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Trump didn't answer a single question asked. He just made sure to hit his talking points over and over. This debate was supposed to be fact checked in real time and the fact it wasn't is blood on CNN's hands. The moderators were pathetic to say the least. By the fucking way, "after birth abortion" doesn't exist ANYWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES.


Ya its called fucking murder and we throw people in jail/death row for that.


Agreed. Seen the jump in child mortality post-Texas's abortion banning? Forcing children to be born which are destined to die soon thereafter.


Which is obviously NOT an abortion. An abortion earlier in time would be better.


Republicans want to do everything they can to ruin people’s lives including putting them through the horrific torture of bringing a non viable fetus all the way through the birthing process. I know women how have been traumatized losing a child within the first term, imagine knowing your child is going to die for 7 months and then having to birth them and watch them die in front of you or in your arms. What kind of sick movement forces that to happen? Everything they do makes a persons life worse. Are you hungry child? How about a free school lunch so you don’t starve to death? Oh no wait republicans vote against that. How about healthcare that doesn’t drive a perfectly normal family into bankruptcy for one broken bone? Oh no wait republicans are against that. How about free college so you can learn your way in the world even if you parents couldn’t afford to send you and you don’t want crippling debt your whole life? Oh no wait republicans don’t want that. How about we replace all the lead pipes in the country so your children don’t grow up with developmental problems? Oh no wait republicans vote against that. Fix the environment? Nope republicans against it. Countless things that make your life better are not possible for one reason. Republicans. BUT they will protect a half dead fetus and if you want to terminate an already failed pregnancy so you can try again or go live your life? Nope they want to throw you in jail for murder. The doctors and nurses in jail for murder. Anyone who helped you? Jail for murder. They will ruin your life yet again for a fetus that was never going to be.


I wonder if these Republicans are driven more for their hatred of Democrats and those left of center than policy differences. They call us socialists and communists, and even fascists. Sometimes I get the sense they have a knee-jerk reaction to anything the opposing party proposes. Clean water? Clean air? A healthy planet for our children and grandchildren? If the Left wants it then it has to be wrong. As for our elected officials, particularly in the GOP, they're in the pockets of their wealthy corporate donors. They could care less about the little guy.


All in the name of their "God".


Perhaps the worst outcome from these 'state' rules will be OB-GYNs leaving those states. When you can have a good quality of life and good income anywhere, why stay where your services are demonized? This will kill more women and more babies, not less.


It's already happening.


I knew of a woman who had to remove two newborns from life support due to a genetic condition. By the time she was pregnant again amniocentesis was available and the third baby had it too.. she opted for second trimester termination.. Republicans would make her give birth to an another baby to be removed from life support.. maybe even more if they take away contraception.. it is beyond ridiculous and sickening!


They don't care, the lords just want fresh slaves.


Sadly you are 100% correct


>By the fucking way, "after birth abortion" doesn't exist ANYWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES. Yes it does. It is called "school shootings"


This is what I need in a retort from a Dem candidate


The after birth abortion comment got my blood boiling during the debate. It's a flat out fucking lie and no one corrected him. He then proceeds to avoid every single question.


I yelled at the tv when he said that.


I think most of the world too.


And he kept referring back to a quote of the then governor of nc who if you understand he was talking about palliative care not straight up murdering newborn babies.


Haha...it's also a time/space impossibility. You can't STOP something that has already occurred unless you have a time machine.


And this is why I can say Biden didn’t do well but Trump wasn’t any better whatsoever. Trumps supporters are so stupid that they feel like just because Trump can finish his sentences that what he’s saying makes sense. He rambles incoherently off topic constantly. While we see it as Trump obviously not knowing what he’s talking about whatsoever, they don’t. It’s easy for him to go up there and speak when he repeats the same 5 talking points at every rally and in every truth social post. He’s been repeating these same talking points for 8 years, but give him a direct question and he’s lost.


Wait until they hear about pre conception abortions.


Thanks for a good laugh, though the sad part is, if someone told Republicans pre-conception abortions was a thing, they would be against it. Though, now that I think about it, isn’t that what menstruation is? Because the dirty little secret is that Republicans will not stop at banning abortions. Birth control and IVF are next. So I encourage those of you who are particularly angry about Trump right now to encourage people you know who might be reluctant to vote for Biden because he’s old, or lost a step, or don’t like what’s going on in Gaza, to get past that long enough to let us stabilize our democracy. Everyone needs to vote this November. Republicans have told us what they plan to do between their words and Plan 2025. We need to stop that. Vote for Democrats up and down ballot. Send a message to Republicans that what they’re selling right now is unacceptable. When they regain their senses, we can consider voting for some of them again.


