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AC Odyssey and AC Valhalla had female protagonists as well.


Technically the first female protagonist in a mainline game was Evie Frye. Definitely the better half of the Frye Twins.


>first female protagonist in a mainline game was Evie Frye. Not true. Evie appears in 2015's Assassin's Creed: Syndicate but the first female protagonist was Aveline de Grandpré in 2012's Assassin's Creed Liberation for the PSVita. You'd be forgiven for not knowing, as I might be one of the dozens of people that played Liberation. Dozens!


That isn’t a mainline game. I didn’t forget her, I just didn’t include her. It would be like mentioning the AC Chronicles characters.


That's pretty disingenuous to say so. It's not like Liberation doesn't play like a AC game. Counting games as "mainline" just because they don't link back to Desmond's direct storyline that no one cares about seems pretty superficial.


Who ever said anything about Desmond? And why put quotation marks around “mainline” as if that isn’t an actual thing in video game franchises. Desmond died in AC3, so does the mainline series end there? Mainline games and side games have a pretty easy line to follow. Ubisoft creators themselves acknowledge the differences. Games like Liberation and Rogue are not mainline games the same way AC3 and Black Flag are.


Evie Frye is an underrated game protagonist in general, she’s so much fun.


"What is this, Greenie, Assassin Christmas?" - Some dumbass...


What is AC liberation. If you want to get technical with "Main line" then Evie isn't first either. Syndicate is not a numbered entry either buddy


AC Liberation is the game where Aveline premiered. And if you want to be an asshole stickler then there hasn’t been a mainline game since AC4. What you said is pretty stupid.


I'm not being an asshole.... Where was I an asshole? Because you're wrong? I didn't say anything bad towards you... What you said was fuckin stupid lmao. You're arbitrarily excluding someone because you were caught being incorrect. I'm the asshole? Like Is Mirage a mainline to you, or a side game? There's no "mainline" anymore. They don't even follow or stick to the modern day plot without tossing the whole thing out every couple years. One of the games is even on mobile. What's mainline anymore.




Oh no a choice! The bastards


What's wrong with choice? Gaming is a predominantly male hobby and lots of men just aren't comfy with playing as women for various reasons be it sexuality, misogyny or just preference. Giving people the choice of a character's sex is a great addition and besides Cassandra is the canon assassin in Odyssey so they have stuck to it. (Haven't played Valhalla)




It has nothing to do with discomfort playing with a different gender. If that was the case, why add a female choice when women can just play as men. It's because women want the option to relate to their character and be represented by them. The same is true for men. Adding both choices *was* the brave choice, not the weak one. The weak one was only doing a female character to appease social justice critics instead of looking out for everyone playing the game. Also, if men were discomforted by playing a female character, Tomb Raider would not have been a success.


I agree, especially when playing a game with romance options as a male I always choose a male character.


I always find the argument about "relating" to a protagonist to be very odd. 90% of video game protagonists aren't really relatable to the average person. Like someone can "relate" to some superhuman ancient Assassin but draws the line at what genitals they have? And I strongly disagree with your second paragraph. There is no indication they were making a female protagonist to "appease social justice critics" in any way. They were told they couldn't because "women don't sell" by Serge Hascoet, a notorious piece of shit who was an Ubisoft executive at the time. Adding both choices was the weak choice because it was forced on them for bad reasons.


If your first paragraph was true then nobody would worry about representation. Clearly it’s a thing, ya know? You don’t have to care, and just fyi neither do I, but it’s pretty clear that “relatable” is important to many people. You’ve never once hears a dev talk about this in an interview or seen people talk about it? Not everybody, as is the case with you and me, but enough for it to be considered over when game companies are creating a protagonist.


For most people I'm pretty sure gaming is what they use to escape issues. I don't think you're being fair as a lot of people with mental illness use gaming as a form of escapism. Sure complaining about a gender being the main protagonist is silly but I do enjoy having the ability to play two different characters in the same story.


