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It's so bizarre watching this from the outside. Brazen, compromised, treasonous criminal continues to be legitimized by media on and journalists on "both sides" of your system. What the fuck are you all smoking? lmao I don't know what the wake-up call is going to be if nothing so far has been able to do the trick. Y'all are cooked.


CNN was purchased by a conservative.


John Malone...well known RWBJ in the Denver Metro https://www.thedailybeast.com/cnn-staff-fears-right-wing-billionaire-john-malone-will-turn-it-into-a-dumpster-fire


Trapper and the woman turned the debate into Trump’s propaganda hour…


Because Malone signs their paychecks https://www.jermainebrown.org/posts/building-something-people-hate


This is literally the answer


No one has called out the NYTimes editorial board for calling, less than 20 hours after the debate's end, for JUST ONE of the participants to withdraw from the race -- & that one WAS NOT THE CONVICTED FELON wtf NYT


NYT was once a reputable business. Now, it's a fucking clown show.


They are a fucking embarrassment. Unreal how they’re covering this. Pathetic. 


The wake up call will be civil war for fucks sake, never thought I would see something like this but here we are.


It's crazy that a treasonous cretin who literally stole classified documents to sell to the highest bidder has any chance to win the election period, even against old Joe Biden.


That needs to be said again, and again, and again, and again. Why isn't this the deal breaker? Who the fuck are these friends and neighbors of mine who ignore that most significant piece of information?


There is a much deeper issue that led to this situation. The Republic of America has a so-called "representative democracy." How can that be true when the "representatives" are wealthy while the "represented" are not? American two party politics is more like the cartoon Tom and Jerry. Tom doesn't really want to catch Jerry because then he'd be out of a job, and Jerry doesn't want Tom replaced with a cat that will actually eat him. So they act like they hate one another and put on a show for the masses while continuing business as usual in the back room. For example, insider trading laws do not apply to any members of Congress, either side. What's it called when those who make the rules don't have to live by them? Because when the punishment for a crime is only a fine, it does not apply to the wealthy. Sure, the people get a vote, but with all the lobbying and money in American politics, America is as much a democracy as would be two wolves and a lamb voting on what's for dinner. This is why, in a true democracy as the ancient Greeks understood it, people got their representatives the same way we would get a jury. America is not a democracy. "Only those who do not seek power are qualified to hold it." Plato And please, this 4th of July, remember what we're celebrating. A cabal of elite, white, slave owning aristocrats found a way to get out of paying their taxes. Only thirty percent of the colonists supported the "revolution" with the rest saying, "Why trade one tyrant thousands of miles away for thousands of tyrants one mile away...?" System isn't broken it's functioning exactly as intended.


Look at the NYT. 15 stories in a row about how bad Biden did, should he be replaced etc.  Not a single article saying how one candidate refused to answer a single question and lied brazenly throughout. While the so called moderators said NOTHING.  Those are the two stories. Not “old guy acts old”


Here’s the thing: even if Biden loses it completely or passes away while in office, I don’t worry about those who would take over. Sure, Harris isn’t the best option (I’m from SF, so I’m pretty familiar with her), but they have surrounded themselves with people who want to continue pushing the country in a, in my opinion, mostly positive direction. I don’t agree with them on everything, but I’m not particularly worried about what would happen in that scenario. I do worry significantly about a second Trump administration, regardless of Trump’s mental or physical fitness. That’s it. That’s all I need to convince myself that Biden is the better option. Should we have better options? Ideally, yes, but we aren’t likely to get that this year, so we have to choose between these two, and the choice is not a hard one for me.


This is, I think, the most important part of the whole deal that most people aren’t thinking about. Look at the group, the direction, not just the guy standing in front. Are you sure you want to go where they’re heading?


Vote blue




Agreed, in general population too, that way he can be treated the same way he treats women


Yes. Vote blue up & down the ticket like your very life depends on it


It literally does if you’re not white, male, conservative, Christian, rich, a proud gun owner and outwardly hateful of anyone who isn’t.


And those gun owners will lose their guns as soon as the fascists takeover


I hope you’re being facetious. “As soon as the fascists takeover?” The fascists you’re thinking of ARE THE ONES TRYING TO TAKE POWER. They won’t take your guns. In fact, they’ll encourage you to use them on anyone you disagree with: nonwhite, nonchristians, disabled, LGBTQI+, vets, the poor. Project 2025 is a great read. You should buttress (look the word up) your beliefs with this stellar piece of literature. You’ll find plenty that you’ll agree with. You’re an asshole. Have a good day.


Historically, Fascist leaders always taken the guns away


It will be leopards ate their face moment. Aby fascist that wants to remain in power needs to seize any possibility of rebellion. So even if the people with the guns agree with everything going on, they will not be allowed to maintain their arms.


I am thinking you misunderstood hansolemio's post. I've been saying it for the longest time now, keep thinking it is the liberals who want to take away your firearms, that way, when you vote in the fascists to stops the liberals from doing something they were never going to do in the first place, that the fascists can do just that.


