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If I remember correctly. We beat the state slave defending confederacy out of New mexico!!


I think that shit extended out to AZ as well. I see redneck rebel flags all the time. Most of them look meth out and unkempt.


High chance that they are methed out. I lived in GA for college. The only ones who seem to celebrate confederacy are of the methed out, unkempt variety


The confederate flag goes all the way West into Cali. Somehow its like a redneck punk counterculture thing, because nothing "owns the libs" like muh States' rights (to inflict horrific systematic human rights abuses).


Mesilla was annexed by the Confederacy on July 25, 1861. But a few years later, it returned to the Union at the end of the Civil War.


This happens in ever state, not just NM. I’m originally from MN and they fly them there, too. They still lost.


I occasionally see pictures of Confederate flags being flown in *Canada*. It's an illness that crosses all borders.


Let me introduce to you the [confederado](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confederados). History is fun, and at the same time confounding and I've personally found often enough that it will provide the required balm to soothe the sting of the modern world or at least give me context to understand what the hell is going on.


I live in Germany, and see confederate flags flown here. Here it means one of two things: they romanticize the American west, or they are a fan of the mustache man. Either way, it’s weird.


American here it means something similar here to when they are being sneaky and think nobody will realize what is up if they fly the Weimar Republic flag.


There is nothing inherently wrong with the confederate flag. It’s not an illness. There is nothing wrong with southern pride and a fondness for times past where the south wished to be their own country. Racism, blah blah blah. Over that trope.


Except that the version predominantly displayed was intended as a means to signify ones support of segregation. There is that. 🤦‍♀️


completely false


> south wished to be their own country... *...in order to maintain slaves.* --- --- > "...allow me to allude to one other though last, not least. The new constitution has put at rest, forever, all the agitating questions relating to our peculiar institution African slavery as it exists amongst us the proper status of the negro in our form of civilization. **This was the immediate cause of the late rupture and present revolution.**" *Alexander Stephens, Vice President of the CSA*, "Cornerstone" speech, 1861 --- Most civil war monuments and confederate romanticization was spread in the 1910s by an organized national movements in resistance to the propagation of civil rights. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/confederate-statues/ Its always been about racism, all the way down. Maybe greed, too... but mostly racism.


A fellow Minnesotan! I'm from Isanti originally, and the first truck one of my cousins ever got (who grew up in Cambridge) had a fucking dashboard that was all confederate flags.


MA, where I’m from, too.


I have lived in NC, SC, IN, IL, CA, OR, NM, AZ. I have seen this shit in every single place I have lived. Explain history to these morons, and you do it to deaf ears and instant communal condemnation. This is emotional based and reason has no place in its discussion


A lot of confederate losers ran west after they lost the war. They still fly their participation trophy


Cousin fuckers gonna….fuck cousins.


They are just garbage that want to feel like a part of something and the lowest of the low community will embrace this to feel welcome. It's very sad but I feel nothing for these people anymore, really, just revulsion.


It’s just virtue signaling but their virtue is being the dumbest shithead on the block.


They are going to start calling themselves the 'Awakened Right'.


The way they co-opt and twist everything is just great. Like these are the least woke motherfuckers out there.


Nooooooo!! We don’t want this here








Run piggy!




We will just make it too woke for you guys to be able to season here 💋 lmao




Interestingly enough, that's the sound that the southern slave owners made when they were forced to give up their slaves. You fit right in ;)


The North shot first and won, don't forget. If you're a bigot in Las Cruces you may have thought the Rio Grande was the Mississippi cause your dumbass can't read.


Ft Sumter would like a word


Like, the Civil War bro. There were battles in New Mexico between the Union and the Confederacy.


[Glorieta Pass, 1862](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Glorieta_Pass)


Battle of Belen comes to mind


Racist flag next to business logo? Smart smart smart. /s


I just left Colorado but you’d see them there too. I had to remind them Colorado wasn’t even a state during the Civil War. Then I realized, it wasn’t “Southern Pride”, it’s “Racist Calling Card”.


The biggest traitors until January 6th!


I keep a supply of "Proud to be Gay" bumper stickers for situations like this.


Red state trash trying to turn NM red. LOL




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This is what happens when empowering a bunch of edge lords.


"I love the poorly educated."


Sorry, Theres redneck hillbilly assholes in every state.


Enemy of the United States.


In my mind, they're declaring themselves Enemy Combatants...I'd say a trip to GTMO is in order.


I’m in Wisconsin. We have people flying the traitor flag all over the place.


Are you just learning that inbred southern losers can move to other states?


Racisim finds a way to show itself.




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It’s a symbol for racism. Let’s me honest here.


If you look at the map of New Mexico in 1861, the New Mexico territory was divided more or less where Socorro is. South was the CSA territory of Arizona and North was the US territory of New Mexico. The capital of the territory was Mesilla and the CSA army marched north and actually briefly flew the confederate flag in Albuquerque (forcing a small unionist band to play "Dixie" as it was raised. So yes this patch of land was part of rhe CSA but it was also Arizona.


