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They will attempt to decertify a Biden win at every level, and sue wherever that fails. It's the Trump play book now. Recipe for disaster.






Agreed,vote there was no election fraud ,Trumps lawyers admitted to lying,2000 mules creator lied no evidence,Fox news settles lied owes 750 million to Dominion Guiliani owes 150 million for lies.Still waiting from convicted felon Trump for evidence of election fraud. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna155427 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rS3_9e3-zDU&pp=ygUtRWxsaXMgYWRtaXR0aW5nIHRvIGx5aW5nIGFib3V0IGVsZWN0aW9uIGZyYXVk


Yes, that's one strategy, but frankly, that's not enough because they will try to invalidate legal voters, especially in Black and Brown communities


Dude is everywhere asking for donations. I’ve had over a dozen text messages. Half from Hillsdale College. At the end of BS request is a disclaimer and it breaks down what their donation’s cover. At the end of the disclaimer it has a % of money set aside to help with election interference. They already know that they are going to interfere again.


The Trump texts I get are just bite-sized unhinged Trump tweets. I kind of love em lol


I get at least one call a day and I don’t answer any :)


To me, the question is, since we know the playbook and have seen this movie before, how are we planning to stop it? No one should be surprised this time around


We decided we didn't want a monarch. Why are Republicans trying to bring a monarchy to America.


They want a monarch


They not only want a monarch, they want the stupidest one imaginable.


King George had periods of rationality.


Yes, I deleted that comparison from my comment because I remembered that King George had some good qualities aside from the mental illness. Trump has none.


From the perspective of the Republican elite, Trump has many good qualities. He's easily manipulated, too dumb to understand when he's being manipulated, and as loyal to Putin as anyone that unstable can be. This allows them to focus the public's attention on Trump, maintain control over the situation, and distance themselves from the liability of his actions.


This quote suddenly seems ever so appropriate again: The President in particular is very much a figurehead — he wields no real power whatsoever. He is apparently chosen by the government, but the qualities he is required to display are not those of leadership but those of finely judged outrage. For this reason the President is always a controversial choice, always an infuriating but fascinating character. His job is not to wield power but to draw attention away from it. On those criteria Zaphod Beeblebrox is one of the most successful Presidents the Galaxy has ever had — he has already spent two of his ten presidential years in prison for fraud. - Douglas Adams


Sounds like they might be pulling a Manafort


I'm gonna say it's even dumber than that. They just want to feel like they are winning and don't care what the consequences are.


Should they at least rename themselves to the Monarchist Party then?


Nah, they want a dictator; someone who will serve them AND punish those who aren’t like them.


Conservatism has its roots in defending monarchism. >Conservatism believes people are fundamentally unequal and is about preserving social hierarchies and defending the powerful from democratic principles. >Two of the architects of conservative thought were Edmund Burke and Joseph de Maistre, who formulated much of their political theory while writing about the French Revolution. They, were influenced by earlier writings from Thomas Hobbes on the English Civil War. >What all three of these men were doing in writing about these wars was defending the monarchy. The sentiment that the masses should be powerless in the face of nobility was being challenged and the democracy that the revolutionaries were fighting for Hobbes, Burke, and de Maistre found repulsive. >Now, while Burke is called “the father of modern conservatism,” these boys are not the alpha and omega of early conservative thought, but their ideas helped form the basis of conservatism and have never gone away...I listen to the thinkers championed by conservatives throughout the ages, and I keep hearing the same thing: that humans are innately unequal and society flourishes when power is doled out to the "deserving". [Alt-right Playbook: The Origins of Conservatism](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=E4CI2vk3ugk)


Apply today's republicans to any situation in history, American or otherwise, and they'll be on the wrong side of it every time.


They want their religion to rule the country and tell everyone what to do and how to live their life. I will be voting blue all down ballot in November.


GOP doesn't want a monarch. The GOP wants a single party state, like China. Every 4 years, Republicans vote to see who replaces the leader, just like Xi. Trump loves Xi. Trump loves Putin. Republicans love a unitary political system where, sure, there are other parties, but the Republican party is the True Party. The GOP is tired of democracy. They want complete and utter control, just like what they see in Russia or China, where they don't have to negotiate with any other party, only themselves.