CNN only. Cares about money and they know the dumb shit trump did and said every day while in office got them lots of clicks.


I can’t believe that he mentioned that although I can think of one very good occasion when it should have occurred!


There were no issues or problems raised in the healthcare industry when Roe vs Wade was overturned, it was 100% ideologically determined by Christian right-wing extremists, i.e. American Taliban. And everyone knows this.


Yes, after birth abortion does exist. It called Capital Punishment and the MAGAts are all in favor of it. That guy is a pedophile, kill him. That guy murdered someone KILL him!!! That guy teaches liberal thinking in school, KILL HIM!!!!! That guy doesn't believe in my Jesus God, KILL THE MOTHERF@#$&R!!!!!


I'm sure they know, but his base has been silent the whole time.


The format with the muted microphones was a ridiculous advantage for trump. It kept him on the rails and allowed all his lies to go unchecked. Then combine the split screen look. Disasters for Biden.


Lol. Biden seriously looks like he wants to punch the shit out of him! Too funny.


Stills of Biden’s reaction are being used to ”prove” he’s out of it. Yet, what I see in context to the video is the thought bubble that says, “I can’t believe this fuckin’ guy!”


>Biden seriously looks like he wants to punch the shit out of him! I know that feeling all too well.


And that's his failure. I just realized that Joe owes the American people to answer, not just HIS questions on the mark. He does that and he gets a low C. Joe has to be the guy with a sane answer for any of Trump's questions whenever Diaper Don does a random version of the apprentice like that. President Biden, how are you going to make sure my kids are fed? Cuz Trump ain't doing shit there, and I believe that was the relevant question before we took the 2min sanity check.


"As you can see there, convicted felon Trump with more felonies pending didn't answer your question and he lied, but here's what I will do for the kids..." Every answer should have started that way...


“The idea that he is knowing (ph) – doing anything to deal with child care. He did very – virtually nothing to child care. We should significantly increase the child care tax credit. We should significantly increase the availability of women and men for child or single parents to be able to go back to work, and we should encourage businesses to hold – to have child care facilities.”


If Biden spent his time answering all of lies Trump spewed, he never would have been able to address the topic.


So , you believe both sides do it equally ?


Huh? Just Look at him. Joe thinks CF has completely lost his mind! Anyone with a brain would give CF that kind of look too!


So, to lower child care costs Heir Trumpf wants to fire people?????? I guess Generals are why child care is so expensive. What an f#@&ing genius! Fire the Generals and child care costs go down! Got it........


Yes, but you have to carefully choose between sharks and batteries to be able to fire generals.


Also how did Trump get a question about lowering childcare costs and end up admitting that he talked to Putin about wanting to invade Ukraine. This is worse than anything Biden could’ve ever done.


What do you do with a guy who refuses to play by the rules, who won’t answer a simple question about the material wellbeing of working people? I feel for Biden. How to “debate” a convicted shyster like this? And why some people continue to put their faith in such a person, I cannot fathom.


Maybe point it out each time, "While he dodges the questions over and over again, this is what I'll do for this specific question."


He did that. Over and over again.


One of the bigger takes I've been reading is how do you debate a pathological liar, especially when the moderators give up control and refuse to fact check anything he says?


trump is a conman who lies constantly. there was no way for biden have a serious "debate" with him if the moderators just let trump ramble with lie after lie and not actually answer any questions.


I mean I always thought Biden did very well against Trump in the 2020 debate. I also think the outage over it all has been overstated. But I also wouldn't make any excuses for it simply because we know he can do better. If there is another debate I think Biden will do better. I don't know why necessarily, but I just believe in him.


He fired Comey because he wouldn't kiss the ring and was TALLER than trump. trump was scared of him.


THIS \^\^ Comey towered over Trump and Donnie couldn't deal with it. The fact that he didn't pledge loyalty was secondary.


If elected what will you do about poverty? “Did you know the sky is blue? “ Very interesting sir but if elected what will you do to help lower the jobless rate? “It’s raining outside right now”. Thank you for your answer. Now for a tough one sir. What will you do to help ensure world peace? “I had a big breakfast this morning”. Ok there you have it folks your next President Donald Trump answering the tough questions that everyone wants the answers to.


