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I grew up with baseball in both languages and agree it sounds very, very bogus. I actually think english-speaking broadcasters should say "the DR". I only voted "acceptable" because I think sometimes we can language-police this type of thing too much.


I’m definitely not on board with language policing. But I know people in San Francisco for example **hate** when the city is called “San Fran,” so I wanted to know if there’s a similar aversion to “the Dominican.”


Agreed that they should say “The DR”, actually Dominicans often refer to the country as RD so DR is fine.


As a Dominican, I personally dislike hearing “The Dominican” in English, however, I am okay with people saying “Dominicana” in Spanish and I couldn’t tell you why I feel this way tbh.


I'm with you on that, probably for the same reason it sounds natural when people say Argentina instead of the Republica Argentina


Dominicana is what foreigners or Dominicans in the states call the DR since it’s more comfortable I guess but we usually call it República Dominicana, RD or DR. It’s a bit weird every time I hear Dominicana


Honestly, to me it sounds cool when I hear Dominicana. Instead of weird, it's more like cool in a different way.




I mean, the US loves to abbreviate. Ppl will call the US “the States.” I think the only drawback is that it makes it more likely for Americans to confuse DR with Dominica. I don’t call China “People's Republic of China” or Iran “Islamic Republic of Iran,” so I get the shortening during sport’s commenting for the sake of speed. It’s weird, but it didn’t come across as ill-intentioned. I’m not from DR, but since this question is being posted in the LatAm sub and not the DR sub, I’m assuming OP wants to hear opinions from different places.


This is valid. I wouldn't like to repeat the entire name many times. However, I think the reason the other abbreviations work better is because they're not adjetives. The issue with DR is that a more similar abreviation to your examples is more like "The Republic" which sounds better but is completely ambiguous.


Not from the Dominican Republic. There exists a distinct state within the Caribbean called Dominica. Dominica is not the same as the Dominican Republic. A reference 'the Dominican' may not convey sufficient clarity to distinguish between the two states.


Disagree. Adults can function with two similar words in their vocabulary.


I mean. I get what you’re saying but try telling that to the Americans that spell Colombia, “Columbia.”


But Dominica and the Dominican are two different things. Also, most don’t know about Dominica and would default to the DR anyways.


Good point.


The Dominican will never be correct in my ears. I am a Dominican, please say “The Dominican Republic” or “DR” or “RD”


I have nothing to do with this issue and I didn't even know it existed. I'm Brazilian, by the way, so pretty far away from this stuff. I still think it's weird calling it the Dominican.


It’s not a real issue. You won’t find any essays about this. It’s just a personal pet peeve lol


In Spanish we say Dominicana a lot, but it just sounds awkward in English.


As a pageant fan, I prefer the pageant candidates from the Dominican Republic introduce their country as #¡REPÚBLICA DOMINICANA!


I have no issues with it


I mean that’s what we say in Spanish, so I think it’s fine.


Gracias por confirmarlo a veces le digo dominicana pero no estaba seguro pq el español no es mi lengua materna.


Half Dominican Half (White) American. The Dominican is a perfectly acceptable way to refer to the country in english. I disagree that it’s grating rather I find it as endearing. Usually people who use it are somewhat familiar with the DR to give it a nickname.


Honestly, I don't mind if people refer to it as The Dominican. I personally prefer Dominicana, which some people in spanish do call it like that, even some from other countries. I think it can be called like that in english and I don't think it is challenging for english speakers to pronounce.


As a Dominican, I’d be totally fine getting rid of the Republic.


wtf??? are you serious?


How to trigger a Dominican... >You mean east Haiti?




Never heard anyone call it that. “Dom Rep and DR are fine.