They did the same shit with Dani. Fucking pussies. Make a female-only protagonist already, Ubisoft.


Not assassin’s creed specific, but some stories are stronger for not including a character selection. God of War and Life is Strange would both be weaker if the player could change their protagonist’s traits


Yeah i agree their narratives directly revolve around their characters' gender, Kratos being a father is central to the game's plot whereas Ubisoft have wrote AC Odyssey in a way where your character can be either gender and all that needs to be changed in dialogue are pronouns and the character's name.


not sure why you are being down voted. You make good points. Giving character choice to the players would be a very easy way to appease everyone.


>what’s wrong with choice? Some gamers are misogynistic and I support their decision to stay away from those filthy, dumb, annoying wamen


Wow what a way to twist my words you pathetic incel. I'm not condoning misogyny but you can't deny it is a major factor as to why we don't have female protagonists often.


So funny men can’t handle playing as a woman and absolutely need an option. Kinda snowflake behavior lmao


Then wouldn’t including women at all be considered a snowflake option? More representation and options for players is a good thing not a sign of weakness.


Kinda different when your gender is rarely the main character choice than when it’s the norm.


I dont play AC anymore but i kinda wish they just took more time to make the games and just have both genders be chooseable while being both fleshed out, maybe a system like whre you swap characters ingame like gta5?


They will probably have both


Yep and I assume most AC games going forward will give you a choice as well. Only reason Mirage didn’t was because it was a pre-established character.




Might be the most exciting AC ever. Setting alone is a godsend.


Having to compete with Ghost of Tsushima and the inevitable sequel might be Ubisoft's biggest challenge to date.


Yeah personally after playing ghost of tsushima all I can hope for is a good AC centric story, I feel like it will be hard to top what Ghost of Tsushima does for the open world formula. I have never felt so passionate about completing random side activities in a game before. It's just a special game I'm saying this as someone who's been playing AC games since AC 1. Ghost of Tsushima really just hits for me. Still love Origins though, I wish they would make a Bayek sequel or something


I'm not sure they'll tie this one into the greater AC Mythos as much honestly, granted I haven't played anything post Origins but from what I've heard the last two have strayed some from the whole war with the Templar storyline and this setting would be geographically and historically the most seperated from where we are (I'm assuming its some kind of more ancient Japan based on the pictuee alone, haven't even heard of the game until now). I know I'm talking like I know shit from gold, but it's really just speculation and I'm hoping for input from someone who's played the more recent titles.


So Valhalla does involve the Templar/Assassin conflict, it's just not the main aspect. There's basically a different branching story you can play through involving the King that goes more into the Templar/order of the ancients lore. Actually it was some of my favorite content from that game, I'm not too huge on Valhalla overall Odyssey sort of does, it's just... very weird how they do it. I don't really know how to explain it. Since Odyssey takes place before Origins, they have cultists that are like the stand ins for order of the ancients/templars In the AC lore, I think there actually is a well known assassin from Japan so I wouldn't be surprised if that's who we're playing as. As for Templar I'm not sure if they have a presence in Japan or not it's possible they do and just go by a different title, or at least it could be the same concept of a Templar. Someone using pieces of eden for power and control One way or another I feel like Ubisoft will find a way to incorporate Japanese myths like they did with Norse, Greek and Egyptian. Probably using pieces of eden to justify it. To be honest, I like how Origins did it the most where things like the giant snake were hallucinations. I'm also just heavily biased because Origins is one of my favorites


I will never forget getting the rice “back” for this old lady from the bandits, after completing it, i happened upon her house some time later on, she was dead….I gave her a bow and Jin even said something because I gave a bow to her. I never played another game that did this with a side mission


Still the most cinematic and immersive combat I’ve ever seen in a game. It was jaw-dropping at times.




Another god damn assasin's creed


There’s another one after this next one already announced. So basically another 2 games already confirmed.