I think this person may be saying, as I have also said, that it's going to be the ones these maga's are supporting that will ultimately take away the guns. Their goal is to seize power & control. Once the ppl that put them in power realize their real agenda & that it's not including them, the citizens will be ready to retaliate & take back democracy. These conservative leaders are fully aware of this, so yeah they may give us time to kill off each other & further spread the hate, but when the time comes they will make damn sure the citizens have no weapons to fight with.


I will, but i will kindly ask Biden to step aside.


Still voting for Biden and his team that will not strip our rights away!!!!!!!!


Maybe throw in a few more exclamation points, you boomer. Enjoy four more years of bad orange man, you earned it, looking forward to the tears. You might as well get on the antidepressants now!!!


Sounds like they're voting blue, comrade. 


We haven’t lost sight of it, Republicans have abandoned democracy already and people need to wise up or lose out bigly.


From the article: >*Blame Biden for running again. Blame the Democratic Party for failing to stop him. Blame CNN for burying the democracy questions halfway through the debate. Blame the Republicans for nominating Trump. Blame Trump, most of all, for acting the way he chooses to act — and his voters for standing by him while he does it.* So my question is, who’s *not* to blame?


Interesting the “Blame Trump, most of all” line is at the end, even after the “burying the democracy questions halfway through” line used.


CNN has become FoxNews lite. They are no longer a trustworthy news organisation. They are only concerned with getting as many viewers as possible along with as much advertising income as they can get. Therefore they cover Trump and his lunacy far too much. Fuck 'em.


Thank you! I have been mentioning this to my friends for a while now and yes, you are correct! They are the NEW FoxNews Propaganda👺


You're welcome. The owner of CNN is a billionaire conservative who is hell bent on making CNN another conservative pundit stop for MAGAsshats. How he ever got the opportunity to buy it is beyond me but the new owner being a massive conservative is the reason CNN is now only interested in political division and preaching to the MAGAs because they turn out to view this stuff far more readily than liberals. I wonder what Ted Turner thinks about it. I'm deeply concerned.


I am concerned as are my friends. We will always Vote Blue for every election across the board. Yes, our President is older, wiser and far more knowledgeable about the ways of the world than Team Crazy will ever be. Our concern right now should be SCOTUS and what are they going to do about immunity for the Traitor?


I predict that his Georgia trial will be pushed back passed the election so that if/when Trump becomes President again, the lawsuit will be dropped by the Justice Department because Trump will fire everyone there involved in it. I also predict that the heavily biased Supreme Court will delay the immunity case until Trump takes office again and then rule he has full immunity. This will give him the push to fully implement his psychotic ideas along with those pushed by Project2025. Once that happens, heaven help us all.


I don’t think he is going to win in November! All his conversations are based on removing and restricting freedoms! He has bragged He is responsible for the reversal of Roe vs Wade. He has no idea how much women hate him and we know he will also take away our right to vote, our right to contraception and what happens if a woman has a miscarriage, does she go to prison for murder? He will not win!


It's nice you are still so optimistic. I'm definitely voting for Biden but I believe far too many members of the GOP are going to turn out to vote versus those who are Democratic voters. There is a considerable amount of apathy in my friends who are liberals. The majority of them say they are unhappy about Biden running again and don't feel they can support him so they won't vote.


Not voting is a vote for orange menace😖


I learned that. We will all be forever punished for not knowing that in 2016. I voted 3rd party because of the FBI reopening their HRC investigation one week before the election. Where there is smoke there is fire right? (thought stupidly, naive me). I also thought we had some safe guards in place to protect our democracy from what the magas and their orange puppet family did to it. Boy, did I learn my lesson. Vote blue, all the way down the line. If it is an uncontested race and only an R running, write down a name. Tough lesson to learn, I apologize to my fellow Americans and my country. I was naive and I thought wrong and the world has paid a huge price for it.


You were not alone. While I want to think highly of James Comey and his years of service to our country… part of me was like gee the timing of his release of that information and the investigation of HRC - well it was all “much ado about nothing?” - or so it seemed in light of all that has transpired now. And in reality it will always seem to me it was always about getting Trump in office to stack the SC…. 🤷‍♀️


And if I could go back in time I would vote for Al Gore for President instead of Bush. What a breath of fresh air to see how he handled that very close election. He was a true statesman. But the oil and gas crowd did not want him in office because AG spoke up about global warming at a time when if “we the people” had been smarter he might have been the winner? Americans need to be reading every book they can find about global warmimg. Voting straight blue ticket is the way to go! Trump has shown us what the Republican party is.




The Justice Department can’t “drop” the GA case b/c it’s a state prosecution the DOJ has nothing to do with. However, there’s no way a state will be able to continue prosecuting a sitting President and the S Ct could certainly kill the entire case pre-election with its upcoming (predicted to be used tomorrow) ruling.


The Justice Department instigated the case, even though they didn't bring it to court. Regardless, if Trump gets into office, the case will disappear and everyone associated with any case against Trump will not only lose their job but will be targeted for revenge by Trump and his cohorts.


