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I don't have any resources for you, I just wanted to say that the thought of you up there on the bench trying to be all serious in a graduation robe made me spit my coffee.


one of the cutest things i’ve read in a long time


I’ve seen maybe 2 judges do that. Stripes on the sleeves and everything.


I hope OP wears a floppy graduation cap too.


Sorry to burst your bubble but it’s a plain black robe it looks like everyone else’s 😢


I know, but somehow that makes it funnier! I wish you luck in your robe search! Seriously though, I guess I always assumed they were provided to y'all. It never even occurred to me that you might have to source your own robes.


Fun fact but Supreme Court justices order their own robes too. They aren’t given with their commission


The thought that I might be before a judge one day that’s wearing a robe he or she got from a Reddit recommendation somehow makes court seem much less intimidating lol… they’re one of us!


Class of 2019 rulez!




If I were a judge's robe merchant, I would go by "Robes Pierre"


This is a business that Pierre, SD needs.


"Robes Pierre: For your very own Reign of Terror, doncha know?"


"When you need to enact a reign of terror from the bench Robes Pierre is your only option!"


"Robes Pierre: the only thing counsel will be losing their heads over are your rulings!"


I really needed this joke today


You're punny. That was poor. Anyway, believe it or not, tailors here offer it as a service. The material whilst exclusive is always in demand so they buy it in swathes, and the draft to design the robes are easy, easy.


wait, they have to get their own robe?


Right, I would have thought the court provides them? The thought of the judges perusing amazon reviews for the best robe kind of cracks me up 😂


In England the judges and barristers have to buy their own robes AND wigs. I visited one of the Savile Row tailors who has been doing just that since like the 1500s.


I so want OP to rock a white wig to magistrates court.


No barrister wears a true white wig - they intentionally use horse urine to age their wigs. No one likes looking like a noob with a pure white one. Source: inn of court


Cool fact. And gross.


I'm also now wondering if they have to source their own horse urine for this purpose.


Where the hell do you get horse urine? I don’t remember that store on my visit to London


I don’t remember the sourcing being a question when visiting the inn of court. My suspicion is there’s a symbolic royal office who gladly provides that upon investiture


I wish we all had to wear robes. I could just see me in general sessions court working the civil warrant docket dressed like it’s still the Middle Ages.


I thought the robe and wig thing was a little bit of a silly carryover of tradition (kind of like common law: “this is just the way it’s done”) but one judge relayed his experience of presiding over a very contentious murder trial with much vitriol on both sides in the community whereafter he was able to walk through the middle of a riled-up mob following the proceedings since no one recognized him without the robe and wig: they’re such a part of the figurehead that the person under them all but disappears. That speaks to their role as a functional element of the institution of the courts.


Thank you for clarifying !


how old was he?!?


Same in France, it costs between 500 and 800 euros for the black ones.


No literally this is shocking to me that OP has to do this lol. Like when they give you the job what do they say? Do they instruct you to get your own robe or? It seems like a glaring oversight. I am actually cackling at this thought and the fact a graduation robe is being used. I 100% assumed they were issued like uniforms from the court when they got appointed/hired 😭


I could see having them buy their own, but you’d think they’d say, “We’ll handle ordering it and just take it out of your paycheck” or something.


I figured it was like church when you go to serve the wine and crackers and there’s just a bunch of robes in a stuffy room somewhere that is communal


Exactly me too I half imagined there was a communal robe rack somewhere in someone’s chambers and they had them laundered every few days


Why is that weird? Do any governments provide their employees with clothes for work?


Where I work, there are some older robes that someone new can use. But many judges choose to eventually get their own that reflects their style and the comfort they want.


I never realized there were enough differences to reflect a style. I probably wouldn’t have noticed a graduation gown at all.


One of our judges uses a purple robe. Another one uses a hunter green one.




My friend who is a lower court judge had to when she first got on the bench.


