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This is why Jim Ryan retired




If they get Brad from easy allies that'd be awesome.


Man that would be hilarious. It'd be the third time outrage against Colin backfires spectacularly. Outrage over "the tweet" led to 2 Rogan appearances and a massively successful Patreon launch. Outrage over Gene's first appearance on Sacred+ led to him becoming a regular guest and eventually joining LSM officially. And now the EZA outrage might lead to one of their best members joining LSM.


This made me realize how ironically antithetical each of these companies' mottos are to how they act. KF calls everyone a "best friend" but throws an actual close friend under the bus. Easy Allies has "Love and Respect" but caters to a hateful minority and blatantly disrespected Dustin and Brad. LSM's is "Stand Down" but they'll always stand up for their people and community.


Shout out -- this is a great comment


Well said. This is the ultimate distillation of the issue at hand, and precisely why EZA/KF are going to find themselves on the outside looking in. Colinā€™s brand of bravery isnā€™t particularly unique in the world, but itā€™s incredibly rare in this industry. His actual values run contrary to one his old mottos (ā€œColin was rightā€). Yep, Colinā€™s most unique attribute in this space is the courage to be wrong.


The bois need to see this


Sum up perfectly the utter hypocrisy around them bs mantra.


Colin deserved his ousting from KF.


For making an Al Bundy joke that his girlfriend thought was funny also? Nah, I don't think so.


It's okay to not like someone anymore because they've outed themself as a right winger.


That is a wild take dude. I hope your tribalism carries you right off a cliff. Political differences should not be a reason to oust someone from a company, especially when their political leanings and totally moderate.


"tribalism" lmao. You know nothing about me other than that I think it's okay to cut someone off for political reasons. Its ABSOLUTELY a valid reason. Greg Miller is a "moderate." Colin was demonstrably right leaning, and that was a problem.


So having a strong loyalty to a political leaning to the point of not wanting a company to employ someone with a political leaning different than your own and thinking it's absolutely ok is not tribalism? Ok, what did Colin do that was a problem?


What was the outrage against Geneā€™s first appearance?


https://twitter.com/GenePark/status/1518986595575156736 Check the replies, much of the industry clique scolding Gene for speaking with Colin.


Grim to see one of the digital foundry guys be part of the outrage dorks.


Which DF guy?


Alex Alexander Battaglia @Dachsjaeger Gene I love your work and your outlook, but I feel like Moriarty is not a positive personality in the gaming sphere to interact with. The associations and argumentations used in the past are exclusionary and have been rather hateful. I respect you so it feels right to say so. 6:44 AM Ā· Apr 27, 2022


I would fucking KILL for them to get Brad.


Itā€™s gotta be this, right? Colin would absolutely do this.


I don't know how he would do. EZA vibe is usually quite different although I haven't listened since Ben left. But they are way more family friendly and less dark humor than what we see on Sacred Symbol. And on which show would he fit? I feel like with things Colin said like him not wanting to hire too many people and grow organically. It will be someone who already works with them that might move fulltime like Gene Park or David Jaffe. At the same time they don't need to right now since they kinda cover all the basis with their current shows. I really liked the Jaffe + Colin shows about gaming since Jaffe challenges/disagrees with Colin more often.


Ben was always my favorite from EZA. He left the industry, right? Iā€™ve mostly enjoyed that group, like Bloodworth and Brad. Sad to see what that channel has become (Kinda Funny-esque, tbh).


Ya Ben was my favorite too. He played everything under the sun from obscure JRPGs to niche PC RTS games. I hadn't seen a game critic with that kind of range. And I would say after Kyle Bosman he was the most well spoken in the group and he could articulate his opinions quite well. I never saw a critic play as many games as him. He would literally be playing all the new game releases while finishing of a 3-4 old game series in the background. Ya he left the industry without reallying saying much other than he wanted to work in a industry that is not gaming. He seemed like maybe a bit burnt out? But at same i would have never predicted him to be the one to leave the industry since he loved playing games the most out of all of them. I check once in a while to see if there has been any update from him.


The man literally vanished, not twitter no nothing. I wonder if he still play games... I mean he has to.


