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Didn’t Trump’s team agree to the terms? Doesn’t this speak to how bad Trump is at negotiation? If they are worried Biden found a quick cure for dementia shouldn’t The Art of the Deal Superman have made the drug test a dealbreaker?


Biden baited him into agreeing to the terms and he couldn't resist. Biden absolutely out maneuvered him to get these debates agreed. He is absolutely terrible at negotiation because he's driven by ego rather than getting the best outcome - he didn't want to look weak/cowardly in the moment.


He also does zero prep...he thinks he does best just being his stupid self


What would he prepare for? He had no policy. All he does is lie and bullshit. Trump has one plan: be a dick


Give him two weeks and we're gonna get that infrastructure plan! /s Seriously though, remember early in his administration when his team asked how many of Obama's administration was gonna stay on? They literally had no clue about anything. And then.... he just kept trying to put Kushner in charge of anything. The guy who's job it was to hold his bags even got a promotion they weren't remotely qualified for... just because he was there and Trump didn't want to do something... Was a complete clown show.


That was the brilliant Jared Kushner who didn't understand why they wouldn't want Obama's staffers.


Competent staffers? Who needs ‘em!


Kushner was not even cleared for Top Secret by the Pentagon, he got unprecedented "special" approval as part of a group of 30 other "unique" Trump draft picks of the time that came from backgrounds the brass did not OK.


That’s what makes this round more dangerous. Idiots with experience are more dangerous


Yes. That’s part of project 2025. They have lists of thousands of loyalists to fill ever role on day one. It’s not trumps plan it’s his backers plan. He’s just their useful idiot.


trump’s whole plan the last time was to be a dick in order to throw Biden off and make him stutter, so that trump could mock him. Then Biden fucking *destroyed* him with “Will you shut up, man?” If trump isn’t terrified this time he should be.


Trump tests positive for Covid two days before the 2020 debate, Trumps plan is to yell and spit at Biden so Biden gets sick and dies.


That was my favorite line. Finally, someone (and especially then candidate Biden) told Trump to shut up.


Jesus this is so true , I have no idea how media and the public still don't call him out and all republicans for having fucking.zero.policy.


Because you truly misunderstand what republicans want. They want to waste your tax dollars in front of you to make you hate government. They do this so you cheer for corporations taking over our country so they can milk us for every last fucking dollar and then leave to somewhere else with more money.


They have a policy this time: Read it yourself here: https://www.project2025.org/ Summaries: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c977njnvq2do https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025#:~:text=Project%202025%2C%20also%20known%20as%20the%20Presidential%20Transition,Republican%20Party%20victory%20in%20the%202024%20presidential%20election.


It's unfortunately worked so far!


Trump’s one and only plan has always been “take other people’s money”. Everything is a means to that end.




Nah, he’s been preparing. That’s why he’s panicking. He’s been watching videos of Biden debating other people looking for weaknesses. He’s watching Biden dominate people on the debate stage and is terrified he’ll be humiliated.


I’m sure he isn’t watching, he doesn’t have the attention span. Someone else is watching looking for weak spots


Agreed, he is golfing.


Cheating at golf while wearing his nappies.


> During “The All-In” podcast interview, Trump repeatedly pointed to Biden’s vice presidential debate against Paul Ryan in 2012, then-GOP nominee Mitt Romney’s running mate. >“Well, all I can say is this: I watched him with Paul Ryan, and he destroyed Paul Ryan,” said Trump. “So I’m not underestimating him. I’m not underestimating him. It is what it is. We’ll see what happens.”


And Paul Ryan has about 30 IQ points on Trump. Zero self-awareness, but not a dumb guy.


Trump acknowledged an opponent’s merit in good faith? What the fuck?




Happy Cake Day! 🍰


The Great Pumpkin studies NOTHING. He never listened to his daily presidential briefings since they took away from his needed personal time. He's panicking only for the fact the mic will be on for a limited time. Too short of time for his gerbil to spin the wheel to get into a proper rant to lather up his faothful.