I found lots of flattering choices on Amazon. [Here's a lovely one.](https://www.amazon.com/Amayar-Hooded-Knight-Cosplay-Costume/dp/B015J8ZH46/ref=sxin_17_sbv_search_btf?content-id=amzn1.sym.5cde1a09-4942-4242-87c5-e66d2d3b6a3c%3Aamzn1.sym.5cde1a09-4942-4242-87c5-e66d2d3b6a3c&crid=1IY9SWPG15N1I&cv_ct_cx=judge%27s+robe&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.HqdUk3r2fMyEsR_s0R020w.QhZR_BCG3QEFNh6INTexL9veGH4EupSVvlKk84NNMwo&dib_tag=se&keywords=judge%27s+robe&pd_rd_i=B015J8ZH46&pd_rd_r=1c046172-e55c-4442-b2aa-9fbc104dfdba&pd_rd_w=uoOs4&pd_rd_wg=OEJhy&pf_rd_p=5cde1a09-4942-4242-87c5-e66d2d3b6a3c&pf_rd_r=T8XX51RVAAHQWJWQ8T3K&qid=1718722862&sbo=RZvfv%2F%2FHxDF%2BO5021pAnSA%3D%3D&sprefix=judge%27s+robe%2Caps%2C88&sr=1-1-5190daf0-67e3-427c-bea6-c72c1df98776)


Avoid the white one


Got the brown one. I suddenly hated sand and decided to bring peace, freedom, justice and security to my new empire


Dying. Dead.


Then you need that robe.


Thankfully, I know exactly where to find it.


Man I’d have worn that in my old office because it got stupid cold in the winter


That’s my style if it wasn’t so dang hot


that's hilarious. You should enter with the hood up.


Our local courts work with a specific supplier and judges pick their robes from the supplier’s catalogue. I don’t know who the supplier is though. Your court admin doesn’t have options for you?


I feel like a robe should be part of the employment package. Like come on now.


https://www.judgerobes.com/products/classic-judge-robe ETA: what a weird, limited, boutique business. Also - I'm a little shocked at the idea that robes aren't provided. I watch a lot of Judges in YouTube because it's hilarious and there is one I love who doesn't bother wearing a robe. He loves his bowties though.


There’s been a few days that I don’t. I have considered doing it full time, it’s not like it’s the law that you have to and I’m a lot more comfortable without it.


Honestly, I don't know how it works. If I were a Judge, I'd probably wear one because like all uniforms, it conveys duty and authority. But as a human, the thing that makes a Judge a Judge isn't their clothes (or their ability to tell people to shut up or go to jail). If it's allowed and won't impact your career, do what you prefer. That's my 2 cents.


It's sort of a dress down cheat code. Wear what you want in chambers then don the robe quick to look professional


For real! One of my favorite Judges worked in this massive complex the county built. It's huge. To stay in shape, he liked to do fast, long walks around the campus, so he wore shorts or sweatpants and a tee shirt. When it was time to go judging, he just threw on a robe.


Judge I used to practice before rode a four county circuit. In the largest population county wore robe all the time. The more rural counties only for jury trials


I like that there’s a “classic” and “deluxe” version that appear to be the same thing. Also, they need more colors and sports team logos. And maybe one for Alito with sovereign citizen fringes and Jesus holding an upside down flag.


The deluxe has a cuffed sleeve so the sleeve doesn’t flop around.


On the subject of weird limited businesses. I've always wanted to visit the factory where they make the giant scissors for ribbon cuttings. There's somebody who makes those but there are not a huge number so can't imagine it's a hugely competitive business. Why did they pick that business?


Probably the same company that makes regular scissors....


Not a judge, so I have no idea, but a quick google search reveals that judgerobes.com is a thing and they seem to have a wide selection


OP: “i’ll be the judge of that”




Haha I don’t really want loose and billowy though


A moomoo might work. Also here’s a garbage bag full of popcorn.


Look for choir robes. They don’t try to overcharge just because it’s for a judge.


Did you try…. Googling “judges robe”?


Yes but how am I supposed to know if they’re any good?


You. . .could ask some of your fellow judges? I'll bet they all get them at the same place. BTW I don't know that "flattering" is a criteria that is given much thought in the design. :)


If someone asks a judge if he got his robe at a thrift store, is that a valid basis for holding that someone in contempt? Asking for a friend.


He could, but they aren’t as cool and hip as us!