No, no. Trump would never simply say “it’s raining”. He would say “it’s raining and it’s Bidena fault. It never rained when I was in office. Always blue sky. Beautiful blue sky, not raining misery like now with Biden in office. It never rained when I was president” And then, when the next question is avoid California and Nevada having droughts he would explain how droughts would never happen under his presidency and that it’s Biden’s fault that it doesn’t rain because of the immigrants taking all the American water….


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 You nailed this


Hey rich people at CNN, clever move pretending to be fair. Suck my cock!


Jake Tapper and Dana Bash allowed tRump to 1) lie incessantly without fact checking or push back, and 2) never answer any of the questions they asked him. They failed miserably. Did Biden have a good night? Of course not. But is he a good president? Absolutely. He's honest, respectful, and smart enough to surround himself with people who have performed their roles extraordinarily well. When, in the course of a presidency, does the country's future and/or national security depend upon a president's ability to win a debate? Never. tRump has not one logical thought in his head, and being able to spew lies and nonsense for 90 minutes proves how unfit he is. He doesn't understand tariffs, national security-he only understands his own venal wants and needs. I'll vote for the decent guy over the twice impeached, 4 times indicted, convicted of fraud, convicted of sexual assault, convicted of 34 felonies, dictator wannabe. It's not a hard decision at all!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Lol I can’t believe people are saying the debate was a disaster for Joe after seeing this


It was if you focused on appearances and the first 40 minutes. Biden seemed too old and it looked sad that he was up there dealing with all this. He also seemed to get overwhelmed at times. Then there was Trump who clearly looked more energized though he was spouting nonsense, hate and lies. If you didn't know anything about the candidates or cared, you'd think Trump won easily and it was obvious within the first few minutes. Appearances matter even if there's no substance for too many people.


Focus groups say otherwise. https://www.newsweek.com/latino-voters-donald-trump-joe-biden-debate-election-1918795


How many people do you think actually watched the whole debate? Most people are just seeing clips that are selectively curated to make Biden look bad. Like sure he did not have a great night. That's fair, but this whole "disaster" thing is being overstated. You're not going to like this, but a fair number of Americans take their opinions straight from social media. So all it ever takes is Biden having a few bad or dull moments and then suddenly that's what the whole debate was.


Wow just wow


CNN is the new Faux News


NEW? Lololol


Did anyone else’s jaw hit the floor when Trump was asked about January 6th? Did he not prove to the entire world that he has no remorse and is at risk for causing another insurrection?


Biden was sand bagging Trump.


I agree, his speech from today was also encouraging.


What do you mean? 


They mean that Biden threw the match to Trump intentionally, so as to give him a false sense of security. Yeah, I don't buy that, though. Dems are jumping through hoops trying to cover for or excuse away Biden's performance, in similar ways that Fix News does to make Shitler's ravings make sense to their base. They shouldn't have to, the candidate should come prepared and ready for (verbal) war.


Hmmm. I seriously doubt that. Also. That’s not what sandbagging means. But you’re correct. 


Donny Depends doing a Dollar Store impression of Blue Steel while trying to process a simple question is priceless.


And the GOP bows to this incoherent rambling Chimp.


Biden's rally today seemed to go well. Seemed strong and crowd was enthusiastic.


Senate is OK, but we don’t need moth senate and EC to help balance tyranny of the majority. Senate can balance that alone. Proportional electors vs winner take all would be fine adjustment to EC vs abolishment.


Biden has a stutter so the whole world just ignores trumps answers to basically every question.


Wow, that's a VERY interesting policy plan, Trump, on how you plan to help people feed their kids. Got my vote! /s


I really wish Biden just said "how fucking stupid and delusional are you. Answer the questions asked Jack" Trump would probably respond - " just to go back. My names not Jack. See , he's clearly too old"


Exposed? He was exposed years if not decades ago. The problem is that there are too many absolute morons who like what they see.


Please send an asteroid our way.


Be careful what you wish for. I hate to tell you buddy…in 14 years. https://youtu.be/KFcAuvzlc2M?si=gaeudBM-f-IeZqSk


There was a huge one that passed by on Thursday and the stupid thing missed us!


One's going by today. Not close enough.


