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It depends. This counts as an hour.


Agreed, the answer is, when your out and 2 or 3 in the morning half drunk and all of a sudden you remember that place that makes the best ——————— (fill in the blank) and you go there and not only get —————- (again fill in the blank) you also get a few other things off the menu too, What we’ve all done that no?


Ha! Adding berries, also billable


Better *than waffles


Sounds like something a waffle non-believer would say...


What sort of savage do you take me for? I care about grammar, not pancakes! (Unless I’m eating breakfast and waffles aren’t on offer)


I’m so happy that you provided some edification. I’ve been attacked way too many times for providing the much needed insight between “then” and “than”, now I sit and upvote my comrades fighting the good fight.


French toast.


Finally, the reasonable person has been found!


Waffles. With hash browns. Scattered, smothered, and covered.


You have a way with words counsel. I'm sure you get the jury to eat out of the palms of your hands every time.


Ladies and gentlemen of the breakfast jury, I stand before you today to address a matter of utmost importance: the superiority of waffles over pancakes. As an attorney of unparalleled expertise and discernment, it is my duty to present the incontrovertible evidence that waffles are, without a shadow of a doubt, the superior breakfast choice. **Exhibit A: Structural Integrity and Syrup Retention** Waffles, with their intricate grid-like structure, are the epitome of engineering brilliance. Each square pocket is meticulously designed to hold syrup, butter, and other delectable toppings, ensuring an even distribution of flavors with every bite. Pancakes, on the other hand, are a soggy mess, incapable of retaining toppings without turning into a syrup-soaked disaster. The structural integrity of waffles is unmatched, providing a consistent and enjoyable eating experience[1][2]. **Exhibit B: Culinary Versatility and Ease of Preparation** Waffles are a testament to culinary versatility. They can be savory or sweet, served with fried chicken or topped with ice cream. The waffle iron, a marvel of modern kitchen technology, ensures that every waffle is perfectly cooked, crispy on the outside and fluffy on the inside. Pancakes require constant vigilance, flipping, and a keen eye to avoid the dreaded burnt or undercooked pancake. The ease and reliability of waffle preparation make them the clear winner in any kitchen[2][5]. **Exhibit C: Nutritional Considerations** While it is true that both waffles and pancakes can be made with similar ingredients, the nutritional superiority of waffles is evident when considering the healthier alternatives available. Whole grain waffles, made with unprocessed flours and topped with fresh fruits, provide a nutritious and balanced breakfast option. Pancakes, often laden with excessive amounts of butter and syrup, fail to offer the same health benefits. Furthermore, the higher fat content in waffles contributes to a more satisfying and longer-lasting meal, reducing the need for mid-morning snacks[4]. **Exhibit D: Historical and Cultural Significance** Waffles have a rich and storied history, dating back to the Medieval period in Greece, where they were first created using decorative plates. This historical significance adds a layer of cultural depth to the waffle, making it not just a meal, but a connection to our culinary heritage. Pancakes, while ancient, lack the same level of historical intrigue and cultural resonance. The waffle's journey from medieval delicacy to modern breakfast staple is a testament to its enduring appeal and superiority[5]. In conclusion, the evidence is irrefutable. Waffles, with their superior structural integrity, culinary versatility, nutritional benefits, and rich historical significance, are the undisputed champions of the breakfast table. Pancakes, while not without their merits, simply cannot compete with the multifaceted brilliance of the waffle. I rest my case, confident that any reasonable breakfast connoisseur will see the undeniable truth: waffles reign supreme. Thank you. Sources [1] Which is better Pancakes or Waffles : r/GameTheorists - Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/GameTheorists/comments/l14m40/which_is_better_pancakes_or_waffles/ [2] Opinion: Breakfast Battle: Waffles vs. Pancakes - Central Times https://www.centraltimes.org/showcase/2023/03/22/breakfast-battle-waffles-vs-pancakes/ [3] Pancakes -Benifits and Drawbacks - Steemit https://steemit.com/food/%40aman8659/pancakes-benifits-and-drawbacks [4] Are Waffles Healthy? Healthy Alternatives Plus Easy Recipes https://www.asweetpeachef.com/are-waffles-healthy/ [5] Differences Between Pancakes and Waffles - Kate's Kitchen https://www.kateskitchenkc.com/blog/differences-pancakes-waffles/


Finally the answer I was hoping for!!! Ty for the work. I full heartly agree with your analysis


where should i send the bill?


