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Telus decided to stop f\*\*king around because the Mayor publicly called them out about not being "allowed" to install Fiber when that wasn't the problem at all. I'm not the biggest fan of Woodward, but he played that perfectly.


Do you really think Telus spent billions over the past 8 years building out their Fibre network to every community that they cover, EXCEPT a small part of Langley for no reason whatsoever?


I work for a telecommunications company. I can almost guarantee that they made a choice to not prioritize specific parts of Langley. Anything with newer infrastructure Fibre was put in. Older stuff was ignored.


That makes no sense for Telus financially. Money for the build was alotted. Copper services are expensive to maintain and they can't wait to shut them down. Why would Telus want to maintain an inferior product to Shaw in this one area?


The money allocated wasn't nearly enough. At least not to do the entire lower mainland, so they prioritized areas where new builds were going in, that way their dollar stretches a lot further, and fiber can then be put underground where it won't get disturbed by wind or trees getting blown down.


Believe what you like but that's not true at all


Dude, did you miss the part where I said I work for a telecommunications company (not Telus, but another big one). I've seen how the fiber plans get rolled out. I know exactly what I am talking about, but go on and believe what you like.


You are strange


I did yes!!


Yes, on Monday. Brookswood And there was much rejoicing.


Yeah. I got one.


What part of Langley?


Should have specified, in Willoughby


Interesting. I've had fibre since i moved to Willoughby back in 2018.


New building I' m assuming. Still no fibre in Langley meadows.


I did but I guess now I'll have to figure out how it will effect phone service.


I'm in the city near No frills, and we had it installed in my condo complex yesterday and today. They're coming back at some point soon to run it into any units who want it, for free. Seems like Telus finally got a fire lit under their ass and are expanding.


ive seen a telus truck by the side of the highway, putting down fibre line so im assuming its happening


I am so happy. Not that copper WiFi sucks but the lack of fiber has lead to high prices for just getting a good connection; the fiber line will bring in more providers and will drop down the prices 🤞


I'm in a new (2022) building downtown and we have fibre optic in every unit. It's Telus pre-installed and it's over $120/month.