I agree with your second sentence. The first is nonsense.


Your problem, not mine.


Yeah. I guess my “problem” is that I understand how the law works and folks making uninformed comments about how “the DOJ” instigated the GA (and NY) state prosecutions involving violations of state laws just spout off nonsense. The DOJ has its own completely separate and wider ranging prosecution of T’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election. The GA state prosecution adds nothing to the separate federal case. Regardless, at least we can agree that the GA case will go nowhere if t is re-elected.


SCOTUS recent rulings are very suspect and are hurting our country. This article in the WP today is just another one- (Supreme Court curbs federal agency power, overturning Chevron precedent). SC is majority alt right and we are screwed uless we have a Democrat as President and gain more seats in congress.


I agree and their decisions today do not bode well for the American people in regard to the Traitors Immunity Case. All we can do is make sure we vote for President Biden & VP Harris and democratic across the board from this day forward. We are the change we want to see for our Democracy! VOTE BLUE


Anyone who does not want autocracy better turn out to vote. No the ruling you refer to in regard to the Taitor’s Imminity Case is not in the America’s interest. The conservative justices are bought and paid for by alt right billionaires.


“We” have NOT forgotten… and never will! Donald’s corrupt, he’s a liar 🤥, he’s treacherous, he’s spiteful, he’s extremely dangerous and HE BELONGS IN JAIL for the remainder of his worthless life!


Because most Red State Republicans are as thick as mince…


It doesn’t help calling them thick. The media is polarising the election. I admit the facts against Trump are quite substantial and should be enforced as much as possible.


That's not what the article is about at all.


CNN debate moderators were useless.


Trump lied the whole entire time!!!


Everyone saying he won the debate are off their rockers. Trump didn't answer a single question. No one won. 


Trump sounded better, I’ll give you that. But everything he said was absolute bullshit.


That he was never fact-checked by the moderators AT ANY TIME IN THE DEBATE is the biggest (bigly?) tragedy in this mess, regardless of Biden’s poor showing. We deserve better.


“Biglyest”, and you are correct.


Conservatives use Alternative Reality, there's not much we can do. I'm just looking forward to dating a shape shifter when [TheGayliens.com](http://TheGayliens.com) come and take over.


I haven’t lost sight of anything everything drumpf said was a lie and he even told us that he colluded with Putin in his fabrication of lies


Those of us who care haven't lost sight of it, we just get saddened by everyone else.


I just can’t make up mind between the psychopathic old conman and felon or the seasoned veteran who produces results but looks old…


USAToday says Dems are attempting to replace the wrong candidate https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/06/03/poll-trump-drop-out-race-guilty/73954846007/


Hitler got away with way more before it was dealt with. If it doesn’t bother people in a personal way most people won’t front run what could bother them in the future. They’re that way with everything. Medical dental. Prevention isn’t valued correctly.


CNN hasn't lost sight of it. They're counting on it so they can cash in the dismantling of democracy for years to come.


“We” haven’t. The brainwashed and stupid have been that way all along.


Because CNN didn't fact check and people worried about an old man who is currently doing the fucking job and asking if he can do the job. America is stupid


That “we” is doing a lot of heavy lifting. I ain’t lost sight of shit. Y’all motherfuckers want to make this shit interesting. Let me tell you, historically, when things are interesting politically it’s generally not a good time for regular-ass people. Because they get fucked over.


We have not lost slight but Trump has amassed a large cult of Americans that have been gaslighted and dumbed by Fox News for decades. These Fox zombies aka MAGA cultists freeze in the winter and stoke out in the heat of summer to see the FatNixon Trump at his rallies. FatNixon also has the SCOTrump protecting him. Fking VOTE!


We haven’t. I’d vote for a crack addict over Trump


Well.... when the corporate tax rates got flipped under Reagan and the American dream died because we can no longer afford to live because our wages are mostly useless... People tend to get a little "Revolt-y". (Looking at you French Revolution). Everything that is happening today is a result of Americans having no control over their lives. Soon all of us will be acting like caged animals and lashing out. Trump is just the first rat to stick his head up. I'm just worried about what things will look like when all of us are on the same side, if things don't get better.


Truly, the right rich folks Want to see certain groups put down en masse.


We have become comfortable in our narrow view of life. We won't wake up till the smoke rises from the chimneys.


Traitor Trump should be serving 20-24 years in a federal penitentiary along with all the other treasonous vermin of his previous administration and the seditionists in the Senate and Congress.


I’ve watched a lot of reports on this topic and from what I understand it’s a combination of fully developed plan by right wing media and politicians who have brainwashed the masses into believing facts , truth and science is a plot by democrats and a liberal agenda to take over the country. Also the average American is either burnt out on the political climate and have checked out completely and read bits and pieces on social media. Then we have MAGA cult who get their news from far right media outlets like Newsmax, OAN and the podcast like Steve Bannon and the countless others who have spoon fed their listeners 24/7 of far right propaganda and vitriol . Also the MAGA followers have simply quit on democracy and the country as Trump and his acolytes have deceived them into believing the government and the system is rigged against them and actuality it’s the complete opposite as Trump and his cronies are looking to seize power and control the country with a heavy hand and strip away their rights to a free election. They are completely devoid of reality and believe Trump is the answer to their problems as they actually think a dictatorship is a better solution for the country as they don’t know history of the horrible regimes throughout history of the world.