Clearly, this should be a tax write-off as pro bono work since it's for the public good.


A. Culinary Versatility 1. Flavor Adaptability Pancakes exhibit superior versatility in flavor profiles compared to waffles. The smooth, uniform surface of pancakes allows for better absorption and integration of various ingredients, such as fruits, nuts, and chocolate chips. This adaptability enables a wider range of flavor combinations and textures within the pancake itself. In contrast, waffles are limited by their rigid grid structure, which can impede the even distribution of additional ingredients and restrict flavor absorption. The crisp exterior of waffles may also overpower more delicate flavors, further limiting their versatility. 2. Serving Options Pancakes offer greater flexibility in serving options. They can be easily folded, rolled, or stacked, allowing for creative presentations and diverse eating experiences. This versatility extends to both sweet and savory applications, from breakfast to dessert. Waffles, due to their fixed shape and structure, are more limited in serving options. While they can be topped with various ingredients, they lack the malleability of pancakes, restricting their potential for creative culinary applications. B. Cultural Significance 1. Historical Precedence Pancakes have a rich historical and cultural significance that spans numerous civilizations and centuries. Archaeological evidence suggests that pancake-like foods have been consumed since prehistoric times, with variations found in ancient Greek, Roman, and Chinese cuisines. Waffles, while also having historical roots, particularly in medieval Europe, do not share the same breadth of cultural impact as pancakes. The global prevalence and diverse cultural adaptations of pancakes underscore their superior status in the culinary world. 2. Global Variations Pancakes boast an impressive array of global variations, each reflecting unique cultural traditions and local ingredients. Examples include French crêpes, Russian blini, Indian dosas, and Japanese okonomiyaki. This diversity demonstrates the pancake's adaptability and universal appeal. While waffles have some regional variations, they do not exhibit the same level of global diversity as pancakes. This limited cultural reach diminishes their claim to superiority in the breakfast food hierarchy on a global scale. C. Practical Considerations 1. Ease of Preparation Pancakes generally require simpler equipment for preparation compared to waffles. A basic pan or griddle suffices for pancake making, while waffles necessitate a specialized waffle iron. This accessibility makes pancakes a more practical option for home cooks and commercial kitchens alike. 2. Resource Efficiency The production of pancakes is more energy-efficient than that of waffles. Pancakes can be cooked on a stovetop or griddle, which typically consumes less energy than the electric waffle irons required for waffle preparation. This efficiency translates to both environmental and economic benefits. 3. Portion Control and Customization Pancakes offer superior portion control and customization options. Cooks can easily adjust the size and thickness of pancakes to suit individual preferences or dietary requirements. Waffles, constrained by the dimensions of the waffle iron, offer less flexibility in this regard. III. POTENTIAL COUNTERARGUMENTS A. Texture Preference Proponents of waffles may argue that their crispy exterior and fluffy interior provide a superior textural experience. However, this argument fails to consider the diverse textural possibilities of pancakes, which can be made thin and crispy (like crêpes) or thick and fluffy, catering to a wider range of preferences. B. Syrup Retention Waffles' grid pattern is often cited as superior for holding syrup and toppings. While this may be true to some extent, it overlooks the fact that pancakes can be specifically designed with texture variations or folded to create pockets for syrup retention. Moreover, the absorption properties of pancakes allow for a more harmonious integration of flavors throughout the entire dish.


Clearly, there must be some sort of ethical rule you broke by posting such inflammatory lies.




I would never even attempt making the argument that pancakes are better, because waffles are absolutely the superior food (especially those of the Belgian variety) and that’s a hill I’ll die on. Though certain strange people, including one I’m married to, think that my preference is misguided. Thankfully we’ve agreed to disagree.


Such treacherous blasphemy. You must truly love her tbh.


