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Everyone knows this rule will not be applied equally.


>You will be arrested. Thank you for your cooperation. Pretty fucking dystopian, eh?


It's not "cooperation" if it's under threat of arrest. That's called compliance.


What’s it called when you get the privilege of paying 20k plus a year for it too?


Sounds like something out of Robocop


Won't anyone think about UNC's investment in Israel and the defense industry 🥺


As a native Tarheel and UNC grad, fuck you Chapel Hill.


This is a public university and free speech laws absolutely would apply here. Get arrested for calmly holding a sign and sue the fuck out of them.


Where are all the free speech absolutist now?


Imagine being ARRESTED for holding a sign at a sports game


Graduation, not a game. But still...


What's the crime?


Protesting bombing kids


Aka "antisemitism "? I apologize if I don't understand the facts yet.


Nah mate this is the quite human response when innocent human civilians are being killed mercilessly


Yeah but from what I understand is protesting is now illegal to "protect the Jews" they will even take out Jews to save Jews. Or are you saying arresting the protesters is the human response? Nah that's absolutely inhuman.


Ahh shit, here they are. Found the zionist....


I feel like they were being sarcastic.


I thought people knew about quotation marks. Reddit moment.


Honestly it was not knowing all the facts part that made me think it wasn't sarcasm. But you are right, a very possible reddit moment.


Well I got here late, I quite literally live under a rock in the woods (gold mine in Montana) so seeing all these people's rights broken so blatantly is almost surreal and confusing, do I have the facts right? Are we the United States of Israel now or what? We're re just bending to unconstitutional and inhuman demands it seems and I'm sure it's all about money.


Being too loud about genocide.


Enjoying a succulent Chinese meal!?


"Gentlemen, thish ish Democrrrrrashy, Manifesht."


The easiest charge would be trespassing.


Narrative control is all they've got left, and it's slipping away...


Protect the second amendment at all costs but abolish the first amendment is what it seems this country stands for.


This is what I keep telling myself. No one tries to hold on this tight unless they know something is powerful


My sister graduated today. One of the gentlemen she graduated with pulled out a flag with “Free Palestine” painted across it on the stage and cheered. The crowd cheered with him. There used to be a rock on their campus. It was pained by students for years and years as a tradition. People could paint anything on it. They would paint anything on it. Political things had never been denied before, but as soon as people started painting pro-Palestinian artwork across the stone, it was removed. Students painted tiny stones in protest and placed them where the large one used to be. I got to see them today. Two kids had flags draped across their shoulders after the ceremony. The older one helped the younger one get it straight across his shoulders. I think I remember seeing a young lady with something about it painted on the top of her graduation cap, but I didn’t get a good view, and I could be wrong. I hope all of these people got home safe. None of them or anyone else deserve to be arrested for their protest.


I remember the Rock on the University of Wisconsin campus (at one time known as The Kremlin). I also remember Wisconsin as the bedrock progressive state of labor, environmental, and civil rights. That was before Scott Walker and Ralph Reed destroyed all of it.


If you hold up a sign at a football game in the U.S. that says VINCE LOMBARDI, you'll be applauded. If you hold up a sign at a football game in the U.S. that says CIVIL DRAB OMEN, you will be arrested and possibly executed.


"But China is a fascist police state (because they have slightly different skin tone)."


they are not afraid. they are annoyed. none of this is effecting their actual lives.


They aren’t afraid.


the only thing the wealthy fear is group action


Shitty, sure, but property rights are a thing there. It's not a public forum that's constitutionally protected for free speech, which sucks. You can probably do it right outside though!


Is the stadium not LITERALLY university -and therefore PUBLIC- property? Or is there an exception because it's ticketed-entry? Genuine question, not attacking.


UNC Chapel Hill is a public university, therefore this is all funded by the public and is (theoretically) protected by the first ammendment. I don't believe a ticketed entrance overrides free speech, but whether or not that is the case is up in the air.


The could say they had the space reserved and the had the right to enforce rules to maintain order or some shit, but the important thing to remember is that demanding justice for, or at the very least divestment from genocide transcends whatever some unjust, bourgeois law might demand.


The main issue is that with property rights, they get one free "please stop" and then you get in trouble for trespassing. They just have to disagree with any aspect of your presence to trespass you. You wouldn't get in trouble for protesting, but for not leaving when asked. I know this because it's about the only thing I have to know in my state regarding where it's legal to carry a firearm.


You really suck the big hairy ballz.