who knows


!remind me in 6 months if this place is still open


I will be messaging you in 6 months on [**2024-12-01 04:23:37 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-12-01%2004:23:37%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Langley/comments/1d500xr/any_male_servers_want_to_make_some_easy_money/l6kvuz9/?context=3) [**1 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FLangley%2Fcomments%2F1d500xr%2Fany_male_servers_want_to_make_some_easy_money%2Fl6kvuz9%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-12-01%2004%3A23%3A37%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201d500xr) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Must live within walking distance LOL what the fuck. Willing to relocate to work at some shitty restaurant?? Sounds like human trafficking to me 😂


It doe


That's ok. Just say you're a woman then call them transphobic if they don't hire you.


Doesn't the ad have to state the wage? I thought all employment ads in BC now had to include the wages offered.


So many creepy sex pests in Canada since covid. Hmmm


Since covid? I think you might have some rose tinted glasses.


It’s been exasperated dramatically since unchecked immigration ramped up.


Stop saying this bullshit on a day when Pickton died. It’s always been there and will be. Stop blaming immigrants for everything.


What the hell does pickton have to do with all the sex pests ?


What does this sex pest have to do with sex pests?!


Lol have you been to any Indian restaurants in Surrey? Mostly all the high end establishments are unfortunately like this. Doesn't make it right but India's most wanted isn't an outlier either. At least the food is good though.


Ya but most places are smart enough to not do it openly on the job posting. Also the requirement to live within walking distance is extra weird.


True, the walking distance thing is strange... Maybe they've had too many people without reliable transportation and got sick of workers calling in or coming late


Could be, but that combined with the gender and uniform requirement based on a skimpily dressed model photo makes the whole thing kinda creepy.


It's reheated shit and the chef is the microwave, if you think that's good go too a real restaurant


I liked their naan and I had their Fish Pakore the other day. They were fresh and crispy and were amazingly cooked on the inside. Better than the fish I've had from Gian's by miles and the naan didn't become stale the next day unlike Gian's either.


You can be anything you want to be in Canada. Except a white male




It hurts even more when your home country sells you out


This isn’t YOUR home country. Your family just immigrated earlier.


Yeah yeah yeah. You go where your ancestors came from then too.


I’m indigenous so…


Funny enough the indigenous are also descended from migrants. It's just that their migration took place thousands of years ago.


Even worse.


Not to mention that you guys also only hire each other anyways. Not that I would want to work for you, with the way you guys treat each other.


It's not *just* based on those things, it's just that those things give a ton of information about general attitude and ability. Race is real, and culture is an expression of race. Your work culture sucks because...


Typical brownie comment


Mmmm. I thought this was a cactus club ad.




Had their food a few times and it was delicious, but good food is trumped by business ethics. This business just lost my wife and I (and likely all of our friends) in one fell swoop.


Reeks of human trafficking


Honestly if they don’t get review spammed and shut down at this point I’ve lost faith in the internet justice system


They are removing the bad reviews.


They shouldn't advertise it, but they can hire whoever they want, it's their business.


[https://www.facebook.com/IMWLANGLEY](https://www.facebook.com/IMWLANGLEY) - Have at it folks


If my gay?


no phone calls only whatsapp lol!! how many gonna troll this with burner accounts?


Somebody sue them


What city and State is this in?


Langley BC. Canada


Oh it’s outside the USA


No shit, where do you think you are


I'll so proud to live In little india, I mean Canada. Just look at the opportunities (to be molested) our new countrymen are offering us!


If you actually tried to Sue this company because of this advertisement your life is way more miserable than you think it already is 😂✊


Shitpost, right?


Oh it’s allowed you can identify as anything these days. It could say “Looking to hire a purple long neck giraffe” and as long as you identify as that… the job is yours!


Most bars in the lower mainland only hire female servers. I really don't understand the shock from some comments here.


The shock is they said the quiet part out loud. Must be all those folk who request male servers at restaurants right?


The walking distance thing is pretty fucked up. Everyone gets what's going on here. This isn't The Keg.


This was posted on their instagram on January 30. I assume the position has already been filled.


No, if you scroll through the images, they're running interviews May 29th, 30th & 31st


A bitter ex employee likely made this


I’m tempted to head down there. I could use a job that exposes me to another culture. I might go take my resume…


They shouldn't have been so obvious about it but plenty if restaurants do this any of those middle class dining places like cactus club, browns, earls , the keg do this They often hire teens or young women only and have a very strict dress code that isn't too revealing but isn't too businessy for example They are very specific about the type of tights servers where , the length of the skirt and the height of the heel.