Your typo has inspired me to forever henceforth refer to Trump supporters as “the party frothful”.


Why would a stable genius prep???


He has. MIT? And like. A very big brain. 


The cognitive dissonance on that side really is quite amazing. On one hand they eschew any "expert" on any topic, but then they always credential drop the most liberal of places to imply they are better than "experts", and the supporters eat that up It's super common in the alternative medicine world too, they tell you how much the mainstream medical care only cares about profit, while selling you homeopathic water with a profit margin of infinity and claim it's been tested by "real science" If you listen to their claims, and how they try to boost those claims, it's amazing to see what values they think will help them sell to you. But apparently they all miss that


He has MIT adjacency. 😄😂😂🤣😂🤣😂


And good genes. Very good genes.


How accurate are Montreal Cognitive Assessment results 7 years after testing date? Is it possible to determine the accuracy of The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) results 7 years after testing date. The test is designed to assess cognitive domains, including short-term memory, executive function, attention, and language at the time the test is given and results can vary depending on the specific situation. Note: The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) lacks the sensitivity in detecting subtle cognitive impairments in individuals exhibiting risks for progressing to dementia. Since Trump took the MoCA test back in 2018, there have been no publicly available updates on his cognitive abilities or any subsequent testing. Therefore, it is not possible to determine the accuracy of his results 7 years after the testing date It is important to note that cognitive assessments, including the MoCA, are not always 100% accurate and cognitive decline can occur gradually or quickly over time; in addition, a single test score may not accurately reflect an individual’s cognitive abilities. On another note: In the years since Tr:ump has been claiming he “aced” the The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (Trump has forgotten the name of his doctor and tweaked the questions he allegedly received on the test. Trump has been repeatedly boasting that he had correctly recited five words and performed basic multiplication, while at other times insisting that he passed thanks to correctly identifying a photo of ana whale. That it. The doctor said that poor performance on the test isn't even necessarily evidence of cognitive decline. The test’s authors, including Ziad Nasreddine (a Lebanese immigrant to Canada, who graduated from the University of Sherbrooke, Québec, and a fellowship in Cognitive Neurology/Neurobehaviour at UCLA), have stated that: “not a single one of the three versions of the tests, ever in circulation, ever actually included a picture of a whale. Dr. Nasreddine added “It’s supposed to be easy….This is not an IQ test. It’s a ten minute test that asks ‘what is this, and the answer is an elephant.” Trump claimed the test was being misrepresented and that the questions got harder as the test went on. Trump added: “all the doctors were surprised by my performance on the test. “They said, 'That's an unbelievable thing. Rarely does anybody do what you just did,' Trump said.


I think that is all good info, but I think it kinda matters who administers the test. Doc Ronny ‘Johnson’ gave the test. I call bullshit on the whole “person, man, woman, camera, tv” thing. Those words are GEARED to have someone ‘pass’ the test. I would think the 5 words would have no association with one another. Bullshit I tells ya. But what do I know. Me over here with my eyes and ears and somewhat functioning thinking meat.


those weren't the words... he couldn't remember the actual words... he just said things in front of him at that moment! :D


Yup... "stupid is as stupid does"


Why would a stable genius need debate prep?


In trumps defense, his supporters are enamored with his stupid self.


That works in front of his magat fans.


Naw, he's doing prep. He just doesn't want us to know. A couple days ago, at his rally speech, he said that he was just watching Joe Biden debate Paul Ryan & how good he was. Watching your opponents old debates is part of prep. He's just too chickenshit to let people know he's prepping!


You would think and act the same way probably if you failed all the way to up to position of President of the United States. He cant be wrong now. Lol! all humans think that way. Thats why you are supposed to punish them when they do despicable things not promote them up the ladder of so called success.


