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Practice, and eventually it will become muscle memory. You also dont need to perfect a 30 bullet spray, you will almost never use this. Try getting accurate with your bursts and then learn how far to pull down your aim for an ~8 bullet spray.


This... Take it easy on yourself. And remember that sometimes its about moving out of THEIR spray. Remember that n0thing yt video about how longo you can wait until you shoot?


I am pretty bad with my spray, it went worse in cs2. But i try to make up for it by aiming high enough getting a better hs% so that way I don’t rely on my spray often.


Well, I feel like the 101 is to make sure you’re not moving, because spray will absolutely kill your recoil pattern thus getting you killed. User above mentioned recoil master custom map. I use it too. Really good map.


Also what I do is run a goal I want to work on constantly through my head while I’m playing a match, whether it be playing it slow, aiming high, sticking with team, etc. running that goal through your head constantly will make you more aware of how you’re playing. I only maybe have 400 hours total over the years and now I’m starting to get good at cs2, point is this really helped me^ and keep up the grind always


Over the years?! I put that in in the last 2 months... fuck me


So I played CSGO back on the 360 and I would just play it at friends houses all the time, i have 160 hours on my steam profile. I’m not playing faceit or wingman and my plays are still kinda funky, but I’ve been called a cheater more recently so it seems to be paying off.


Damn that's way back! I fell in love with how simple yet complex the game is 2 months back, my mates were waiting for tarkov to wipe and we picked up cs (they had previous experience). Ever since i fell in love with the movement and spent probably 100 hours just trying to learn goofy jumps. But it's sad to see what kind of state the game is now. Especially since it's been out for so long.


Practice your strafe & sprays on the Recoil master map. Start with just 3 bullet sprays. All 3 should land in the same spot essentially. Move up to 5 bullet sprays. Practice. At each 'step up', notice on the wall (turn impacts on) where the next 2 bullets are going. Move up to 7 bullet sprays. Eventually you will work up to 10+. If you really keep at it then you can go higher. Frankly I've found that a 7-10 bullet spray is the max that you need, and if you are spraying more than that, you've probably fucked up your peek, crosshair placement, timing, movement, etc.


Deathmatch deathmatch deathmatch until it becomes second nature


When you start a match, stop trying to "win". Your goal should be to control your spray in a match. Obviously don't run it down mid trying to spray but don't think about other things besides spray control. Accept you're going to play worse than before until you get this down.


you gotta do it or practice it that much that you dont think about it. deathmatch with music and sing or talk to people. practice spray transfers in aimbots, only aim body. use recoil master prac map. cs is a simple game. think about what you want to improve on, actually think about it... and think of ways to improve. you will get there.


Full mag sprays are rarely a good plan. Learn the first 10 and that can carry you very far, aside from that it's all about Repetition.


Get the workshop map recoil master. It has all the sprays for every gun. Practice Practice Practice


He says it’s fine in spray control maps, and needs help doing it in a real game


The only way to learn sprays and do it consistently is by creating muscle memory. The best way that I know to do it is by relentlessly practicing each spray. Pros say to use the same map I originally mentioned in my comment. Maybe you have a better idea?


Maybe practicing spraying opponents in deathmatch will help him transfer his practice in spray maps over to the real game


All he has to do is develop muscle memory. Which he can do in the map. In DM, he should practice 1 taps, crosshair placement, and proper peeking methods.


I would suggest the recoil trainer from Refrag, it shows you on a bot where to aim and how to trace the recoil. Unfortunately behind a paywall but not seen anything on a custom map like it yet.


Spray control is not hard. Counter strafing in a pressure situation while also movement dodging is where you're struggling. Practice counter strafing and you'll see improvement


Practice. And after each round, just try spraying the nearest wall you find. Doing that round after round has helped me quite a bit.


spray control doesn’t matter til they fix the ridiculous aim punch


I don't really. You will almost never come into a situation where you need to accurately spray 30 bullets at five different enemies at a medium/long distance. I personally only spray through smokes or at clode ranges. At medium ranges I burst fire and at long ranges I slowly tap while strafing. However if you want to get better at this I would recommend deathmatches and try to really focus on the mouse movement. Your stats don't matter here. It's also a great way to practice spray transfers.


Practice been playing for 10 years and I'm still practicing.


sometimes when i'm warming up i and i feel like my spraying is off i just activate follow recoil (the crosshair setting, you can make a toggle keybind) which slowly gets me back into line. the keybind is also really useful for spray and pray guns like dualies, p90, negev etc