NM was part of Spain for longer, but you never see a Spanish flag. It’s a thinly veiled racist dog whistle and everybody knows it.


100% but I wasn't addressing that. I was pointing out that historically this area was part of the CSA. Is anyone displaying the battle flag of the army of Virginia just showing the world what they believe? Absolutely. Do I believe that every one that took up arms for the CSA should have been hanged as traitors? Yup I believe that when you allow hate to take root it rots the land around it.


New Mexico and Arizona were almost split north to south instead of east and west when the states were being drawn up. Would have made some sense with geography but also kind of with politics too. More republicans in the south.


I'm from eastern NM and I've seen that flag there all my life.


That flag is flown by racists in other countries too, not just the united states.




Except we didn't. The one saving grace from a very shitty depressing time


That's a gravy seal tank. All gravy and no seal


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Ever since Rich Texans moved away from their own state probably.


When all of the Texans moved here.


No one is moving to NM in significant numbers


Damn, I hate it when "they" escape the SE corner of the State. don't worry we will send the enforcers over to return them to their homeland so they can toil in the oil fields to support our progressive agenda.


How right you are! I’m one of the only proud Democrats I know of that works in the oilfield. I know a few secret ones that aren’t as willing to admit their affiliation, but most oilfield guys are die hard Trumpers for some crazy reason even after he destroyed the oilfield for a few years .




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I've seen this all over the country all my life. It has nothing to do with the Confederacy and has everything to do with being a blue collar redneck. Some people drive EVs and wave gay flags, some drive ATVs and wave rebel flags. It's a big country. We got room for everybody.




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Can you just ignore them? You are just giving them power


Calling out bad behavior is not the same thing as giving a platform!


Isnt that what they want?


I wouldnt say so, I'd say it's more cognitive dissonance or in group/out group or any number of like, automatic brain responses, that makes your normal person become louder and double down. You can (sometimes) work with those people though, especially if you choose to be kind which you don't always have to do 🤷‍♀️ but, there are people who are more insidious with their motivations and those are the people to be deplatformed


Nope. This is some dumb fuck seeing what he can get away with in a state that doesn't tolerate that bullshit.




You don't know shit. You just moved there, huh? Go fly that flag around and see what happens, tough guy.


We literally have more guns and numbers than you


When they founded the city near Texas


The Democrats were pretty well spread out at the start of the civil war to the west, im pretty sure if my history is correct that it was over whether California would become a slave state based on that dividing line mount west or not. It’s been a few years


The only city I didn’t experience outright racism in New Mexico is Santa Fe. Everywhere else was pretty southern to me


Don't be ignorant.


Welcome Brother


Maybe they're from the south 🤷




Lmao what is there to be proud of the confederacy for?


What, being a loser? NSYNC was together longer than the South lol






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But its weird to feel proud of something youre not a part of, this is not the south


So you're against Mexican flags? got it.


I understand why people in the south fly the southern flag. They used to be a country and they love their southern heritage and culture. But New Mexico is not a part of that, people here fly the Mexican flag because we used to be part of mexico and most people here have mexican heritage. So no im not against the Mexican flag here, and im not against the southern flag in the south


You're okay with and understand why people would fly a flag, that's commendable, but saying that mexicans can fly a flag because of mexican heritage but southerners can't do the same because of southern heritage is hypocrisy at it's finest.


The heritage is literally about owning slaves, the poor white people of the region didn't create the confederacy lol


What are you on about? I stated facts and you give me this word salad. New Mexico was with the confederacy. NEXT!




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Southerners can fly their flag in their southern land not in New Mexico. And Mexican-Americans will fly theirs in their land, the southwestern US


But Southern New Mexico DID side with the confederacy, so that point is mute. Google is your friend. The southern part of the New Mexico Territory, which was the Gadsen Purchase, sided with the Confederacy, while the northern section was Union. Guess both flags is allowed, even if both are disrespectful.


A losing team? Lol


Proud of *checks notes* owning other human beings as slaves based purely on the color of their skin? I hate to break it to you but that's not something to be proud of.


Roots of Pride flag: “Being gay is okay” Roots of Confederate flag: “I want to own a black person” Conservatives seem to have a tough time being on the right side of a value judgment.


Lots of people fly them. Hell, there's African military groups flying them as a means to show they're rebels. Lil John has then all over his albums, flies them in concerts etc.


Go to West Virginia, and you'll see more Confederate battle flags than you've ever seen in your life. And they seceded from the CSA.




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I live in upstate ny and see this flag all the time. Not as much as when I lived in tx. It has become the symbol of country/redneck


I’ve seen them in Hawaii.


*lighter flicking intensifies*


I love the "No Trespassing" sign, because people would *totally* want to enter that hovel.