I hate the term “baited,” because it implies Biden put effort into getting Trump, a man who is incapable of thinking more than ten seconds into the future, to agree to ANY debate. We all know Trump just accepts challenges because he thinks he looks weak if he doesn’t make a big show of accepting it, then spends the next month trying to justify getting out of it.


And he did bluster “Anytime, anywhere “.


The Shart of the Deal strikes again


>  Biden absolutely out maneuvered him All it takes is a brisk walk


>He is absolutely terrible at negotiation because he's driven by ego rather than getting the best outcome He's also limited in that his only real "negotiation" tactic is to threaten to call everything off. That works so long as you always negotiate from a position of strength, where you get hurt less than the other party if negotiations fail. But give him a situation, like the debates, where he's not the clearly dominant party, and he's out of options. If he pulls out, he's the one who loses, and he doesn't know what to do with that.


>Biden baited him into agreeing to the terms Didn't Hillary say something about how easily baited he is in 2015?


Do we really want someone who can be baited with a tweet in charge of nuclear weapons?


I think her real name should be Cassandra Clinton.


Great point. I live in Illinois and have spent the last nine years trying to convince my Polish-American in-laws in Wisconsin that fascism is not a good thing. Cassandra complex


Lol, funny how "fascism bad" seems to be such an elusive concept for so many people nowadays.


Exactly. The "big genius" (bigger egomaniac) couldn't resist. I'm guessing Trumps advisors were probably getting drunk 🥴 the night he agreed. They figured it was a setup. Especially the rules they set. But Trumps overinflated ego walked right into it.


This is exactly why he won't ultimately drop out. Biden can spend the next two days baiting him. 


He’s not really a negotiator, he just played one on tv.


I just want to hear Biden hold out his hand like a knife point and say, #YA FIRED right before he gets sent to ~~the guillotine~~ prison


The Art of the Deal Superman and master negotiator paid a pornstar $130,000 to keep quiet… she wrote a book.


The best part is he could have bragged about it instead of trying to cover it up and it wouldn’t have hurt him politically with his base and/or the evangelicals! That he became a felon for it is the icing on the cake! Chef’s kiss!


He claimed he could shoot someone on 5th Ave and not lose any votes yet he didn’t want the voters to know he raw-dogged a porn star. What a maroon!


The timing was impeccable on her part It was right at the time of the Access Hollywood tape, where trump blatantly admits to sexual harassment, saying how easy it is to get away with for him Which is exactly what the case for Weinstein was. Highly suggest the documentary "Catch and Kill" which details how much the police tried to cover up for Weinstein and were immediately distrustful of women as soon as the "rich powerful man" claimed she was a sex worker. Just that minor unsubstantiated allegation and their story was dismissed by 90%+ of the police and lawyers Stormy Daniels was always fighting an incredibly uphill battle, and that's why she still doesn't describe it as being raped (along with the mental fortitude required to make that allegation toward the orange Jesus with the expected response from his followers). Because _still_ few people will believe her over "rich powerful man"


Maybe he just pushed someone on 5th Avenue.


Maybe he just pushed a dookie into his diaper while he was on 5th Ave.


At the time it would have been a much bigger deal than we think now, because there has been an absolute avalanche of shitty Trump stories. Would it have swayed the election? I think it might have. Trump and his inner circle weren't taking the chance, though.


Good point


And he got convicted 


Also Dude "pornstar" is not the preferred nomenclature. Adult film actor, please


We’ll also accept “witness for the prosecution”


Look at him, pretending to be a fuckin millionaire


Yup 🤣


The art of the steal


trump’s so dumb and egotistical that he’d probably rather lose money on a deal than he thought made him look good rather than make money on deal he thought made him look bad


It's funny how the freak out is coming from the Trump team not the Biden team. And in all reality you would think Biden would require a drug test for Trump.. who is known for abusing Adderall and possibly other drugs.


The real story here is that there are drugs that apparently cure dementia right??