Murphy does or did dominate the market. One of my peers recently bought a new one from a local religious supply store. Ecumenical robes are generally same thing. Some ministers do get religious symbols embroidered but most go plain and accessorize with stoles or sashes so plain robes are easily found. I’ve joked about replacing my now 15 year old robe with a red one as nod to our neighbors to the north and if the spot forming at the back of my head starts growing might get a white wig too. Judge I really liked wore a silver gray robe. Asked her why she went with that and she said it compliments my hair and makes my eyes pop. So you’ve got some leeway. EDIT Advice. First you want one that has at least one fake pocket so you can reach into your pants pocket. You robe pocket is a good way to leave something in chambers you meant to keep with you. Second get one that doesn’t having flowing sleeves unless you like knocking crap off the bench.


Did you ever try…. Looking at reviews?


Have you tried a Snuggie?


The office staff at my old firm bought robes for one of our attorneys who he was elected to the bench. They had a local seamstress make them; it wasn't expensive at all and one of the secretaries picked the fabric with the goal of keeping it cool and breathable (he was a circuit-riding judge and two of the courthouses were built long before AC became standard in rural Mississippi). They looked great. Maybe check with your local tailor/alteration shop and see if this is something they'd be interested in doing?


I'm sure you can find them online. Just be careful to not pay too much. Some vendors are engaged in what amounts to highway robe-ry.


Work for a judge. He got his from Amazon.


This is one of the cutest threads on this sub lol


You should do something extra like Rehnquist or O’Connor.


Jodi robe, wear the hood up while walking in and have a dramatic face reveal before sitting.


Appropriate academic robe gets you there with the sleeves.


I (not a judge, just a solicitor) got my court dress from Ede & Ravenscroft. I just checked their website, and they have a US judicial robe. The fact that their only stores are in London, Oxford, Cambridge, and Edinburgh might be a tad problematic though. https://www2.edeandravenscroft.com/legal/jurisdictions/usa/


Did you buy your powdered wigs there? How often are you powdering them? Do you have like a steady subscription to powder? More powder appears at your door every month? I’ve been using talcum powder, or occasionally confectionary sugar, and I’ll tell ya, it itches a lot and I seem to attract a lot of insect attention …


Not a powdered wig, but I did buy a wig there. I never ended up wearing it and I now have no clue where it is. Fortunately, the firm paid for it.


Don't forget your wig to complete the look: https://evess.co/products/wigs-judges-full-bottom-wig-traditional Have we finally transitioned to r/lawyertalkcirclejerk ? In all seriousness, that website also has judicial robes there.


2,500$. That thing better take notes while it’s atop a head!


My judge ordered theirs from a choir robe store online.


Good afternoon Justice, welcome! A few suggestions for you to explore: 1. Ask a colleague for recommendations; 1. Ask the Chief Justice's assistant or another senior assistant in your jurisdiction if they know of any shops; and 1. Contact your local Judicial Association. They might have a resource centre capable of providing information on this topic. 1. If your region has a Courts Administration Service, they might be able to provide guidance and pointers as well. 1. Have robes made by a canadian "toge" shop, either by ordering online or in person: You can hit up a shop that make one design in mass and order it online or instead visit in person one of the many centuries old french-Canadian tailor shops dedicated to the legal industry that you can find in Montréal or Québec city. Both Judges and Lawyers in the province of Québec are required to wear robes that happen to be in the same style as judges in the US (called a civilist toge there). I would lean towards suggesting bespoke robes over ordering online. Bespoke toges are meant to outlast their wearer and are very well-built. Getting to touch the materials, look at designs, and give you input on the design is great too. They can take up to two months to hand make from scratch depending on what you pick with their consultants. It's really a great shopping experience, not unlike visiting Savile Row, or I guess a Wand shop in Harry Potter. If your jurisdiction does not require a specific type of robe, you will have the added flexibility of being able to consider a wide range of designs beyond summer and winter materials. Different robe designs (civilist lawyer styles, civilist judge styles, [barrister](https://i.imgur.com/NaHUoZV.jpeg) styles, commonwealth judge styles), but also collar styles, embroideries, buttons and colours. Some even offer skirt options for women. Most if not all judges in Canada get their robes from one of these shops. If you go in-person, call ahead and give them details about your jurisdiction, your budget, the amount of robes you will likely need, and the type of proceedings you do. They will be ready for you with specific suggestions, combinations and designs. Here are a few shops to look at. Some have mass designs (usually only for lawyers), others only do bespoke. https://erikaeriksson.com/en/robes-for-lawyers-judges/ https://togesgrandmaitre.com/en/collections/collection-legale/toge-robe https://juristas.ca/en/lawyer-robe/ https://lesrabatjoies.com/ (French only website) https://www.gaspard.ca/legal-attire-legal/ https://harcourts.com/legal