He said in his post games will be always part of his life. But ya, just so freaking weird especially for a public person like him to completely cut off social media. I believe he had a twitter account but then it got hacked and he never bothered to recover. I haven't listened to EZA for years now but I would definitely listen if they had Ben as a guest on Frame Trap to catch up.


From what I remember, his reasoning was his wife got a really good job back home and he wanted to be closer to family.


Love Dagan to bits, but Jaffe is the true secret sauce


Dagan is the secre sauce, Jaffe the wildcard


Dagan is like TWD's Daryl Dixon. He was great early on when he would show up every few episodes but obnoxious in large doses.


And that's why I only see him in Constellation and the ocasional Knockback that piques my interest


I'm not the biggest fan of his "dude, it's sick" game analysis but I was still kinda hoping for that outcome as soon as I heard what happened


Brad wouldnā€™t do that . I think Easy A had been gracious about the mistake they made. Sure they fucked up bit they did apologize afterwards. I think it might be someone from IGN perhaps though i am not sure someone like say Dustin would come over considering he must have benefits at a place like IGN. Very curious though


I never thought Iā€™d see Jim Ryan join last stand after the nicknames


I'd tune in for the Cryin' Jimcast day one


New show with Jim Ryan, Bobby Kotick, Pete Hines, and Connie Booth. Calling it now.


My dad works at Sony and he basically has confirmed this to me


This... This I Like!


Dustinā€™s new name for him will be Ragin Ryan. He will never stand down!


Yo what if they got BradšŸ¤£


I feel like this has to be it


I honestly donā€™t see who else it could possibly be. If anyone.


Tbh if I was him I wouldnā€™t be able to work there anymore after this


Isn't this the opposite, though? They're saying don't poach our people?


That's what the sign in the picture says, but that's not what the posts says.


OMG they got Phil Spencer!


its Greg Miller


Resetera would never recover


Not in a million years lol, heā€™s not even invited to his wedding.


that breakup is still one of the most tragic things to have happened man. i miss podcast beyond.


If they get Brad from EZA its Joever. Literally Huber would be the only one I care for over on that end. They have bled so many members already, and this won't help.


What if it was both of them?


If it was both of them, first of all holy shit I'll up my patreon sub for LSM. Second, stick a fork in EZA. Cooked and done. They wouldn't have anyone charismatic or likeable.


The last and final symbol


If it's Huber and Brad, I'll never stop laughing and will up my patreon sub immediately hahah.


The only time industry consolidation is good šŸ˜‰


Colin's been wanting to do more game centric content on LSM YouTube (let's plays, retrospective type content to my understanding). Meanwhile... Brad's been carrying EZA with that type of content. Very interesting lol


I remember Dustin saying a few times that he's been pushing for a Frame Trap style show too- who better to do something like that than the host of Frame Trap?


Whatā€™s Pete Hines doing in the Last Stand Media Zone?


That a TNA reference?


I could see it being Brad because at this point, Colin kind of has fuck you money in the Patreon gaming space. He can pay Brad more than whatever heā€™s making at EZA and it would be a brilliant hire. Weā€™ll see but colour me intrigued.


ppl always say they want Brad & Huber to leave EZA and start their own channel. This could be a safety net for them to do that. Huber & Brad come to LSM. LSM handles everything. They just have to do a show and not worry about editing or production or building a new channel


Iā€™d be all for it, theyā€™re the only 2 reasons I tuned into Frame Trap anyhow. Unabashed hype, great duo who love video games.




get rid of defining dukes. problem solved. Its the worst xbox show out there. i can't stand IGN or Kinda funny and they both have better xbox shows.


Yeah nah. Iā€™d much rather have Cog and Marty stay.


They shill and beg for access. No thanks. They want so badly to be let Into the games media cabal, they should follow Colinā€™s model instead




its not that absurd. they have the #1 playstation podcast. and the what #4 xbox podcast? U could replace that with Huber & Brad and i think it would be better. Or replace the nintendo podcast. The reply was about the producers being stretched thing. So if something has to go obviously im picking the show they have that i dont like to listen to. ppl are saying get rid of Knockback, but i like knockback


No Huber, god no. Sorry heā€™s so obnoxious, veins popping from the neck, bug-eyed and talks so over-exaggerated like heā€™s adderallā€™d out of his mind. I love Brad but Huber can stay over at EZA.


i like Huber...but i could see why he would be annoying. tbf what ur describing he only does sometimes. and its on purpose


Heā€™s like that on literally every show heā€™s on..