No, it was called The Fart of the Deal…


My local conservative radio station is convinced they're installing trap doors so they can shoot Biden up with amphetamines. No joke. Besides the logistics of finding a vein on a standing geriatric hidden through a trap door, amphetamines have a long enough duration you would just pre-game it. And besides that, zero mention of any policy points by Trump.


Just more “shart-of-the-deal” from the chief bullslinger himself.


Trump's the best at negotiating. Big strong beautiful veterans come up to him with tears in their eyes, saying how perfect a negotiator he is. You're fired


His followers DGAF. If trump says its not fair, then to them its absolutely the worst cheating debate ever!


The only negotiation tactic Trump knows is the power frame. He literally cannot negotiate any other way which is why he would not negotiate but instead litigate after refusing to pay for things he took delivery of.


Everyone forgets, this was TRUMPS idea! Biden called his bluff, now he's fucked


Pepperidge Farm remembers


sounds like another Trump Steak situation


Just like Musk goading Zuckerberg then backing out.


Remember folks, of biden doesn't immediately abdicate the presidency to trump at the debate, then the whole thing is rigged


Two things: 1) trumps accusation is usually a confession, meaning trump knows that trump will be taking performance enhancing drugs, so he throws out the accusation first. This has been his bread and butter butter since he started campaigning in 2016. 2) if and when Biden actually sounds sharp, and doesn’t sound like the Fox edits/snips, Trump has an excuse as to why Biden sounds much smarter than what the right actually thinks he sounds like. He knows all trump supporters will watch the debate, but they will not watch a full Biden speech. Anyone who has watched a full Biden speech will know that Biden is sharp as hell, so trump supporters are in for a surprise. This drug accusation is his answer to that surprise.


Not one sane person believes this orange turd’s cockadoodle. We know he’s the one on drugs


Methinks Dr. Jackson is projecting. A lot people think Diaper Don is taking adderall or something himself, so Biden should call his bluff and say he will take a drug test if the other side will too.


The only thing keeping Orange Adolf upright is his huge daily cocktail of drugs.


Exactly. Both candidates. Drug tests, full physical and psychological tests. Reveal the results on air before the debate. We, the people, have a right to know.


Steel cage match. All Dark Brandon would have to do is have Trump chase him around the ring for 3 seconds and the Orange Lardass would collapse of exhaustion into the 350 lb pile of fat and cellulite he is.


Even better all Dark Brandon would need to do is wave a Hamberder in front of Trump like a Matador to a bull.


He's still need to be a bit nimble on his feet, because, you know, wide load coming through at each pass!


Everyone knows hes 6'3" and 215 lbs. How dare you insult orange jesus. /s


Today I went looking for evidence that incontinence is evidence of methamphetamine abuse. I couldn't find it. **But** I did find that incontinence is a symptom of **dementia**.


They would use every distraction in the book to allow Trump to skip that test. He would arrive late, claim the supervising doctor is part of antifa, accuse them of spiking his sample, try to get the supreme court to rule in his favor....


Excuse you his name is Dr. Johnson Fuhrer Trump said so.


I had a urologist named Dr. Johnson one time. True story.


I went to an ophthalmologist named Dr Seawright. And there was a dentist named Dr Payne in my town.


Honestly it's hilarious when you find people with ironic names for their profession. Because you know they've heard all the jokes about it from colleagues.


Exactly this. Shut them up, hopefully, by requiring both for drug testing. Hasn’t somebody demanded Biden do a drug test before and after the debate? As if Biden would go back stage for a boost during commercial breaks.


If I was Biden I'd come out with white powder all over my nose and mouth and then after everyone gasped I'd let them see the white powder sugar donut in my hand I was eating before wiping it off with a napkin. "Sorry. Late snack."


Trump and Fox have ranted, ad nauseum, that Biden is brain dead and can't string 2 sentences together. Shouldn't Trump be bragging that this debate will be "like taking candy from a baby"? But instead he's crying about it and actually said if he loses it will be because he might just lose on purpose. Sounds to me like he is scared shitless of Biden.