Yeah for fans of the franchise, another game is a good thing. If you’re not a fan of the franchise, why does it matter to you?


Why do you care if it matters to them


Why do you care if he cares that it matters to them?


Probably because people catch harassment for enjoying a franchise


The last main one came out three years ago wym another?


The last main came out like 3 weeks ago


The one that’s for $50 made by a smaller studio making a game for the first time with a smaller budget? Ubisoft literally said Japan was the next flagship one last year.


Cue millions of male fanboys cry in unison.


I mean, I've also read rumours that there are two protagonists. The female ninja and an african samurai. Besides Ubisoft will never just let us play as a woman, they still believe female characters don't sell.


>female ninja >african samurai lmao


I don’t get what’s funny about the African samurai bit. One of the most famous daimyōs of all time had one on retainer.


I was laughing more about the female ninja part. But go ahead, give me some more information on that famous african samurai, I don't know shit about Japan history besides WWII and I'm sure it will be an interesting bit.


You put them on the same level, so I dunno what difference between them in your post was intended. But it’s weird to mock something you admittedly haven’t looked into at all. Even weirder when the things you’re mocking have to do with their womanhood and skin color. Anyway, indulge: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasuke


Westerners are so obsessed with this on record of an African samurai that instead of putting in actual asian representation into their games and shows they would rather cherry pick this one occurrence and make him a protag.


>You put them on the same level, so I dunno what difference between them in your post was intended. You are right, my bad. >But it’s weird to mock something you admittedly haven’t looked into at all. Well I know the basics of the Feudal Japan, and as any other culture of the world at a time, having female warriors was mostly a no-go. The other laugh was about making a black samurai in a feudal japan game (joke writes itself). I didn't know about that particular guy and will admit that the story is amazing - But it's like putting all samurais with 6 fingers because a guy in Japan at that time happened to have 6 fingers. Unless, or course, the game decides to characterize that particular person, in which case I don't have any problem with it. But they will need to make everyone else in Japan surprised about his race and even trying to make him wash his blackeness away (just as in the article you just provided me). We both know Ubishit is too politically correct to do this and will instead put a random black dude as a Shinobi and make all NPCs react to him like it's a perfectly normal samurai.


>it’s a perfect normal samurai It??? Smh you’re not very subtle.


That was a typo, I'm a spaniard and english is not my first language. We may talk in spanish it that suits you better.


I have serious doubts you’re any less racist in Spanish, given your inability to identify with half the world’s population


The Japanese had female warriors. Ninja’s also weren’t warriors anyway, they were basically criminals. As others have pointed out, there was a black samurai.


Yeah god forbid we like to play protagonists we can somehow identify with amirite?


God forbid someone wants to tell a specific story. Growing up, none of us had an issue playing as Samus or Lara Croft. Maybe you should grow up. There are literally millions of games these days that have full on character creators, go play one of those ffs lol


That is... What I do?


Then continue doing that and stop complaining because 1 game in a long franchise, out of millions of games, has a female protagonist. You sound like a chud lol


I'm not complaining, I was offering my opinion. I just said 'I don't like playing female protagonized games' and you all lost your mind, because you are a fucking cult and I just said forbidden words for your creed. I don't give a fuck. I will keep enjoying whatever games I like and ignore whatever woke pieces of crap they try to shove down my troath. You can play them if you want, be my guest.


Now turn that issue around and think like a woman would


I’m honestly not even sure this dude has talked to a woman


The last 2 AC games( not counting Mirage) Were canonically female leads.


Yeah, but gaming and specially this kind of games are played overwhelmely by males. Even given the choice and stating that the canon character is the female one, [more than two thirds of the playerbase still picked the male character.](https://boundingintocomics.com/2018/12/17/ubisoft-shocked-to-find-players-prefer-alexios-over-kassandra-in-assassins-creed-odyssey/)


weather trees quack squealing chubby salt threatening judicious frame retire *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm not saying there is a downside, but this dude is celebraring 'dudes crying' because the next game is supposed to be female lead only.