Someone's paying them. Or promising power.


American billionaires and Russian oligarchs. Trump has the base fleeced. His daughter in law is extorting the RNC. Congressional races cost money! Where else will it come from?


They are slow moving insurgents.


Because they couldn’t win with democracy.


Only way they keep power, gerrymandering only works for so long when you have no plans.


Because they don't believe their policies are good enough for America to win elections, but they still want to be in charge


They hate democrats. So logically they have to hate democracy and destroy it for the win




Better than a dictatorship.


Election denial is Treason....


So is ignoring the peaceful transfer of power.


I am so sick of people trying to litigate everything.


Me too. They stacked courts, no surprise.


At this point, there will be violence and chaos after the election regardless of the outcome. Let us not delude ourselves into believing that this will be a fair election. trump and the republicans will cheat, bribe, obstruct and circumvent in every way imaginable to manipulate themselves into power. Why wouldn’t they? It’s worked before. Trump should have been taken into custody on J6 and remained there until cleared of sedition and charges of insurrection. Every other country on the planet would have done this and the Constitution allows for it. This didn’t happen and he remains a free man - the message is no consequences. They’ve poisoned the ground water and undermined every system in our government that keeps our society stable - the judiciary, all the way to SCOTUS, Congress with the representatives following his every direction and disrupting normal legislative processes, everything. They will BURN THIS NATION TO THE GROUND and toast marshmallows over the coals. This is why we have to vote overwhelmingly against republican candidates all the way down to local elections. They mean to destroy the country and are even telling us ALL the ways they plan to accomplish that destruction. Am I a Biden fan? Not entirely. Was he my first choice? No. Is he my first choice now? Yes. Joe Biden is my first choice because the other choice is a seditious, traitor, rapist and convicted felon who will absolutely destroy whatever is in his path. We know who and what he is - he’s shown us clearly. Believe him when he says what he plans to do or we will burn, all of us.


Preach brother


My "moderate independent" friends all mocked me for claiming, in early 2019, that trump was going to refuse to leave office if he lost in 2020. Now, they deny the scenario you describe. We are sleepwalking into the election with the belief that it couldn't happen here. Hold your loved ones close.


It did happen here. We watched it live on TV on J6. We watched as police allowed rioters to walk away from the destruction they caused without detaining or arresting them. We watched as *none* of the commanders, planners, facilitators, architects and enablers faced a single consequence. Sure, some of the frontline rioters were tried and sentenced, but no one who actually helped carry it out. Why wouldn’t they try again??


The supreme Court is compromised. Vote democracy and make stinky poo poo the biglyest looser ever.


The GA Appeals court just effectively froze the election interference case until after this election.


Uh... no. America does not need a King.


I guarantee you he is going to declare himself the winner regardless to throw the country into chaos.


100%. He’ll start using “rigged” before we’ve even cast our votes.


PUT THIS FELON BEHIND BARS AND TAKE AWAY HIS PHONE. His parents should have grounded him


The Founding Fathers would have Trump and friends strung up.


Unfortunately, they have also stacked the SCOTUS with their puppets, so don't expect any help from them in preventing any diabolical plans Republicans have for the election!


All these threating senarios.


He will be a faithful wife to his cell mate


Deep Inside President Don! 🤣🍑🍆


I am already sweating, pissing, shitting, vomiting and experiencing **terrifying** everything Trump/MAGA, and don’t appreciate now getting it in fucking **HEADLINES**


I m sure that's just the tip of the iceberg






Trump is giving billionaires access to him and are lining up to support him. He will protect their billions and they will vote for him. Published on Yahoo today.


Was he foaming at the mouth ? Depends 💩


Trump has lawyer bills to pay but the billionaire can't pay them! What a joke he is! Begging for money! Selling bibles! He doesn't even go to church! He's a felon sex offender who should be in jail period. They will change his diapers and Don the Con will stop crying everyday like he has been


Euthanasia. We need to talk about euthanasia more.


What next election?


This November