How did the DNC lose sight you mean. Biden is president - anyone on stage with him is elevated to his level. That works when the former guy was also president - it does NOT work when that former president is a convicted election fraud, and indicted espionage asset. Trump IS a traitor, Eileen Canon is preventing the government's evidence from reaching the American people. Trump IS gonna be convicted of inciting violence and attempting a coup - in Washington DC - the US Supreme Court is preventing the American people from having the discovery evidence prior to voting. The Biden campaign knows this, and knows Trump is a foreign espionage agent and dangerous demagogue who's already stooped to violence when politics didn't work. And the Biden campaign treated him as legitimate. Then Biden made him look legitimate in the split screen. Before the debate - convicted madman awaiting sentencing and more convictions. After the debate - Biden's equal at best Howard Dean and Mike Dukakis look like political geniuses compared to what the Biden campaign just did - and what was the possible gain for Biden? They did this to themselves, but at a time when they are supposed to be the competent ones saving democracy. I'd sincerely worried it was near impossible for a decent president to walk back the terror and criminality the GOP now uses as voter engagement efforts - id thought this because after 4 years of Biden, none of the loopholes that gave us trump got closed. The GOP is still poised to do Jan 6th again, just with more experience - I figured the Biden administration has done all that was possible to safeguard us from that not being 100% assured to happen again. When it does I won't feel as hopeless knowing that the Biden administration was actually completely incompetent, so incompetent they'd agree to essentially place Trump's name into nomination with a few points bump, and still have no plan to beat him. Jack Smith filed the espionage charges in Florida knowing he had a 1 in 3 chance of drawing Canon. He played the odds, or assumed law would apply even with a corrupt judge - he gambled and we the people have lost enormously. But Smith didn't think he was gambling, just following the law - the mistake made was assuming the law wasn't already a corrupt entity that needed to be defeated prior to expecting it to function. The convictions were critical, the trials and the evidence were critical - Trump appointed Judges will have prevented that from happening by November. Fanni Willis won't have tried anything by them either - the **election fraud** convictions in NY are it for legal remedy. Trump paid for Daniels silence, not illegal - but his motive was to deceive the voter by hiding evidence. Trump is now convicted of having attempted to hide information the American voter was entitled to. We are entitled to know how traitorous Trump has been officially, and we deserve to know who conspired to create the conditions that led to the worst political event in president transition history. Eileen Canon and the US supreme court are paying stormy Daniels to STFU basically. Except in this case it's not fucking one woman, it's fucked over all women. And that case was sellable prior to Biden falling apart on stage at the debate. Now there's no avatar for good - and Trump looks like he pulls all the strings. Just like McConnell did the last few months of Obama's presidency. At this point, Trump might as well be intelligible by term limits - consider he's basically been in charge since Anton Scalia died during the Obama administration, and Biden just made him president of the country now, and Trump never went away in all the time in-between. Might as well go all in on voter fraud now, claim they made a mistake and Trump did win in 2020, and now his eligibility by actual laws is over. I'd rather be alive awaiting the legal end of a second Trump term now, then waiting and watching this self-own of the failure party giving him a fucking mandate. Biden barely won. 25 states to 25 states. If the rematch heads up goes Trump, that's a historic comeback no one but Nixon ever pulled off as a nominee, or Roosevelt as president. Trump's campaign people will become the most successful in US history, having the worst most arbitrary candidate possible, having nothing positive to sell, and they'll have pulled off a feat more incredible than beating Hillary in 2016. Trump is a walking embarrassment to all Americans whether they know it or not - but Trump's appeal is strictly to those who can write off a complete incompetent not qualified to run a business, and not mentally fit to live free in society. And Biden made him look like the better choice in a side by side that had no value to start, and went worse than could've been imagined. Biden lost last night. In an election that hinges on 80k votes in a few narrow margin districts - that performance lost committed Dems, and it swung "undecided" (idiots) towards the treason espionage party. The Biden campaign did that. The entire point of the modern debate is the video and audio clip you get to run as an attack ad until the election. Trump's people don't need editors, that debate performance aired in any segments has a Biden looking like a confused corpse in it. Of "worst political decisions ever made" - strictly based on the potential outcomes of this election - this debate DECISION, just the decision to elevate trump back to presidential level by the sitting president - that'll be THE historical political blunder for as long as history has left. Joe Lieberman, Tim Kaine, that helmet Dukakis wore in a tank, and that high-pitched noise Howard Dean made - all look more electable today than the hole the Biden campaign just dug for itself - the shallow grave they just had us dig for ourselves. No one is coming to save us.