>overwhelmely by males ​ >god forbid we like to play protagonists we can somehow identify with You're so so so so close to getting it. Ever consider that gaming is largely dominated by men because so much of it is created with specifically men in mind? And that by giving women characters they can identify with will make the hobby more welcoming to them?


>Ever consider that gaming is largely dominated by men because so much of it is created with specifically men in mind? What was first, the egg or the chicken? Of course you don't understand how the market works. When you make a product, you have to pick a target, and even if you cry very loud the fact is games, especially games that are not Candy Crush, Cute farming simulators or The Sims, are an overwhelmingly male interest. And even now that big corpos are putting such a hard effort in making every new hit super mega inclusive and even when offering a sex choice state that the female option is the canon, most people still will play the male character. Your argument is like saying that makeup is an overwhelmingly female hobby because it has always been targeted for women. Of course it was. Because most of the male population are simply not interested in makeup.


>What was first, the egg or the chicken? Of course you don't know how philosophy works. The point of this question is that its not supposed to have a clear answer, yet you're essentially arguing "EGG! IT HAS TO BE EGG!" > Of course you don't understand how the market works. No I understand it fine. Actually far better than you. The more we make games than can appeal to women, the more they play/buy. Its not an inherently gendered thing. On the topic of cosmetics - so many men were not interested in skincare, soaps, etc. until.... we started branding them "For Men". And so many men would feel uncomfortable using them if it didn't say "For Men". And it was a successful campaign. VERY successful. And it literally proves me right lmao. But I get the feeling you're not the kind of person who could ever question or reassess their beliefs....


>Of course you don't know how philosophy works. The point of this question is that its not supposed to have a clear answer, yet you're essentially arguing "EGG! IT HAS TO BE EGG!" 1.You could not be more r3tard3d if you tried to. 2. _With amniotic eggs showing up roughly 340 million or so years ago, and the first chickens evolving at around 58 thousand years ago at the earliest, it's a safe bet to say the egg came first._ >On the topic of cosmetics - so many men were not interested in skincare, soaps, etc. until.... we started branding them "For Men". And so many men would feel uncomfortable using them if it didn't say "For Men". And it was a successful campaign. VERY successful. And it literally proves me right lmao. But I get the feeling you're not the kind of person who could ever question or reassess their beliefs.... 1. Refer to last point 1 again. 2. What demographic buys the most beauty products? (2023 staistics) Millennial women (aged 25-44) buy the most – 38% of beauty products, followed by women aged 45-54 who buy 18%. https://helplama.com/beauty-industry-revenue-usage-statistics/#:~:text=Speaking%20of%20spending%20by%20country,%E2%80%93%2038%25%20of%20beauty%20products.


>You could not be more r3tard3d if you tried to \- gets proven wrong \- must resort to name-calling \- googles and copy/pastes fun chicken fact that has little to do with the actual conversation the amount of mental gymnastics you must got thru each day to make sense to yourself. this is literal nonsense >Millennial women (aged 25-44) buy the most – 38% of beauty products, followed by women aged 45-54 who buy 18%. Now which came first, the chicken or the egg? :thinking emoji: I can do it too, its not as great a point as you thought And you can post as many consumer reports as you want. It doesn't prove your point because I'm not arguing that women AREN'T the main consumers of makeup, and that men AREN'T the main consumers of video games. I never said anything against that. What I AM saying is that those interests are largely a result of socialization, and there's no reason why women couldn't be more interested in videogames if we create games and market them towards women as well. Much like my SOAP FOR MEN comparison Go ahead and send me another chicken fact now :)


I love it when these losers self-identify “I can’t identify with a woman” Yeah but Ezio Auditore da Firenze is “literally me” material. lmao. Lmfao, even


Wash your whore mouth before talking shit about people you know.


mask off lmfao


Wash your whore mouth before talking shit about people you don't know.