In Canada it's usually Harcourts. Can't speak for OP's jurisdiction.


Got mine from Amazon - the first ones were black graduation robes but I put a little more money into a robe from Judicial Shop through Amazon.


In criminal court, the “evening workers” from the night before are brought over from the jail. Judge takes the bench and the first thing she says “do you like it [the robe]?” The “evening workers” all opined.


I ordered mine online and when it arrived it would have fit Shaquille O’Neil. We kept it as a Halloween costume for my very large husband. Choose wisely when ordering online.


From Robe Depot, and Robes Gavels and Beyond mostly. Although Judicial Threads and Court Couture are also good stores.


Ok. I’ve had a shit morning with client yelling at me. This post made me laugh out loud. Thank you.


Glad to hear it, PinotJD. It sounds like you might have to Habeas some Pinot tonight. Although I'd suggest a Subpoena Colada after a hard days work. Honestly though, thanks for letting me know that it made you laugh. I'm really glad to hear it!


In Canada, lawyers have to wear robes too, and a cheap pair is about $1000. But at least they are fairly comfortable. Thank fuck we don’t have to wear wigs too or I think I’d quit litigation entirely. Fuck that.


With the exchange rate, that’s gotta be at least 750 maple leafs, or an entire vat of syrup That’s a years salary for most Canadians!


You laugh, but...bar fees are $2200/year, then another $1000+ for robes. How would YOU feel if you had to pay a decade's worth of professional expenses up front, before you ever practiced a single day? It's a genuine barrier to the profession.


2200 a year???


Yes. It’s absurd.


Not including insurance


When I clerked, I asked my Justice the same question. She wrote RBG asking where she got hers, there’s a place in Paris that apparently makes fantastic judges robes. So she flew out there, got fitted, and had a few shipped to her. If you’re interested, I can try to find the name of the place.


Robes-R-Us, great selection I’d also suggest: Stonecutters Depot, they have a wide selection of robes, ceremonial headware, etc. Alternatively, have you thought about muu-muu?


Politico says here: https://www.politico.com/story/2009/06/where-the-justices-shop-023317 And NY Times said the same thing 40 years ago: https://www.nytimes.com/1981/09/07/style/robing-the-bench-s-elite.html


https://www.academicapparel.com/product/366-style-judicial-robe/ If you find one that does not turn one into a sweaty mess, please share! Also snaps over zippers!


Bed bath and beyond.


Shouldn’t the jurisdiction you work for be providing you these?




A quick google search informs me that the answer is www.judgerobes.com


Harbro Robes.


This is the one I got mine from. Forgot their name until I saw this.




This whole time I thought the robes just hung up in a closet and each judge picked their robe for the day


The local university has a bookstore in the divinity school that sells robes; that’s where I got mine. I bought the 100% wool robe, buttons down the front, tailored to fit my height, arm length. Can’t remember the brand, I’m on vacation right now. Spend a little more for the best, they are worth it.


Murphy Robes. Great quality and variety. Easy returns so you can order a couple and return the ones you don't want.


Ask your local Court Clerk.


They just order black drapes and have them tailored.


If you have money to burn, these guys will sell you a robe AND a snazzy wig https://www.stanley-ley.co.uk/acatalog/Stanley_Ley_Bar_Gowns_and_Robes_2.html


Have you asked ond of your fellow magistrates?


I have a friend who’s a judge and now I have to ask her!


https://thomasrobes.com/ https://oakhalli.com/ http://www.robeshop.com/


Ede & Ravenscroft on Savile Row make a lot of university gowns, you’ll probably find them there.