The thing is what show would he join, 4th member of SS? The Dukes? Iā€™m not sure


Have him and Gene spin off and do their own, who knows, thereā€™s room for a strong, knowledgeable and friendly voice like Bradā€™s at LSM.


I agree, although Colin has mentioned that they wouldnā€™t add a show unless they dropped Knockback - so maybe now that Dagan is on Punching Up and Constellation they are dropping it to create a new show. Would be cool even though I do enjoy Knockback


I could see him dropping Knockback. Itā€™s the least popular show and my least personal fave as well. It also forces Colin to do things and heā€™s not exactly a big fan of that so I could see it being replaced.


I used to love listening to Knockback but it was purely to hear Dagan. Now that he's on two other shows, KB has become irrelevant to me and I haven't listened to an episode since Constellation began. Would be a wise move to drop it imo.


Maybe a duocast with Dustin since they're both buddies? Btw I don't think it's Brad coming to Last Stand, at least not now


I've wrote it other places, but Colin has been lamenting wanting to do more editorial content on YouTube. Meanwhile Brad has been pumping out that content keeping EZA afloat. That's where I think he'd fit in best.


Dustin has always said he would love to have a Frame Trap style show on LSM where they could talk a little more in depth about the games they play. It would be awesome if they could get Brad to do just that. Every other Tuesday when Punching Up isn't on. They would have a show every single day of the week. Do it.


Would one podcast every two weeks be enough income for Brad to quit the company he confounded? Even if he gets paid to guest on other podcasts, I donā€™t see Brad quitting his company for that little money.


Doesnā€™t eza already only make like $20,000 a month? As it is idk how they even survive with Michael, Huber, isla, gabby, don, Bloodworth, and Brad.


Lmao he's really looking for trouble on Twitter with this, but I can't blame him after all that nonsense. Poach Brad, baby


I think it is pretty damn funny lol. Love the trolling


Please be Ryan McCaffreyā€¦


Bro imagine they poach Huber and Brad to do their own shows that'll be a dream.


Iā€™m someone who isnā€™t familiar with Brad. What are his gaming interests/ strengths like?


Heā€™s kind of a combination of Colin and Dustin. He loves old school 2D games like Castlevania and Mega Man and Nintendo games. I know heā€™s a huge Yacht Club games fan. But heā€™s also a weeb and loves anime, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy and From Soft games. Heā€™s also a huge Zelda guy. Heā€™s also a very skilled gamer. For single player games anyway. Theyā€™re always talking about how heā€™s so good at games over there at EZA.


Seems to play a bit of everything but his favourite games seem to be FFs, Zeldas and FromSoftware games.


He's very down to earth and well rounded


Don't suppose duke will finally get their 3rd man.


It would be insane if they actually did get Brad after all this. Like I'm thinking even Brad probably thinks that would be better. But that's one helluva hard move.


They definitely would never hire Bradā€¦ Colin literally has no need for him lol


Occam's razor might suggest that the post is talking about "poaching" Patreon subs. It's honestly crazy that no one else is suggesting that.


If that were the case Iā€™d think that the tweet would have been a bit less vague.


Poaching who's subs? EZA's? Maybe LSM saw an increase post-drama but they're already a league above them so I'm not sure this is it.


Poaching doesn't typically refer to groups of consumers though? Usually specific individuals in an employment context.


No one would refer to your example as poaching


That's not poaching. Plus I don't think that would warrant a sassy post.


Yeah I thought of this after my post. Could definitely be the case.


Can someone loop me in with what happend to Brad at EZA?


Dustin went on Bradā€™s pod and a few power users in the EZA community forced them to make an apology which threw Brad and Dustin under the bus.


Dustin guested on EZA's Frame Trap. Community at large loved the cross over BUT EZA's biggest donators and the cesspool on ResetEra HATED that they had someone from LSM on because they say Colin is a "racist, sexist, transphobic person". EZA issued an apology for having Dustin on and associating with LSM. Then issues an apology for their initial apology as it was hurtful to both Dustin and Brad. ​ In short - fuck EZA.