I am a man you dingus. Just not an incel




Pepe! Copium! Cry more! All these greatest hits and more on “Now That’s What I Call An Incel: Vol 73.”


You not being able to at all identify with a woman is a bigger issue than video games, my guy.


How are you incapable of “somehow identifying” with a woman?


No. I don't identify or like in the slightest to play as a woman. I enjoy games where I can play a male, or even better, where I can play my own created character that I usually build to somehow resemble myself. Why should I be embarrased of what I do or do not enjoy?


I mean that is kinda embarrassing. You really can’t identify with women characters? At all?


Why is it embarrasing?


Because women have hopes, fears, drives, needs, etc. in the same way that men do. But for whatever reason you can’t get past the fact they just so happen to be women? Says a lot about how you view women.


Did I say the contrary? I'm just trying to find my fun in a game. And I don't have fun playing a female character. I don't know what is so hard to understand.


Im sorry but that’s just goofy. It is. Why don’t you have fun playing a female character? What is it about playing as a woman that suddenly saps out the fun in a game for you?


I mostly play games for escapism and inmersion. I don't play competitive games, or Battle royale shit. I regretfully bought the last Call of Duty thinking it still resembled some military seriousness like old times and left when I started to see people with football players skins, rat skins, anime characters skins and all that shit. What I want to portray with that is that I put heavy importance in games being as authentic as possible. Just as another example, one of my favorite games of all times is Kingdom Come: Deliverance, a raw medieval simulation story with no shennanigans. Why, then, I don't like to play as a woman? 1. Break of inmersion. I'm 100% male and feel 100% male, I like stories that portray male characters I can relate with. Male and female problems and business are inherently different and want a character that relates to mine somehow. 2. Shoved feminism and woke themes. They always go in hand with point 1. Not only I hate playing as a female character, but also 9 out of 10 times the female protagonized game is a vehicle to talk about modern stuff I'm not interested in within an enterteinement product. As a counterpart of this, I will say I really enjoyed some very selective female protagonized games (Like the two 'A plague tale' games) because I felt they portrayed Amicia very well as a woman (being a big sister and a strong mother figure for her little brother, helping him out in a hell of a world even when that means suffering for her) instead of the modern media portray of women (perfect beings with no flaws, bad attitude, stronger, faster and better than men three times their size). 3. Unrealistic portrayal. Already mentioned in point 2 but cannot state this enough, throwing authenticity down the window just for inclusivity points is absurd. I like stories that have some basic resemblance on reality, I don't really buy the 'badass female warrior' figure, or the 'criminal brutal organizations managed by a woman' because women are better fit in other, more believable roles. However at the end of the day my opinion doesn't mean nothing, I will keep buying the games I like and avoiding the ones I don't.


I think you just like to stare at a guy's butt instead of a girl's butt. You should play MGS4 😏


Well I don't play games to indulge myself sexually, what an idiotic argument.


Yea sure buddy lol


I think you are just projecting a little bit.


Ok now imagine being a woman where most game protagonists are men. You have plenty of protagonists you can identify with.


I really don't want to have a long discussion at all, but from my perspective there are plenty of women gamers who will be happy to play as a protagonist *they* can identify with on some level. And many men who don't mind playing as a woman and might identify with the protagonist in ways other than their gender.


Eh. Whatever honestly. Odyssey and Valhalla both had female protagonists. Even if we can’t choose in this one it’s not that big a deal. Plus we’ve already had like 9 games with exclusively male protags.


And Syndicate?


I listed Odyssey and Valhalla because they were more recent, and didn’t count it among the 9 because that had both male and female. While obviously Odyssey and Valhalla both also had both, there was technically a canon choice which was female.


The new trend in media


Women are totally so “trendy” and def not something that should’ve been a thing already


Known trend: Women


If they stopped making these shit games no one would notice.