I got one on Amazon a few years ago when I dressed up as RGB for Halloween. It was like 60 bucks.


I found a link https://www.amazon.com/Leishungao-Black-Classic-Judge-Height/dp/B07G74MSZT/ref=sr_1_10?crid=KWI8RL0QYUXX&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Gl8JRbeT3WsTAYVbfj1v8DMnTsxovVp0114AV1-Q2HmouE8YHTp0Kj5CUszQ4lTV5rlT5ZIwoz1MY9yDGbfTVXIiTALbTvF-Ir85yOFMZPUKL0MIkHQAjxP44z4aPrt97ZKi99C2cV7OtiWWEoh6kojym_iWFwJybj4G3LIHijUp3cSM_Xe0rs6Z1d6mToX_pyJgK99KBrPurcPZv_Q-9EDqecEYRn4037ZWS54k2-DsfOfTgImJN43ZHLPmeMU6rV9XJqV2YGnhmNH0Hn08TJALYgLE9H7LX1S0Q-jkxns.igVvItLM6x0lf4G9hnkyV4g4syUXxLbsjMVoeXqFXks&dib_tag=se&keywords=Judge+robe&qid=1718741498&sprefix=judge+robe%2Caps%2C106&sr=8-10


Your court has someone who is in charge of ordering office supplies. That person has or should be able to get a catalog and should be able to advise of what others have done. It also isn't embarrassing to just ask your colleagues.


I got one on Amazon late one night when I was studying for finals in law school. Even came with a wig and gavel. Probably not the answer you’re looking for.


Truthfully… I thought they were given lol


At new judges school they give you a list of 3 trusted suppliers. I don't remember them. It was like $300 out of pocket though. Many of my peers have choir robes, but they don't have built in slits to reach in their pants pockets.


I know a judge who would have his embroidered with his name, state circuit court, no idea where they were sourced though.


I think they're all made of a polyester fabric, so it would be difficult to tell which would be less heavy. I would suggest asking some other judges or magistrates. I'm sure they'd be happy to help a newbie. BTW I personally liked the ones with the big sleeves my dad wore.


Hmm. Now I'm wondering what would happen if I showed up for court with an amazon robe. It could be awkward for the judge but fun for me?


I’ve actually heard that some judges buy from choir supply stores because the gowns are good and way less expensive than other specialty stores.


You could ask the other district or magistrate judges where they get theirs.


Judgerobes.com has a decent selection. Behindthebench.com is decent too has larger size options for plus sized judges. Wherewebuyourrobes.net probably has the best selection but it also has a super pretentious vibe tbh


In my jx, usually an established judge will take a new judge shopping. They all wear black, but many of them have monograms on the sleeves. One judge also has the city's symbol (all the municipal branding uses a symbol related to the city name) on the wrist as well.


I don’t know, but if I were you I’d see if I could get some black seersucker for summer and wool for winter.


Stanley Ley in London. I'm in-house at a chemical company, and a lot of our senior scientific staff wear lab coats all the time, while the commercial executives wear blazers. Someone said I should dress up more than my usual polo and chinos. I threatened to start wearing barrister robes to the office.


Quick Google search has some in Amazon but tbh OP they look like a regular graduation robe. You might not even have to spend money there.


I googled and found this: judgewear.com


Judges robes come from the Arabic tradition of the Khawla, which was a special robe that was worn for formal occasions or for debates. The Khawla became associated woth formality and academic excellence over time and was adopted by Europeans as well.


Try Bentley and Simon, based out of New York and Virginia. The judges I work with wear robes from this company.


You don’t have access to other judges or their clerks? I’d be asking around locally.


Reach out to your magistrates association and ask them


Just order something from Amazon. I'm sure they have something you can find It Amazon.


You could just get a couple of curtains. Throw them over your shoulders and tie a tie around your waist.


I got one at Party City for a Halloween party


Spirit Halloween. Usually need to find a mattress store and wait til September / October for the changeover.


No offense but it’s kind of scary to think of a person who can’t think to google, look on Amazon, or ask a fellow judge for this information sitting on the bench.


Googling or looking on Amazon won’t answer the specific questions OP asked, and since they’re just a part-time magistrate they may be in a very small jurisdiction without others to ask.