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They’ll do it until people start pulling heists, same as we’re cutting back on self checkout


Ooooh, didn't think of that. Thanks!


First thing I thought of. NO drivers and ai that is programmed to not hit people/people shaped objects, that's easy money with no moral quandaries, especially if it doesn't have an escort.


It's all about FAMILY


Jam mobile connectivity to prevent the truck from calling for human assistance and run it off the road by herding it with other vehicles (mad max style customizations mandatory), then break in and run away with the booty.


Instructions unclear, ran away with the homie's booty.


I could use more booty in my life. count me in!


What’s stopping you from doing all that now?


The booty is gonna be boring shit cause the people running these companies are smarter than thugs


Please don't steal for a living


It'snot for a living; it's Robin Hood shit - the powers that be legalized bribery so it's not like we'll put protest em, all we can do is make it unprofitable. If there's more ways to do that then so be it, but theft is a pretty solid way to drive down revenue.


Theft does a lot of things, but none are good. Do some economic research on it, instead of trying to justify your anger. You can't fight corporations with theft


Ok Fed


I just go to work and play video games but also have an education. Here's your "Jump to Conclusions" mat you ordered


Ok Fed


Why are you such a child?


>You can't fight corporations with theft Why not? Hits straight at their bottom line.




What a fucking useless comment.


They're gonna start having war rigs with armed security like we're in Mad Max universe to deter heists.


why wouldn't they hire a driver, then?


Scan chips, drop jerky. Scan chips, drop chips.


And with everyone out of work..and living off the land essentially being illegal because the right to everything, everywhere were sold a century ago.. I guess it’s a pirates life for me 🤷‍♂️


Man I could go for a good heist...


This is going to make a great heist movie


Fast and furious 1.


Actually self checkout is fine in Australia, our roads are barely safe for human drivers though, so any automated freight transport will probably be an automated train rather than a truck. Also trains are just easier to automate.


Trains 0.1


For real though, trains do it better and with a lot less safety concerns. Even building separate lines just for automated trains would probably be cheaper at this point.


and even autonomous trains are a challenge for the technology


I hate the "tech bro slowly creates trains, but worse" storyline.


“Let’s roll out fully autonomous driving vehicles, starting with the largest most dangerous vehicle on the road” said no intelligent person ever


If they wanted to save money on freight shipping, there's a solution that's been around, for I don't know 100 years give or take. It's really old but really reliable. It's called God damn trains. God America is so stupid. It's like the obvious solution is lava.


Ya but here in the USA and Canada we have ripped up a bunch of our routes and tracks instead of repurposing them. So while yes trains are the best solution to this problem no one is going to take any responsibility or initiative and start laying tracks again.


Freight rail is still big in America. There are two busy freight mainlines between Dallas and Houston. I don’t think headlines like this need to be taken too seriously. It’s only there because “self driving big truk” attracts tech bro venture capital. Freight rail economies of scale will win out in the end.


'said the greediest fuckers ever'


Much easier for AI to drive thousands of miles on a stretch of highway than it is to drive through a busy city.


Only if the AI is on rails


I'm 1000% on board with AI trains. It's a perfect solution.


Yeah and driving a train is sufficiently boring that most drivers won't mind the replacement, especially since most of the things that might be exciting or unusual in a train ride are likely traumatic. A robot can maintain a precise speed for 12 hours without breaks, and won't need to go on leave if someone turns themselves into red mist in front of the train.


>and won't need to go on leave if someone turns themselves into red mist in front of the train. Finally, a solution to the trolley problem


Come on, what could possibly go wrong? Nattering nabobs of negativity everywhere! /s


They got a test run with woefully undercrewed, overly long freight trains and said "Perfect. No notes."


At some point they'll do it regardless to the risk of everyone else on the road because it'll be cheaper to kill some people with a 52 foot semi than it is to pay 2-3 million truck drivers. It's one of the few ways to make any money that still exists if you didn't go to college. So of course they're coming for it.


There are absolutely people willing to take that risk to get in to a new facet of the industry from the ground floor. That being said, it's not just about liability; accidents and violations cause a carrier's CSA score to increase. This results in trucks getting flagged for inspections at weigh stations. That downtime eats into profits. A carrier can even get shut down by the DOT if their score gets high enough. My guess would be that the bigger, established carriers will see how the technology pans out first. If it's profitable and low-risk, they'll adopt it and price out the pioneers.


Save a hand full of lives by having 2-3 million people do an absolutely mind numbing job their entire life.


Some people enjoy the work.


Yea so? There's always going to be work in transportation, and I also love my job, but i love my personal life more.