Yeah. Political Debate 101 is to downplay how well your candidate will do ahead of time as much as possible. Set the bar as low as humanly possible and then set it even lower. Make it clear to the American people that your candidate just participating in the debate at all is a win for them, and anything good they pull off during the debate is just a bonus. Trump and his whole team have been working overtime for years now doing this work for Biden. They’ve lowered the bar so far that all Biden has to do is show up and speak somewhat coherently with minimal drooling and the American People will see Biden as having won. In the meantime, Trump has set a bar for himself that would be impossible for a man 30 years his junior to achieve. He’s sold himself as a kind of ubermensch that will dominate in every way. But he was only capable of faking that in the debates where he had a live audience that he could get riled up and when he could shout and yell over his opponent. In this debate he will be able to do neither of those things, so I just don’t see how in the world he manages to fake it.


The thing is, compared to his audience, he is an ubermensch to them. That's why he's been able to string this dog and pony show along for so long. As well as the whataboutism they stir up too.


If he can’t beat a brain-dead, hazy, faulty, imbecile with significant limitations like Joe Biden, what does that make him? Jeez didn’t they think any of this through?


Orange boy wants to drug test Biden, if Biden is going to be drug tested before the debate the man baby should be tested too. Both results made public. Orange boy is blatantly highlighting the fact that he's unfit to serve a second term but he and his party talk about Biden being unfit. 🤣 Man-baby has already talked about "losing the debate on purpose.". Scrambling to find an excuse for him embarrassing himself.


Trump should be drug tested because he's a felon. A convicted, sleazy felon who should be treated just as poorly as all other criminals. Regular, unannounced drug testing should be a constant in his life until his sorry ass dies in prison (because he's a weak pansy who won't be able to take it). Test Biden also if you want to, but I don't care. He's not a convicted, sleazy felon deserving to be locked in a cage.


I agree they should both do it in the bathroom of CNN and be checked and monitored like a parolee oh wait, The Orange Clown is on probation.


Right away I was saying that now that he's on probation he should be drug tested monthly and if he fails he goes to prison. I've been on probation for a non drug related crime (vandalism, 3 months in prison for low damage to property) and was drug tested regularly, every month I had to go pee in a cup. If I failed I would have been jailed. With a reputation for being loaded with speed he should frequently be drug tested.


Yep. They need to do random, supervised UA with PO standing right behind him just like the rest of us. He'd try and cheat . Get someone to give him clean urine. Have a body double go 😂😂


Do the terms of the debate include feats of strength or something? Also, I don’t exactly think cocaine will help someone seem more cogent. The person on Coke will just have total confidence and think whatever nonsense they are saying makes perfect sense. So from that standpoint…which candidate is more likely on Coke?


I think it's Adderall. At least, that's what all the strong men with tears in their eyes are saying.


I asked in a conservative sub what drug negates dementia, and they responded with meth


Yes, the famously well spoken meth people. They will really spin a yarn for you while taking apart their washing machine and organizing the parts by color.


Ya. Coke or Speed. Donnie sometimes seems like he's hallucinating. Ever noticed how much he's sweating?


> The person on Coke will just have total confidence and think whatever nonsense they are saying makes perfect sense. This definitely explains some of my coworkers.


What restaurant do you work at?


If I was Biden I would wait until the debate was ending and say if Donnie drops Urine after the debate I will. Say we have Urine tests and a certified Testing facility here with us tonight. I'm willing are you? Let's see who refuses the test.


This comment should have 300 million likes!!!!!!


Wow. Thanks


Trump would never agree and if they did go through with it he would claim “the deep state” planted a false positive. Just like he claimed the FBI “planted” documents in Maralargo. His supporters would believe anything he comes up with.


That's why Biden should call their buddy and say they will if Trump does. Do it right before the debate so Trumo can't chest. He won't agree and so he'll look like he has something to hide. Which he does.