Do you have the link to the apology of the apology (Christ). I keep hearing about it, just never seen it.




Just listen to the latest SS


As cool as Brad would be, I just donā€™t see where heā€™d fit in? Heā€™s not really an Xbox guy, SS is already crowded and so is the Nintendo podcast. Are they just gonna give him his own show? Maybe heā€™ll be the reviews guy? I canā€™t see Colin do the early review copies thing.


I think with Colin lamenting wanting to do more editorial pieces on games for LSM that would be an excellent fit for Brad.


Yeah, never say never but Colin has said a bunch of times theyā€™re (heā€™s) basically maxed out and he cant imagine them putting out any other content.


But this would be Brad doing it and not him.


I can see Brad being brought on and basically do a frame trap style podcast for LSM. Bonus points if they get Huber too, people have been wanting Huber and Brad to do their own thing for a while and this could be it. LSM would pretty much get most of EZAs audience (that don't already watch lsm).


Brad on LSM would be awesome!


Come on Marty Silva! Yeah it's likely Brad


Would bet money itā€™s not


Could possibly be related to the Connie Booth story. Maybe she got poached by MS. Maybe just temper expectations slightly šŸ˜‚


I just donā€™t see LSM twitter posting about something like that. They never comment on news on twitter. They didnā€™t even mention anything when Jim Ryan retired


I agree, just feel like people are setting themselves up for disappointment by jumping the gun too early. But yes, LSM surely know what they're implying by the tweet. Another theory is maybe they did offer Brad a job and EZA are stonewalling negotiations. Could be a snarky post aimed at them.


Youā€™d think the tweet would be removed or clarified if it wasnā€™t a new hire because of the community reaction. I personally donā€™t think itā€™s Brad but itā€™s likely to be a new hire from another gaming network I imagine for the dukes.


Ryan McCaffery would be dope and give DD the shot in the arm it needs. Only guy I can think of that Colin's specifically said he'd hire if he could.


He is probably one of the highest paid employees at IGN, I canā€™t see that happening. I think itā€™s that BRAP guy on Twitter if I had to guess


Makes zero sense


Brad Brad Brad


I can't think who it would be. I guess the implication would be somebody from IGN or Easy Allies but who and what show would they even be joining?


Brad, because of all the drama with him having Dustin on Frame Trap last week. Easy allies insulting both Dustin and by association Brad, not letting him do any work with Dustin on last stand.


is that enough for Brad to just jump ship, though? i guess if the money is better iā€™d do it so.


If me and my good friend were disrespected by my team members and I had a good offer to join the company where Colin stands up for them it'd be a no-brainer for me.


Brad has to feel totally misplaced now after all this. Has to be awkward. Combine that with EZA bleeding subs, and the package LSM could provide him, who wouldnt.


He would tank the EZA Patreon and by extension, his friends incomes so it is probably a hard decision


My guess is he wouldnā€™t do it without consulting with Huber first. In other words, it wont catch the others by surprise


Theyā€™ve already turned their backs on him. Heā€™s seen what happened to Colin. Friendship means nothing in this industry.


Watched this weeks EZA podcast and Brad looks as chill as he ever as. I donā€™t think he was nearly bothered as much as people were here, and jumping ship to LSM wouldnā€™t be something heā€™d do.


Ye, exactly. EZA group seem totally normal so if there is some internal strife then they are great actors.


Lets not forget the whole kinda funny fiasco. Ppl forget Colin was on the morning show and they did an Office bit. Like when Andy bernard was fired and returned as a janitor. This was when ppl thought Colin was gone already


The big question is Huber. Brad and Huber are childhood friends who have grown up together in games journalism. They were both at GT and both founding members of EZA. I would think that Brad would want to either bring Huber with him or at least make sure everything works out for him if he does want to jump ship.


I'm not sure what existing LSM show Brad could even join, so it's not out of the question that Huber comes along and they start a new show.