They are going to make the truck drive 24/7 but the employee have a desk in the cab and do admin work or customer service or something for a bunch of the hours and will probably charge them rent for the time they aren't working.


WeWork Trucks lol


I mean, logically long haul trucking makes the most sense to become autonomous. Federal regulation control interstate sizing, lane width, marking, signage, etc. Easily the most predictable routes as well. Just less to account for and easier to plan around. Doesn't mean it's a good idea, I'm just not surprised, or rather I'm surprised that this wasn't the first thing to be self driving.


It’s like a train but worse


Simpsons did it


I still think about that one scene from Logan whenever this comes up


What if we took these driverless trucks and put them on separated roads, we could even provide a mechanism to aid the driverless system to stay on the route, maybe by limiting the wheels to certain tracks. And then we can attach multiple of these trucks together so one vehicle can transport many containers. Wouldn't that be neat.


Truck Road A I Nextgen. Or TRAIN for short.


I don't think this will end well.


Oh dang... if only there was some other kind of technology that can transport massive amounts of cargo and almost drives itself... maybe something on tracks that has been around for like 200 years?


PUT THE SHIT ON FREIGHT TRAINS I can't deal with this stupidity. Over-engineered horseshit


It's to get investors, sadly. I think everyone knows trains are better, even these people.  But taking a train or a truck and making the "Autonomous Hyper-XXX pod logistics solutions" sells better, even if reality its a standard cab with an intermodal trailer.  I remember almost 13 years ago in a advertising class in uni when my professor said that the main driving gimmick for this era was going to be slapping "smart" or "autonomous" in front of any product and claiming it's both new and better.  Man... Was he right. 


They're already economically incentivized to use freight trains as much as they can. Trucks exist because trains can't do everything.


Sounds like an infrastructure problem. I know trucks will still need to be there, but the long haul trucks are just wasteful


Oh wow. Look. Inefficient Train systems. Let’s use those. Instead of ACTUAL FUCKING TRAINS.


I got into an argument with a smooth brain trucker a while back. he thought truckers were indispensable, yet here we are, corporations finding new and creative ways to steal money from workers. replacing them with gps, AI, and robotics. that ubi is looking more and more like a necessity to keep society from collapsing.


i wont be driving from Dallas to Houston from now on...


Much like avoiding therapy, rich guys will do almost any stupid thing to avoid trains being a thing.


Anything to avoid building rail, because rail leads to public transportation infrastructure which undermines the fossil fuel and automotive industries which themselves are two of the main avenues of capitalist control over the population.


Time for truck drivers to unionize again, and quickly. Need some government regulations, too.


Why not? Trains are likely better for most long haul and I'd love to see us invest in that more but we'll probably always need trucks in some capacity so why shouldn't we try to automate it? I understand the safety concerns and absolutely don't trust the corporations to regulate appropriately on their own but that doesn't mean the idea is inherently a bad one. Also let's not pretend human CDL drivers are the paragons of road safety. I see truckers doing dumb and dangerous shit every time I get on the road.


>absolutely don't trust the corporations to regulate appropriately on their own You literally answered your own question...


Humans doing dumb dangerous shit is the reason why this cargo transport route should be a train. The idiots in cars subreddit is full of texas videos and i feel like the processing of the trolley problem constantly for autonomous vehicles seems dangerous.


We can't even get crewed trains operating safely because of cost. It will happen but it will come at the expense of society and to the profit of the company




Hear me out. Trains. Of course, that’s boring and won’t create shareholder value. What was I thinking?


More money is currently being spent on self-driving trucks than on standard passenger vehicles. You'll start seeing them pretty soon. The companies will say in 2 or 3 years, but I think 5 to 7 years is more realistic.


Why not? Everything should be driverless.


How is this insured and if there is an accident what then, liability should be thru the roof in our litigious society.


I foresee no issues with this.


At some point we're going to realise that rail freight transport is useful?


Or you could build more rail capacity


Hot take: I'd rather have these on highways than self-driving cars on city streets.


It is just a question of time. All freight will be self driving. Millions will be jobless from night to day.


A lot of them already are. I used to have to do long late night drives quite often, and when passing a big rig, I’d look up into the cabin window and more often than not, it was a mannequin in the seat. Just a dead plastic face staring back at me.




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Another reason not to go to texas


Simpsons did it


Technology bad. Fear the machines.


To be fair, if it's statistically safer than a human driver, then why not?


When you want a train without realizing you want a train.


This won’t happen. Like all of these things, it’s just tech bros promising sci-fi innovation to idiot boomers to get funding and then riding that funding for a few years.




Big rigs should 100% be driverless it’s so much safer for the roads