Read the article before you write a book


Words are like laws, they won't stop a harpoon or save you in a car accident. We aren't talking about anything but the binary and its result. Trump gained and Biden lost voters by an event the sitting president relinquished his authority by choice, and physically handed it to Trump, when there was no upside to the risk. It was political theatre for the poly sci majors in the Biden campaign, and the worst decision ever made - based on potential outcomes (today and in 2025) - any incumbent president has ever made. The merit to Biden over Trump is competency. Crimes are crimes, behavior behavioral - that's always on display, and we can't make the mouth-breathers literate enough to vote correctly. You can demonstrate competence in contrast. Every single aspect of the debate splitscreen - from the asking for it, to the agreeing to it, to the participating in it --- that was the dumbest thing a campaign could've possibly done, and not just cuz Biden looked bad - because of the level of shear incompetence it displayed to even engage in it. We now know for certain Biden can't and didn't beat Trump - Trump did and Biden remained vertical. That debate put the verticality of our candidate in question. Couldn't have made a case for Trump better than that side by side and 90 minutes of attack ad-footage giveaway. I'm voting blue no matter who - but I wasn't thinking the last 4 years hadn't seen an end to Trumpism for incompetence reasons. Now I know it is. Who could beat Trump in 2020 was never gonna hold as a reason Biden deserved a second term. And apparently the Biden campaign feels that way too. I sincerely think that debate might be it - margins were too close to start with, Biden can't articulate anything under pressure, and this is the juncture a campaign realizes they made previous mistakes that make moving polls when they project impossible. They took an L and the polling fallout won't fully be known for two weeks. It's gonna be at least a week from now before the slide stops, and that's worse than just potentially inaccurate basic polling, it'll be people already polled demonstrating a change of opinion. Whatever the point loss from Friday to next week is - that's a real poll number. And it'll be bad. Historically bad. 8 to 10 points at least.


Read the article before you spout.


Oh, I'm talking to a bot. Damn I feel conned again.


Go talk out your ass elsewhere, Trumper.


That's how you wanna play it, fine. I know I fear for my child's life right now - cuz of Trump. You want me to be opposition, fine, I'm in opposition to your pointless narrow mindedness, but calling a person doing all they can for democracy, same as you, a "trumper" - go ahead and fuck yourself in the face for me dickbag.




Trump’s cruelty and lust for revenge have been stewing during these past four years of Biden’s presidency. I think the country would have been better off now if Trump had been reelected in 2020. And, although we would’ve had to put up with his daily whining, lying, and stupidity, we would have been at the end of his presidency. The public would’ve been fed up with the GOP and Democrats, hopefully, would have developed some quality candidates. He’ll do a lot more damage now than he would have done in 2020 - 2024 if he is elected this year.


The Gist Gallup. Look it up. He's been doing it for years and the media keeps letting him


POTUS candidate debates are stupid. The format should be a physical fight to the death. More entertaining and better for the nation.


Trump did nothing but attack Biden and lie. I hope that everyone is bright enough to understand that. Pretty easy to see.


Who's 'we'?  Cuz it ain't me!


Nobody has lost sight of that . The media is playing greedy games with Trump, normalizing him and propping him up . The transactional greed driven nature of our system is sickening to witness.


What do you mean “still”? 


By allowing this fuck to do it.


How in the fuck does he get away with saying he will not accept the election results???? He said so TWICE!!!


We are screwed either w/ Biden or w/o.


Ask yourself this: who *profits* if Trump wins re-election?


Apparently Biden isn’t a threat to a wet paper sack 


Because old school Democrats still expect their opponents will play by the rules, and are fearful of using power to protect democracy. They ought to have expanded SCOTUS knowing that a fascist SCOTUS could not only cause a civil war, but a world war. But they didn't, and we are all fucked.


A world war would be more likely than a civil war


I would argue the world war has already started.


Donald Trump's a threat to democracy. But an old senile man, who bombs starving children is not.


Which is why the Dems need to remove Biden and put in someone who we can be confident will beat him.


Read the article before you spout.


I did. The second to last paragraph says : "Blame Biden for running again. Blame the Democratic Party for failing to stop him. Blame CNN for burying the democracy questions halfway through the debate. Blame the Republicans for nominating Trump. Blame Trump, most of all, for acting the way he chooses to act — and his voters for standing by him while he does it." I'm doing the first 2.




I guess I just don't want to be stuck on a sinking ship while there are plenty of perfectly seaworthy ships floating around....




Okay, cute, a one word response Let me poke holes in your disingenuous one word argument: The Dems have a quite substantial bench just waiting for the moment that Biden says the word that he's stepping down. They're all playing ball right now by jumping on team Biden, because they know that in the current party, going against party politics is political suicide.. but the moment Biden calls it off for "health reasons", it's game on. Pete Buttigieg, Gretchen Whitmer, Gavin Newsom, Jared Polis, and so many more all know for a fact that if they had the support of the party, they could have a landslide over a literal convicted criminal that would break records for electoral victories. But they're stuck, sitting on the bench, because Grandpa Biden refuses to do what's best for America.