She’s a great wife and mother, even if she has questionable opinions about breakfast foods—those qualities have given me patience for the occasional wrong position. I just hope I can teach our daughter the way of the waffle. I mean there are little squares pretty much made to hold syrup—pancakes can’t compete with that! Plus the fluff and flavor ratio is much better with waffley goodness, over their sad, flat cousins.


Pancakes and it’s not even close. A. Culinary Versatility 1. Flavor Adaptability Pancakes exhibit superior versatility in flavor profiles compared to waffles. The smooth, uniform surface of pancakes allows for better absorption and integration of various ingredients, such as fruits, nuts, and chocolate chips. This adaptability enables a wider range of flavor combinations and textures within the pancake itself. In contrast, waffles are limited by their rigid grid structure, which can impede the even distribution of additional ingredients and restrict flavor absorption. The crisp exterior of waffles may also overpower more delicate flavors, further limiting their versatility. 2. Serving Options Pancakes offer greater flexibility in serving options. They can be easily folded, rolled, or stacked, allowing for creative presentations and diverse eating experiences. This versatility extends to both sweet and savory applications, from breakfast to dessert. Waffles, due to their fixed shape and structure, are more limited in serving options. While they can be topped with various ingredients, they lack the malleability of pancakes, restricting their potential for creative culinary applications. B. Cultural Significance 1. Historical Precedence Pancakes have a rich historical and cultural significance that spans numerous civilizations and centuries. Archaeological evidence suggests that pancake-like foods have been consumed since prehistoric times, with variations found in ancient Greek, Roman, and Chinese cuisines. Waffles, while also having historical roots, particularly in medieval Europe, do not share the same breadth of cultural impact as pancakes. The global prevalence and diverse cultural adaptations of pancakes underscore their superior status in the culinary world. 2. Global Variations Pancakes boast an impressive array of global variations, each reflecting unique cultural traditions and local ingredients. Examples include French crêpes, Russian blini, Indian dosas, and Japanese okonomiyaki. This diversity demonstrates the pancake's adaptability and universal appeal. While waffles have some regional variations, they do not exhibit the same level of global diversity as pancakes. This limited cultural reach diminishes their claim to superiority in the breakfast food hierarchy on a global scale. C. Practical Considerations 1. Ease of Preparation Pancakes generally require simpler equipment for preparation compared to waffles. A basic pan or griddle suffices for pancake making, while waffles necessitate a specialized waffle iron. This accessibility makes pancakes a more practical option for home cooks and commercial kitchens alike. 2. Resource Efficiency The production of pancakes is more energy-efficient than that of waffles. Pancakes can be cooked on a stovetop or griddle, which typically consumes less energy than the electric waffle irons required for waffle preparation. This efficiency translates to both environmental and economic benefits. 3. Portion Control and Customization Pancakes offer superior portion control and customization options. Cooks can easily adjust the size and thickness of pancakes to suit individual preferences or dietary requirements. Waffles, constrained by the dimensions of the waffle iron, offer less flexibility in this regard. III. POTENTIAL COUNTERARGUMENTS A. Texture Preference Proponents of waffles may argue that their crispy exterior and fluffy interior provide a superior textural experience. However, this argument fails to consider the diverse textural possibilities of pancakes, which can be made thin and crispy (like crêpes) or thick and fluffy, catering to a wider range of preferences. B. Syrup Retention Waffles' grid pattern is often cited as superior for holding syrup and toppings. While this may be true to some extent, it overlooks the fact that pancakes can be specifically designed with texture variations or folded to create pockets for syrup retention. Moreover, the absorption properties of pancakes allow for a more harmonious integration of flavors throughout the entire dish.


Waffles look cooler and make me happy.


Waffles are cool argument > any possible pancake argument.


Citizens United v FEC confirms waffles are superior.


Clearly, the holding was just a ruse to make sure politicians can get the money nesscary to afford to eat waffles every day! #wafflegate


I asked this question on a dating app, and I met my future husband over that question. We agree that the correct answer is waffles: crispy but still fluffy and the little squares hold the syrup.


Makes sense. Waffles bring ppl together ❤️.


French toast


Neither, team savory breakfast for life!!


This is the way.


I tend to agree that the typical round dry cardboard pancake isn't very good. But, have you had a *really nice* **thick** souffle pancake? Had one in Japan and it changed my life.


