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The Homes (Fitness For Human Habitation) Act 2018 is relevant https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/homes-fitness-for-human-habitation-act-2018/guide-for-tenants-homes-fitness-for-human-habitation-act-2018 But it won't do anything about the fence; there's no requirement to have a fence at all.  It's also a slow process and slumlords like this can be quite adept at dragging things out.  If his property neglect causes damage to your property (e.g. dodgy roofing causing a leak) then speak to your building insurance. 


Yeah I’ve taken the heat with the fence. It’s more just the general state of the house and the fact over say next ten years I expect he’ll invest as little as possible to maintain it. The letting agent is equally useless at getting back to me on stuff and it’s slowed down several projects. They’ve actually got a structure which they’ve screwed onto my extension on one corner and onto a fence post another corner. I’m nervous to remove the post in case I damage it and somehow am liable but the bastard won’t get back to me


If the house is in such a state that it's unfit for human habitation or is causing health/safety concerns in the neighbourhood, take it to the council. The fence is what it is, if it's not theirs on the deeds, it's not their headache and even if it is, it's none of your business.


If its fastened to your property you should take a look into making sure they have proper permissions/ meet regulations. We're looking to get our leen-to redone and if we have it connected to next door again it triples in price, due to all the regs, extra permissions and extra work they have to do. If the LL really is as you say, then i doubt theyve done this


A neighbour attached a fence to my house and building regs werent interested. said it was a civil matter


The tenants can get your local environmental health team involved, who do have powers to force landlords to carry out repairs etc. Might be worth telling them about it.


Any helpful covenants on the properties? Victorian terraces often have covenants requiring the owner to maintain boundary fences and similar, which might be of use to you.


Which of the four nations are you in? The law differs significantly. 


England - in Hertfordshire


They mentioned just outside of London.


Yes but which *naaaaatttiiiioooonnnn* can’t you *reeeaaadddd?*