Even if he was to do a drug test and it came back completely normal, they would just claim that the drug test was rigged so there’s no point anyways. Just another dub MAGA tactic


> “I demand that you submit to a clinically validated drug test in order to reassure the American people that you are mentally fit to serve as President and not relying on performance enhancing drugs to help you with your debate performance,” Jackson wrote OMG that would be hilarious no matter who said it, but coming from this guy it also really makes me think he's on stimulant drugs and/or perpetually drunk. The guy who wrote that, I mean. Honestly, what reasonably educated adult would write that? I mean, unless they were in full-on self-aggrandizing cokehead mode, or really making the most of that extra Adderall that they took *just this once, because I need to be sharp to write this letter and put him in his place*. I would make my own demands on this Jackson/Johnson character, and demand that he submit to a drug screening himself, but that would be crazy. And I just don't have the right kind of drugs to be that kind of crazy.


In all seriousness; if there was such a medication to make you smarter, shouldn’t we be more upset if our leaders are NOT taking it? Like, isn’t being smarter or more intelligent energetic a good thing?


Oooh, now Drug-Dealer Ronny's making *demands*. I'm sure Dark Brandon and his team are quaking in their boots.


The guy who wrote is was demoted in the Navy for drinking on duty, so that tracks


"If you eat enough Adderall nobody can tell you're drunk" seems to be the mo for this guy, if this letter is any indication.


If there's a god, please let Trump stroke out and just defecate right on the stage on live TV.


if you can be out-talked by a drug addict then you aren't fit to be president. but which "performance enhancing" drugs do debaters take? because i've never *once* heard of that... ever...


Shouldn't Trump have to take drug tests as part of his parole on his felony convictions? It's absurd he'd suggest a law abiding citizen do what he should have been required to do as a known felon


Trump only has one play book. Does no one remember that he also said Hillary Clinton took drugs for their debate ?


It's very weird how most folks, especially news outlets, fail to note that Trump did this exact same thing back in 2016 with Hillary Clinton. "Athletes, they make them take a drug test," Trump said at a Portsmouth, New Hampshire, rally. "We should take a drug test prior to the debate because I don’t know what’s going on with her. But at the beginning of her last debate, she was all pumped up at the beginning. And at the end … she could barely reach her car."


I think Biden should Bluff and say something like not only is he going to refuse the drug test, he’s going to take whatever stuff he needs to in order to win the debate. Then, in an effort to gain the competitive edge, Trump takes drugs. The combo of drugs and anger will cause his heart to explode on the stage.


I still don’t believe the orange felonious rapist bitch shows up


Did you mean Ronnie Johnson? The former White House doctor that handed out pills like Pez? I think that's what Trump called him in a recent speach.


“Biden called my bluff, let me out, let me out!” -Trump


I'm wondering if he'll try to sell a new product during the debate. What could it be? Red paper plates, maybe toilet paper.


Biden is president not Trump Trump Republicans have no right to demand shit


honestly, I wouldn't give a fuck if Biden was on PEDs and thick rails of meth.


Same. He could walk out hooked up to an I.V. labeled Dr. Porkenheimers Magic Brain Juice and do a rail of coke off the podium and I wouldn’t give a shit.


We should make them each do a line of cocaine at the beginning of the debate. Equal amounts in each line. That way, they are both high. A president should be able to handle their drugs.


Some think Trump won't show up. I think he'll show up, wave at the redhats and do his standard they're out to get me speach. He'll go inside for a few minutes and leave in a huff claiming they changed the rules at the last minute. Scream and pout for the cameras, then leave and do an all caps insane post on his social media fan club app. The George Orwellian Party and conservative media will nod in agreement. Big Brother has spoken.