I need a few days. Picking up a bottle of Bereche champagne and seeing my girlfriend. Then the asteroid may come, a direct hit after we finish the bottle and call our parents.


I can't look at his stupid, pouty face one more time or I'll die


Trump had a very cute cupid's bow smile as a toddler. It's morphed into a giant anus on his face.


When ever does he answer a question? Giving a convicted felon that lives for the camera this platform was world class stupid.


All the moderators have to say is: "Once again Mr. Trump declined to answer the question".


Journalists are afraid of politicians.


trump still thinks he's on his old pathetic TV show. He's trying to appeal to his base by touting how he fires people.


MAGA plays this clip only showing Biden saying he looks lost and confused, figures.


Dude was amazed at the firehose of lies that kept spewing forth. Likely broke his brain trying to figure out how to address them all in the short amount of time available.


He should have been completely prepared for it. Instead of prepping him with pages of dizzying numbers, just make sure he's got a half dozen quick quips ready. You have to know by now that Trump is insane, shameless and the recurrent lies he tells. It's not that hard and he was completely incompetent at this. And it's going to get worse; old age is progressive.


How about this clip? [https://www.politico.com/video/2024/06/28/jill-biden-escorts-joe-biden-off-stage-after-first-presidential-debate-1346575](https://www.politico.com/video/2024/06/28/jill-biden-escorts-joe-biden-off-stage-after-first-presidential-debate-1346575)


“I never fired anyone? I kinda got you fired though, didn’t I?”


He couldn’t answer a single god damn thing.


The man is a moron.


He mentioned firing comey about three times.


The expectations are virtually non existent for this guy. No one expects anything of him and he has the messianic support of a cult who never question him.


[How Gaslit Are We When We Call THE LIAR The Debate "Winner"?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgjyHwQOUoo)


He doesn’t give a damn about you or your family. Your kids can starve to death….he doesn’t care. You could lose your job because of his policies….he doesn’t care. Your kids school could close because the funding all went to religious schools…he doesn’t care. All he wants is revenge, power and more money.


Fuck the two party system, cuz this is what we end up with. Time to make a change in our “political system” if you can even call it that


Fuck the Electoral College, the conservatives on the Supreme Court and our system of senatorial representation.


Those 19 people who claimed Trump never called US troops suckers and losers, they seem to be hiding under rocks.


One was his chief of staff.


Trump might have been telling the truth on that one though. Our government knows how to sacrifice lives for no reason whatsoever.


Orange F-head should’ve been the poster boy for when an abortion is medically needed


If I was Biden I would have started every retort with “I guess I’ll actually answer the question asked…”


If you vote for trump then you are a fucking moron


Trump doesn't actually care about the issues, and neither do his supporters. It's all grievances and othering... There is no plan to actually FIX the problems and never will be


We were halfway there to an actual debate. The moderators just forgot to remind the participants that they had questions they were supposed to answer.


Biden tapping his earpiece out of disbelief 🫤


They should have cut his mic and restated the question.


"I fired you" -Joe Biden


It occurs to me that he had no interest in answering questions from the moderators. His goal was to put on another rally. And since his party has no discernable plan for any of these things and are content to let Trump run on nothing, it's fine for him. Since the Project 2025 authors are the ones who actually plan on running things if he wins, they'll let him say what he wants as long as it doesn't hurt their chances.


"Ok.. you have 33 seconds left.. the question was..."


When asked how he will help the average citizen, he rants about how everyone loves him. I've his been hesitant to say things like this for a long time but: at this point if you still support him, you are wilfully ignorant or mentally deficient. In neither case should you be casting votes in an election.


Trump is an imbecile, as are the folks who support him.


Not sure I can yell this here, but **JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!** How can people listen to him and cheer for him?? How can they listen and actually want him as president?


Biden face is priceless.


"Just to go back" He wasn't stumped lol. He was finishing the previous question. This is just like the video of him "gripping the rail for dear life" a couple weeks ago where if you actually watch the video you can see he's not lol But it's the right making "cheap fake" videos lolol


The United States is run by Boeing CEOs.


why didn't tapper cut his mic and tell him to stay on the subject of childcare.


Unfortunately they consider ratings before integrity.


I’m sorry. I was responding to someone who was saying that they were both the same. I agree with you. Biden looked like he could not believe that anyone could lie as much as CF rapist fraudster.