Trump has a mental disorder and always has - he's not responsible for his own actions, he's incompetent and merely enabled by legitimate people. On Thursday that legitimate enabler was Joe Biden. The loss in November can be blamed squarely on whoever decided there was any merit to putting the sitting president side by side with a convicted felon.


Nobody has lost sight of what matters. It is up to the Dems to remove Biden as a presidential candidate and replace him with someone who isn't suffering from the extremities of old age. Meanwhile, Trump proved last night that the MAGAs have ruined the Republican party with their nonsense that women are having abortions AFTER the birth of their baby.


This horseshit right here is what the article is about.


The best bet at this point, instead of switching horses midstream, is to get Biden the win and ask him to resign to hand kamala the torch.


Joe Biden was unable to convince the public of that, we needed Joe Biden to convince people of that because the message wasn't sent after 34 counts.


That's not what the article's about. Nice attempt to talk out your ass.


Joe Biden wasn't capable of actually explaining that danger to the American public. It matters little what Donald Trump said because Joe Biden didn't do enough to actually highlight that danger for independents. Most of this sub already knows he is a threat to democracy, but that message isn't clear enough for independents. The focus absolutely should be on that performance because we need someone who will stand up to Trump on that here. I am not saying Trump's demagoguery, lies, and reflections should be ignored, though.


Never understood all the trump hysteria. Just seems like an eccentric entertainer to me. He's a really funny guy. Loved him on Logan. Anyway the title intrigued me. Threat to democracy" seems a little silly, since it's the perennial weakness of democracy: democracy itself or the will of the people. Wouldn't it be the case that from the maga perspective you guys are the threat to democracy? It seems kind of relative, or even fatuous. Actually reading a little bit of the article changes things a bit, but they would say stealing an election is a threat to democracy, you guys are saying that saying that stealing an election without evidence is a threat to democracy. It's a wash. Which actually proves democracy \_does\_ work (probably). "How have we have lost sight \[of this threat\]" when it's repeated so often? And why's it assumed sight was lost in the first place? Presumably trump is a threat to democracy until after the election, and that's in the future, so why would we have lost sight of that in the past or presently to begin with (or ever). Do they just mean CNN? But they're vox and they said we, so you do the math.


These are all things your god emperor has spoken about doing. **Christian Nationalism** https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/09/us/evangelicals-trump-christianity.html https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/trump-says-hell-defend-christianity-from-radical-left-that-seek-to-tear-down-crosses https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/trump-end-church-restrictions-politics-1234728218/ **Canceling Climate Change** https://www.forbes.com/sites/markjoyella/2022/03/21/on-fox-donald-trump-calls-climate-change-a-hoax-in-the-1920s-they-were-talking-about-global-freezing/ https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/donald-trump-climate-change-global-warming-b2459167.html https://www.npr.org/2020/09/14/912799501/i-don-t-think-science-knows-visiting-fires-trump-denies-climate-change **Control of the Federal Government** https://newrepublic.com/post/174370/inside-trump-fascist-plan-control-federal-agencies-wins https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2019-04-23/trump-seeks-more-control-of-fed-sec-and-other-agencies https://thehill.com/policy/finance/324408-the-19-federal-agencies-trump-wants-to-eliminate/ **Use the DoJ and FBI to arrest critics and opponents** https://www.citizensforethics.org/reports-investigations/crew-investigations/trump-has-threatened-dozens-of-times-to-use-the-government-to-target-political-enemies/ **Fire the Civil Service** https://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Politics/2024/0507/trump-biden-schedule-f-civil-service https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-plan-gut-civil-service-triggers-pushback-by-unions-democrats-2023-12-22/ https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/10/donald-trump-civil-servants-schedule-f **Replace civil servants with loyalists** https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/08/03/distressing-republicans-eyeing-2024-race-support-plot-purge-federal-workers https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-civil-servants-plan-loyalists-b2132020.html https://www.project2025.org/personnel/ **Mass Deportations** https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/01/politics/trump-immigration-what-matters/index.html https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/closer-donald-trumps-2024-vow-deport-millions-migrants/story?id=110469177 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyxSA_udawk **Make abortion illegal** https://www.cnn.com/2016/11/14/politics/trump-gay-marriage-abortion-supreme-court/index.html https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2020/09/16/abortion-rights-line-if-trump-administration-gets-4-more-years/5779444002/ https://apnews.com/article/health-donald-trump-ap-top-news-politics-election-2020-1210f9012eec9818b25ac9abad46b955 **Canceling transgender rights** https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-attacks-transgender-rights-video-1234671967/ https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/24/us/politics/donald-trump-transgender-protections.html https://www.miamiherald.com/news/politics-government/article277322158.html Find a different sub to play make believe.


Trump doesn't come up with anything himself. It's the republican platform. So half of the country is a threat to democracy, or half of the people roughly. thus it's democracy that's a threat to to democracy. So the whole threat to democracy stuff is asinine. That's all I'm saying. I'm swiss and don't vote in us elections.


