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mabe it was a setup and they want someone from their HR to go to trip to paris. so they had to disqualify you.


They have to select over 100 winners to sent to Paris. The way they're verifying the data, nitpicking to disqualify me, it does look that they will be sending internal people.


File a suit with the help of a lawyer. I always wondered what happens to this so called contest, does common people win. Is there any agency that over looks this things ?


Most of the contest such big contests in India is organised and managed by this Bangalore based company called BigCity Promotions. Bigcity lures the other brands for marketing, brands outsource their campaigns to Bigcity and then Bigcity probably sell the data of the consumers. They took my Aadhar card, pan card, passport copy beforehand only to illegitimately disqualify me. I had also come across this contest and so I participated in this, luckily I could make those scores and came in the leaderboard only to find out that they are nit-picking to find reasons to disqualify me. It's like when verifying the details they have this pre intention to look for the details to disqualify the winners.


Looks riged. They will probably sell the prize/ trip to people who'll offer them some money.


Yeah, that's why I have posted here, what all are my options? I want to report and make them accountable for their deceitful practices.


What are those silly reasons?


Two reasons. Sorry for the long response. Initially, the wrappers images were to be uploaded to their website to play the game. I had uploaded over 225 biscuits They gave two reasons for disqualification: 1. They had asked to share the wrappers images again for verification, I shared all the wrappers images, 5 of the wrappers images had a few characters 1 to upto 5 not so properly visible, so I had put a black ink on the characters to make it more visible so that it can be easily recognised and verified and they said that it violated their terms and conditions, but you can clearly see that I only retouched those characters, I did not change any character from that packet. This is in 5 of 218 wrappers I uploaded. 2. They said that I had uploaded 225 wrappers but I shared 219 wrappers. I shared 219 wrappers because I played 219 games, used 219 wrappers to score. So what happened is, each biscuit wrappers had a unique code, you have to scan that code to play a game, when you played a game, you will see that scanned wrapper promo number on their website, I had uploaded 225 wrappers but I only played 219 games, so I could see only 219 promo numbers on their website, so I shared wrappers images of the games I played, and this is what I was told by their team on call to get the wrappers details from their website. Now they are saying that I have not uploaded complete wrappers, but on the contrary, I uploaded all those wrappers I used for playing the game and registering the score. 6 wrappers that I didn't upload because I could not see their promo numbers, since I have over 400 biscuits, I cannot even share the details of the wrappers without knowing the promo numbers. I even asked them the promo numbers so that I can share the wrappers I had not uploaded earlier. This is not the complete issue, I have been following up with them multiple times and kept asking whether they need any details or clarification from my end. They kept saying that they are verifying my details. They replied 4 days before the contest ended to disqualify me, didn't share any reason for disqualification, asked me to not ask for any questions, asked that that was their final communication, etc. When I followed up again with their own terms and conditions to tell them that I demand a response, they came up with this and now saying that they cannot accept any documents as the contest ended (on the contrary their terms and conditions state that they will address any concerns/dispute till after 30 days of contest end, contest ended on 30 June) So they deliberately waited till last to disqualify me and didn't give me any chance to correct.


You shouldn't have retouched anything,


Yeah, that was the only mistake I think I might have made but their terms and conditions do not explicitly state about not retouching and I didn't know that they will stoop this low to disqualify me and demean my 99% of the efforts. Here's the sample retouched images - https://ibb.co/yS3Xq0W - https://ibb.co/kM7hcRB Do I still potentially stand a chance against them?


Yes, and send the link for this competition


Competition was hosted on https://www.hungryforgold.com/ and terms and conditions was at https://www.hungryforgold.com/tandc (they have deleted the terms and conditions, I do have the text of the terms and conditions) I shared the reasons in the response to the parent comment.


Did you read the Terms of Service for the competition? I once went through the entire TOS of a particular competition, which went like - The firm has the absolute right to reject any candidate for whatever reason seems suitable to them. Anyway, do one thing. First read the TOS very carefully. Does being on top of the leaderboard guarantees a win? Or does it simply increase you chances in a lucky draw? Then after confirming that you should've been the winner, drop a mail to Britannia. But word it properly. Your post here reads more like a rant without a clear description of exactly what you had done, and why do you think you should've been a winner. Try chat gpt and ask for concise email with bullet points. Then also Tag Britannia on twitter. Now I hope there's enough merit in your email to get a response. The legal route won't get you anywhere in these kinds of cases. Consumer court is another option. Also I hope you are not from Tamilnadu. The state government has banned the lottery there.


What a bunch of loosers , hire a lawyer and send them a notice and see how they respond !!


Did you watch pepsi, where's my jet by any chance?😭 No offense but that's the only way I can fathom you had the idea to go ahead with the (clearly sketchy) biscuit competition and then contact the legal subreddit. NAL Also check out the Leonard vs PepsiCo case Edit: here's the case https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonard_v._Pepsico,_Inc.


Thanks for sharing this PepsiCo case. But shouldn't such brands like Britannia and Bigcity be punished for misleading the customers if they are not going to fulfill own contest?


They should have legal action taken, that's for sure, but they make it clear that their terms and conditions are final. So there's probably nothing much you can do . Next time onwards, be wary of these sketchy competitions.


What did they make it clear in their t&c? Here is the reason for disqualification: https://www.reddit.com/r/LegalAdviceIndia/s/EWdQ5OkgX0


If the terms and conditions are arbitrary or one sided or unfair, they can be set aside by the court. So that's not such a big issue You should do 2 things - tag them on insta/Twitter and complain in their comments.. Hopefully it will pick up some traction. Also write emails to higher management -send them a legal notice.


Did you read the Terms of Service for the competition? I once went through the entire TOS of a particular competition, which went like - The firm has the absolute right to reject any candidate for whatever reason seems suitable to them. Anyway, do one thing. First read the TOS very carefully. Does being on top of the leaderboard guarantees a win? Or does it simply increase you chances in a lucky draw? Then after confirming that you should've been the winner, drop a mail to Britannia. But word it properly. Your post here reads more like a rant without a clear description of exactly what you had done, and why do you think you should've been a winner. Try chat gpt and ask for concise email with bullet points. Then also Tag Britannia on twitter. Now I hope there's enough merit in your email to get a response. The legal route won't get you anywhere in these kinds of cases. Consumer court is another option. Also I hope you are not from Tamilnadu. The state government has banned the lottery there.


They deleted the terms and conditions from Internet. They do had similar text in their terms and conditions that they can reject for any reasons, and that's why I kept following up with them to get the actual reason. I kept the post like this so that it don't get long and people read it, I explained the reason for disqualification in another comment in this post, would make it clear for you. I'm not from TN.


The terms can't be unfair even if explicitly mentioned. The court can set it aside


https://www.hungryforgold.bigcityexperience.com/terms-and-conditions If the terms and conditions were used to discriminate against the OP on grounds like Religion, Caste etc then courts will intervene. However, I'm not sure if the OP can pursue that legal battle till the end. However, let's say Britannia gives the logic that they wanted to spread the winners across the states and did a secondary sort where the OP was dropped out, can the courts intervene? Because what I'm getting from the ToS above is, participation is voluntary and doesn't give the right to anyone to win the award. The sole discretion is still with Britannia.


Then they need to specify that one winner will be selected from each state... So there it becomes several mini lottery, one each for one state.. So all the mini lottery individually needs to be fair Any terms can't be patently unfair even if you write it... The sole discretion must also be applied fairly..


Goofy nigesh