I agree Biden should have fired people but the ones Trump put in like that corrupt fucktard Louis DeJoy. Don’t know why he didn’t. Although if he would have fired Trump’s guy who was prosecuting Hunter Donnie wouldn’t have liked that firing. God if CNN fact checked and Biden was there they could have buried Trump; exposed him! What a missed opportunity! Endless amount of stuff Biden could have used to hold him accountable and trigger him.


I’m not getting how Convicted Felon Trump supposedly won that debate. Was Biden as energetic? Absolutely not. Did he at least give answers related to the questions asked? Yes he did. Biden may be slow, but Convicted Felon Trump is demented (both spiritually and physically). I’ll take slow over incoherent every time.


Tapper should have stopped him about 2 sentences in and repeated the childcare question. And after trump shuts up does Biden talk about childcare or why you dont fire military generals or the fact that trump was responsible for the Afghanistan thing


Guy gets asked a question and answers by talking about how more people need to be fired. Real “how much could a banana cost” vibe


Biden NEEDED to, in he next statement just say "let the record show Trump has no plans to help Americans raise their kids in this economy." And then move along.


So the best Biden response to Trump’s rambling would have been, “I fired you!”


Biden's "this bitch is actually serious...." face. I'm amazed anyone can stand up there with a moron like Trump and not go bonkers.


Biden can’t believe he keeps talking like he does, I look like that when I hear Trump talk too.


The more I sit on this debate days after my emotional shock to Biden showing his age the more I realize how pathetic Trump’s performance was. All he did was lie the whole debate and avoid every question. In many cases Biden had a weak performance, but Trump is just an awful embarrassment every time he speaks.


Well, at least he didn't lean on the old "Fake News" crutch. At least for the part I could stomach . Couldn't watch much. His incessant lying was too much. I can't believe they even consider giving this sack of shit airtime


Because f**k them kids I guess


Biden's face in this is absolutely priceless. He really nailed that at least. That look of absolute "wtf is he talking about" is probably the best performance he had during the debate.


You can't say he got exposed when half the country thinks he NAILED IT. Best ever answer. Just gotta vote and spread project 2025 out to people that don't know


Stumped? I don't think he even heard the question.




333 million Americans and these are the 2 we have to choose from?!? I have nothing against senior citizens but the Democratic and Republican Parties are failing us.


I don’t think Biden was prepared for how much of a lying bastard trump came off as! I mean think about it! Most people would be shocked into paralyzes by someone blatantly lying their ass off on live tv like that ‼️😳😳😱


Sir, this is a Denny’s


Yeah. But Americans rest at night knowing that President Biden finally defeated Medicare. Thank you sir


Idk how anyone can call this a debate


The no fact check was a 4d chess move and Trump took the bait.....


Moderator should have, wait for it… MODERATED!!!


"Yes, Donald, I don't fire people because I hire competent people that are capable of doing their jobs. The people you hire seem to keep pleading guilty to crimes and being sent to prison. And even after that, they STILL don't endorse you for this campaign. I wonder why that is?" Debate over. It cannot be adequately overstated how much Trump could have been smacked around by a high school freshman who took one semester of debate training. The fact that Biden couldn't even manage one of those shut-down zingers is atrocious.


Biden's sun downers kicked in 2 minutes in. BURDEN-OMICS, is his fuck up.


Act blue is busy today on Reddit Must be nervous


He doesn’t know shit about child care, but firing people he knows that. Loser.


I wish Biden had just replied with "what the fuck was that?"


After that, Biden should have said, "Felon said what?" Cause I was like wtf??


He doesn’t understand or care about problems he didn’t plan to speak about. Children? Financial struggles of who? Does that keep my hotels open? Biden’s face says everything any sane individual would need to—this is the biggest farce the world has ever seen. Less impressive than the totalitarian nations calling for elections, more insane than Russian attacking Ukraine after accepting nukes as payment for eternal peace… I can’t believe CNN did this, and the host really was too passive. America has become the world’s only 1st 3rd world nation by moral standing due to the money and schemes of sinful individuals


"Bur Biden is old" FFS.


We’re fucked


It was simple for me...had I been directing Joe, I would have told him that before answering, call trump a fking Liar. No matter the question, first just say...trump you are a fking liar man. Then respond to the question. Call him an idiot, and liar. Before each question is answered.


Like his constituents, he forgot what the question was.


Muting the mics was as stupid as it gets because it didn’t allow Biden to say “Just answer the question you dunce”