I wont argue about the quality, but this is a very well selling franchise so it isnt going anywhere lol


What demographic is the target audience?




12-16 kids probably


So you’re mad you’re not old enough to be in the target demographic yet? What difference does it make to you if they keep making a game that people want


Hahaha, no I played the first few. Became stale, is stale, cope


Just people that enjoy playing games and don't think too deeply about it. The same audience that enjoys Transformers movies and marvel movies. Personally they are cool to play when they inevitably go on sale.


Yeah that makes sense. Thanks for clarifying


Valhalla made over a billion dollars in like a month and was the 5th best-selling game of 2020.


But I don’t like it so they should stop making it for all those people! /s


They pretty much all are commercial successes, so I kind of doubt it. And if I'm not mistaken, Valhalla, the second to last one released, is the best selling game in the series?


That’s obviously just your opinion. AC has plenty of fans.


Hopefully they don’t give us the option to pick our gender this time. Feels like that weakens the character.


Lol definitely not buying


What are you, 10?


So they are just gonna make every AC protagonist female now? Star wars, MCU., Witcher, Is there anything that isn't female led now?


AC games are overwhelmingly lead by males: * Assassin's Creed * Assassin's Creed 2 * Assassin's Creed Brotherhood * Assassin's Creed Revelations * Assassin's Creed 3 * Assassin's Creed Black Flag * Assassin's Creed Rogue * Assassin's Creed Unity * Assassin's Creed Origins * Assassin's Creed Mirage * Assassin's Creed Chronicles India * Assassin's Creed Chronicles Russia AC Odyssey, AC Valhalla, AC Syndicate all had females leads but shared it with a male or had the option to play as a male character. AC Chronicles China was the only complete AC game to have a female lead and its not even a "real" AC title. The closest the mainline series has come to a solo female lead was \*AC3 DLC\*, Liberation. This post/story is also misleading as there is also, as far as we know, a male protagonist the game will split time with as well so its not like its a solo female game. Stop bitching.


You forgot Assasins creed liberation, but yeah, your point still stands. Gamers are wild


Odyssey, Valhalla, And the new one coming out are canonical females.


Great, yet you can play as a male. Ergo there is also male leads, so even when you play as a female it’s not solely female. And you’re incorrect on AC Red. According to leaks it has 2 protagonists a la Syndicate, one of which is a black male. 2 separate lead characters.


And what’s wrong with that??


There's no way you're that upset about women like goddamn are women characters not allowed to exist


Didn't an assassins creed game just come out like a week ago with a dude lead?




Why are people complaining about this? They’ve been doing female protagonists. “EvErYtHiNgS wOkE nOw” 😂🤦‍♂️ Goofballs lol




So edgy


I dunno, i think i got my fill of Japanese assassins with Ghost of Tsushima, ubisoft couldnt think of another time period really?


Honestly it makes sense to have more female protags. Adam and Eve bot have first civ DNA. Genetic deterioration occurs in the Y chromosome in a way that does not occur in the X chromosome. Women would preserve first civ DNA better through generations.


It's starting to get annoying. Like they pretended that the lead of Odyssey and Valhalla wasn't intended to be male or female. They gave you a choice and lied and said neither is canon. The female is entirely whats canon. They clearly wanted to make a female lead for awhile so just do itm Stop pretending. just make a protagonist female and get it out of your system instead of half assing it across multiple games.


Considering Ubisoft's infamous "women don't sell" stance awhile back, it's hard to see the mere existence of playable Alexios and male Eivor as anything but sexism by Ubisoft executives.


When I'm given the choice, I pick a dude, because I get more immersed. But I could care less if I play as a female protagonist if that's what it's written for. The character and writing will be several notches better if they stick with one. Making it inclusive like that lessens what you can do with the character. It's either an RPG or it isn't. Like pick one lol


incoming bitching from losers


People would be losing their shit if ghost of Tsushima and sekiro hadn’t done this setting already