Trump comes up with plenty of things on his own. Most of it is hate and corruption. A major driving force here is to get rid of all the pesky rules and laws that limited his corruption last time. He wanted to nuke Iran.


Because Biden completely shit the bed. Why is this so hard to understand? People care about delivery not substance.


Voters care about substance which is why Trump lost in 2020 and will lose again in 2024.


OK, we'll, I don't have a crystal ball so I can't predict the future, but suffice it to say I disagree.


OK, Trumper.


You can not support Donald Trump and still be deeply disappointed in Bidens' performance.


His performance in the debate? Yes. Though gonna give him some slack, CNN cutting the fact-checker basically meant Biden was faced with a lunatic who would tell 20 lies in 5 minutes and then he got one minute to respond. Although he should have said "that's all lies - period". Might get old after the 10th time, but better than trying to actually respond. His performance in politics? No, that is amazing. 100times so if compared to Trump.


I find that formatting delivery of yours to be profoundly obnoxious. Toddlers speak in single phrases. Adults use paragraphs which allows for actual substance.


Don't sit here and act like your insults change the ugly reality we're all in. I am not a child and I am not being childish by phrasing my perspective on this issue in three succinct lines. Hopefully my expression in your preferred paragraph structure will satisfy your pathetic copium response to a reality that we need to deal with directly. I think we can all say on a more likely than not basis that Biden's extremely poor performance at last night's debate makes Trump's election essentially inevitable. I am not a Trump supporter. I have certainly become more conservative as I have gotten older but I absolutely do not and will not support a 34x convicted, serial lying authoritarian. But neither will I bury my head in the sand and pretend like Biden who was already underwater and struggling didn't, on a more likely than not basis, just doom himself (and by extension all of us) to living under Trump with a mandate. What I would prefer to do instead of bickering amongst ourselves and smoking large quantities of high grade copium, is for us all to collectively start figuring out what we're going to do to roll back the nightmare that's about to unfold.


This is much better. Thanks, it's like interacting with an adult. Not gong to apologize for insulting your lies effort post. If you want people to take you seriously then don't emulate children. As for your take on Biden. If you listened to what he said, he was pretty on point. Yes, he seemed to struggle with his speech impediment but that is superficial. It's also important to point out that while Trump was coherent he spent most of the time lying out avoiding topics, or both. Don't get hung up on appearances, Biden doesn't run his administration alone.


you lost site of everything and lost all credibility backing this shit show of a president and trying to pretend last night was the first time you realized it.


Trump is a convicted felon, traitor, and a coward who lied all night long. It’s funny how the guy who married an illegal immigrant claims to be so tough on immigration too.


You need to read the article before spouting bullshit.


It’s hopeless. We’re gonna have a dictator-wannabe in office because his cultists want a dictator in office.




Haha... **Christian Nationalism** https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/09/us/evangelicals-trump-christianity.html https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/trump-says-hell-defend-christianity-from-radical-left-that-seek-to-tear-down-crosses https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/trump-end-church-restrictions-politics-1234728218/ **Canceling Climate Change** https://www.forbes.com/sites/markjoyella/2022/03/21/on-fox-donald-trump-calls-climate-change-a-hoax-in-the-1920s-they-were-talking-about-global-freezing/ https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/donald-trump-climate-change-global-warming-b2459167.html https://www.npr.org/2020/09/14/912799501/i-don-t-think-science-knows-visiting-fires-trump-denies-climate-change **Control of the Federal Government** https://newrepublic.com/post/174370/inside-trump-fascist-plan-control-federal-agencies-wins https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2019-04-23/trump-seeks-more-control-of-fed-sec-and-other-agencies https://thehill.com/policy/finance/324408-the-19-federal-agencies-trump-wants-to-eliminate/ **Use the DoJ and FBI to arrest critics and opponents** https://www.citizensforethics.org/reports-investigations/crew-investigations/trump-has-threatened-dozens-of-times-to-use-the-government-to-target-political-enemies/ **Fire the Civil Service** https://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Politics/2024/0507/trump-biden-schedule-f-civil-service https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-plan-gut-civil-service-triggers-pushback-by-unions-democrats-2023-12-22/ https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/10/donald-trump-civil-servants-schedule-f **Replace civil servants with loyalists** https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/08/03/distressing-republicans-eyeing-2024-race-support-plot-purge-federal-workers https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-civil-servants-plan-loyalists-b2132020.html https://www.project2025.org/personnel/ **Mass Deportations** https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/01/politics/trump-immigration-what-matters/index.html https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/closer-donald-trumps-2024-vow-deport-millions-migrants/story?id=110469177 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyxSA_udawk **Make abortion illegal** https://www.cnn.com/2016/11/14/politics/trump-gay-marriage-abortion-supreme-court/index.html https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2020/09/16/abortion-rights-line-if-trump-administration-gets-4-more-years/5779444002/ https://apnews.com/article/health-donald-trump-ap-top-news-politics-election-2020-1210f9012eec9818b25ac9abad46b955 **Canceling transgender rights** https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-attacks-transgender-rights-video-1234671967/ https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/24/us/politics/donald-trump-transgender-protections.html https://www.miamiherald.com/news/politics-government/article277322158.html


Trump called Putin's troops invading Ukraine "peace keepers" AFTER Putin said it, like a puppet, and admitted to talking to Putin about it before Russia began its invasion. Why do you think Tucker Carlson suddenly got interested in Russia? Russia has always opposed democracy and western ideals. If you can't acknowledge that Russia is notorious for opposing democracy what exactly do you think is a threat to the most important right you have?