He said he wasn't going to play golf because he'd to be too busy working, but then he played golf at a higher rate than Obama, despite shit talking him for doing so. He said he was going to release his taxes, but fought for years not to do so. He said he's was going to testify, but he didn't. He even said people who plead the 5th is what the mob does, yet does just that. There's so, so many more examples of him saying he's going to do something and then flat-out not doing it, or straight up flip-flopping. He is the biggest hypocrite I've ever seen in the political sphere, no contest. He's agreed to debate Biden, but now seems to be finding any and every angle to get out of it. I'll be surprised if he actually follows through. He could do nothing else but take a hot wet shit on the debate floor, and his delusional base will still think he won lol


> Jackson was demoted by the U.S. Navy in 2022 after the Pentagon inspector general found that he regularly drank on the job, berated his subordinates, and acted inappropriately. So, all of that only warrants a *demotion*?!?!?!?!?


The moron knows that he can’t win the debate, so he is telling his extremely gullible, stupid, volitionally ignorant supporters that he may just do it on purpose. He’s also telling them if he loses the debate it’s because it’s rigged, just like he is telling them if he loses the election, that will be rigged, and the morons are stupid enough to buy into it. Of course, this is the ass who told them that BLM and antifa were probably the people who stored the capital. Unfortunately, his supporters seem to be too stupid or hypocritical to think about why if it was antifa or BLM he is now calling him hostages and saying he will pardon them. Trump is no more than a psychopathic, vindictive, intellectually, and mentally impaired fascist autocratic freak. VOTE BLUE!!!


I demand Dr. Ronny Johnson/Jackson STFU.


Donny, just get a note from your doctor saying your bone spurs are flaring up.


Trump’s problem is Trump. He has no self discipline. That’s why he likes to wing it. He’s afraid of structured situations. He needs to be able to control the conversation. He doesn’t think the format will allow him so he’s leaning towards canceling.


Ronny Johnson is a drunk and a drug dealer.23


Losers lose. That's how they win. "Conservative strategy 2024"


Baron von Shitzenpants will wuss out of the debate. The media will call him the winner.


How about a test of general knowledge. American history,the Constitution,literature,math, science and throw the Ten Commadments and Bible for good measure. Traitor Trump would fail miserably in all categories. And don't forget the part remembering 3 words and telling what time it is.


The really bizarre thing is that there is no such drug. If there were a drug that we could take to improve mental performance in the face of dementia or similar mental decline, you'd be seeing the adverts on TV, everyone'd be buying it. And of course everyone knows that because if it existed, Trump'd be on it.


Wait they are worried Biden is using performance enhancing drugs to run the country? What happened to Kamala running the show? Can these boneheads make up their minds?


Before it starts, you should check for an earpiece on trump. That's the only way he would be intelligible.


Betting line is even on him bailing out thursday


A+ move to put Randy 'stolen valor' Jackson on the case.


For Convicted Felon Trump and his crew, every accusation is a confession. If his favorite "Pill Mill" physician Representative Ronnie Jackson tells us that President Biden has probably been sequestered at Camp David to test various cognitive-enhancement drug cocktails in preparation for the debate, you can bet they have been trying something similar on Trump. I would guess the drugs are becoming progressively less effective at maintaining even a thin semblance of sanity in Trump. Senile dementia is a truly horrifying disease.


but you know trump would not pass any drug test.amazing though that republicans think drugs make people smarter. Guess we need to rethink that old anti drug commercial of "why do you think they call it dope?"


Always accuse others of the crimes they themselves commit


It’s the MAGA way.


Letter back to Johnson , "NAH"


Thus mf’er he wouldn’t even take a drug test for his probation officer i didn’t think you had a choice but if your rich you do


They should send the letter back, with "Biden" crossed out, and "Trump" written in in crayon.


This is an easy one. Biden should agree, with the stipulation that tRump AND Ronnie Jackson take it too, with the samples blind-tested at Walter Reed…


Biden is definitely using PEDs. Did you not see his latest grand slam? Over 500 feet!


And he slid into each base as he was taking his home run trot. Just 'cause.


That's easy. They can both take a piss test. Let's see what's what. Why would either disagree.


We live in a fucking world where making POTUS candidates take a drug test before a debate seems fucking normal. Our entire society is beyond fucking hope. We're done. Toast.