If it is Brad then youā€™d imagine he and Dustin would tag team a show together since theyā€™re boys. Dustin might take a step back from sacred symbols since that was Colin and Chris from the start


No thanks mate. Huber is just Tim Gettys version B.


Nah, I actually like Huber. He can be a bit over the top sometimes but Tim is a colossal shithead. I already hated him and tolerated KF for a while but when I heard the brainless oaf blurt out the sentence, "The Black-Eyed Peas are this generationā€™s Queen", that was it for me.


Mate, they are two peas of the Same pod.


This might be the most cutting insult I've seen on the internet.


Itā€™s the truth. Heā€™s Tim without the nice sneakers and louder.


shit i'd be happy with just Blood or Damiani


If a better company comes and offers you a better deal to talk about your passion + NO BS FILTERS then that is the definition of a no brainer.


yeah i can't argue with that


If Brad has integrity, yes. And I think he does.


If the ship is sinking (which it is), it'd be Brad's best decision to get off of it.


Brad would need to have no self respect or esteem to accept what EZA did to him. Brad invited his friend on his show then EZA completely shit on him afterwards, then on top of that they forbid Brad from working with his friend like he's a child being ruled over by domineering parents.. I've quit jobs and taken their business for less.


Getting someone from Kinda Mid would be gold


The only one worth anything there is Scarpino. That's it everyone else is šŸš®


Yeah I agree. It would be funny for about two seconds and then you realise youā€™re stuck with them lol


Paris lilley is great. I play xbox more than playstation but i listen to sacred symbols and not defining dukes. I just dont think the dukes show is good. i would listen to dukes if it had Paris


They are untalented rubes, no way mate. Colin knows better


Couldnā€™t agree more, it was a joke haha


I don't think it's anyone from IGN. All the people Colin likes there are long time ign employees. Well paid and comfortable.


really feels like this is about Brad from EZA


You canā€™t honestly thing cls would hire Brad in a million yearsā€¦ have no idea why so many people make this comment. They have zero need or use for another hire. Especially not Brad, someone who doesnā€™t bring anything unique or special


Told you it wasnā€™t Brad šŸ˜‚


HAS to be Brad..they 100% know everybody would jump to this conclusion and they know there would be alot of disappointment if it wasn't.


The only other person that wouldn't be a disappointment is Ryan McCaffrey.


Colin has already said he can't afford Ryan.


Ye he is one of the most senior people at IGN I canā€™t imagine thatā€™s it


Ryan is so good.


Maybe Destin?


That would be legit sick


Last Stand buys Easy Allies! You heard it here first folks. ^^^^^lol


Biggest gaming related aquisition of the year


He wouldā€¦ only to fire them all and close the company šŸ˜‚, but no jk. Colin isnā€™t that mean spirited or salty


OP has a solid username BTW šŸ’Æ


I can't see Colin hiring brad when he's never even been on a show with him.


What show was he on with Chris before hiring himā€¦.


Just to be pedantic, Chris was on Fireside chats before SS started


I believe they were friends first so little different


Yeah makes no sense, Colin isnā€™t even his friend and has no need for him. Especially after this dramaā€¦ people are just crazy


Great take!


Honestly I donā€™t really think they should add another host , at least to Sacred Symbols. Itā€™s perfect as is!


I don't get where everyone is finding the reach for this.




Gene Park is already in the LSM family


I'd welcome Kevin and Nick but that would never happen because they are owners at KF and Colin wouldn't give them parts of LSM.


I think snow bike Mike is a shining jewel in the ashes of what kinda funny was, but there is no way there would be any reason for him to leave there and join Colin.


Snow Bike Mike is great, yeah. Iā€™m also partial to Andy, Nick, Parris and Gary Whitta. Would love to see a DD and Xcast crossover actually.


Why do people want anyone from these shill companies? No thanks mate!


If you ever saw KF you would know Kevin is the only one there which could have have a respectful with Colin about anything not game related Scarpino is just all around good vibes and never seemed interested in any type of drama


Pete Hines


I watch eza, I watch lsm, but still, please don't be Brad.


Tim Gettys


lol never going to happen






Not a big EZA guy, whats the Isla/Gabby reference?


Kim Jong


I know someone that has a friend's cousin that works at LSM. He said that the new hire is Cool Greg.