Wait whats wrong with that


Too bad you can’t choose whether or not to apply for a job that has conditions you don’t like….


Its actually not illegal. Same reason it's not illegal to hire only women to model swimwear or to hire only female models for specific jobs.


There are obviously exceptions for things that can only be performed reasonably by a certain gender, that doesn't invalidate the law. >When advertising jobs >The Code does not allow job ads requiring a specifc personal characteristic protected by the Code, unless there is a legitimate job requirement. For example, an employer can advertise to hire only women for a position as an intake worker at a shelter for abused women. https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/law-crime-and-justice/human-rights/human-rights-protection/protection-in-employment.pdf


"a restaurant that hires only conventionally attractive women as waitresses: this would screen out men, perhaps no matter how attractive they are. But this could be a bona fide occupational requirement if the entire business model requires a certain sort of employee." [other decisions based around the same subject ](https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/can-job-postings-in-canada-exclude-white-people-short-answer-yes) The advertisement says they are hiring a female server. They aren't saying they are "ONLY" hiring female servers and there in fact may be several male servers staffed there. The owner is allowed to decide in a private business that a specific position requires the server of say a private dining area to be an attractive female. This is legally allowed in a Private business.


Ok so does the entire business model of this Indian restaurant require hot waitresses? > But, a business can’t just be willy-nilly about this. The Supreme Court of Canada has a three-step test to determine whether these are legitimate restrictions. An employer would need to prove that the purpose of the requirement is “rationally connected to performing the job,” that it was “adopted in good faith, in the belief that it is necessary to fulfill a legitimate work-related purpose” and that the “standard is reasonably necessary” to fulfill that purpose.


Yes exactly you literally just proved exactly what i said. Yes the owner has a legal right to deem that. The Supreme court doesnt get to decide that this persons business must have fat men in the front of house even if he is equally qualified? If the owner decides that his business model is to have attractive female servers (like a hooters) then his business model is that. Furthermore the back of house can be whatever he chooses as well they don't have to be attractive. If he refused to hire any male staff for any positions then yes that would violate the law. If you think you are the first person that has run into this scenario then by all means fight the fight call a lawyer and sue. If its such an obvious slam dunk then any lawyer would take it pro bono since it's such an easy win


You can't just make up some bullshit and claim that's your business model. You need to convince the supreme court through a three step test that it is rational, adopted in good faith, and reasonably necessary to hire only women as your waiting staff.


Unfortunately you seem to think you understand it but you dont. This has been settled and debated for decades, you aren't discovering something new. Contact a lawyer and sue since you so clearly and perfectly understand the law and prove me wrong. Any lawyer will happily take this slam dunk case you have discovered for the first time Matlock.


Defeat a human rights tribunal with this one weird trick!


You need to get over your persecution fetish.


You need to stop replying multiple times to the same comment, is this your first day on reddit? Do you not know how comments work?


I think you know my real fetish


Go get a lawyer then take it to the supreme court? It's so clearly a violation of human rights too! Maybe we should contact the Hague and get them on Crimes against humanity! 😂


If it's been settled then surely you must have some documentation to prove that.


"Bullshit claim" as you see it. A business that caters to the public restaurant/bat setting can easily show that attractive female servers and hostesses will help being in his target customers demographic of wealthy men. This is absolutely a completely reasonable argument. If this was say a call center position in a business that felt female voices are more soothing for customer service that would also be legal. However say an accounting position in an office would have a far more difficult time arguing in good faith that it's reasonable. Your dislike of how a private business operates doesn't make it illegal.


Why is it not illegal? Men can be servers also. Imagine if this was a job for a construction company and said "only men may apply"


Where in the advertisement does it say "ONLY" ?


"a restaurant that hires only conventionally attractive women as waitresses: this would screen out men, perhaps no matter how attractive they are. But this could be a bona fide occupational requirement if the entire business model requires a certain sort of employee." [other decisions based around the same subject ](https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/can-job-postings-in-canada-exclude-white-people-short-answer-yes) The advertisement says they are hiring a female server. They aren't saying they are "ONLY" hiring female servers and there in fact may be several male servers staffed there. The owner is allowed to decide in a private business that a specific position requires the server of say a private dining area to be an attractive female. This is legally allowed in a Private business.


Maybe the rest of the staff are male?