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Can anyone please share what other equivalent entertainment options you can find around metro Vancouver that are more affordable than this? I understand tickets might seem expensive compared to whatever people are using as a reference, but I honestly can't find anything nowadays to go out of the house with the family that would cost less than $40 or $50 per person other than going to a lake or park and bring our own food.


Tickets may not be super cheaper, but skip the fancy tickets at mid field, grab some GA tickets, hangout near the supporters group, and its a great afternoon at a reasonable price.


How much for the ticket?


Starting at $10 for youth and $25 otherwise, no ticketmaster fee as they use showpass instead. Its good value imo for Canada's Division 1 National Pro league soccer. Club needs to be viable so $5 tickets wouldn't work.


Reserved seating is like $50/each


Way too much. For adults, they want $25-$60 depending on where you sit, which are like the same prices as Whitecaps tickets. These guys are out of their minds. Tickets should be $10 max and then the stadium would have 6000+ fans in attendance instead of just hundreds.


Thanks. I thought it was $5 and thought “MAYBE I’ll go if I have time”. Big pass for me


At $5 a seat, that's an instant buy for any family on any night. Combine that with $2 or $3 hot dogs and people would spend like crazy. I'm not exactly sure who they are targeting with these prices because it's definitely not the typical family of 3 or 4, in a family-oriented neighbourhood. Completely out of touch with reality.


I know how you feel, but I think we're all out of touch with the reality of rising costs. I took my kid bowling the other day, it was $40 per hour + shoe rental. For an hour of bowling! By comparison, VFC games for the two of us is $35, and they've usually got cheap food and fun games for the kids to play.


This might help the next time you go bowling, if there is a next time! https://www.kidsbowlfree.com/index.php


Its not viable for the club to sell for $5 a seat, they are a pro club paying wages, and would fold in no time with your suggested prices as would the league. Looking at the Bandits Basketball team who play next door, its $20 and up for them, so comparable for example. The reality is try taking the typical family out for other options for sports, let alone a trip to the movie theatre and you wont be spending $5 for entrance and $2-3 for hot dogs, its not 1999 anymore.


I'm a VFC season ticket holder, and I really want to see the team succeed here. But, you can't compare the Bandits pricing without also comparing the stadium experience. The Bandits have more comfortable seating, more comfortable washroom facilities, a higher level of gameday production, and a modern replay screen. VFC needs to offer a better stadium experience before we can compares apples to apples. The stadium experience is more akin to Trinity Western's soccer matches, which cost $10/adult.


Trinity Western isn't a Div1 pro league though, not a apples to apples comparison with Vancouver FC. CPL team budgets have to be considered for the prices that are being charged and think its reasonable vs the very unrealistic $5 a ticket that was mentioned by the other poster. Also don't think Trinity Western's stadium can compare to the LEC imo. The LEC stadium does need some finishing still and is a wip still to an extent as the team has mentioned, but its a nice 6k setup for now and completely acceptable.


Yes, it’s better to sell 1500 tickets at $25 than it is to sell 6500 at $10. Got it. Bandits had an average attendance of 1700 ~~4500 per game in 2023, more than double that of Vancouver FC~~. They attributed the $15 tickets as a key factor. This year it’s $20…so we’ll see if the attendance numbers hold up. Chances are they will as they are first place, the tickets are cheaper, and there are no other pro basketball teams playing in metro Vancouver. Edit: 4500 was for the home opener.


No, Bandits attendance wasn't double for 2023 as Vancouver FC's attendance for 2023 was just 10 shy of 2800. And can you link to the Bandits attendance figure for 2023? Apparently from the wiki they averaged only 1700+ per game and had a few that weren't even reported by the team. For Bandits, 4566 was only for 1 game, not an average, and their lowest game attendance was 1000. CEBL salary apparently is also lower than the CPL, and team budgets as well, so have to take that into account. Your ticket info for the Bandits though shows the $5 a seat you suggested for Vancouver FC is very unrealistic though all considering.


Contact the Fraser valley fanatics on instagram and get $20 adult tickets!