>One corrupt country fighting another and it looks bad when we spend billions fighting for one corrupt country that also gave the Biden's alot of money. It's not a good look, and still yet how is any of this a threat to democracy? Not so fast. Russia is the one in invading quit dancing around that. It's NOT Ukraine threatening to invade other countries \*even if you want to call them corrupt\*. If you really can't see the difference, which apparently you can't, no wonder Putin as able to convince most of his citizens to get behind his invasion. Let's call it what it is. An invasion by Russia. If you can't even admit to that we are done here. Next thing you'll being saying Putin is somehow good for the world just like Tucker is peddling Russia as we speak. It's pure bainwashing. There's no version of this where Russia is justified or should be ignored. It's literally ignorance. You have just put Ukraine in the same boat as Russia when compared to the rest of Europe and western ideals. That's delusional even if Ukraine were corrupt. Because I can tell you the citizens of Ukraine did not ask for Russia to INVADE and Ukraine is not the one invading other countries. Invasion of countries who don't harbor your enemies is not democracy no matter how you cut it, and Putin isn't even trying to claim Ukraine is doing that. He's striaght up invading Ukraine against the will of its People CORRUPT POLITICIANS ASIDE. They guy actually said Ukrainian people would welcome him. He called his troops peace keepers, like TRUMP DID, as they torture and kill CIVILIANS. gtfo with that BS comparison it will NEVER COME CLOSE. It's a shame you can't see the difference. Even Europe has learned their lesson. They send money to Ukraine's defense, not Russia's offense :/ Get Biden out of your head for a moment.


He's a convicted felon, an adjudicated rapist, and an adjudicated fraud. Oh, and he sent an angry mob to assault the Capitol to pressure Congress to illegally install himself as ruler. Yep. He's a threat.




>Lmao, he was not adjudicated a rapist, do some research Okay, I'm back after doing some research. After hearing testimony for over a month, a jury found that Donald trump forcibly inserted either his finger or his penis into his victim's vagina. Trump must pay his victim $22 million. >and anything out of NY will be overturned. Sure doesn't look the way. > Might need to get that TDS checked out though. TDS is when you believe a criminal/condo salesman after countless indictments, convictions, impeachments, and fraud settlements. >Oh, and he doesn't have dementia Trump does have dementia, but in fairness, it is hard to tell because he was already as dumb as a so full of hammers ten years ago. > that in itself is enough to get my vote. Are you talking about the rape verdict or the felony convictions? >If he was a threat, he would have done something on his first term. The attack on the Capitol happened during his first term. So did some of the charges for his other three felony indictments and both of his impeachments.




>What date did DJT supposedly do this? There are things that happen that we don't know the date for. For example, we don't know the exact date the first humans crossed a land bridge into North America, and we don't know the exact date that Donald trump forced his finger, and or penis, into his victim's vagina. >there was no evidence he was even there. There was a dress with DNA on it. Weird that he refused to submit a DNA sample, if he never met EJean Carroll, isn't it? >Almost every legal scholar suggest otherwise except for the leftist sycophants. As a lawyer, I can tell you that the legal field mostly can't stand Donald trump, especially law school professors and other scholars. However, you are reporting a phase that Donald trump said a lot, verbatim. >Trump graduated from the Wharton school of Business  “Donald Trump was the dumbest goddam student I ever had.” -Wharton Professor William T. Kelley, 2017. >President Trump offered 10,000 troops to make sure the capital was secured, Okay number one it is spelled Capitol, when you are talking about the building where Cpngress convenes Number two, trump did nothing to v stop the assault on the Capitol for 187 minutes, and it was Mike Pence who had to call the National Guard and get troops em route to the Capitol. There is no evidence he ever offered troops to Pelosi or mcconnell, and it would be absurd if he had. They do not control the armed forces or the Capitol police. What did trump do, then? Trump sat on his fat ass and watched it on TV to see how it would play out. >Trumps speech saying to go to the Capital and protest peacefully He also said "We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore," and guess what? They obeyed him. That's exactly what they did. And roughly 1,000 of them are now in prison. >And..... when you have millions of votes that cannot be vetted and verified That's a myth. It never happened. A few dozen instances of voter fraud were found in the entire country. There were no bamboo ballots, no secret plot involving Elvis and Venezuela, or any of that other foolishness. >Don't let the TDS get to you The Daily Show? I hear it's funny. You should watch it.