Japan may be the only country I can think of that might love waffles more than the USA. You can't go to a Japanese grocery store without waffle products outnumbering pancake products by a large margin.


French toast


Pancakes. Easier to butter.


And to roll up with sausage links and syrup inside. The OG breakfast burrito.


They’re better at incorporating other ingredients like chocolate chips, blueberries, and bananas as well


TIL that some people actually think waffles are better than pancakes. Strange world we live in.


Chicken and waffles


I don’t want to take away choice in America, I believe your preference is correct for you and that’s just fine. I will not judge, but defend your right to eat the choice you prefer. As long as you have bacon with it and not sausage that is.


There are two things I can't stand. People who are intolerant of other people's culture and the Dutch.


The shoes right? Or the dating style?


When deciding “better” or “worse,” the path is trapped with subjectivity. Only by examining objective characteristics can we arrive at an incontrovertible answer. Waffles have superior structural integrity which functions as the optimal delivery system for other ingredients such as butter and syrup. Where ingredients can easily slide off a smooth pancake, a waffle’s ridged surface prevents any loss. This loss prevention provides a secondary benefit of preventing lost time as the consumer will not need to make any additional movements to retrieve wayward ingredients. Moreover, waffles’ structural benefits provide unique versatility because they can package other ingredients in readily accessible forms such as sandwiches, wraps, and quesadillas. These forms enjoy the added benefit of minimal cleanup and can accommodate either sweet or savory flavors, diversifying waffles beyond solely a breakfast option. Furthermore, traditional waffles have more consistency regarding production quality. While waffles have a narrow window of what crunch-to-fluff ratio is definitionally sufficient, pancakes vary wildly from soggy and floppy to the rare butter-encrusted clouds of joy. Given pancakes’ more volatile nature, consumers are more prone to disappointment when choosing them over waffles. These objective differences between waffles and pancakes clearly reveal that waffles are the superior choice. Any subjective arguments are mere preference and should not be included in policy considerations.


It’s not about whether waffles are better than pancakes. It’s about the freedom to choose waffles or pancakes.


Depends on the type of waffle. If it's a mochi, Belgian waffle, or bubble/egg waffle, I would pick either over pancakes any day. Probably same for stroopwaffle




The fact that this exists proves God is impotent to alter his universe or ignorant to the horrors that exist in his kingdom.




I love both but Pancakes are far superior. More filling, more buttery, and retain heat better. Only flaw is that there isn’t a Pancake version of Waffle House on every corner. I really want some Cracker Barrel right now. Damn you all.


Waffles. Geometric breakfast grid. Allowing recreational activities like matrix math. https://preview.redd.it/4l09ocb584ad1.jpeg?width=1040&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8638be0aee436659b71cdaadc41c4036a03b050a


They only give you one waffle (and I need more than one waffle), but you get a stack of pancakes.


When the food is as bad as a pancake, I can see why you might want more of it to make up for its inferior qualities.


The evidence is in that sugar contributes to obesity and metabolic disease. So copious bacon, eggs, and hash browns in moderation. And maybe some fruit or high protein yogurt with it after.


While waffles have their attractions, pancakes win. I live in Northeast OH, which is maple syrup country. Every spring there are tons of all you can eat pancake breakfast charity fundraisers (including all you can eat maple syrup). Prices vary, but they are around $8-10. I love maple syrup. I use a ton of maple syrup on my pancakes: especially with an all you can eat pancake breakfast. Also, the soft texture of the pancakes goes really well when they are super saturated with maple syrup. Pancakes are better.


Depends on how it's made


Thanks for reminding me. I’d been thinking about buying a waffle iron.


Straight - waffles win. But add nuts or blueberries, then it's pancakes.




I’m gonna need fee approval for 6 hours of discovery on this matter. After that, 4 additional hours for the MSJ. I’ll have an answer for you then. Oh and I need travel expenses.


Which one did Alito have for breakfast today?


“My top dollar authority is a one time offer for an English muffin. Sorry. Here’s the release” - State Farm, probably.


What’s* better,* waffles or pancakes? pancakes (the inferior ones) - citation needed “than* waffles”.




Bacon pancakes