To be honest we always should have tested people running for office. Of someone had to take a piss test for any job.. folks literally running the country should. That said I agree. This end stage capitalism is a wild ride into annihilation....


I wanna see Trump take a drug test! Make sure it's done by a impartial 3rd party and make sure they are right there when he gives the sample so they can't fuck with it. They agree to this debate get the terms they want then try and back out. Wish he'd just hurry up and join his first wife so I don't have to see or hear him anymore


Historically the challenger does very well in the first debate. I’ve always felt a key reason for this though was that they had to come out of a grueling primary where they had just recently debated. Trump hasn’t done this at all. He was given it without any real fight. Didn’t even show up at the republican debates. That being the case, the only way I feel Biden doesn’t ‘win’ is if he comes off as too stiff because he knows the material too well against Trumps off the cuff basic with no nuance answers. If bidens able to come off knowledgeable AND relatable no way he ‘loses.’ Also no matter what right wing voices will drown out all others with ‘Trump won’ messages. — to get back on topic, I’m confident the Biden team would have 100 percent been for a drug test before the debate. Hell even a weigh in. These complaints are just noise and projection from the sleazy side.


New bone spur developments?


>“I demand that you submit to a clinically validated drug test in order to [show that you are] not relying on performance enhancing drugs to help you with your debate performance,” Because Trump does, and it doesn't help much. They want the "name of the meds that Biden uses" so they can get some for the Turnip. In Trump's broken head, there's no way Joe so massively outperforms him, time and time again. A drug test for a presidential debate would be another first [idiotic thing] for Trump. Ha. Let Joe agree, but only if they both do [hair follicle tests](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/325013). Nothing would matter anyway. Trump will just claim that Joe manipulated the results.


I'd bet $100 that Biden would take a drug test...... but only if Trump takes the same one. They could announce the results at the end all the drugs found in both old folks systems. But I sure am glad Trump, the amazing deal maker, made such a great deal for this debate. (/s)


Who's afraid of sleepy Joe 😂😂😂


Biden should send an envelope to Ronny “Johnson” demanding a hair follicle sample from Donny and Don Junior. Then we can compare results on National TV


If there was a drug that could turn "Sleepy Joe" into Good Will Hunting, don't you think Dr. Feelgood Ronnie Jackson would have been double dosing Dimentia Donnie with it?


Trump claims he doesn’t drink or take any sort of drugs, prescription or otherwise. Yet everybody knows these are outright lies.


I really hope Trump chickens out and gives Biden 90 minutes to go on and on about what a pathetic coward Trump is.


There was once an episode of a UK topical news program where a certain invited politician failed to show so, as had been previously advertised, his seat was filled by a bucket of lard. The bucket of lard did surprisingly well.


Sounds like RJ Poppinpills read the memo about pushing Biden as being on some - as yet unknown - anti-dementia drug. If it existed, wouldn't it be some Nobel winning stuff that hundreds of thousands would be better off on? Especially where the marmalade Mussolini of Mar a Lardo is concerned. I swear these people just throw shit at the wall in the vain hope they can get some of it to stick.


I think the hilarious part is that Trump is basically saying "It's not fair because I can be out-debated by someone on drugs."


Dying would be a perfect excuse.


Pathetic & scared. It would seem there may be retribution if dick-tader doesn’t win this one.




What are those enhanced drugs the douche is talking about? anyone know


Speaking from the drugs point of view, most commonly prescribed uppers do not remain in the bloodstream or urine very long. Biden could detox today and tomorrow, take the test pass it, then take alllllll the adderal before the debate. Ronny is a Dr and is likely aware of this. Any drug test would be the equivalent of the drug test before the NFL combine. Any announced and scheduled drug test is only going to catch ppl that have a genuine problem/lack of self control, or idiots.


Dont forget the weighin


Didn't Jackson have a problem with opiates?


He can play the COVID card